Engaged to a Stranger

By _laciela

1M 36.8K 3.6K

"What do you mean I'm engaged?" I asked incredulously. "There's no freaking way I'm-" "Read it again." The la... More

1. New Freaking York
2. Dun. Dun. Dunnnn.
3. Holly - Personal Assistant/Shopping Buddy/Cousin of my Anonymous Fiancé
4. Letters from Mr. A
5. Male Flatmates and Crap
6. First Day. New Friends. Hot Guy.
7. Movies and Drunkies
8. Romance Everywhere.
9. Curiosity + Lawrence = ...
10. First Date - Part One
12. It's All Just A Game
13. Meeting Mr. A - as in Archer.
14. Competition
15. Of All Things
16. Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice
17. The One Who Falls First
18. Confrontations
19. Torn
20. Sunrise
21. We All Give and Take
22. His Apology
23. Moving Forward... and In
24. Final.
Bonus Chapter: Meeting Flora

11. First Date - Part Two

36.5K 1.2K 147
By _laciela

Engaged to a Stranger © 2015 by Nique Joaquin. All rights reserved. 


"I think it looks chic." Jenny says as I look at my reflection in the large mirrors in front of me.

Jenny and Quinn had placed me into a large dressing room that looked like it was made for princesses. The ceilings were high, a tall crystal chandelier hung above, I was surrounded by golden tipped mirrors, and there was a round white marble platform where I stood. The entrance was covered in large decorative and heavy looking pale pink curtains. I thought I was in a palace.

"I think it's way too much." I say with a sigh. "I told you guys that I wanted to keep my jeans..." I whined.

"Oh please." Quinn says as she rolls her eyes at me. "Stop talking." She says and I sigh as Quinn applies a thin layer of tinted lipbalm onto my lips.

"Was the whole makeover thing really necessary?" I asked, as soon as the lipbalm was lifted from my lips. Quinn grins at me before slipping the tiny lipbalm into the pocket of the tan leather jacket i had on.

"It wasn't. But if Keaton brings his date here, then I just know he's into you." Jenny says with a sigh before walking over to me.

Quinn backs away to get something and Jenny adjusts the jacket while fixing the golden collared necklace they placed for that extra "bling" or whatever.

"I feel way too fancy." I say with a sigh.

The two of them had gone all out- you'd think 15 minutes was too little time for a makeover... but Jenny made me look like I had gotten ready for hours when it only took 10 minutes. Of course... there were two of them working on me at the same time. Quinn got me dressed as fast as she could while Jenny fixed my hair and makeup. I felt like I was going to some fancy party rather than a spontaneous date.

"Are the earrings there?" Jenny asks Quinn, who's behind her and is fetching something.

"Yup." Quinn responds, walking over to me. My hair was up in a tight ponytail that somehow has going up to the ponytail section.

Quinn quickly slipped on a pair of large chandelier-like gold earrings on me. So far, the two of them wanted me in a fairly simple golden accessory themed outfit. They let me wear the bracelet Klein gave me as well as a ring, the earrings Quinn just put on me, and the collared statement necklace. They put me in a cropped white tank top, a black leather skater skrit, and a pair of tall white and gold stiletto heels that I could possibly fall in.

I'm not bad at wearing heels. But considering that these are the first time I'm wearing these gorgeous ones... I might just stumble in the streets of New York. I just hoped Keaton would bring me to leveled land and hopefully not anywhere with jagged stone floors. That would be hell in my current situation.

"If I fall today... I blame you two." I mutter and Jenny giggles before stepping back.

I look at my reflection and I can't help the smile that tugs at my lips. Damn. I look amazing.

NOT to be vain or anything.


Yeah, I'm totally being vain right now. But so what? I can have my moments too.

"You guys have outdone yourselves." I mutter.

"Not really. Just imagine what would happen if Keaton asked us to dress you up for a company ball. That would totally outdo both of us." Quinn says and I giggle as the two of them share a high five.

"Okay. We need a pic before my brother takes you away." Jenny says before she brings out her phone. "Say 'gorgeous'!" Jenny says before we all huddle together for a pic.

"She's going to take 10 million pics. So prepare your poses." Quinn says and I laugh as the first picture is taken.

After about 2 minutes, I hear Keaton shouting from outside the large dressing room.

"Someone's impatient." Jenny says, rolling her eyes. "You mind telling him to wait a bit, Quinny?" Jenny asks and Quinn sighs.

"You owe me sweetie." Quinn says before kissing Jenny on the cheek and going out to talk to Keaton. Jenny then turns to me and sighs.

"Hey, I just wanna give you a head's up. We dressed you all up because if I know Keaton, he'll bring you out and you'll crash into one of his friends. They aren't a terrible group- well, actually yeah they are, but don't let it get to you." Jenny says with a sigh. "They're known to make girls like you cry."

"Girls like me? What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"It means, girls like you who like her jeans because she sometimes wears her insecurities on her sleeves. If you wanna kick his friends' ässes, be my guest. I do it all the time." Jenny mutters.

"Got it. Keaton's friends are total douchebags." I say and Jenny chuckles.

"Exactly. Now let's go get you to my ugly brother." I laugh at that one, before Jenny and I make our way outside the dressing room.

The heels click on the floor as I walk and I'm conscious about how much the skirt flows around me. A series of what-if situations play into my head, but I shake the thoughts off. I was dressed and going on a date with Keaton. There was no way I could chicken out when Jenny took the time to really "set me up"...

"I approve." Keaton says with a smirk on his face as he judges me from head to toe.

"And I don't need your approval. But thanks." I say with a dismissive shrug.

"I like her a lot, Keaton. If she comes home crying, I will personally kick your äss." Jenny says before handing me my backpack, I take it from her and give her a grateful smile.

Quinn comes in with a smile and a large shopping bag of what I think if full of my clothes.

"Here's her things with additional goodies from us both. We trust you'll love them." Quinn says with a wink.

"I'm sure I will." I say. And that I really don't need you guys to add more things. I add in my head.

Before I can even reach out to take the bag, Keaton takes it for me and also grabs my backpack from me too.

"I'll tell Greg to bring them over to your apartment." Keaton mutters. I nod before he uses his free hand to clasp one of mine. "Let's go before my sister decides to keep you." Keaton says, winking at me.

I roll my eyes at him and look over at Jenny and Quinn, who are both holding each other's hand and grinning at me. Quinn mouths the words 'Good Luck' to me while Jenny gives me an encouraging smile.

"Bye!" I said quickly before Keaton dragged me out of the place.

"Who's Greg?" I asked as soon as we were in the pavement. I tried my best to walk nicely in the heels, I was only thankful that the pavement was nice and flat.

"The driver." Keaton answers before stopping in front of his black Audi.

The driver from earlier comes out and opens the door for us. Keaton silently passes the bags to "Greg" and I give the driver a smile before I get into the car. Keaton follows behind me and I sigh in contentment at the wonderful softness of the seats here. Now I remember why I took a nap in here... I thought to myself.

"If you fall asleep again, you can forget about having a phone for the whole week." Keaton says and I pout.

"If I fall asleep on your shoulder, can I have my phone back when I wake up?" I asked, batting my lashes.

Keaton smirks at me.


"Hmm..." I mumble before nudging closer and resting my head on his shoulder.

"...Are you serious right now?" Keaton asks me. I look up at him.

"Uh? Yeah? It's a lean on the shoulder, not a makeout session." I say, rolling my eyes. "Besides, I hate staying up in traffic." I mutter.

"What would you do if I kidnapped you?" Keaton asks.

"I'd be kidnapped. Geez. I have very low issues with touching people. So if you want me to back away, tell me now." I say, but Keaton shakes his head and instead, he rests his left hand on my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"We'll be there in 30 minutes. So... do whatever you want." I sigh contently before resting my head. "How are you okay with this but not holding hands?" Keaton asks suddenly.

"Because I'm tired and I used to do this with my mom all the time." I answer lazily. "And I'm not picky when I'm tired." I answer.

"I can see that."

"How's the bruise on your face by the way?" I asked, in amusement.

"It's healing well, thanks for asking." Keaton says, unamused. I chuckle before falling back against him.

"Wake me up when we get there please." I say and before Keaton could even respond.

I passed out.


I have got stop doing that when I'm with strange handsome rich bastards. I swear.

"...Wake up sleepyhead." Keaton said and my eyes fluttered open.

"I'm up! I'm up! Don't carry me please." I exclaim, my eyes really wide and awake now. Keaton chuckles at my reaction.

"I won't. Let's go." Keaton says as he opens the door and exits. I reach for the door next to me, but Keaton takes my hand and pulls me out his way.

"Gee. It's not like I couldn't exit the other way." I mutter.

"I like having you follow me. I also get to have a close eye on you." Keaton says and I watch as his gaze travels down my body. "You should wear skirts and heels more often."

"And you should wear jeans more often. But hey, that's just my opinion." I say as I nudge him playfully with my elbow.

"Have you even noticed where we are yet?" Keaton asks me and I realize then that I've only been talking.

I immediately take a look around and I smile. The bright lights, kids laughing, the distant screams... I immediately felt giddy.

"Amusement park." I say in a hushed tone. "God, I haven't been to a legit amusement park in 10 years."

"Really?" Keaton asks and I nod my head in excitement.

"Please tell me we're riding all the roller coasters." I say as I look at Keaton in excitement.

"Of course. Why else would we be here?" Keaton says and I smirk as I look at the large roller coaster.

Keaton offers his hand and I take it without bothering to make a fight out of it. Hey? I'm a sucker for thrill rides. Keaton walks us over to the line for the biggest roller coaster and I feel my stomach lurch in excitement.

"I'll be back, I'll just go buy a package deal for us." Keaton says with a wink. I nod impatiently and he chuckles before walking off.

I listen to the screams of the people who were already on the rollercoaster. I was feeling so giddy. It was hard to get me excited on rides since they went by too fast. This was the first time I'd actually ride a full-sized rollercoaster. Damn. Why couldn't I snapchat this?



"Hey miss, I couldn't help but notice you standing here by yourself." Some guy behind me says, I whirl around and tilt my head. "Mind if I join you?" He asks.

"And cut the line? I don't think so." I say with a sigh, he chuckles in response. The guy was fairly tall, he had a strong build, and he seemed to have that "stiff" appearance that comes with people who like to work out.

"Just wanna keep you company. Can't have a pretty thing like you standing around here all by herself." He says.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the kind gesture, stranger. But I'm with someone." I say.

"Rob's the name." He says, ignoring what I just said, and I sigh. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, I'm an anxious person and talking to guys is annoying and very nerve-wracking. "So... you're the type that's into rollercoasters huh?"

"Yeah." I answer. That's right. Keep those answer short and clipped. I think to myself.

"I guess you come from a fairly well off family."


"There's a nice club close by, mind hitting it up with this stranger after the ride?"

"I just got here." I state, hoping that the icy tone in my voice wasn't too harsh.

"Have you ever-"

"No, she hasn't." Keaton's voice says and I practically sigh in relief.

"Whoa, calm down. I was just trying to keep the nice girl some company." The guy says and I roll my eyes.

"Sounds like you were trying to pick her up, that's my job by the way, not yours." Keaton says and I roll my eyes again. Really? Cheesy much?

Stranger smirks at me and then at Keaton.

"Well, can't say I didn't try. Hope I see you around, cutie." The guy says before walking off. I watch as he makes his way to a group of guys who laugh at him.

"Didn't think there'd be a downside to getting you dressed up." Keaton mutters.


"Nothing. Let's go." Keaton says and he clasps my hand again and I follow him as the line finally moves.

"Am I even allowed to wear heels to a rollercoaster ride?" I asked.

"Why not?" Keaton asks, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Please tell me you put my phone somewhere safe." I say with a sigh. "I do not wanna break that thing."

"Greg has both our phones. Wouldn't want our attention to go anywhere other than the two of us and this date, right?" Keaton says and I bite my bottom lip as Keaton and I make our way to the front.

Surprisingly. The front was empty. I felt that giddy feeling lurch up into my throat. I couldn't help it. I let out an excited squeal as I excitedly took a seat. Keaton looks over at me and I can't help but shake my legs in excitement.

"I don't know if you're excited or really scared." Keaton says and I smirk at him.

"Both." I answer and Keaton holds out his hand just as the large seatbelt thingies- I have no idea what you call them- go down.

"Let's enjoy this together." Keaton says and I look at his hand before rolling my eyes and taking it in mine.

"If your hand falls off. Don't blame me." I say and Keaton chuckles just as the ride slowly begins to move. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod!" I begin to mumble.

I look over to the side and wait in excitement as the rollercoaster begins and it doesn't start slow at all. It's at a medium speed as it approaches what doesn't even look like a tall slope. I'm squealing and my stomach waits in anticipation. It climbs up and we're at the tip and a speaker on the coaster somewhere decides to yell out an "ARE YOU READY?".

Which you don't have the time to react to.

The coaster all of a sudden speeds down the rails and I squeal in joy and laugh at the bursting feeling of elation cooursing through me.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" I mutter and I hear Keaton laugh as I squeeze his hand.

I giggle to myself as the coaster turns and twists around and the wind whips at my face.

"Best first date ever!" I shouted and Keaton looks over at me with a wide and proud smile on his face.

"Glad to hear it!" He shouts back just as the coaster decides to go down again and I scream in excitement. Keaton's hand grips mine tightly when we go down another steep hill and I grip it back as I laugh uncontrollably.

The coaster then slows and decides to go up an even higher slope. I look at the view and gawk. The bay is spread right out in front of us and the setting sun is making all the buildings glitter. I can see the Statue of Liberty off in the distance and I giggle when the rollercoaster stops again to signal another drop.

"Woohoo!" I scream just as we fall down and go in a series of rough twists in turns that make my voice jump up and down. Keaton shouts in joy as well and he lets go of my hand as he holds his hands up, he looks at me with a face that says do it. And I do.

I raise my arms as high as I can and scream until the ride finally slows down and I'm a jumble of giggles.

"Fun right?" Keaton asks and I still giggle, tears prick at my eyes and wipe them away gently with my fingers.

"No shït!" I answer excitedly. Keaton laughs at my enthusiasm. "How many more of these do we have?" I asked as the seatbelt thingies lifted.

"Four. Including one of those things." Keaton says as he points to a tall structure where people are raised up to the top, dangling their feet, and all of a sudden are dropped at different points, brought up again and repeated. I grin and the exciting feeling climbs back into my stomach again.

"Sounds like an amazing plan. Let's go." I say with a wide smile as Keaton gets off and I follow his lead.


Keaton and I are a giggling mess by the end of it. We had gotten into all four rides and somehow our stomachs were still able to handle it.

"I can't believe we're still standing." Keaton says as we sit down on a park bench.

"I can't believe we're not puking all over the place." I say with a laugh. "If you wanna bring me out on another one of these dates, I'll go, no questions asked."

"You've got a strong stomach, you know that?"

"I do now." I say with a giggle as I pick at the popcorn we'd gotten. Keaton looks up at the purple sky, the rides don't take too long, so it wasn't surprising when the sun still had a few rays out.

But I'm pretty sure it'd get dark any second now. Keaton totally zones out on me and I take a piece of popcorn and throw it at his face.

"Hello?" I asked and Keaton looks over at me. "Where are we off to next?" I asked.

"You mean you're expecting more?" Keaton asks and I flush in embarrassment.


"I'm kidding, we have dinner at a small place and then I'm bringing you over to a party." Keaton says.


"Who's party?" I asked.

"A friend of mine's. Don't worry, he's a cool guy."

That's what Jenny meant. I thought to myself. I take a deep breath and let it out while I move my feet around in the air. I look at my shoes and smirk, I have a certain obsession with pretty shoes. And I haven't tripped once. Miracle. I know.

"Do you wanna go, now?" Keaton asks and I nod.

"Yup." I say with a smile. He offers his hand and I'm used to it by now.


"You know, when you said dinner at a small place I pictured tiny rustic restaurant in the corner." I said. "Not fancy pants dinner with French names I can't even pronounce." Keaton laughs in amusement and I bite my bottom lip in frustration.

"It is small, Darcy."

"Yeah, maybe because of the price on these things. Isn't that just mushroom soup? How is that 15 bucks? I could buy a full meal down the street with that." I say as I fold my arms over my chest.

"You could pay for a trip to Europe with what you're wearing sweetie." Keaton says. I was used to his endearments by now.

"Yeah, I know." I say. My whole wardrobe is worth more than what my dad used to earn a year.

I sipped from the fancy champagne glass that Keaton had ordered for us. It was filled with sweet and not overbearing champagne- to be honest, it tasted like fancy alcoholic soda.

Don't ask me what it's even called. I don't think I'll ever be able to pronounce or even spell that right. The moment Keaton came into the restaurant, a waiter had immediately come to bring us to a window seat table, given us drinks, and walked off. I only knew what I was eating based off of a small piece of fancy paper that held a list of French food. There was a menu placed beside me and I skimmed through what I was having and gawked at the prices.

"If you're uncomfortable with the place, say so, we can move if you want." Keaton says. I look up at him and see that he's trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

I shake my head and sigh.

"The food's already cooking and I know this menu didn't make itself." I say, giving him a smile. "But we could seriously just eat at IHOP and I would be totally be good with that. Or Chili's. Chili's is a win-win for me."

"I'll keep that in mind for our next date." I arch a brow at that.

"What makes you think there's a next date?" I asked, amused.

"I don't know, I know." Keaton says as he picks up his glass and drinks from it.

The waiter from earlier comes back and brings us two bowls of soup. I feel my stomach grumble and my mouth waters at the smell.

"What are you waiting for?" Keaton asks and I roll my eyes.

"What are you waiting for?" I repeat and Keaton smirks before lifting his spoon and I do the same.

The rest of our dinner was spent on snarky comments and little conversations about the rides earlier. There really wasn't much of a variety in our topics but hey, I didn't mind. Keaton didn't make anything feel awkward at all. Except for that one time he decided to just stare at me as I devoured dessert. That was pretty freaking awkward. Keaton was actually pretty funny company. Especially since we both wouldn't stop answering each other with sarcasm.

"Are you still good to go?" Keaton asks, his voice actually having some tone of concern. I giggle at him.

"Yeah." I say. Keaton had already brought us into his car and we were on the way to his friend's house party.

"Can you handle alcohol well?" Keaton asks and I nod.

"I'll have you know I was the only one still standing sober- and yes, I did drink as much as my classmates... well not as much as this one guy- but let's face it, there's always that one douchebag that shows off how much he can or really can't drink." I say. Said guy actually puked outside and I had to pat him, give him water, and make him stay outside so that he wouldn't die of dehydration.

"You'll meet a lot of those guys later. So stay close." He says and I roll my eyes.

"How am I supposed to have fun if I have to stay close to you?" I asked, jokingly, but Keaton's face doesn't turn up with a smile.

"Maybe I should just bring you home." Keaton says and I sigh.

"Up to you. I'm just tagging along so that I can have my phone back."

"Whatever." Keaton says, probably finalizing his decision. "We're here." I nod as Keaton opens the door and I step out as well.

There's a large party going on in this mansion. And I mean mansion. It had a big fountain at the center, party streamers and cups lay everywhere, and the whole place was vibrating with the loud songs playing from the inside. I swallowed a dry lump in my throat. Can't back out now... My subconscious warns.

"You okay?" Keaton asks as he noticed me gawking.

"Y-yeah. Sure. Not intimidated or anything by the giant house in front of me." I say, sweet sarcasm coating my voice.

"Come on, then." Keaton says, this time, he doesn't offer his hand.

Not that I wanted to hold it or anything. But... there was a look in his eyes that made him seem a lot guarded. Like he really didn't want to look like he was involved with me- or anyone for that matter. It made him look... cold. He starts walking off to the large front door, and I hear the car door open behind me. The driver, Greg, comes out and hands me my phone. I look at him questioningly.

"Please. Call when you require a ride home. I will wait for you both right here." Greg says and he flashes me a kind smile.

"Thanks. Did Keaton...?" I asked.

"Yes. My phone number and his are on your phone. It should be the last call you received." Greg says and I nod.

"Alright. Wish me luck, then." I say and Greg nods as I dismiss myself.

Keaton was already nowhere to be found as I made my way through the doors. That probably marked the end of this 'date'. Let's get straight to the point then.

This place was as trashed as it could be. There were people making out in every corner, drinks spilt on the floor, music banging the entire place which made, what would have looked like pretty chandeliers, into precarious death wishes that could fall on your face and kill you. Okay, I'm exaggerating. But the amount of people in here suffocated me. I had to push past couples making out by the walls, walk through dancers, and eventually I reached an open area where the cold air cooled me down. The outside was no better though.

The music blasted loudly through giant speakers, steam rose from the big heated pool, shirtless men and women were walking about, drinks were served in every corner. I spotted Keaton sitting down by a group of people that looked to be the same age as him. I groaned when I saw how skanky the girl sitting with them looked. I bit my bottom lip and grabbed a shot glass from a waiter walking by. Daddy always said not to drink if you didn't see it come out from the bottle. I thought to myself. Then again, daddy lost his daughter when he made mommy cry. I dunked the contents of that glass down my throat, loving and hating that burning sensation that travels down my body.

With whatever courage I somehow mustered, I walked up to Keaton's little group.

"Oh look, it's the princess from that other night." A girl, the skank, says. She was wearing what could have been a red bathing suit, if it didn't look so... fragile.

"Yup. Tch. That's me." I answer with a smile.

"You've got serious guts coming up here." One guy says, he has a cap on covering his blonde hair and he's wearing a white tank over a pair of shorts.

"And you have a stick up your ass." I say, rolling my eyes. I look over at Keaton, who's only looking at me in amusement. "Do you have a staring problem?" I asked him, sharply.

"Nope. Just enjoying the sass." He says. "Considering I took her out on her first date a few minutes ago." The group chuckles.

"She's a sucker, isn't she?" The same douchebag says and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the newsflash." I say with a sigh, I turn back to Keaton and groan. "Let me guess, ultimate deal of 'Hey, let's take the new girl out and make her miserable', right?" I asked.

Keaton rolls his eyes.

"I was just having fun, weren't you?" Keaton mutters.

"Yeah, sure. Go have fun ässhole." I snap before turning on my heels and walking away. "So much for a great first date..." I mumble before pushing past through the packed amount of people again.

I soon find myself back at the entrance and I groan as I push the doors open to the cool night air. This time, the sounds were muted, and I could actually hear myself breathe. I wasn't one to chase or pine after some guy after a first date. Hell, after my dad? I didn't really want to pine after anyone. Screw that. I'm not chasing some guy who thinks he has me in his pocket because of a date. I'm not chasing anyone for anything ever again.

I open up my phone and see a few messages from Klein.

Hey! Good morning :D

How was your day???

I guess you're probably really busy, huh? I'll bother you later. ~Klein.

I sighed to myself, I had yet to even face Lawrence after what happened. I barely had time to process that that happened. I took a deep breath and sighed. I seemed to sigh a lot more often lately. I groaned before deciding that I might as well have some fun while I'm here. I didn't have to go to where Keaton and his dïckface friends were.

"Let's have some fun." I mutter to myself before quickly making my way inside.

I may not usually be one to party. But hey, no one knew me here. What could possibly go wrong?

I grabbed another drink that was being served around and sipped at it as I made my way through the vibrating rooms. I soon found one that almost looked like a mini rave party. The music blasted the loudest in here and I laughed as the alcohol began traveling through my body. I jumped about and danced in probably what looked like the crappiest dance ever. But whatever, the neon lights and the fog machine should be covering that up anyways.


I think I'd had about 10 drinks. Not counting shots. And.. I was somehow still standing- you see, I wasn't lying when I said that my tolerance was high. I had danced with just about everyone in the room by then. I even made a few "drunk" friends. If they even remembered me in the morning. When I finally had enough dancing all over the place, I decided to make my way out again. That room was way too hot for comfort- that, and people also started making out everywhere.

"Hey." Someone greeted behind me, I was in the foyer and the large empty space was really peaceful. I turned and found a fairly cute guy smiling at me.

He had brown hair that was a bit shaggy, amber eyes, and cute dimpled cheeks as he grinned at me. In his hands were two plain shots.

"Hi." I greeted simply, he raises the shot glasses and I roll my eyes as I take one from him.

"Not a party person?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"I was legit in the rave room for a few minutes." I say with a smile. "If I'm not covered in sweat, I'd freak out." I mutter, he laughs and throws me a cute smile.

"The name's Hunter." He says.

"Darcy." I reply with a smirk. We stand around awkwardly for a few seconds before he breaks the silence.

"So... are we just gonna stand around with these drinks in our hands or are we gonna drink them?" He asks and I roll my eyes. Rule number 1 of drinking: never take any drinks from strangers.

"Bad idea, Darcy." Keaton says as he comes into view behind Hunter.

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard the lecture before, Keaton." I say with a sigh as I place the shot glass on a fancy looking decorative table. Keaton doesn't smile and Hunter smirks at me before turning his head.

"Look who finally found his date. Tell me, Keaton, how many girls did you make out with before you even got back to her?" Hunter says and I look at Keaton. "Can't even count huh." Hunter adds with a snicker.

"Get away from him, Darcy." Keaton says, a dark look on his face. I look to the side in confusion.

"Sure thing, bossy-pants." I mutter before walking off, but Hunter grabs my wrist, and pulls me so that I'm in his arms. "Uh..."

"You don't have to listen to him." Hunter says.

"Uh... I won't listen if you let me go." I say with a sigh. Hunter blinks his eyes at me, which are actually pretty close up. "Are you expecting a kiss or something? Let go, bruh." I say, pushing away from him until he loosens his grip.

"Jesus, what is up with you people and touching me?" I hiss before getting away and sighing. The two of them look at me and I groan. "Whatever. I'm not going to get in the middle of a stupid testosterone fight, you two can sort your shit out."

"Darcy-" Keaton calls but I hold hand up.

"I get it. You wanted a date, a fun one, a little play, fine. Whatever, you got it. I'm going home." I say with a sigh before I pulled out my phone and began walking off.

Whatever he had to say, could go right back up his stuck up äss.

"Darcy, come on." Keaton said, chasing after me.

"Keaton, I don't do this. This? This party, that date, whatever. I don't need these things. I just wanna graduate in peace, go to school in peace. I won't chase after you thinking that date meant anything, okay? Just, I don't know, leave me alone." I say and he decides not to talk as I walk away and call his driver.

Greg picks up in no time and I sigh as I make my way outside and take one last look back at the party mansion. Keaton's at the door, looking over at me. Not having my glasses makes it hard for me to see his expression. So when Greg comes up with the car, I shoot him one last smile before getting inside.

"Take me home, please." I say and Greg asks no questions as we pull away.

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