The Blink of an Eye

By StoryTeller96

7.8K 65 5

Heather Haggler, a young but comely fifteen year old faces extreme difficulties shortly after the death of he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 21

140 1 0
By StoryTeller96

The next day, I woke up to an abundant amount of sunshine spilling in my room. I rubbed my eyes calmly, yawning afterwards. I sat up in bed in silence, until Lola busted through the doors and started look for something on the guest dresser. I started giggling. "Nah...I just love it when you come in without knocking. It's not like I wouldn't have been sleeping or anything." I said sarcastically, giving her the most sincere smile I can. I can never make really good face expressions during the morning part of the days.

"Sorry, babe. I was just looking for my eyeliner and I thought it might have been in here. Guess not." She figured with a shrug, headed to the door.

"Wait," I blurted out suspiciously, she turned back towards me, raising the both of her eyebrows. "Eyeliner? Are you going somewhere or something?" I questioned.

She nodded, "Um, yeah. Just to the outside mall arcade. I need to get out a bit, you know?"

I studied her smoothly, jerking myself out of bed. "Hmm, okay. can borrow my eyeliner, if you want," I offered.

She sighed with relief, hurrying over to my drawer of makeup, taking out my black eyeliner. "Thanks," She quickly applied some while in the mirror, leaving right after that.

After I heard a car drive off suddenly, I got out of bed to catch the car type and color, to see what she was riding in. Hmm, a silver Volvo. Well, whoever it is, obviously is the classy type. But who? Is it that same guy I saw with her yesterday at the restaurant? I quickly made my bed and hurried over to my bathroom to wash up.

After an hour of just watching TV downstairs in the living room, I heard a random knock on the door, and I jumped, a little taken on by the noise. I grabbed my chest, alarmed. I stood up with a sigh and opened the door to see Kresten.

He looked nice. He stood in place, hands in his pockets, looking directly at me. "Hey, is Lola here? I know she's still mad at me, but I need to know if she's here." He claimed, walking inside. I closed the door behind me, biting my lip. I wanted to tell him that she's seeing another guy, but then I'd just be jumping to conclusions again. For one, the guy could be a friend.

So instead of just ratting Lola out, I opened my mouth and said, "Um, are you and Lola still together?"

Kresten blinked at me twice and started chuckling, "Of course we are! Why wouldn't we? I mean, I know she's mad at me and we haven't talked in a while, but we're still together. She would have broken up with me by now." He figured. My breath had then been caught in my throat, causing for a lump to form in it. It took me a while to respond. "So anyways, is she here?" He went into the kitchen and came back, continuing to look around.

"No. She went out for a little while, but I'll let her know that you stopped by to see her." I assured, a grin tugging on my lips.

He smiled as a response, "Thanks. I guess I'm on my way to Michael's then." He smirked as soon as he bought up my boyfriend, which was also his best friend.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Give him a kiss for me." I taunted, pushing Kresten out playfully. Before I could hear his response, I slammed the door in his face, wanting to be alone. Once he had left in his white van, I started getting sneaky. I tip toed around the house, although I was in it alone. I went to retrieve my cell phone from the guest room, and decided to call a friend up; I'll their help with today's plot.


"Wait, so you want me to help you spy on Lola, who's supposedly your best friend?" Brandon asked, sitting beside me on one of the living room couches in the living room.

My face had sprouted into a small smirk, fiddling with my fingers. I don't know why I'd act so...bleh when I'm around him. It's just, ever since we kissed, I've been kind of determined whenever it came to him.

"I'm not going to spy on someone. It isn't...right." He confirmed, scratching his head as if he were uneasy, and I knew he was.

"Oh come on! Please? I really need to see what she's up to. I deserve to catch her doing something; she at least owes me that since she's been lying to me for the past few weeks." I stated, giving him a look. He studied me for a few seconds, rubbing his chin afterwards.

He was probably arguing with himself in his own thoughts, and after pondering, he breathed out a sigh, took out his keys from his pockets, and stood up. I squealed as I stood up instantly to give him a squeeze.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"On one condition," He called out, holding his index finger in the air to stop me from getting all pumped up.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently for him to continue on. But instead of him preforming verbally, he decided to do it physically. He took a step closer to me and tilted his head slightly, slowly leaning his lips towards mine. He had suddenly stopped just before he could plant a kiss, and all I could feel was his breath brushing against my lips.

"Uh..." My voice trailed off hesitantly, wanting to kiss him, but also knowing that it wasn't the right thing to do. I drew back from him, shaking my head from side to side. "Mm mm." I rejected like a two year old.

"But no one's here," He stated, his face going casual.

I breathed out a sigh, "I know, Brandon.'s still wrong."

He raised an eyebrow as a response, and then shrugged, fleeting from the house. I sighed as I started fiddling with my fingers, following him out the door so we could get to the outside mall.

The ride on the way there was silent and very awkward. Once we got there, we both abandoned his now parked car, passing the ongoing shoppers and stores; we went straight for the arcade. Once we got inside, the smell of popcorn and nachos filled the place, must've been the indoor concession sections. I looked around, trying to block the noises of loud beeps and 'winner!' and 'loser!' activations/noises.

"Is that her?" Brandon questioned, looking directly straight ahead. I mocked him, and my eyes widened as I spotted Lola walking with that same guy.

"Yeah!" I hissed, grabbing Brandon's hand and running over to a table to just sit at. I ignored the other teenagers, sitting down and eating food. I covered my face, but continued watching them with the corner of my eye. Brandon gazed at me, laughing afterwards. I wrinkled my eyebrows into a confused reading, curious of why.

"What?" I questioned, dimwitted.

"You look like you're some assassin, or a spy." He confirmed, his laughter softening.

I pulled my hands away and cocked an eyebrow this time, "What are you saying?"

He continued to gaze at me and started laughing harder again, and then he grabbed my hand gently. I stared down at the connection of our hands, and blushed. "What I'm saying is that you're making it look too obvious. Come on." He stood up and I stared at him, waiting for him to make the next move. I was seriously confused on where he was getting at. "Let's just pretend we're a normal couple, strolling around, they won't notice us. I promise." He assured, flashing a pearly white smile.

I looked hesitant from the second he walked away with me, my hand in his hand, touching...connected...hugging each other. My body stiffened at first, but then it eased up, and I started smiling, unnoticeable.

He continued holding my hand as he looked around. I looked around as well, nosy. Lola and the guy were at a concession stand, laughing and prattling. I eased up a bit, trying hard to not let that be all that I would do here. Maybe I should just chill and relax, and spy on her and the guy now and then. I grinned wide as I took the lead, dragging Brandon to a nearby bumper cars station. We stood in line, waiting patiently.

"Oh, so the girl wants to live." He randomly confirmed, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Shut up," I muttered, punching him in the shoulder playfully. Minutes had flown by, and when it was finally our turn, we both got in the bumper car. He was driving, and I was in the passenger side. Once they let us start, he started driving, and we started bumping into other cars, I started screaming and laughing with excitement, ignoring the fact of being collided into every four seconds.

After that, we left that station, breathless. I smiled widely, poking Brandon in the shoulders, "Oh my gosh! Wasn't that so much fun?! You kept driving although we kept getting-" He stopped me by pressing his index finger on my lip to silence me. I started at it, and then back at him.

"Shh." He smiled and took my hand again, and we started walking once more. As we were walking, it felt like everything was in slow motion, I couldn't believe that I was holding this guy's hand, and he was letting me. After playing a few more games for fun, we had finally spotted Lola and the guy doing something. We caught them exchanging kisses! Kresten's going to freak.

"Oh my god," I smacked my forehead, barely able to stand. We ran to a private area of the arcade, where it was less noisy, and only a few people were at. "She's cheating on Kresten. I can't believe this." I continued on.

Brandon stood with sorrowful eyes, not saying a word.

" do I break this to him? Should I even tell him? Or give Lola time to admit it?" I questioned.

Brandon touched me on the shoulder, giving me a calm look. "I think you should tell him," He suggested, "It's only fair."

I stared at him for a few second, trying hard not to be mesmerized by his eyes, obviously this wasn't the right time to. After that unstable moment, I had the decency and strength to actually demand for Brandon to take me home. Lola stayed there, with her 'new' boyfriend.

I can't believe this! Not only is she cheating on Kresten, her boyfriend that's always been there for her, although he puts her second sometimes, but she has also lied to me! I'm her best friend! "Thanks for taking me home," I thanked aloud as I opened the door, "It's going to be so awkward whenever she gets back." I turned towards him with a worried facial expression.

"No problem." He stood for a few more seconds as if he was expecting something from me. I cocked an eyebrow as it went silent, and awkwardness was mixed in a little. "So uh....I'll see you later then." He threw on a half-smile and retreated to his BMW.

I walked inside the house and closed the door, plopping onto the couch like I'd always do. Hmm, Lola's birthday is coming up, she's turning seventeen. I didn't want to rat her out around the time she's most happy, so I'm guessing I'll do it some other time. Or better yet, maybe I shouldn't just say anything at all. I should just keep my mouth shut.

Days and days went by, and me and Brandon started hanging out even more, of course. Michael never suspected it, and when I'd tell him that I stayed after school for another therapy lesson, I was just hanging with Brandon...somewhere around the city. Ms. Morse had finally made me stop seeing her, since I was improving a lot.

Lola was still seeing that guy, and she has never once mentioned him around me. I kept dropping hints to her, to get to tell me the truth, but unfortunately...she's not dumb. I decided to leave it alone in defeat, and just bring it up whenever she's ready to tell me the truth.

Two weeks had gone by, and it was the night before Lola's eighteenth birthday. She was gone out again, probably hanging out with that guy. She wouldn't tell me, as usual. I sat in silence, flicking channels of the remote. Her parents had finally come back from their planning session in California, but there were now on a romantic cruise for their anniversary for the next week or so.

I continued passing channels on the TV; none of them were satisfying. I had then got up to get a bowl of ice cream, and just as I was about to get comfortable all over again, and not worry about getting back up, the doorbell rang. I groaned out a miserable groan and approached the door. Just as I opened it, Michael and Kresten were standing there.

A smile had sprouted up on my face, "Oh, hey."

I wrapped my arms around Kresten and gave him a hug, and then I saved the best for last, my boyfriend, Michael. Just as I was trying to draw back from him, he gave me a kiss on the lips and proceeded in, followed by Kresten. He had a average sized black box in his hands, and he sat it down on the table.

"Um, what's that?" I closed the door behind me, crossing my arms.

"It's Lola's birthday gift." Kresten confirmed. I cocked an eyebrow, unable to say words. "On her Facebook description, she says she loves Chanel handbags? So I got her one." Kresten announced.

"With what money?" I asked suspiciously.

"He didn't steal it, Heather." Michael assured. I ended up frowning widely, feeling so horrible. Here he is, buying Lola gifts, when she's cheating on him behind her back. He doesn't deserve all. I bit my lip, fiddling with my fingers.

"Do you want to see it?" Kresten offered.

"No." I spat out tersely. He stood in place, confused, and so did Michael. I started sweating noticeably, and I ran my fingers through my hair. "Kresten, can we talk alone?" I stammered out, looking directly at him. He and Michael exchanged glances, and he looked back at me. "It's important." I walked into the kitchen, expecting for him to follow me, and he did.

He cocked an eyebrow as a response, probably curious of what I had to tell him. I fiddled with my fingers, hesitant about saying anything. I was about to rat out on my best friend, Lola. What are the consequences? It could lead to us not being friends anymore, or even worse. But Kresten deserves to know. He needs to. Sure, he may be some rebel kid to you but he's a really nice kid when you get to know him. Plus he's really hot and girls would die over him.

As I was about to speak, fear had caught my breath in my esophagus, and it was hard to breathe out for that matter. He continued to be patient, crossing his arms afterwards. "Are you and Lola still not speaking?" I started up, trying to be calm in the best way I can. He pursed his lips and nodded as a response, as if to telling me to get on with it, and hurry up. Just as I was about to say something else, he started speaking.

"I mean, she hasn't talked to me in the last few days, except when she answered my question about daylight savings, but...I know we're still together. She would've broken up with me." He figured, he sounded as he was thinking out loud much rather than communicating with me.

I grew nervous all over again, "Well...I saw Lola at the arcade..." My voice trailed off as I turned away, not able to look him in the eyes.

"Hmm?" He rushed, wanting for me to go on.

"And I saw her with a guy, and, she kissed him and..." I couldn't say much more. As soon as he knitted his eyebrows upwards, as if he were shocked and hurt, I couldn't carry on. I breathed out a sigh. "Kresten, don't be hurt...she's just, well, moved on....secretly." I said the last word in a mumble, realizing how awkward it is. It took him a while to responds, and squinted his eyes.

He opened his mouth, "But...her Facebook status is still-"

"Doesn't mean anything." I let out tersely, crossing my arms. He closed his mouth again and sat down at the kitchen table, confused. Probably hurt...offended.

"I can't believe this." He whispered to himself in thought.

"In fact, she's on a date right now. I'm sure of it." I let out a small gasp afterwards, realizing that I wasn't making him feel any better, and that I was just feeding more gas into the fire. He bit his lip, and started thinking. Just as it was getting more awkward than ever, Michael rushed in.

"Um, I'd love to stand there and just try and eavesdrop, although that plan failed, but uh...can we go now?" He rushed, nodding towards the living room.

I smiled at him quickly as Kresten got up and dusted himself off. I bit my lip, sighing afterwards. He walked out of the house without another word, leaving me and Michael to stand in pure silence.

Michael turned towards me. "What's his deal? What did you tell him?" He questioned.

I shrugged, "Kresten will tell you when the time is right." I draped my arms around Michael's neck as we both rock back and forth with smiles on our faces. He arms were wrapped around my waist, and his blue eyes sparkled.

As we smiled in silence, he finally broke it randomly, "Hey, uh, Sunday...I want to...treat you to dinner. At my place." He confirmed.

I widened my eyes for the fraction of the second and sprouted into the cheesiest smile ever, "Oh, wow. Really?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I know it's kind of a school night for you, but it's the only time I'm free. Brett and I have business to take care of, so..." His voice trailed off as I gave him the most suspicious glare ever.

I pulled away from him and cocked an eyebrow. "What kind of business?"

He stared at me for a few seconds and shrugged, "I shouldn't keep Kresten waiting, so...." He backed away from me and walked out of the kitchen, into the living room, and then out of the house. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, winking at me and closing the door for me. I stood in silence, hoping for him to come back and tell me.

But he never did. I rolled my eyes with a sigh to go along with it, walking out of the kitchen and up the staircases to head up to the guest room. The whole night, I sat in silence, thinking about Kresten and how he's reacting to it. I hope he wouldn't start trouble tomorrow for Lola's birthday, we're all hanging out here, and I hope she doesn't invite that guy.

After I washed up, taking my entire make up off and stuff, I went to bed, in deep sleep mode.


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