Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.2K 189 197

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
The End Lol

Real or Not

39 1 0
By LinoIsHeree_

"Tommy" Tommy heard as he quickly sat up. "Tommy" he heard again. "W-who are you" he said, he kinda recognised the voice. "You should know by now" the voice laughed. Tommy recognised the laugh more than anything, Dream. He quickly looked around the room. "W-where are you" he said as he started to panic. "I could be over here, or over here" Dream said as Tommy heard him go from his left ear to his right. "S-stop" Tommy said as he looked around frantically. "You thought you were safe by coming all the way out here huh, stupid" Dream spat.

"P-please just leave me a-alone" Tommy cried. "Now why would I do that, I did all this just to stay a couple of minutes then leave? Oh no, out of everyone, you should know that that's now what I do" Dream laughed as he circled around him, making Tommy feel dizzy as he heard his voice go around him like a nightmare.

"T-this isn't what I need right now, please, j-just leave me alone" Tommy cried as he hyperventilated and shook in his bed. "Yeah I don't think I'll be doing that, after all, you don't control me" Dream said intimidatingly. "I-I just want to be free" Tommy said to himself. *Is this a hallucination* he thought. "A-are you real" he asked. "I don't know, am I" Dream laughed. Tommy waited for something to happen but nothing ever did. "Y-you're not real" Tommy said as he closed his eyes tightly. "You sure" Dream said as Tommy heard him stop circling him and instead heard Dream in front of him, making him shiver with fear.

Tommy then got up and was about to leave his room until he heard Dream behind him. "Where are you going" Dream said. "I'm you're friend aren't I?" he said 'sadly'. "You're supposed to help me aren't you, since we are friends and all" Dream said innocently. "N-no! We're not friends we have never been friends and we NEVER WILL BE" Tommy yelled as he ran out of his room and downstairs. He then quickly ran to Ranboo and hugged him. "Oh! Hey Tommy" Ranboo laughed as he hugged him back. "Did something happen?" He asked. Tommy didn't answer. "Tommy what's wrong" Ranboo asked as he pulled him away and looked at his face. His breathing was rapid and he was shaking like mad.

"Ok, it's ok, you're safe, what's wrong" Ranboo asked as he pulled him back into a hug. "D-Dream is here, I-I heard him" Tommy cried. "I promise you he isn't here, it was most likely a hallucination" Ranboo said calmly as he rubbed his back. "It's all ok now I promise" he comforted. "W-where is Tubbo" Tommy asked. "He went for a walk in the woods" Ranboo said as they separated from the hug. Tommy looked out the window, it was raining. "How long h-has he been out there?" Tommy asked as he started to worry. "10 minutes or so" Ranboo said, he didn't really think much of it.

"I'm going to go and look for him, if you need me then call me ok" Tommy said as he put on shoes and grabbed the umbrella. "Wait! Breathe with me first" Ranboo said as gently grabbed Tommy by his shoulders. Tommy nodded as he took a couple of deep breaths before he waved goodbye and started running, hearing a slight "bye!" from the house.

"Tubbo!" Tommy yelled as he started looking. He then looked up at the clouds, they were grey like last time. "TUBBO!" He yelled louder as his worry for him grew. "TUBBO WHERE ARE YOU!" Tommy yelled more as he heard a lightning strike, it was incredibly loud. *Oh no no no no no, not good* Tommy thought as he started running. "GET AWAY PLEASE" Tommy heard, he quickly ran to it and found Tubbo sat down against a tree shaking. "PLEASE" Tubbo cried. "Tubbo, it's ok, it's Tommy" Tommy said as he crouched down in front of him and held the umbrella over both their heads.

Tubbo quickly held his arms above his head, ready for a hit. "Tubbo look at me, it's Tommy, I'm not going to hurt you, you're safe with me ok" Tommy said calmly. Tubbo slowly opened his eyes and looked at him. "You can lower you're arms, I'm not here to hurt you" Tommy said with a comforting smile as he watched Tubbo slowly lower his arms. "That's it, it's alright" Tommy said with a small smile. "Mind if I do something" he asked. Tubbo nodded. Tommy slowly reached towards Tubbo's face with his hand until Tubbo flinched, making him bring his hand back. "It's ok, remember, I'm not going to hurt you" Tommy said with a smile. Tubbo nodded.

Tommy slowly reached towards his face again and cupped Tubbo's face with his hand. "There we go, it's ok" Tommy said as he watched Tubbo start to calm down. "You're safe, I'm here to protect you ok" Tommy said as he started to move his hand away until Tubbo grabbed it and held it in place, making Tommy laugh. "Y-your hand is w-warm" Tubbo whispered shakily. "Are you cold?" Tommy asked. Tubbo nodded. "Ok, let's go back before another loud thing happens" Tommy said as he helped Tubbo up and kept him under the umbrella.

"Are you ok" Tommy asked him. Tubbo nodded as he clung onto Tommy's arm for warmth. "We'll be back any second now" Tommy said as he looked at him and put his arm around him instead. They then went around a tree and saw the house. Tommy walked a little faster, soon reaching the door. He quickly opened it and pulled Tubbo inside. He then shook the umbrella and closed it as he went inside and put in against the wall. Tommy then looked at Tubbo, he was drenched as he shivered in the middle of the room. "Go and put some warm clothes on" Tommy said to him. "I-I know this sounds stupid but c-can you wait outside the door" Tubbo asked. "It's not stupid and of cause I can" Tommy smiled as he followed him upstairs and waited outside the door for him.

Once Tubbo came out, he quickly hugged Tommy. "You alright" Tommy asked him. "C-cold" Tubbo shivered. "Ok, go sit on the sofa and I'll bring you a blanket" Tommy said with a smile. Tubbo nodded as he went downstairs. Tommy quickly grabbed a blanket and went downstairs. He then put the blanket on Tubbo as another loud lightning noise went off. Tommy watched as Tubbo jumped and hid his face in the blanket. "It's ok" Tommy quickly said as he sat next to him and hugged him. "K-keep speaking please, I-I can hear him again" Tubbo said as he started shaking again. "Hear who?" Tommy said confusedly. "S-Schlatt, h-he's back again and he won't shut up" Tubbo cried.

"Ok, just listen to my voice ok, it's all going to be ok, try and drown out his voice and don't listen to him, listen to me instead, you're safe, I'm here to protect you ok, it's all going to be ok soon" Tommy said as he tried to calm him down. "H-he's gone" Tubbo sighed in relief. "Good!" Tommy said with a smile. There was a pause for a moment before Tubbo spoke. "Hey Tommy". "Yeah" Tommy said as he looked at him. "Can you do that hand on the face thing again" Tubbo asked. "Sure" Tommy laughed as he cupped Tubbo's face in his hand again. "Why though?" Tommy asked. "B-because it's comforting and warm" Tubbo said as he yawned. "Where's Ranboo?" Tommy asked.

"He's asleep in the bedroom" Tubbo said sleepily as he melted into Tommy's hand. "You can go to sleep, I'll be here at all time I promise" Tommy said with a small smile. "P-promise" Tubbo said. "I promise" Tommy said as he felt Tubbo sink into his hand. Every time Tubbo started to shake, Tommy would stroke his face with his thumb and tell him it was ok. He did feel himself get quite tired but he didn't care, he was sick of seeing Tubbo look so scared and tired all the time so he made sure the keep the nightmares away by comforting him.

Just a best friend taking care of his best friend :D

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