Bucky Barnes X Y/n: I hate yo...

By Y3llow_8utt3rfly

69.2K 1.1K 655

Her hands were scarred of murder, her eyes, dull and glassy as she loses her luster and her soul longing for... More

Author's Note
Avengers Compound Visuals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
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Chapter 3

3.1K 41 51
By Y3llow_8utt3rfly

*Sometime Later*

I walked across the reservoir, it was nice and peaceful here, no one in sight, just the sounds of the stream of water flowing beneath me and the quacks of the family of ducks as they swim by, it was nice to see a little calm and I didn't have to worry about nothing.

'Morning', I heard and look over my shoulder to see a jogger running past me with a smile on her face as I give her curt nod, 'Morning', I reply when she passes me and continues with her run down the other end of the bridge.

I take a seat on the wooden bench behind me and enjoy my morning coffee and people watch in peace. I liked my morning, Coulson let's me do whatever I wanted before we're ending up in a mission we have to get done, so I was glad I could enjoy my morning, unbothered, and getting a glimpse of the real world whilst making up makeshift scenarios in my head about the lives people led every time they'd passed me, it passed my time and my imagination and it was nice.

This has been the best spot I had found in my travels with the team, the peace, the less amount of people there are, it was great not to have all of my guard up, even though most of it there, I wasn't stupid enough to drop all my guard, that's what gets people killed and I'm not idiot, I've come to far for that anyway.

Beside from that, the year I spent with Coulson and his team went better then I expected, even though I was sure it wouldn't, I'm glad it came to this outcome and I can have a part in taking down Hydra, even though we'll have a lot of work, I'm determined for it to end and make sure my family's history don't follow me to the future, Hydra have to be dealt with now, or else the power they already have, could follow to every corner of the world where no one would be free of them, and I wasn't going to let them happen.

Along with working with Coulson, I worked on a secret project outside of the team, ever since waking up and hearing the mention of an Asset from my uncle and an unknown man, I was determined to find the mysterious man, but my search only took me so far and I didn't get anything beside the fact that he was an asset since the Second World War and had been tortured along with brainwashed at the expense of my uncle.

When I found that out, I felt more guilty in leaving him behind when I was in the same vault with him, I wanted to run and save him, but something unexpected happened, and I wasn't able to get to him or reach him, instead, I was already out of the building, and it was all the more confusing that I blamed my blackouts, since I've been getting them, as of recently.

Not only that, I've been hearing his screams when I'm asleep and dreaming and it adds to the guilt when I wake up from it and it's just a constant reminder on how I failed him, how I saved myself and not him and left him in the hands of my uncle and the rest of Hydra.

'Morning', I heard again and when I get out of thought and was ready to reply to the next stranger, I instead saw Coulson with Fury beside him, which I became confused about, because Fury never shows his presence, unless he needs to or it's an emergency and it needs to be dealt with.

'Morning', I reply as Coulson sits beside me and I continue to look at Fury, 'what's the bad news', I ask, because it's most likely bad instead of good.

Instead of replying, his mouth turned in a small smile as he held a blue folder out to me and I look at it first, then take it from him, 'we we're thinking...', Coulson begins as I pull open the thread that kept it closed, 'you could use the change of scenery', Fury finishes for him and I'm confused when I see a set of individual files with photos, 'what is this', I ask and look over at them.

'We've decided to put you on a new team', Fury says, breaking the silence between them, 'But, I thought this was permanent for me', I state, 'I mean your team', I add and look towards Coulson as he nods, 'it was meant to yes', he responds, 'But given your skill set and your advancement, we've decided your abilities are better used in a team that's more suited for you', he explains.

'Yes', Fury says, 'you'll be more better in this team, they're match the same skill set as your own, so it'll be more helpful if your there, then here', he adds.

'There', I question and look at the file again, 'He means New York', Coulson explains and I begin to understand, 'Oh', I said, disappointed, one because I was unsure with this arrangement and two, because I don't think me starting over with a new team will be okay for me, I hate meeting new people and building my trust again, it took me time to trust the team I was already in, so now that I had to start again, it's going to be all the more time consuming.

'Will this be by myself or will someone be coming with me', I ask, because then it would be easier for me and if I have at least one person I could trust, I didn't need anyone else.

'This will be by yourself', Fury confirmed and I only sigh to myself and move my thumb over the written words on top of the file, 'The Avengers Initiative', it read out.

'When do I leave', I ask.

'Right away, Tomorrow morning at the latest', Fury replies and I nod and carry on looking at the words, I wish this wasn't happening right now, but then again, I don't have a choice in that anyway.

'I should get going, if you have any questions, Coulson will answer them', Fury tells me and then I hear his footsteps as he walks away, leaving me and Coulson alone.

'You'll do great Y/n', he tells me, 'I know you will', he says and I'm staring back at him with a sigh, 'I just, I don't know about this Sir', I said and I could tell he could sense my worry when he meets my eyes, 'is this because of what happened last time... I know I only just woke up from it and I'm still recovering but if it is', I start, only for him to interrupt.

'It's not Y/n', he says, 'This is because you're advancements are exceeding', he tells me, 'your skills and knowledge is better used in a team your more suited for, and like Fury said, this team meets your skill set, so you should be with them, they can teach you what they've learnt and Vis Versa', he finishes and I stare at him confused.

'Vis Versa', I question as he gives me a warm smile, 'it means they can teach you, and you can teach them', he explains and I begin to understand, 'Oh', I said, 'that makes sense, sorry, my mind isn't', I'm beginning as he interrupts again, 'I know', he says and I watch his smile deepen.

'Come on, I'll help you pack', he says and I nod, unfold my legs, stand to my full length and walk beside him, 'do they know I'm coming', I ask and move my eyes back to the folder I'm holding.

'We just decided, so no, not yet, but they will', he replies.


It had been a couple of hours, Coulson had helped me with all my packing, I didn't need him to do that for me, seeing as I know how busy he get's, but he insisted, so we divided and concurred, his words not mine, so I gave him the duty of packing away all my books and putting them into the suitcase, he let me borrow from himself and it was just the correct amount of space to fit all of them.

'I think you'll need a separate room for your books', he chuckles and I look at him after stuffing my clothes into the duffle bag, 'really, I can', I said a little hopeful now.

'I was joking', he says and I hear him laugh whilst I frown, I was taking him seriously, but he just has to joke with me right now.

'Done', he asks and I nod, 'Okay, well...', he begins and when he opens the door, I see the whole team outside, with bright smiles on their faces and there hands occupying trays of food, 'seeing as this is your last night', Tripp begins to inform me until Fitz interrupts, 'we brought you your favourites', he says, 'As a goodbye treat', he adds and they all come into my now empty room, the only thing here, is the single bed in the corner of the room, stripped of its sheets.

'Oh, uhm, you didn't have to do that', I said and watch them each laugh, 'we wanted to', Simmons says and hands me a tray of my favourite food whilst the rest is passed around to everyone else.


The team and I had talked for hours, if I'm being honest, I'm going to miss them, even though some can be a little annoying at times, I'm still going to miss them all the same and will miss the quips we all have with one another.

'Got everything', Tripp asks me and I nod when I get my last duffle bag, 'Yes', I simply say and when I follow behind him, I take one last glimpse of my room, then shut the light, followed my the door with a sigh, 'you ready', he says and I look over and nod.

'Come on then, the jet is ready', he says and I follow again, 'You'll do great Y/n, I know you will', Tripp tells me and I move my lips to a small smile, I like his encouragement, but I'm still having my doubt about it.

'Y/n', I heard and look over to Yo-yo, who was walking out of the Quinjet with the rest of the team, 'we've loaded all your stuff in there for you, so you don't have to', she says and I nod.

'Thank you', I said.

'Good Luck Y/n', Daisy breaks the silence and I give her curt nod, 'thanks, I'll probably need it', I state and watch them laugh.

*Coulson POV*

'Besides her stubbornness, she's a good kid', May says as I chuckled at the thought and nod, 'I know she is', I replied and looked back at her whilst they each said there goodbye, careful not to hug or touch her whilst maintaining a safe enough distance.

'You know, she's going to cause a lot of trouble if she doesn't get her way', May says as I snickered again, 'oh, I don't doubt she would', I responded and watch her smile.

'I'm going to go with her, so she's settled in', I tell her, 'I'll watch the team whilst your away', she responds and then I'm watching Y/n walk over to us.

'You ready', I asked as she nodded, nervously, and heads in whilst I follow.

*End of POV*

Once everyone said goodbye, Coulson helped me with my belt, my hands we're shaking and I just couldn't get the anxiety building within me to stop, so he helped to buckle me in and once he did, he tapped my shoulder again, 'everything's going to be fine Y/n', he reassured me as I nod again and takes a seat beside me, whilst I became confused, 'are you coming with me', I asked as he nodded.

'Yeah, might as well get you properly adjusted', he explained as I nod again and watch the doors close whilst they waved me off from the helipad as I did too until the doors closed and I sighed once again whilst I put my hand down.

'You want anything before we land there Y/n', he asked and I shook my head, 'No', I responded and then watch him nod to the pilot and not long after, we we're sailing through the air.


We made a few stops along the way, granted they we're pointless but I just didn't want to be in a rush to get there, I was in panic mode right now, and I hate being like this, my body doesn't respond well to it.

Once I realised we we're way passed the scheduled time, we hurried back to the jet, I knew Coulson was busy and I didn't want to keep him from anything important, besides, not everything was about me and I need to learn not to waist people's time, not that he minded, but nonetheless, I hate keeping someone from important jobs, especially if it involves Hydra.


Coulson was the first to get out of his seat and take two of my bags, so when I took my belt off, I grabbed the suitcase and put the other duffle bag over my shoulder and looked at him, 'Ready', he asks and I nod, 'I'm ready', I confirm and see a warm smile on him again, 'don't doubt yourself Y/n, you'll do great, I know you will', he says and I smile to myself, I'm glad I have him to cheer for me too.

'I know we never got a chance for breakfast', he begins whilst I follow him out and look over to see a huge building infront me with numerous other buildings layered out in the compound, 'But you can always get something to eat here', he says and then looks at me and smiles, 'what do you think', he asks and looks at the scenery with me, 'It's very big', I said and watch him chuckle, 'Yeah, Tony tends to go overboard with things, the compound was the exception', he explains.

'Anyway, this place is a lot more spacious, so I know you'll like that', he says and I internally agree, he is right, I like my space so it'll be fine.

'Is that my phone or yours', he asks when I get out of thought and move my hand to my jacket to find where I had put my phone, 'It's not mine', Coulson tells me when I see his phone already in his hands and I'm beginning to remember, 'I think I left it back on the jet, one second', I said, leaving my duffle and suitcase with him and walking back into the jet.

When I grabbed it from the seat, I look to see a message pop up from the teams group chat, 'we're cheering for you' it read and I smile to myself.

When I've reached Coulson again, I look up to see him already surrounded by the team as he chuckles by something they said to him and when I've stopped a safe distance away from all of them, Coulson looks over at me and smiles, 'Ah, Y/n, this is the team', he introduces as they each turn to me and we share glances at each other, 'Guys, this is Y/n, she'll be the new recruit joining your team', he tells them.

'Nice to meet you Y/n', a red head said, she was pretty, her hair was in a pull through plaits that sat over her shoulder and the tips of them white whilst her green eyes reflected to me, and I nod a little.

'Come on, lets get your things inside', Coulson says and I take my bag and suitcase again and follow them in.

'We we're starting on breakfast until the base began to shake', the other red head says as we made our way in, 'we though it was an attack, we're glad it was only you', she adds and Coulson laughs with the team whilst I take in my new surroundings, the entryway was all bare, except for a tree stood tall in the middle of the hallway and I furrow my brows, it was a strange place to put a tree, I thought.

'Y/n', I heard and look over at Coulson, 'aren't you coming in', he asks when I see him in the elevator with the team stuffed inside and I look over to see a set of stairs, I'm not about to be stuffed in there too, I  don't care how many steps I have to climb, as long as I don't have to be suffocated with all these people around me.

'Nope, we're not taking the stairs again', he states after looking in the same direction and stepping back into the elevator, and before he could say anything else, I walk over to the steps and walk up with my luggage.

I don't know how I got up there fast enough, but I did and walked over to the elevator and watch as the doors swing open and I lock eyes to Coulson whilst he jumps, 'seriously, one day your going to give me a heart attack, what will you do then', he says and I roll my eyes at him whilst he steps out of the elevator with the team, 'How did you get up here so fast', he asks.

'I ran up', I mutter only to him and then he chuckles a little and shakes his head whilst I follow him again.

'Okay', he says after he sets my bags in an unoccupied space on the floor and turns to me, 'now that you've given me my first daily heart attach, let's introduce you to the team properly', he states and I look at them.

'So', he begins, 'this is Steve, Nat, Thor, Sam, Loki, Vision, Wanda and Pietro', he introduces to me again and I nod, I already knew who they we're, it wasn't hard since I'd seen the pictures in the file, so it wasn't difficult to put the names to faces I already memorised.

'Any questions for them', he asks and I shake my head whilst he's prepared to say something else, until I watch his eyes move to somewhere else, 'Tony', he says and I look over to see a man with a neat goatee, the same man as last time, I'm glad he's okay, I thought as he stops infront of us, 'Coulson, I didn't know you we're visiting', he says.

'And I didn't know you come by to the compound', he said and I watch him nod, 'I come everyday, it's a force of habit at this point', he tells him and Coulson nods, 'well, it's good to see you', he states and looks at me and then then him again, 'this is Y/n, your new recruit', he introduces and I watch him extend his hand to me.

'Tony', he introduces with a smile and I look at his hand, then him, then move my eyes to Coulson, who gives me a short nod of approval and I look back at him.

After a moment has passed, I take his hand and give it a slight shake and then take my hand back whilst he continues to smile and I look back at Coulson, 'let me get you into a room, before I leave', he says after stuffing his phone back into his suit jacket.


*Coulson POV*

I left Y/n with Tony to show her to her room and she could unpack and settle in whilst I spoke to the team, 'she doesn't speak much', Thor says, 'is she mute', he asks and I shake my head.

'She's just in a new environment, so she just needs to get accumulated to her new surroundings, she'll open up once you get to know her', I reply, 'I know this is last minute, but Fury and I decided this was the best place for her and...', I begin until Steve interrupts me.

'It's fine Coulson, we'll make sure she fits right in', he reassures me and it eases the tension in my shoulders, 'good', I said.

'We'll make sure she's okay Coulson', Wanda confirms and I smile, 'thanks, she's like a daughter to me so I can't afford to lose to her again', I admit and I can see their understanding.

'We'll make sure nothing happens to her', Sam says and I nod and feel the vibration of my phone, 'I better go, the team needs me', I tell them and they begin to say their goodbye.

'I'll walk you down', Steve says and I'm walking down with him, 'Just to let you know, she likes to wonder, so even though she will stay in the vicinity of the base, please just make sure she's okay and doesn't stray far', I mention to him and his hand lands onto my shoulder, 'Coulson, stop worrying, she'll be fine', he says, 'if you want I can personally look after her myself', he adds and I nod and smile.

'That'll be fine', I said and smile again, 'I think she'll like you more then anyone else, I mean trust you first and even Barnes', I said and look at him, 'where is he by the way, I never saw him in there', I ask.

'We had to sedate him last night', he replies with a sigh, 'we hate doing it to him, but its for his own safety and our own, he still gets his nightmares so we have to sedate him, even though we don't want to, but he's sleeping it off right now', he explains, '...anyway, how do you know she'll trust us better', he asks.

'Like Bucky, Y/n suffers from her past too, nightmares can only do so much to make their victims suffer and Y/n endures them some nights, but sometimes, she'll lose control and won't know what she's doing, so she'll hurt herself or you and the team, you just have to make sure she doesn't do that', I tell him and watch him slowly nod.

'I'll make sure she's okay Coulson, if she does lose or get nightmares, I'll help her deal with it', he says and it gives me peace of mind, because I know he'll do it, 'But honestly, I think Bucky will be more of a help in that aspects, since he endures and knows what it feels like to have nightmares and lose control', he explains and I look at him again, 'But', I ask, because I know there's a but in there somewhere.

'But he has a hard time trusting people, so it'll take him time to trust her', he replies and I smile, because they're practically the same person, 'she's the exact same', I said, 'she doesn't trust easily and it takes her time to get that trust so it'll be good they get to know each other', I said.

'You know Buck, he's always grumpy, I don't think he'll be very nice in the beginning', he states and I chuckle at the thought, 'and Y/n's the exact same way, they're literally the same person, just let them meet and see where the chips fall from there', I said, 'and one minor thing I forgot to mention to you and the rest of the team, don't touch her, she doesn't like it, so it's unless she fully trust you, that she'll let you', I said and watch his brows furrow together, 'why, what happened', he asks and I sigh to myself, I might need to tell him, just so that one person in the compound knows about the violence she endured.

The only thing I left out whilst explaining everything was the part about Hydra, Y/n could tell the team her story when she was ready and trusted them, just like she did with my team, and then let the chips fall there, as for now, I told Steve everything he needed to know and once he understood, he never questioned it, so I left after my goodbye to him.



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