Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.4K 224 198

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol


51 2 0
By LinoIsHeree_

Tommy was so close to falling asleep as his hand was dead due to Tubbo lying on it. He looked out the window, it was still raining. He then heard Ranboo run down the stairs and head towards the front door. "RANBOO WAIT" Tommy yelled as he quickly jumped up and ran to him.

"L-let me go, I-I'm going to hurt you" Ranboo said as he tried to get out of Tommy's grasp. "I don't care! Its raining!" Tommy said as he held him back. Ranboo then stopped as he looked outside, it was indeed raining. "B-but, I'm gonna-" Ranboo said as he fell to the ground, Tommy quickly caught him and laid him on the ground with his head in his arms. "Guys? What are you doing?" Tubbo asked as he walked over to them. Tommy didn't answer as he held Ranboo in his arms. "I don't know, Ranboo just ran down the stairs and was about to run outside until I stopped him and now he's fainted?" Tommy said confusedly.

Ranboo then woke up and shook his head. Tommy looked at his eyes, they were purple. "H-his eyes" Tommy said as Ranboo quickly moved away and backed up into the wall, he then made a little noise as his ears went down. "Hey, its ok" Tommy said as he slowly approached him. "What is happening?" Tubbo said, still half asleep. "I don't know, can you go upstairs, just in case" Tommy asked. Tubbo nodded as he slumped up the stairs. Tommy then looked back at 'Ranboo'. He made a weird sound for a few seconds, like he was trying to talk. "Are you trying to communicate?" Tommy asked. Ranboo tilted his head to the side.

"Do you understand me?" Tommy asked. Ranboo looked confused. He then got up and was about to leave. "Wait!" Tommy yelled as he grabbed him. Ranboo instantly hissed at him as he swung at him. "Wow- I'm sorry, look" Tommy said as he pointed out the window, signalling the rain. Ranboo then looked back at Tommy as he quickly stepped back, away from the door.

"Its ok, you're safe in here" Tommy said with a smile. *I cant believe I'm talking to Ranboos possessed self* Tommy thought as he watched Ranboo walk around the room. He then zoned out as he thought about when Ranboo would come back. He then heard a little shriek that brought him back. He quickly looked over at Ranboo, he saw him run towards him as he hid behind him. Tommy then heard the sink running. He quickly turned it off and went back over to Ranboo. "Are you ok" Tommy asked the shaking Ranboo. He noticed Ranboo holding his finger. "May I look" he asked as he held his hand out. Ranboo looked at his finger, then at Tommy. He then hesitated before holding his finger out, letting Tommy look.

Tommy looked at his finger, it was burned at the tip. "You burned yourself on the water didn't you" Tommy said as he looked at his face, he looked sad and frightened. Ranboo just looked at him, trying to figure out if Tommy is a threat or not.

Tommy noticed his ears twitch, like he was communicating without talking. He then had an idea. He slowly reached out to Ranboos ears and scratched the back of them. Ranboo closed his eyes and smiled as he started purring. *He can purr?!* Tommy thought as he made a little laugh. They stayed there like that for a little while until Ranboo flinched and held his head. Tommy quickly stood back and watched. Ranboo knelt down as he started screaming at the floor. Tommy realised what was going on and held his head as he rubbed the back of it with his hand. "It's ok" he whispered. Ranboos scream soon turned into a normal scream and not an ender like one. "I-I CAN'T DO IT, IT HURTS SO MUCH" Ranboo screamed. "Yes you can, you've got this" Tommy said calmly as he comforted him.

"You can do it, it's ok" he said as he rubbed his back with his hand and slowly massaged the back of Ranboo's head with his other hand as Ranboo started shaking. "Hey hey, it's alright, try and relax" Tommy said as he rested Ranboos head on his shoulder. Ranboo was crying loudly as he was shaking badly. "You're alright, you're safe now I promise, it's all gone now" Tommy said comfortingly. "You're ok" he whispered as Ranboo started to calm down but he was still shaking.

"Why are you shaking?" Tommy asked worriedly. "I-I d-don't k-know" Ranboo cried. "Ok, come here, let's go over to the sofa" Tommy said as he helped him stand up and slowly walked him over to the sofa. He then slowly laid him down as he put his head on his lap and started massaging it. "You're ok now, everything's ok, you're safe, nothing is going to harm you" Tommy said slowly as Ranboo was starting to calm down. "That's it, it's ok" Tommy said with a smile.

"Tommy" Tommy heard from the top of the stairs. "Yeah" he yelled up, making Ranboo flinch. "Sorry" he whispered. "I-is it safe?" Tubbo asked. "It's safe now I promise" Tommy said as he heard Tubbo slowly go down the stairs. "You ok" Tommy asked him. "Yes, is he asleep?" Tubbo asked as he stood next to them. Tommy looked at Ranboos face, his eyes were closed but he could tell he wasn't sleeping. "I think so" Tommy lied, he wanted Tubbo to feel comfortable. "What happened?" Tubbo asked, Tommy heard the worriedness in his voice. "Ranboos eyes went purple again except this time I actually talked to him!" Tommy said with a smile. Tubbo looked at him confusedly.

"Wait really? What did he say?!" Tubbo asked as he cheered up a bit. "He made weird noises and didn't seem to understand me, it was weird. He did burn himself on the water from the sink whilst I was zoned out, he then quickly hid behind me, like he was scared of the sink" Tommy laughed. "Wait really" Tubbo laughed with him. "Yeah" Tommy laughed as he looked at Ranboos face, he looked annoyed. "Should we wake him up?" Tubbo asked as he also noticed. "I'm not asleep" Ranboo said as he sat up straight. "Oh, are you ok" Tubbo asked as he sat down next to him. Ranboo didn't answer as he looked down.

"What's wrong? Does your head hurt?" Tommy asked. "You just laughed about me being in pain" Ranboo said, he didn't look happy. "We weren't laughing about you being in pain?! We were laughing at you hiding from the sink" Tommy said as looked at Tubbo, he looked like he was about to burst out laughing. He shook his head at him, as if to say "keep it together". Tubbo burst out laughing, making Tommy laugh. Ranboo sighed as he walked away, they soon heard the bedroom door shut as they continued to laugh. "Why would you do that?!" Tommy said as he started to calm down. "I don't know I just found it funny!" Tubbo laughed one last time before he also started to calm down.

"We should go and apologise" Tommy said as he started to feel bad. "Yeah" Tubbo said as he followed Tommy upstairs. Tommy slowly opened the door and saw Ranboo sitting on the bed with tears in his eyes. "Ranboo we're sorry, we didn't mean to laugh at you" Tommy said as he started to feel more bad for laughing. "G-go away" Ranboo said as he hugged his knees. "No, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you" Tommy said as he looked at Tubbo, he was trying to hold in a laugh. Tommy nudged him. "I can't- I'll be right back" Tubbo whispered as he left to the other room to calm down.

"T-Tommy why did you laugh" Ranboo asked, he sounded genuinely annoyed. "I don't know, I guess we just found it funny how you hid from the sink" Tommy said as he tried not to laugh. "Whilst all that was happening, I was trying to gain back control and do you know how much that hurts, no, of cause you don't" Ranboo said as a tear dropped onto his face, making him flinch. "Ranboo I really am sorry" Tommy said as he ran over to him and gently wiped his face with his sleeve. "J-just go away" Ranboo said as he hid his face in his arms.

"Are you embarrassed?" Tommy asked. "N-no!" Ranboo yelled. "You don't have to feel embarrassed" Tommy said, an idea then popped into his head. "Can I try something" he asked. "Sure" Ranboo said sadly. Tommy reached behind Ranboos ear and started scratching it. He watched as Ranboo slowly rose as he started making a purring sound. "Ah stop" Ranboo said as he slapped his hand. "W-what just happened" he said confusedly, more confused at the sound he just made. "I did that before whilst you were possessed and you purred" Tommy laughed. "Oh yeah you did mention that before, how did I do that?!" Ranboo questioned.

"I have no idea" Tommy laughed. "Wait do it again, it was nice" Ranboo said as he put his head towards Tommy as his vision started to come back. Tommy laughed as he scratched both of Ranboos ears and watched him start to purr again. "Want me to stop?" Tommy asked. Ranboo didn't answer but he definitely looked happier. Tommy then took his hands away. "Hey!" Ranboo said as he looked at him. "I'm sorry but you were enjoying that way too much" Tommy laughed. "Why do I purr though?" Ranboo questioned. "I actually don't know, should I try it on Tubbo?!" Tommy said excitedly.

"Yes!" Ranboo laughed as Tommy went to grab Tubbo. "Tubbo come here real quick" Tommy said as he grabbed Tubbos hand and brought him back to the room. Ranboo rubbed his eyes as he was able to see again. "Ok, let me try something" Tommy said as he reached behind Tubbos ear and started scratching it. Tubbos head tilted to the side which Tommy was scratching, making Tommy stop. "Hey I didn't tell you to stop?!" Tubbo said annoyedly, making Tommy and Ranboo laugh. Tommy continued as Tubbo also started to purr. "What the fuck" Tommy whispered. "Why do you both purr?!" Tommy questioned as he stopped. "Because we're part animal I'm guessing" Tubbo said. "Oh yeah actually that would make sense" Ranboo said as Tommy agreed.

"Can you do it again" Tubbo asked. Tommy laughed as he continued. "We can't do this all day" he laughed. "Says who" Ranboo said as he crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the bed. "Well fare enough" Tommy laughed. "Wait Tubbo can you make a lamb noise" Tommy asked. Tubbo nodded as he made a high pitched sheep noise. "Omg that was adorable, sorry" Tommy said as he laughed. "Wait do it again!" Ranboo said excitedly. Tubbo did the noise again. "Omg I'm gonna die of like, cuteness" Ranboo said as Tubbo laughed at them. "Ranboo I'm sorry for laughing at you earlier" Tubbo said as he calmed down. "I'll accept your apology if you scratch my ears" Ranboo said with his arms crossed.

"Fine then!" Tubbo said as he jumped at Ranboo. "Ok I'm going to bed, have fun with your ear scratching or whatever" Tommy said as he yawned. "Goodnight Tommy!" They both yelled to him. Tommy laughed as he closed the door and went to his own bedroom. He then took off his binder as he got comfy in his bed and started to fall asleep.

This story's getting a bit to long but I don't know how to end story's so HERE WE GO I GUESS XD

1996 words

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