The Girl From Last Night

By anounymoschild

7.2K 238 136

Asami was pretty fixed on not letting her dad set her up for an arranged marriage. They've been arguing on th... More

Jealosy, Jealousy
Uncovering Secrets
The Girl From Last Night... Again
Exchanging favors
Happy Birthday
Nutella Pancakes
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Breaking Barriers
The War
The recovery
Old Friend
The day after
The Good Old Days
All In The Past
One Last Thing
The Rest Of Our Lives

What. The. Fuck.

380 12 15
By anounymoschild

Originally when her one night stand sat down at her table, Asami was absolutely one hundred percent sure that she manages to find and fuck her future husband's sister.

But, then her father called her 'Korra'. And Korra, was the name Asami had been given. She didn't know the girl's name from last night, otherwise she would've recognized it, and she was certain that Korra was the name of the man Asami was supposed to marry. Or at least so she thought.

So, her father set her up with a girl. What the actual fuck?

She actually waited for a while to see if another person was coming, not believing the situation, but no. The only people who joined them were the girl's parents. This was actually happening

Asami and Korra had been in a sort of stare off. Her dad was talking with Korra's parents for about half an hour, and it seemed like they were having a good conversation, given how much laughter she heard. They got along fine, Korra and her didn't exchange a single word, both stumped. Well, Asami was. She couldn't read Korra's emotions well. Her expression was serious and blank, leaving Asami completely baffled as to where Korra stood in this situation. She felt so lost and confused and she hated every moment of it.

It also really annoyed her how calm the girl was, and a part of Asami blamed everything on her. However, a larger part of her wanted to know just what was going on. Why did her father set her up with Korra? Did he know she was attracted to girls, or was that a coincidence? What the fuck was going on?

Asami had tried to hold her curiosity back and make it through dinner, but she couldn't. She had to know, she had to.

So, when she heard her dad laugh, she joined in, trying to pretend like she was a part of the conversation this entire time.

"So funny!" She complimented them. "I'm sorry, can you guys excuse us for a second? I need to talk to my dad outside."

"Oh boy, I'm in trouble," Hiroshi joked, standing up, "we'll be right back." He assured the three.

Asami stood up as well, grabbing her dad by his hand and dragging him outside urgently. She had questions, he had answers to give, and Asami wasn't waiting any longer.

"Well, that was rude," her dad folded his arms as they got outside, "also, why are you so quiet? I've never seen you shut up for so long, like, ever."

Asami ignored him. "Dad," she started, "Korra's a woman."

He blinked, confused. "Well, yeah," he answered slowly, as if he couldn'tfor the life of him figure out what Asami was so baffled about, "Jesus Asami we've been in there for more than twenty minutes, and you only just noticed?"

"Oh, my, God, dad!" Asami exclaimed. "Why did you set me up with a woman?"

"Because you're gay," he said like it was the most obvious this in the world.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. "What?!" How the hell did he even know? "I'm not gay!" Her instincts kicked in, causing her to deny the statement immediately.

"Yes you are," he calmly answered, "what was I supposed to do, set my gay daughter up with a man?"

"I never told you I'm gay!" Asami blushed furiously.

"Oh, Asami, please," her dad chuckled, shaking his head dismissively, "I knew you were gay since you were like, three!"

'That makes no sense," Asami argued, "how could you possibly know something like that when I was this young?"

"Oh, you made it pretty obvious." He smirked, and immediately, Asami regretted asking. "When you were three, and we would walk outside, you'd leave my hand and run up to any women on the street and tell them how beautiful they are–"

Asami's cheeks burned. "That doesn't mean anything!" She interrupted, pouting.

"Wait, it gets better!" Her dad started laughing from the story, having trouble keeping it together. "Everytime you did that, those women would get so happy because you were so fucking adorable, and they would thank you or hug you or something like that. Then... w-when I told you to come back you–" her dad had to pause, giggling hysterically and wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "–when you returned,  you always had the same, sly smile like you knew exactly what you were doing!"

Asami's eyes widened, her entire face burning up. "Oh God, please tell me that it never actually happened."

"Oh, but it did!" Her dad was laughing so loudly at this point, that people on the street gave him a weird look. "You were so smooth back then! You get that from me."

Asami scrunched her nose in disgust. "Ew." She mumbled.

"Anyways, yeah, I've known for a while now," he chuckled, "also, you weren't nearly as sneaky as you thought you were as a teenager."

After his first story, Asami legitimately didn't think it could get any worse. She was wrong. "Oh my God," she muttered, pacing nervously, "so, you knew? This entire time I was trying to hide my bisexuality, and you already knew?"

"Well, I didn't know you were bisexual," her dad said, eyebrows clenching in confusion as he slowly took in the rest of her statement. "You were trying to hide it? Why?"

Asami stopped in her tracks. "Well... you see..." she mumbled, unsure of how to phrase it lightly.

Though she didn't look her father in the eyes, she knew realization was dawning on him. "You thought I wouldn't accept you?" He said, and even though he did his best to hide it, she could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Because..." Asami didn't know what to say, "you're just so traditional... I mean, look at where we are." She gestured towards the current setting. "I'm literally getting an arranged marriage."

"Asami," he softly spoke, smiling at her genuinely, "I know I care about tradition, but I care about you your happiness more. I don't mind who you love, I just want you to be happy, and I love you no matter what."

Asami felt like crying. "Really?" She asked in a small voice.

He nodded. "Really." He promised. "I already told you, if you don't like who I chose, if you're unhappy, we'll cancel this whole thing. Just... give it a chance, okay? I'm sure Korra's a good fit for you."

Ugh, why does she have to be my type? "How are you so sure?" Asami asked, curious.

"Because she's a hard working woman," he simply answered, "since she's like the princess of the southern watertribe, she decided to move here where there isn't a title attached to her name in order to prove herself. She's passionate and kind, and I know for a fact that she's your type."

Asami blushed. "How do you even know what my type is?" She mumbled.

"You like strong women," her father laughed, "like father like daughter."

Asami scrunched her nose in disgust. "Ew. Please stop talking." She said.

"Okay," he agreed, "as long as you go back inside and give this family a chance."

Asami was still very nervous. She was upset about last night, and everything it meant. She was upset about the whole situation, and her last rebellious fuck turning out to be the person she despised all this time. But most importantly, she was upset that her dad was right, Korra was her type. Everything he described fitted her character from last night, and she absolutely did like strong women. She hated how right he was about her, but she couldn't express it at the moment,  and it made her even more frustrated.

"Fine," Asami said unhappily, "agreed."


Korra knew she should try and make a conversation, but she couldn't. The words got stuck in her throat and she found herself unsure of what to do. She couldn't tell her parents that she accidentally got railed by her supposed fiancée, and she couldn't speak to Asami in private as long as their parents were present. Plus, she wasn't sure she'd know what to say and how to act.

So, she just stared into the girl's brilliant eyes. Trying and failing to figure out what was going through her brain.

Some time passed, Korra wasn't sure how much, and Asami excused herself and her father outside. Korra didn't even bother to hide the way she stared at the girl as she left. She was so confused, and she couldn't keep her eyes off the source of her confusion- Asami.

"So," her father broke the silence, "what do you think?"

She turned her head back, lowering her gaze to her own lap, where her fingers were fiddling nervously. 

"I don't know," she said awkwardly, "Uh... she's pretty."

"So observant," her mother teased.

Korra frowned at her. "What am I supposed to say? We barely exchanged a word!" It wasn't a lie. They didn't do a lot of talking last night.

"This may be extreme," her mother started, "but have you tried, I don't know, talking to her? She doesn't bite."

Oh, yes she does. "What am I supposed to say?" Korra mumbled. "I know nothing about her."

"Yeah, that's the point of getting to know someone," her father rolled his eyes playfully, "Jesus Korra I know you're awkward around girls but this is a whole other level."

Korra's face turned into a deep shade of red. "I'm not awkward around girls!" She exclaimed, making a few heads turn her way. "This is a lot more complicated than any of you think." She kept her voice down this time around.

"Oh, I get it," her mother smirked, "cause you like her."

Korra's eyes widened. "What?!" She asked in disbelief. "Why would I like her? I don't even know her!"

"eh, minor detail," her mom waved her off.

"How is that a minor detail?" Korra deadpanned.

"Hey, I did not bear you for nine months and gave birth to you just so that you could ask annoying ass questions," she scolded, making Korra roll her eyes. She hated that argument, what could she even say in response? "I said it's minor, so it is. Mother knows best."

"Cheer up," her dad told Korra, patting her shoulder,  "your date is coming back."

Korra's back immediately straightened as he said that, watching Asami sit back down. This time, instead of staring at her, Asami completely avoided her gaze.

That was... odd.

"Well," her father said, "we sure had our fun, but, I think it's time we let you girls get to know each other on your own."

Korra's head snapped to the side, eyes wide in disbelief. No no no no no! What the hell? They can't just leave her like this!

She held herself together and didn't scream like she wanted, and instead just shot daggers with her gaze at her parents to let them know just how unhappy she was about their decision. 

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea," Hiroshi said, standing up, "it was a pleasure to meet you all, you too Korra."

"Same," Korra blurted, failing to sound normal.

"We'll see you later dear," her mother said, then turned to smile brightly at Asami, "hopefully you too," she said with a wink.

Asami returned the smile. "Bye! So nice to meet you!" She waved at them as they left.

However, the second they all left eyesight, Asami's face dropped. If Korra wasn't sure before, she was now absolutely certain that Asami was just pretending ever since she returned to the table. She sighed heavily, burying her face in her hands. "This is so fucked..." Korra heard her mutter.

Korra moved uncomfortably in her chair. She didn't know what to say, and she didn't know how to feel either. This whole situation was just so... random. Her feelings were all over the place, and she saw Asami was upset too. 

So, trying to break the awkward silence, Korra said the first thing that came to mind. Immediately cringing at her words as they left her mouth.

"Well, at least we know we're sexualy compatible." 

Asami's hands dropped, and for the second time today she stared at Korra in complete shock. Just from her reaction, Korra knew she said the wrong thing.

"Are you serious?" She said in disbelief. "That's what you have to say to me?"

Korra threw her hands in the air as a form of surrender. "I don't know! What was I supposed to say?" She defended herself.  "What's the social code for this situation?"

"Anything but that!" Asami exclaimed. "Is this really the time to be making jokes?"

"There's no such thing as a time you shouldn't laugh in." Korra argued.

Asami rolled her eyes. "Wow, okay," she said, "I guess I'm the only one who understands the severity of the situation."

"I understand." Korra pouted.

"Then why are you acting like this?" Asami exasperated. 

"I'm not doing anything! I was just trying to make the situation less awkward!" 

"Well, news flash! It's already awkward!" Asami snapped.

Korra rolled her eyes. "Wow, sorry." She said sarcastically. "When you wanna stop being a bitch let me know."

"Excuse me?" Asami asked in disbelief. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, did you not get it?" Korra calmly replied. "I'll say it in a way you understand; let me know," she started talking the way you talk to a toddler, "when you wanna stop acting like a bitch," she emphasized the insult, "for absolutely no reason–"

"No reason? Seriously?" Asami interjected, frowning.  

"Yep, no reason."

"I'm allowed to be upset!" Asami snapped.

"Upset in general? Sure." Korra answered. "But not at me,  what did I ever do to you?"

"Are you joking? This is all your fault!"

Korra's jaw dropped. "Me?!"

"Yeah, you!"

"You hit on me!"

"That's... besides the point!"

"How, for the love of fuck, is it my fault?" Korra deadpanned. 

"Well..." Asami was reaching,  she could tell. "You tricked me. You knew who I was last night!"

"What? How would I even know that?" Korra snorted. 

"Oh come on! You can't tell me you didn't Google me." Asami folded her arms. "It's the 21th century."

"Just so you know, I didn't," Korra said with a frown, "also, I could blame you too if anything. You didn't Google me?"

"I did, but I couldn't find what I was looking for." Asami shot back.

"That's impossible," Korra said.

"Well, turns out I was looking for the wrong thing." Asami shrugged, eyes clenched in anger still.

And Korra was just as furious. "If anything, this whole thing could've been avoided, had you just let me introduce myself like I was trying to do."

Asami blushed furiously, both in anger and embarrassment. "I like the mystery!" She hissed under her breath.

"See? Your fault." Korra answered simply.

Asami groaned. "You, are the most insufferable human I've ever met." She hissed at her. "I can't believe my dad thought we would be a good fit! I don't know how I lasted this long in your presence without killing myself."

Korra's entire face turned red in complete and utter fury. She couldn't believe the audacity of this girl! What the actual fuck was wrong with her? She couldn't spend her entire existence with this jerk, heck, she couldn't survive another second of listening to that bitch!

"You know what?" Korra stood up, hands at head level, gesturing to her surrender. "Fuck. This."

She turned around with the full intention of leaving and never speaking to Asami again. No way in hell was she marrying this girl, her parents couldn't make her.

But, before she left, Asami grabbed her arm.


So Korra did. She turned to look at Asami, an unimpressed eyebrow raised at the girl.

Asami hesitated, then sighed. "I'm sorry, okay?" She finally said, conflict written all over her face.

"Nope, not good enough." Answered Korra, gesturing for her to continue. 

"Look," she started, "today was just... crazy. Seeing you... it was really confusing to me. I didn't even know my dad knew I liked girls up until now." Korra listened carefully, trying to get a better view on Asami's perspective. "And now... last night was like, in my eyes, my last rebellious act against this thing. You were who I was supposed to remember fondly, and now you turned into the person I despised this whole time… I know it sounds silly but it's rough on me."

Korra hesitated for a second, before nodding. "I get it."

"This day just started and it was already so eventful," Asami said, not meeting Korra's eyes, "but... it's also not your fault, and I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you, I'm sorry."

Korra's expression softened at that. Now, Asami seemed more like the sweet girl she saw last night, she was just angry and frustrated, and Korra understood why. "It's okay," she said, "this situation... sucks."

Asami laughed. "Yep. But it could've been worse," she smiled weakly, "I could've been forced to marry a man," she said, making a puking sound.

Now it was Korra's turn to laugh. "Oh wow, so relatable," she sarcastically said.

"I know right?" Asami chuckled. "Bisexuality is my blessing and curse really."

"Ugh, the worst," Korra answered playfully. 

After a few seconds of silence, Asami sat down, gesturing for Korra to join her.

"So," she started, visibly nervous.

"So," Korra repeated after her, no idea where Asami was going.

"So, you wanna try and make it work?" Asami asked.

"Oh," Korra blinked, "is it really up to us? 

"I mean, I can tell my dad we don't  get along," Asami shrugged.

" I think I can say that to my parents too," Korra rubbed the back of her neck, "do you wanna?" Korra asked.

"Not really," Asami admitted, "my dad will probably just find me someone else to marry, and... I don't really want to go through that again."

Korra nodded. "Yeah, same." She mumbled.

"Look," Asami said nervously, "you're like, not that bad–"

"Jee, thanks," Korra rolled her eyes playfully. 

Asami scrunched her nose. "What I meant to say is that it could only get worse for me, so..."

Korra gasped. "Asami Sato, are you asking me to marry you?"

Asami's whole face turned red. "Oh my God, shut up."

"But I'm flattered!" Korra laughed. "I'm so good that you feel like anyone else would be worse than I am!"

"I'm seriously reconsidering that statement now," Asami mumbled.

Korra laughed. "Joking," she clarified, "but, what do you mean make it work? Just like, try and fit together?"

"Um, sort of I guess?" She answered with a shrug. "I meant more like a contract."

"A contract?" Korra asked curiously. 

Asami nodded. "Marriage is a contract, right?" She said, "So like, we could just write it down, expand on it a little?"

"Like, ground rules?" Korra asked.

"Yeah," Asami nervously answered, "is it weird?"

"No, I actually think it's a good idea," Korra said, "maybe this will make this situation less... yeah."

"Awkward?" Asami suggested. "Weird?"

"Yeah, that," Korra mumbled.

After a pause, Korra had an idea.

"Hey," she said, "how about the first rule is that we treat this like a normal relationship?"

This caught Asami's interest. "What do you mean?"

"Just like it sounds," Korra answered, "like, first we date, then we go exclusive, then we make room in a drawer for each other, and so on. Obviously we already know we're getting married, and we met each other's parents, but other than that, we can act as if we're just dating."

"Huh," Asami mulled it over, "that's actually not a bad idea. But why is giving each other a drawer part of the list?" She questioned. 

"It's a big step," Korra pouted.

"So, we go in like it's a normal relationship," Asami repeated, "except we already know we're supposed to marry each other?"

"And it's not that weird if you really think about it," Korra added with a goofy smile, "we can just pretend we're uhaul lesbians."

Asami giggled. "I mean, we did sleep together for the first time last night and today we got engaged." She agreed. 

"Exactly! We're already behind!" Korra snickered. After that,  the two took a breather to stop laughing, Korra's stomach already hurt. Only after a few minutes did the two calm down completely,  and then Korra spoke again.

"So, what do you think?" Korra asked once things calmed down a bit.

Asami smiled at her genuinely. "It's a great idea," she answered,  "this whole thing is so weird to me and I don't know how to feel about it.  But, maybe this would help me figure it out. Thank you."

"You're welcome,"Korra grinned, pleased with her efforts.

"And... thanks, for being patient with me," Asami added nervously, "you might need that patience in the future..."

"I'll do my best," Korra nodded. "So," she changed the subject, "that concludes rule number one, anything else you wanna add to the contract?"

"Yes," Asami said decisively, "rule number two; if and when we move together,  we move into my apartment."

"What!" Korra protested. "What's wrong with mine? It's great!"

"Nothing's wrong with your apartment," Asami said solemnly, "but mine has a workshop and yours doesn't.  Also, I've been to your apartment, mine is nicer."

Korra pouted unhappily. "But mine is close to my gym," she whined. 

"You can go to my gym," Asami suggested, "or, I could drive you off to yours, if it's that important."

Korra considered it. "Does your building have a backyard?" She curiously asked. 

Asami grinned. "Huge. Also there's a park nearby where I always take walks in."

"Okay then," Korra agreed, "which brings me to rule number three actually..."

"Oh? What is it? Wait,  I'll write everything down. " Asami said, a bit enthusiastically, grabbing her bag and starting to snoop around, probably looking for writing tools.

"I have a dog," Korra blurted out, not knowing how to better phrase it.

Asami chuckled, clearly more focused on scavenging her bag for a pen and only half listening to Korra. "That's not a rule Korra," she said. Then, as if she just fully processed the information, her eyes widened and her head lifted to meet Korra's eyes. "What?" She asked, shocked.

"I have a dog," Korra repeated nervously, "Naga."

"Naga?" Asami mumbled, eyebrows clenching as she tried to concentrate. "I don't remember seeing a dog last night."

"Oh, yeah, she's a very heavy sleeper," Korra answered, "like owner like dog." 

"I… wow, okay," Asami scratched her head. "Does she bite?"

Korra chuckled nervously. "No, never."

"She big?"

"Could probably knock you down," she answered, "but the most violent thing she does is lick people, promise."

"Okay then." Asami breathed heavily. "Um, I'll write it down."

"Do you… not like dogs or something?" Korra asked, afraid of the answer that might come.

"Oh, I don't mind dogs, it's just," Asami searched for her words, "it's a responsibility I didn't expect."

"I'll take care of her, don't worry," Korra assured, because Asami not liking Naga would absolutely be a deal breaker, "she's trained and vaccinated and everything's fine with her, she doesn't even bark."

"I'm sure she's sweet," Asami smiled at her weakly.

"She is," Korra nodded.

Asami took in another deep breath, setting her pen down. "While on the subject of responsibility and our… relationship…"

Korra waited for her to continue, she didn't.

"Yes?" Korra urged, making Asami's cheeks flush in embarrassment. 

"Well," she toyed with a strand of stray hair, not looking directly at Korra, "where do we stand on the matter of… kids?"

Now, Korra's face burned too, and she shook her head furiously in response. "Ask me again in a year or so." She said, unwilling to already discuss on such a thing.

Asami breathed out in relief, closing her eyes. "Thank God we agree," she mumbled, "I'm just asking because I'm pretty sure my dad expects grandchildren."

"My parents are definitely expecting grandchildren," Korra added, "nevertheless, I'm absolutely not making plans for kids when I literally met you today."

"Yesterday technically," Asami corrected.

"God this is weird." Korra said.

"It is," Asami agreed with a nod, "but… I think we could make it work."

"I hope so," Korra said, chewing on her bottom lip nervously, fingers tapping on the table, "so… according to rule number one, we're supposed to start dating now,  right? So you wanna give me your phone number and I'll text you?"

"Take my card," Asami said with a sly smirk, grabbing a small piece of paper from her bag and handing it to Korra, "and I'll see you around?"

She has a card? Why on earth does she have a card? Korra gulped, taking it off her hand and nodding.

With a wink, Asami got up, saying a final goodbye before leaving. Korra shook herself back to reality, checking out the card Asami handed her just moments prior.

"Asami Sato

"Did she… put her height on her business card?" Korra mumbled, trying to push aside the realization that Asami was much taller than her.

Then, she realized something else.

"The girl just left me with the check," Korra sighed, "women." She complained, getting her wallet out.

Great start.

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