The gothic lolita and the bat...

By AliceMoon08

10.5K 331 35

From on my earlier works Hellboy and the lolita had a lot more views and likes than I thought and I figured w... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 18.
Chapter. 19
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
chapter 56

Chapter 32.

54 3 0
By AliceMoon08

"How...How the hell did you do that?" Pearl question Isabella that when the two had walked a mile away from the toy factory and seeing that it was a middle of the night and Isabella answered her question

"Seeing all those toys I had a feeling that he didn't have much of a childhood and I used that, he valued childhood. So telling him about re homing homeless children and run away teenagers he'd let us go and I have someone to help with making toys for the kids for free easy. I don't have to pay the creep."

" Brilliant." Was the one word Pearl said to Isabella, luckily the toyman didn't noticed that the girls dresses had there phones in them and had them on silent Isabella got out her phone and called Danica who from back in California answered right away and had it on speaker for everyone to hear


"Hey.. are we on speaker?" Hearing Isabella's voice everyone was relieved to hear that she was alright and Danica answered her

"You are, where are you two? What happened?"

"The toyman abducted us, we're in Metropolis. Thanks to Dove and her quick thinking he let us go willingly." Pearl said that instead of Isabella when she had her phone on speaker and then they head Lex's voice

"The Toyman? What did he want with you two?"

"Playdate mainly." Both of the girls said that at the same time, before Isabella spoke out she had the feeling that they where being followed that made her look over her shoulder to see no one around. That feeling still made her worried and Pearl saw the worried look on her friend and spoke to the phone.

"We're on our way to the police station, hopefully we can get superman to get us back to California. See yawl in a bit." With that said Pearl ended the call before putting the phone in her pocket and taking Isabella's hand

"Wanna out run them?" Isabella nods her head yes as she looked back at Pearl before the two ran off together as fast as they could, the second that call ended Danica had noticed Clark under his Dollar username while still using Isabella's account in saying that Isabella and Pearl where found thanks to a passing Dollar that say them in his city. Clark replied asking if she knew where they where and Danica told him what Pearl told them about heading to the police station, Clark thanked her before signing off. Back in Metropolis the girls did make it to the police station which started an uproar with the police shocked seeing the girls and the officer's that where Dollar members notified the other members that where looking for the them, one of them even snapped a picture of them without anyone notifying proving what they where saying was the truth. Those pictures sent the Metropolis Dollars and California Dollars chat rooms storming like crazy with the comments from the other members, Isabella and Pearl where relieved they still had there phones on silent since they felt the notification alerts on there phone's mainly Isabella her with status in the Dollars. It took like ten minutes for about thirty Dollar members to show up at the police station in wanting to meet Isabella and the police there to hold most of them off, Isabella passed some of the time after notifying her followers that she and Pearl where alright and explained what happened to the two of them. People where notifying her saying that they where happy that she and Pearl where alright, Isabella did call Danica again about stay for another day since she was near STAR labs and had an appointment with them and thought about having that appointment early.

"I'm actually glad Lex got us this penthouse." Pearl said that after sitting down on the sofa after that girls had arrived at the penthouse when the police escorted the two and while speaking Isabella took off her bonnet and put it on the bar counter

"It's also a good thing we have clothes here in case of something like this happening." After saying that she walked over to one of the bedroom and turning on the lights, she was shocked at what she saw and her loud gasp caught Pearl's attention that made her go over to her friend

"What is it?" Pearl was just as surprised as Isabella at what they where looking at, it wasn't anything bad. What caught Isabella's attention the most was the one that was on her bed. It looked Chinese , Pearl was extremely shocked seeing that vase as she went up to it.

"No way, this looks just like the vase from the Ming Dynasty. That vase is worth over $10 million, no way this is the real thing?" Isabella was more shocked about the types of flowers that where in the vase

"And these aren't your normal flowers these are snapdragon skull's and ghost orchids, how did they find these?" After saying that Isabella picked up the card that was beside the vase and opened it, she didn't have to reed the card since she recognized the hand writing.

"Same guy like always with the flowers?"

"Looks like he knew and waited if we needed help. Apparently his men followed me when we where abducted, he was relieved that nothing bad happened." Isabella said that after putting the card down and picking up the vase as Pearl questioned her

"But how did they get in this place? Shouldn't we be worried?" As Isabella spoke she put the vase on the dresser next to the TV and started to zip down her dress

"I think I met before at the festival I went to with Cori and Yuri?" Pearl spoke back to her while helping Isabella with her dress by pulling down the rest of the zipper as Isabella took off her dress

"The guy that bought that two thousand dollar dagger for you? What did you say his name was again?" Isabella sat herself on the bed while taking off she shoes and socks

"Ra's Al Ghul? Damian's grandfather." Pearl stopped herself from untying the bow from her dress with a surprised and questionable look on her face

"Ra's Al Ghul?" Isabella confused seeing her friend act the way she was and questioned her

"Wait don't tell me you know the guy?"

"The Demon's head. I heard about him from my grandparents apparently my great grandfather used to serve under him before he met my great grandmother."

"Your great grandfather used to work for him? He didn't look THAT old when I met him, he looked around in his mid forties." Isabella said that when she stood up off the bed and went back to the dresser in getting some pajamas out of the dresser while her friend questioned her

"So what does the Demon's Head want with you Dove?"

"Not sure, he didn't seem threatening in fact he looked at me quite fondly when we met." After saying that Isabella walked over to the bathroom as Pearl repeated the word that stood out to her

"Fondly?" Pearl couldn't help herself in looking back at the vase of flowers on the dresser with questionable look on her face, as her heard the shower water being turned on and she couldn't help but looking back at the vase of flowers with the same questionable look

"Hey Dove? How long did you say you've been getting these gifts and I'm going to count that coffin bed? I know you said I while I'm curious now?"

"Since I was like two I think? They even paid for my dad's funeral where he died and hospital bill for my mom. I didn't start getting weird gifts until I turned five."

"THAT long?" Pearl said that in a tone where she didn't believe what her friend said, that confusion turned into worry for her friend since she knew how dangerous Ra's Al Ghul was from the stories she heard about him, she wondered if a guy like Ra's had fallen for Isabella and she wonder how he met her.

The next day the both girls went to STAR labs where they where greeted by Amethyst's cousin who greeted the girls who where dressed in lolita  Pearl still wore her favorite color with the type of hat the went with what she was wearing

For Isabella she wore one of her favorite dresses since it had star constellation on it and looked beautiful in black

A lot of people from STAR labs where shocked and surprised to see the two girls in there lab and where aware that they would arrive but didn't think they would come early, several of the scientists greeted the girls and even took pictures with the girls. Isabella explained to the scientists that met them why they where at STAR labs and they where more than happy in helping them, both Isabella and Pearl couldn't help themselves but to be excited in being inside STAR labs. After a little looking around Isabella was talking with one of the people that was en charge of programming security and explained the type of security she had at her home and hoped they had an upgraded version of what she had, the person she was talking too was impressed that she knew the types of programmings she needed and naming the certain types. The girls stayed for a few hours before Superman had came and got the girls to bring them back to California, Isabella got what she wanted from STAR labs before leaving and had decided to have an allies with working with them alongside O'Day Tech.

It took about an hour to arrive at Isabella's manor with her roommate and four guest waiting for them Lex wasn't that happy seeing Superman landing with the girls in both of his arms and putting them down and Superman wasn't that thrilled seeing Lex either, noticing Isabella looked at Superman with an assuring look on her face

"You got nothing to worry about I promise you that." She shortly explained to him that Lex was one of her new business partners for her company along with being one of the investors, of course it surprised Superman hearing that and he was surprised she wanted to work with someone like Lex Luthor. But he didn't complain to her before he left since he knew she was reason why Lex was starting to change for the better, when Superman left both Isabella and Pearl told them what they didn't Isabella's video she posted. Her friends where creeped out hearing the tribute room,Damian acted surprised but really he knew what it felt like to his small shame he did have a type of tribute shrine of Isabella hidden in his room. During the rest of there stay things where pretty fun, from pranking to doing other donations for different types of charities Isabella and her friends supported and secretly operated by the Dollars. From Mega water balloons to having Lex Luthor tied and hung from a pool to a pool filled with chocolate puuding that reached over $100,000 in donations for him to be dropped in the pool, they didn't shy away from Bruce he had a similar case but with cherry jello that reached the same about as Lex with donations. The more Bruce and his sons hung around Isabella's friends the more they understood why she choose them as her friends and wanted to live with them, Isabella was around people there weren't money greedy or selfishly horrible in thinking about themselves. Bruce had rarely met people like them in real life, unconditionally kind and beautiful on the inside as much as out, genuine and loving beings a lot like Isabella.

As much as the four didn't want to leave they had to go back to there cities and promised Isabella that they wanted to do similar changes with there cities like she did with her state and she told them which friends of hers that where going to there cities Lex was a little nervous about hearing that Sabina was going to Metropolis, in doing the Metropolis projects for Isabella's company and opening small business that she and her friend's owned for the next two months. The friend that was going to Gotham was Dillon Bruce was surprised hearing that Dillon had a degree in management and marketing and was manager of Isabella's marketing branch in all of her locations that her company owned, after the four had left Poison Ivy had returned right on schedule and reported back on the progress with her signed mission with success and they celebrated in doing her job without much problems. They even saw and watch the news reports about the places Poison Ivy was signed in taken care of about them being exposed and being arrested from different parts of the country that was near California.    

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