The Long Lost Mafia Prince

By Luna18Baby

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~~ "Torturami ogni giorno, ma ferisci chi amo, pagherai." ~~ {} Rayver Cruise is not your cliché male chara... More

Cast - Main and Parents
Cast - Rayver's Friends
Cast - Italian In-group
Cast - British In-group
Chapter 1 - My Confusion Level Just Hit Sky High
Chapter 2 - Some Things Are Just Impossible
Chapter 3 - You Can't Even Say One Word Straight
Chapter 4 - I Felt Something
Chapter 5 - One Out Of Ten
Chapter 6 - This Is Why I Extremely Dislike Extrovert Professors
Chapter 7 - Who Says He Will Live?
Chapter 8 - Why Would She Even Bother To Look At Someone Like You?
Chapter 9 - And I Am Deadly Serious
Chapter 10 - Excuse Me While I Internally Vomit
Chapter 11 - I Am Cringing So Bad
Chapter 12 - 🖾🖾🖾
Chapter 13 - I Just Called Mr. Luciano, 'Dad'
Chapter 14 - He Is Someone Worthy Of Love
Chapter 15 - The Day I See Regina Care Is The Day I See Her Beg
Chapter 16 - And You, Are The Long Lost Mafia Prince
Chapter 17 - Tomorrow Your Training Begins
Chapter 18 - That. Was. Disgusting.
Chapter 19 - I'm In Love With Regina
Chapter 20 - I Know Your Mother
Chapter 21 - Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
Chapter 22 - Would We Be A Family?
Chapter 23 - Strong Sensuality, And A Deep Loathing
Chapter 24 - I Am Worth To Be Called Her Brother
Chapter 25 - Worthy Of The Luciano Surname
Chapter 26 - The Things I Do To Keep You Safe
Chapter 27 - I Guess We Were Both Pluviophiles
Chapter 28 - Help
Chapter 29 - The Cause Of Her Demise
Chapter 30 - I'm Already Forever Damned
Chapter 31 - Addio, IL Mio Re
Chapter 32 - I Know You Love Me
Chapter 33 - The Queen Bloodlust
Chapter 34 - Meeting Both Voices In My Head
Chapter 35 - Hope
Chapter 36 - Even The Powerful Regina Luciano Has A Kryptonite
Chapter 37 - You're Gonna Forget About This, Everything Here, Okay?
Chapter 38 - Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend
Chapter 39 - Desperate Male Indeed
Chapter 41 - Let's Play A Game, Shall We?
Chapter 42 - Awake
Chapter 43 - I Love You
Chapter 44 - Selfish For Now
Chapter 45 - I'd Rather Die On My Feet, Than Live On My Knees
Chapter 46 - Do With Me As You Will
Chapter 47 - Fino Ad Allora
Chapter 48 - A Part Of Him That He Couldn't Accept
Chapter 49 - Purple Hyacinths
The End
Bonus - Her Lullaby

Chapter 40 - Colors

842 41 8
By Luna18Baby



The first Mafia King that ever controlled two territories that were once mortal enemies, is now dead.


Five and a half hours prior to his death, Xavier Flare was fed up with the continuous disruptions to their guns and drugs shipments. Angry to the last straw, he decided to go with the Alpha Team to this special import. This shipment was worth 30 million dollars, and while they have more money than that, his greed wanted it all.

Once they arrived to the port, it was dead silent. Too much, actually. And something was missing, but the arrogant king didn't care to notice.

After searching the whole place inside out and confirming that they were indeed alone and with no disturbance hiding anywhere, Xavier's arrogance flew sky high even more. He thought that since the rebels had heard of him overseeing this shipment, they feared him too much to do anything else but to retreat.

A whole hour passed before the ship arrived at the port. Until then, nothing had bothered the whole team, so they as well turned cocky, having the same mindset as their boss. After all, he was the first ever Mafia King to ever rule over two different territories. Who would dare to cross him?

So as they hauled the crates to the warehouse right beside the port, they became relaxed and lazy, leaving their guns to a pile at the side, thinking that with this calmness, nothing would happen.

But then, while everyone was busy doing their own jobs, no one noticed how a man fell down to the ground abruptly. Seconds later, a pool of blood started to pool under his head, where a small, circular hollow lay. Not too much later, another person fell down.

And then another.

Then another.


Finally, someone noticed the missing people. Searching for his brother, a man went outside, looking around the place. Unexpectedly, a glint flashed to his eyes on a certain direction. He looked towards it, wondering why there was something flashing there, considering that it was night-time and that place was just an empty rooftop.

Just as he was beginning to realize it, a bullet shot to his direction, grazing his right ear, and making him yell in pain.

The others noticed the wail that he made, and looked towards his direction, only to hear him warn them, "It's an ambush!" Before another bullet went through his head, just like the others.

Catching on quickly to what the now-dead man was saying, panic quickly arose into he people, and they started to runt o where the pile of guns where. Unfortunately for them, right as they reached the pile of metal, a speeding car arrived, and on it were many other gunmen that were shooting blindly.

Not long after, the once calm and quiet atmosphere of the night was filled filled groans of pain, thuds of bodies falling to the ground, and the beautiful sounds of bullets.

Xavier, who was also in the middle of planting bullets to anywho's body that neared him or posed a threat, noticed that his team was slowly getting fewer and few. He cursed st them in his mind. These pieces of shuts were his Alpha team? Well then, why are they so weak?

Firing his gun another time, he found out that he was out of ammo. As he was changing the magazine, he felt a sudden burn in the back of his head.

At first, it pinched. Then, it became number, and finally, he felt the scorching sensation of agony.

Kneeling down on the gravel, he didn't notice how the whole place grew silent. An easy way to make it obvious that his men had all died. That was good, in a way too. If they were still alive, he would've definitely tortured them for being so week.

Before his death, Xavier Flare saw. through his hazy eyesight a pair of leather-clad boots approach him. The figure squatted at in front of him, making them meet each other with eye contact.

Grinning maliciously, the person took great joy at seeing the horror in this victim's face. Ah, finally. The cocky, son of a bitch has now died. Then, it will be time for someone else to take this firmer one's throne.

No final words. No big ceremonies. A quick death, but an important one for the next step.

The figure that was still squatted in front of Xavier's dead corpse grinned with the look of death. One down, countless more to go.


"One more~!" He slurred, raising both his hands upwards.

Not retaliating, Regina gave him another bottle of Jack Daniels, which he gulped greedily. As Cavillor was seeing circles, the silver-eyes demoness was looking at him with an unfiltered blank expression. Her eyes didn't hold the emotions that they had for the three years that she was here, instead, they held what was in her for her first year.


No sympathy or anything for this scum underneath her.

Knowing that he was fully intoxicated now and had no proper mental condition, she finally moved from her seat and walked behind his seat.

Still mumbling incoherently to himself, he suddenly moaned at a comforting sensation on his shoulders. Then, he felt a warm air nearby his ear.

"Cavillor?" She breathed, biting on his earlobes. He felt a shiver crawl up his spine. "You're the king now, you know that, right?"

He hummed in answer, still knocked out, but able to understand somewhat.

"As the king, you know what you need?"


"A queen."

And by that, Regina had successfully planted the seed in his mind. Whether or not he will remember this conversation, this idea will still be engraved in his subconscious.

'Hook, line, and sinker.'


Another event was called, in honor of crowning the new British-Italian Mafia King. Other Mafia leaders as well as their in-groups were also invited, as to make new connections, and to brag more.

It had been less than a month after the late king's death, and because he wasn't that much of a father or husband, mourning his death didn't take long.

Regina was disgusted. Until now, she still couldn't get over her father's passing, and in just three weeks, they're having a ball.

However, she wasn't pitying him for having such insensitive family. She never liked him, not int he slightest, So why would she even give fuck if others hated him? Hell, even she hated him.

The preparation didn't take long, and the invitees were more than eager to come. Before the announcement, however, Cavillor had already taken over his father's office. Before, he had the most power, just second to his father. Very little was the difference, except now, his word was to be followed, no questions needed to be asked.

Before, if ever he made a decision deemed to be incredulous, he had to take it up to his father first, lest he get punished for his rashness.

But now, no one had the right to say anything about his actions and choices.

Well, not yet.

It was now on the night of the event, and veryone wore their finest. How could they ever afford to offend this Mafia? Being the first conjoined Mafia in history, and the former top two and top one at that, they were easily called as the most powerful Mafia.

There was something that people were confused about, though. Considering that both mafia's were conjoined and not taken over, the Mafia's color was still not properly established amongst the others. Therefore, they were quite curious and were eager to know.

Through all this, though, many believed that the color would still be yellow, as the Flares were quite prideful. Well, at least all the previous ones were, so they were uite sure that this new king would be the same. With those thoughts, they unknowingly judged the new leader thoughtlessly.

They did not know much about him due to the fact that they were careless and thought that the only one that would rule this Mafia was Xavier, so they left the responsibility of getting to know Cavillor to the younger generation.

Unbeknownst to them, their children and heirs were also in the dark, for none of them bothered to be diligent and have their enemies thoroughly searched.

Truly, this generation of ours is quite arrogant and prideful.


Different colors clashed in the ballroom. Russians wearing green, Asians in red, Hispanic people were dressed in blue, and those from the Middle East were clad in orange.

Many had attended, but only those of importance. The kings and queens, the princes and princesses, the leader's trusted people, and the heir's own trusted group. All in all, over three hundred people were present. Maybe even more.

As they looked at around, no one from those from the British Mafia wore yellow, so of course they automatically assumed that the previous color had nto been altered.

They weren't wrong... Much...

Finally, after countless of fake smiles and hidden evil innuendos, the new king's entrance was announced. The ballroom was immediately silenced, and a hush fell over the people as they all awaited the new leader to come in.

Cavillor Flare soon entered through the grand doors, and walked down the stairs, wearing a lavish suit that complimented him greatly.

They were surprised at his clothes, which was a suit fit for a prince. It was white and had gold accents, the color highlighting his handsomeness very much, making most of the women fall in love with him right then and there.

He had his usual business smile on his face, as he was well known for this. Behind him, other members of his Mafia that were qualified to attend were also wearing the corresponding colors. There was nothing to doubt now.

Cavillor calmly walked up to the platform, ignoring the eyes that were glued on him. Technically, he was already the king. No ceremony needed, since he was the heir beforehand. This whole thing was just for people to boast to one another about the amounts of zeros in their bank accounts.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm assuming we all know that since my... Father had passed away due to a sudden heart attack, I am now the ruler of this Mafia. And people may think that I'm not very competent due to being just in my twenties, but do not underestimate me." His green eyes turned glacy as the whole atmosphere became cold. "You will regret it."

Of course, they could never disclose to their opponents that the great Xavier Flare was killed by an ambush. That would make them look weak and easy to kill. Instead, what they told their enemies, as well as the public who had heard of the death of Flare Enterprises' CEO, was that he had an unexpected heart attack. Hospital records were faked, doctors were bribed, and soon, everyone believed that his death was simply from his own body.

Everyone but some of those who were in the British-Italian Mafia.

"Now," Cavillor smiled brightly again, as if he never blatantly threatened and disrespected the other leaders, "One more thing before we all enjoy the night. There is an announcement that I'd like to make."

All held their breaths.

"I am getting married."

Poeple gasped, dumbfounded and flabbergasted by this very... Unexpected statement. Nobody had ever heard of the Death King -a nickname that they called Cavillor- to be in a relationship with anybody. Some even thought that he might not want to get married at all.

By the sudden news, young women instantly thought that he had fallen in love at first sight with them, causing those who deemed themselves 'perfect' for him to wear a smug face.

However, they were all stumped when he said, "Please welcome, my fiancé." He then pointed to the grand doors which he had entered from.

As everyone's attention was on the top of the stairs, the door slowly opened, revealing a face that none expected to see. Alive and well.


The clacking of her heels was the only sound that could be heard, as the crowd were still in shock. How is she alive? And... She's his fiancé? But weren't she and her father announced dead?

With her trademark stoic, cold face, Regina Luciano calmly walked towards the dais with an air of royalty that she seemed to always had ever since years ago. Just more prominent. Even though she was looking straight into Cavillor's eyes, those that accidentally glances at her eyes immediately looked away.

They were confused. How could this woman that they have not seen for almost five years scare them so much that they felt their knees weaken? As soon as they felt this, they quickly steeled their emotions and put their fallen masks back on their faces. Can't let others see a vulnerability.

However, they couldn't help but sneak a peek towards the queenly woman once more. One more thing that shocked the hell out of them was... Her dress. It was tight and lacy at the top, but flowy at the bottom, which was also laced. The texture seemed to be very expensive, as expected of the amount of money her fiancé had, and it also looked very carefully made.

But that wasn't the thing that shocked them to their cores. It was the color of her dress.

As she was the fiancé of the King of the British and Italian Mafia, she should've been wearing any shade of yellow. But, no. Instead, she was wearing something else entirely.


The color of the Italian Mafia.

With awed eyes, the guests watched as she put her hand on Cavillor's outstretched palm. They were admiring greatly how this couple looked perfect for each other. One was wearing white and gold, while the other was wearing black and violet. Total opposites, like yin and yang, but still fits each other like two puzzle pieces made exactly for one another.

Regina, who had stood beside Cavillor, brushed her eyes over to the multitudes ,silently observing who had attended.

She found their expressions quite comical. Especially those that truly believed that she was six feet under. She held the urge to sneer, which was not that easy, for she wanted to do it very much. The swiftness of their avoidance when they meet her gaze made up for it, though.

Cavillor once again enraptured their attention when he spoke, "As you all know, this is Regina Luciano, and yes, she is very much alive. You all have heard correctly; she really is my fiancé, and we are engaged."

Reluctantly, people clapped in forced politeness. His next words, however, shocked them more than they ever felt in their whole lives.

"As my first order as the King of the British and Italian Mafia, I hereby announce that whoever is the queen of the Mafia will hold a higher position than the king."



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