'Dragon's Grudge'

By LeoKenEvil

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It...It almost feels like a dream. The heroes and sidekicks who are gathered in this hall alongside me are no... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 3. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 4. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 5. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 6. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 7. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 8. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 9. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 10. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 11. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 12. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 13. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 14. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 15. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 16. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 17. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 18. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 19. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 20. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 21. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 22. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 23. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 24. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 25. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 27. (Under Rewrite)
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 26. (Under Rewrite)

686 17 4
By LeoKenEvil

*3rd Person PoV in an unknown location*

Looking through a large panel of glass, rods of blue lightning all being conducted onto one certain point, the screams of an animal in pain echoing from inside, the doctor stood there, unfazed by his subject's condition.

"How's the little one coming along, doctor?" The voice of what can easily be a monster in a skin suit of a man was heard from the smaller scientists right, the doctor turning his head to meet the gaze of his master.

"He seems to be adapting well to his new body. Not long after this is complete, I will begin administering the quirk to him sir." The doctor says, turning his eyes back to his latest experiment. "Though the quirk transfer process will take approximately two to three weeks in order to complete"

"That's not a problem for us DR Garaki. We have all the time in the world. As far as society is concerned, we do not exist." The mysterious figure retorted. "And how is the World Breaker doing? Has his body finished adapting?"

"I'm afraid the process is going to take much longer than we had initially thought I'm afraid, but the good news is that he's adjusting to it better than I could have ever hoped for. I'm almost tempted to keep him in that cell for longer to see the results."

"All in due time good doctor...All in due time." The man in a dark, almost pitch black business attire looked out the window to see the unmistakable shape of what appeared to be a reptilian serpent that had three eyes on each side of its skull, and six tentacles circling the back of its head.

In another part of this mysterious location, a dark room that was as black as any empty void on the inside stood, reaching hundreds of metres tall and wide. All one could see would be pitch blackness, but to the creature inside, it was more than capable of easily navigating through this dark terrain. But sleeping inside this dark room with what appeared to mold and rotting flesh forming at the door was not the mindless, undead servant that is Hisashi Midoriya.

The only thing that hides behind these doors labeled 731...Is a place where only mad things walk.

*At the Sports Festival, Izuku's PoV*

I breathed in and out while I peacefully tried to sleep, hearing the chatter of my classmates and the students of the other classes while the unrecognizable voices of everyone of the civilians present talked among themselves.

I rolled over onto my side as I hummed, which came out more like a hiss while I napped. Or rather tried to. Sleeping in the middle of the day was hard enough, but add an entire stadium full of people to the equation and it makes it downright impossible. Still though, I wasn't in the mood to really talk with anyone, so I kept up the scene that I was sleeping and kept to my own thoughts.

"You should kill them all, you must kill them all." A whisper snuck into my head, the voice was that of my bastard dad. In an instant, I went from lazy house cat to guard dog on high alert. My head darted up from the floor and I looked all around me, making sure that it was just me hearing things.

Thankfully, it looked as though it really was just me who heard it. My dad has been trying relentlessly to succumb to dark thoughts and eventually committing them, but it's not going to work. It will never happen, I refuse to become the same villain he is, over my dead body.

Good thing that I can always rely on Kirishima to divert my attention. "Hey Izu-bro, are you okay, you just jolted up out of nowhere for something?" My head darted towards my best friend while I cocked an eyebrow at him. It wasn't until I looked down at the floor that I realized what he meant.

I didn't just raise my head up, I was also standing on all fours. I turned my head back up to meet Kirishima's eyes, feeling a little embarrassed. "You wanna talk now?"

"Y-yeah. It'll do me some good." At this, the redhead got up from his spot along with Kaminari, Sero and Mina.

"Did you seriously think we'd be sitting by and while you're getting fucked in the head? No way dude." Kaminari stated, flashing that positive smile of his while giving me a thumbs up.

As they approached me, Kirishima walked up in front of my head, grabbed my face by both cheeks and lowered my head down with him. Soon enough, I was laying down on my belly and resting my head on Kirishima's legs as he patted my snout and Mina was gently caressing my head. "Alright, tell us what's going on with you."

From there on, I told them what had gotten me in such a foul mood to begin with. I told them how I encountered both Todoroki and Bakugou in the corridor just as I arrived. I told them how I responded to what Katsuki wanted to say to me, and I told them exactly what Todoroki told me. They sort of expected it, having heard me screaming it a little earlier. Once I had finished telling them, they understood why I got as angry as I did. And they were feeling pretty peeved about it as well.

"So you mean to tell us that he's been fighting and competing against all of us with only half his power? Man, I feel pathetic now." Kaminari said with a saddened expression while fidgeting with his fingers.

"Don't be, he is Endeavour's son after all." I told them as I kept my head on Kirishima's lap and let out a huff. "Though I think I know how to get him out of that mindset."

"Care to elaborate?" Sero asked with a look of confusion on his face. After having talked over what was going through my head, I quickly switched the subject onto what got my riled up just a few minutes ago.

"Nah, I'd rather just let it play out if it's all the same to you. Anyways, I woke up the way I did because...Because I heard my father's voice again." At this, everyone fell silent, both the four here consoling me, and those who just managed to be in earshot of the conversation. Suddenly, many eyes were on me as I continued to describe what I heard. "He said that I should kill you all. That I had to kill you all." They were stunned at this as they stared at me with wide eyes and their jaws hanging loosely.

I got pretty uncomfortable from the silence rather quickly and I wanted it to stop. "Well, don't just sit there gawking, say something!" At this, all those who were looking at me shut their jaws and tried to think of something to say while others had their attention shifted onto me when I raised my voice.

"What is going on over there? Is everything okay Mi-I mean Yagi." Iida asked all the way over at the far side of the stands, but very nearly referred to me by my father's second name. He was quick to correct himself when I frowned and stared straight at him with a look that said 'Really?'

"Please don't be like that Yagi, he didn't intend any disrespect." Said my vice rep Momo, being the voice of reason that she is. "If you'd like, I can go and inform a teacher about it?" I lowered my head and bowed to her in appreciation for her kindness, and taking this as a gesture of approval, she got up from where she was sitting and went off to go and inform the closest teacher of what happened.

As she left the area, I decided that I could use a bit of a walk myself. Besides, I need to check and see if Ochako has woken up yet. I've got a gut feeling she'll try and cut my throat when she sees me, probably not too happy with what I did during the Cavalry Battle.

While I walked through the corridors, still lost in thought, I bumped into someone that I still hold a little anger towards from the First Sundering. Endeavour. My eyes were set dead ahead of me and I was so deep into my own train of thought that I didn't notice the walkway on my left. Then, out of the blue, my head bumped into his chest and we were stopped just like that.

"Oh, it's you." I spoke while making a gutteral noise, annoyed at who I saw right in front of me. "So, how's life raising up your son through abuse, hm?"

"Excuse me, what are you talking about?" He flinched at my words and the tone I used them in and quickly became angered, stating that I was making baseless accusations towards him and that he will not stand for them.

From then on I explained everything that Todoroki had told me of his past. How he suffered abuse at his father's hands, and due to the implications it's caused him and his family, has resorted to using only one half of his quirk. "The cunt had the balls to tell me that he's going to beat with half his power purely to spite you. That's something I can relate to on some level, but still pisses me off nonetheless."

"Well he is in a rebellious faze at the moment." Endeavour's voice was a little irritated like mine was, only I'm assuming it was for different reasons. "But while we are here, I want to ask a favor of you Galakrond."

I snorted a cloud of smoke from my nostrils, knowing that he meant it in an insulting manner. If it was some random normal person, such as your local shopkeeper calling me that, I'd just brush it off. But for some reason, when it comes to heroes, I get extremely angry over it. Maybe it's just down to an issue of respect or something, I wasn't entirely sure.

Nevertheless, I kept it together and decided to hear him out on this 'favor' "What's this favor?"

"I want you to try and get my rebellious son out of this state he's been in for a while now, he's never going to fulfil his destiny at this rate. How does he expect to become the number one hero if doesn't use my fire?" He said with a smug grin on his face, though his tone was more akin to attempting humour.

And this arguably made more angry than Shoto did earlier. "Have you ever thought for a moment as to why he might be acting like this?" I bared my teeth as the number two hero as the words came out in a low growl. He turned his head back at me and furrowed his eyebrows at me, clearly confused. "How can a man so obsessed with the idea of being number one have any conception what his family was doing and how they're behaving because of you? One look at your own son, a single real glance at your children in the last few years and you would've known what the problem is about you."

"The problem about what?" Endeavour asked, clearly not picking up what I'm putting down for him.

I didn't want to carry on with this conversation, I've already lost my shit with one Todoroki today. Letting out a snarl, I proceeded to continue on with walking and being left to my thoughts. I passed Endeavour as he is left with a face of confusion, but I stopped a little bit ahead, I turned my head back around, and sneered at him. "That what Shoto says is true, that your obsession is what caused him to start 'rebelling' the way he is."

As I turned my head away from him and continued to walk on, I gave him one final remark as I left him stunned. "I'll get him out of that state for you, but when I want, and on my terms." And with that, I trotted down the corridor, leaving Enji Todoroki to ponder for a bit.

All the while, I was completely oblivious to what was happening far off in nowhere.

*3rd person PoV in an unknown location*

From inside the room labeled 731, mold was growing across the vast lengths across the walls, ceiling and floor, spores floating around aimlessly, unable to infect any biological tissue. All except one being, the very one responsible for spreading the rot.

Beneath him as he laid on the floor while resting, not taking a single breath, was a pool of a thick, tar like substance that ate away at the dead flesh beneath. Not that it mattered, the dead rotting tissue just kept on slowly growing back.

"Hello Hisashi, I was wondering if you and I could have a little chat for a moment?" The voice of a man said through some speakers inside the room.

From inside the dark cell illuminated solely by the spores floating in the air, the behemoth laying on the floor exhaled, apparently irritated from being woken up by the sudden sounds of his master speaking to him. "Hhhhmmmmmm...Such a...Lovely dream." He snorted as his eyes lazily opened up, revealing snake-like pupils that glowed a thick blood red.

"Oh dear, did I wake you up? I apologize, it's difficult to know when you're asleep or not nowadays." Said the voice over the intercom, sounding genuinely slightly apologetic behind his playful tone.

From inside the cell, as the man in the business attire looked out through a window high above, the being rose up from the floor and stretched, his dead white scales glistened in what little light there was inside his cell. "Heh, don't fret over it master. Sometimes I wonder if I really am asleep at all." The beast said as he raised his body up and his head was in front of the glass. "What reason did you wake me up for?"

"Very well, straight to the point." The sinister businessman spoke in a low but pleasant tone while he raised a hand up to his side. He opened up his palms, and an image of a city appears in his hand like it was a hologram, slowly spinning in a circle. "Your little protege will be given our new...Side project, soon enough, but the process will take roughly two or three weeks to complete. Once that is done, I wish for the two of you to make your presence known again.

While the beast inside the cell leaned his head closer to the wall, his pupil that glowed a lighter shade of red then the rest of his eye focused on the image, trying to decipher what city it could be. "Tell me Hisashi. Have you ever been to Hosu?" The pupil suddenly shifts back onto him, and although All for One couldn't see it, the World Breaker held a grin on his face that stretched to the back of his ears. The delightful his confirmed to the man that his servant was eager to get back into the world.

Before the master could give the dragon a description of what he wants him to do, or before Hisashi could enquire about it, the short and bald Dr Garaki came bounding over to the tall businessman. "Master! Master!" He spoke between bouts of heavy breathing, the man in the fancy attire leaned down and urged him to take a break. "I am sorry for the disruption master, but you must take a look at this!"

The mad doctor handed his master some papers in his hand, he took them from the doctors grasp, and had a read. They were quirk test results. "Doctor Garaki, what is this?" He asked in genuine wonder as the faintest traces of a smile began to return to his lips.

"I will go down in history as the world's greatest Quirk Scientist master, I know you said not to do any tests with the teleportation quirk in your possession, but I grew curious and worked with what copies I had. Take a look at this." He pointed to the sixth page and showed him the results of his findings.

Hisashi, having been on the sidelines the whole time, was confused as to what was going on, but he could see his master's jaw drop in pure awe, and then a sinister, evil, and maniacal grin to stretch across his scarred face. "You just said you will go down as the greatest Quirk Scientist in history doctor. You will, you most certainly will." He turned his head back towards Hisashi and gave the giant dragon a wide smile. "It seems as though you might match your son in power sooner than we thought Hisashi."

At this news, the World Breaker's eyes squinted slightly as his face became a little bit wrinkled. For below the glass window, a smile of sheer delight had graced his lips while he bared his stockade of wicked teeth.

"In other news World Breaker, I have just finished up on some experiments with your new 'apprentice'. If you'd like to meet him, I can arrange for it." The mad doctor turned his head up to his look at his master. "With your permission of course, master."

"I am not sure doctor, would Hisashi turn on him, tear him apart and add him to his little side projects?" The businessman joked, but if there's one thing that doesn't survive this place, it was a sense of humor. And Hisashi's was killed off a long time ago. Not taking too kindly to it, the World Breaker released a roar so loud that it hurt Doctor Garaki's ears and even damaged nearby audio equipment. "Very well then Midoriya, let's get you two acquainted."

Given the order to introduce their new pet project to their greatest creation yet, the doctor went off to do as his master bid, Hisashi growling inside his colossal cell in sheer glee and excitement to see his new...Protege.

*At the sports festival, Izuku's PoV*

I continued to strut inside through the corridors, and good God I had no idea just how difficult it would be to walk through them like this. If it wasn't for my wings, there'd be no problem, but they were just so freakishly big that the claws on them were scratching the walls as I walked past. I tried to bring them inwards to my body a bit more, and the results were me getting cramps in my shoulders. I then tried to walk in my human form as that would be more comfortable, but wings were scratching the ceiling as well.

When I tried to bring my wings in, it was the same story, different body. Seeing that there was no easy way option for me here, I settled on going back to my dragon form and continuing in trying to find Ochako while also silently venting. I don't know what it is, but I'm suddenly starting to feel like...Like I prefer my dragon form over my original human form, or even the one I have now.

I can ask Recovery Girl about this another time, right now, I'm trying to find the love of my life. Will she give me a flick on the snout for what happened in the Cavalry Battle? Probably. Would she be angry with me? Absolutely, and that was something I kinda dread. As I walked inside the corridor, making my way to Recovery Girl's office I prepared myself for an earful from Ochako.

As the medic's office came into my line of sight as I turned a corner, I had a terrible feeling in my gut. For what reason, I couldn't say. At some point down the line, after my run in with Endeavour, I decided to try and find Ochako to let her know what's going on Todoroki.

But the minute I looked at those doors that lead into the medical bay, I actually felt nauseous and had the overwhelming urge to just book it back to the stands and forget about looking for my chocolate-haired girlfriend. But you know what they say, curiosity killed the cat.

Not letting this sicky feeling get to my head, and also wondering why I'm feeling like this at all, I walked towards the doors and the feeling only got worse and worse. I felt like there was a rigged bomb behind those doors, and the very instant I opened the door, even slightly, it'll go bang in my face. Sure I could regenerate my face from such an ordeal, but it still won't be a pleasant experience.

And it was only made all the worse with what sounded like Maruki and Tosa speaking and inside along with...Sobbing? "There there. It's going to be okay sweetie, it's all going to be okay." I heard Ochako's father speak through the doors as I approached. I was surprised no one acted from hearing me coming, seeing that I clearly wasn't built for approaching anything quietly.

I admit, I was getting a pretty nasty vibe at the moment. Whatever was going on on the other side of that door, I was certain that it was something I didn't want to know about, or at least not at the moment anyways, not with the Sports Festival and all going on.

"I guess it might be best if I leave Ochako with her parents. Whatever's going on, it might be best if Maruki and Tosa handle it at the moment. Too many people might make things worse." After convincing myself that this was the best course of action, I turned my head away from the doors, and soon enough my back was turned from it, and I started to walk away. At least I knew where Ochako was.

But just after taking three or four steps, I hear the doors to Recovery Girl's office slide open and make a loud crash, having been forced open. Then a voice called out to me. "Izuku?" Ochako's voice was ragged and broken, and she was taking deep breaths with a few sniffles here and there. She had definitely been crying for a while.

As for me, I stopped dead in my tracks and looked over my back just enough where my eyes met her face. Her cheeks were red, puffy and stained with tear trails, her eyes were bloodshot. "W-where are you going?" She asked me in a pleading tone, almost as if she didn't want me to leave.

"W-Well I was coming here to check on you, but then I heard you were crying with Maruki and Tosa inside consoling you. I figured that they may have had the situation under control, so I decided to leave it to them." These words were the honest truth, I did genuinely think that me being there on top of what was going on would be a bad idea, but it seemed they had a negative effect on Ochako.

Instead, my girlfriend only lowered her head and was on the verge of crying again, and this immediately made me take action. "Ochako, what's going on?" I asked as I turned my large body around and began walking over to her, knocking over a cupboard of trophies in the process.

As I approached her, I noticed that her legs began to wobble and shake. I knew what was going to happen next. I jumped forward and caught Ochako just as her legs gave out and she collapsed, landing on my head without sending the horn on my snout through her skull.

All her weight fell onto my head when I caught her. Whatever it was that got her this upset, it was clearly something pretty big. "Mochi, please, tell me what's happened." The worry inside my heart was only getting worse and worse as I tried to keep Ochako from the floor while she held onto my head and broke down. It was then that both Maruki and Tosa came by and saw me holding Ochako with just my head.

"Izuku, would you mind looking after Ochako for a while? Tosa doesn't look too well herself." Maruki gestured to his wife, who he held in his arms while she held him back, looking as though she was about to lose her composure as well.

Seeing that my girlfriend was losing her mind to sorrow, and Tosa looked to be on the verge of tears as well, I granted the request and moved out of the way of the door as best I could and allowed the older couple to move on out. Once Ochako's parents left the room and walked down the corridor, I was left to deal with a crying and wailing Ochako with the only person here was Recovery Girl.

Seeing the doctor walk over with her cane, a sorrowful look plastering her face, I asked her just what had happened to have made Ochako and Tosa so upset. "Young Yagi, you should bring your lady love back in here, I'll explain to you what is going on."

As she beckoned me in, I helped Ochako up and lifted her with just brute strength, lifting her up with just using my head. I walked back into the room I was in not too long ago and braced myself for the news to come. And it was something that would prove utterly devastating.

As I walked in and carried a still sobbing Ochako to the nearest bed to lay her on, Recovery Girl closed the door behind us to ensure that no one would eavesdrop on our little conversation. And thank fuck, because what I'm going to be told next is definitely something that should not be made public. Not yet anyway.

There we are, chapter done.

Hope you lads and lassies enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it, and if you did, consider dropping a follow for ya boy to keep up to date with announcements and all that lovely shit. If you're looking to stay up to date with this book or my other works, please add this book to your reading lists and libraries if you feel compelled to, and if all else fails, then a simple vote for this chapter is also appreciated.

That's all for this chapter lads and lassies, thanks for taking the time to read and I'll see you in the next one. Take care of yourselves!

Now for the sneak peak.

The student is introduced to his master within his cell and is asked what his intentions are before being shown around the zone.

The medic informs the dragon of what has transpired, and what he hears will not just certainly change the girl, but also himself.

As for the protege and his new teacher, he is shown many atrocious things, abominable experiments that yielded horrible results, demonstrations of horrific power, power that was his for the asking. And he's left himself asking...What had he gotten himself into.

That's it for the moment lads and lassies, see you all in the next chapter!

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