Tolerance Book II

By Frances51163

35.3K 941 582

The continuing saga of Detective Jay Halsteads' complicated life as he works with Chicago PDs' Intelligence U... More

Chapter One: Questions
Chapter Two: Finding Jay
Chapter Three: Profiling
Chapter Four: Running on Empty
Chapter Five: A New Plan
Chapter Six: Hospital Work
Chapter Seven: Unwelcome Memories
Chapter Eight: Possibilities Considered
Chapter Nine: Navigating Bureaucracy
Chapter Ten: Persuasion
Chapter Eleven: A Promising Lead
Chapter Twelve: Dead End
Chapter Thirteen: A Hard Earned Calm
Chapter Fourteen: A New Theory
Chapter Sixteen: A Fatal End
Chapter Eighteen: Under Scrutiny
Chapter Nineteen: Instinct
Chapter Twenty: Piecing Together A Puzzle
Chapter Twenty-One: Resolve
Chapter Twenty-Two: Obsession
Chapter Twenty-Three: Respite
Chapter Twenty-Four: Options
Chapter Twenty-Five: Setting A Trap
Chapter Twenty-Six: Waiting Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Surprise
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Taking A Break
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ultimatum
Chapter Thirty: Forging A New Plan
Chapter Thirty-One: The Pier
Chapter Thirty-Two: Selfless
Chapter Thirty-Three: Another Blow
Chapter Thirty-Four: Coping
Chapter Thirty-Five: Downtime
Chapter Thirty-Six: Back In The Game
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Revelations
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Assessment
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Only Option
Chapter Forty: Demise
Chapter Forty-One: Drawing Conclusions
Chapter Forty-Three: A Nightmare Mission
Chapter Forty-Four: A Snipers' Role
Chapter Forty-Five: Acceptance
Chapter Forty-Six: Another Twist
Chapter Forty-Seven: Taking Stock
Chapter Forty-Eight: Allies Reunited
Chapter Forty-Nine: A Possible Reason
Chapter Fifty: The Phone Call
Chapter Fifty-One: Countdown
Chapter Fifty-Two: Mission Impossible
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Unknown
Chapter Fifty Four: Home Truths
Chapter Fifty-Five: A New Threat
Chapter Fifty-Six: In House Considerations
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Planning
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Prevention Attempt
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Unpredictable
Chapter Sixty: Unforeseen
Chapter Sixty-One: Danger Zone
Chapter Sixty-Two: Sitting Ducks
Chapter Sixty-Three: Countdown
Chapter Sixty-Four: Aftermath
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Plan
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Ghosts of Demons Past
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Reflection
Chapter Sixty--Nine: Plans Anew
Chapter Seventy: Nightmare Awakening
Chapter Seventy-One: Oversight
Chapter Seventy-Two: Worries
Chapter Seventy-Three: Pendulum of Doom
Chapter Seventy-Four: Ending In Sight
Chapter Seventy-Five: Exit Plan
Chapter Seventy-Six: Out of Control
Chapter Seventy-Seventy-Seven: The Unknown
Chapter Seventy-Eight:
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Decisions
Chapter Eighty: Questions
Chapter Eighty-One: Doubts
Chapter Eighty-Two: Comrades In Arms
Chapter Eighty-Three: Updates
Chapter Eighty-Four: Chasing Clues
Chapter Eighty-Five: Facing Danger
Chapter Eighty-Six: Unwelcome Find
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Reunion
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Downtime
Chapter Eighty-Nine: Revenge Contemplated
Chapter Ninety: More Death
Chapter Ninety-One: Canadian Possibilities
Chapter Ninety-Two: Assessing a Killer
Chapter Ninety-Three: Persuasion
Chapter Ninety-Four: Waiting On A Killer
Chapter Ninety-Five: Prelude to a Showdown
NOTICE: Had to start Tolerance Book III as Chapter 196 kept Crashing App

Chapter Seventeen: Elusive

365 9 4
By Frances51163

Homeland Security Headquarters

As the DVD footage ended furtive glances to where Jay had stationed himself by the door of Murphys' office revealed impassive features. Everyone understood that although for them this was a difficult investigation for Jay it had manifested into a vicious vendetta against himself. Watching the late siblings plead with Jay Halstead as Wells tied them up and fitted the explosive devices on them with harnesses was hard for everyone in the office to watch but the injured Detective had been visibly upset and no one could say anything to ease his anguish. The footage had lasted almost ten minutes during which time they had viewed Mike and Frank being informed by Jay Halstead that he had picked the siblings at random and he was doing what he did as part of a game. Mikes' queries on the game had only received a cruel laugh without answers. Turning the DVD player off once the screen went blank Mouse went to stand beside Jay in the cramped office. Even if he couldn't find any words of comfort he could offer his silent support. Adam casually moved closer to his friend on the other side. Raising his eyes finally Jay forced himself to speak.

"So what do we know?"
"It's clear from the footage that Wells wasn't expecting us on scene," Antonio reiterated, "if he was he wouldn't have needed the DVD."
"Forensics have yet to confirm it but it seems only some of the bars of explosives were real," Burke looked over at the solemn Detective, "Wells clearly only wanted to take out the brothers and was minimizing the blast area."
"But why do it at all?" Kevin queried in the lull that followed.
"To cause Jay more trauma," Parker reluctantly proffered from his seat beside Murphys' desk, there was no point in avoiding the harsh truth.
"But was there a reason besides that?" Kevin checked, they all knew the mornings' events were aimed at Jay.
"We won't know for sure until Wells is behind bars but he's obviously after becoming more obsessed with Jay," the Psychologist elaborated.
"Hell how much more obsessed can he get?!" Adam demanded with his usual lack of tact, grimacing when his friend looked even more stricken.
"The gloves are clearly off," Voight noted eventually before continuing firmly, "it's time we fight back."
"How do we do that?" Mouse was all for action but he could not see a way to rattle Wells.
"We've been on the back foot since we got here. It's time we have home advantage."
"Sarge we can't do that!" Jay couldn't believe what he had just heard.
"We figured before Benson was killed Wells wanted Jay to go back to Chicago," Al recalled in reminder, "let's give him what he wants. Lull him into a false sense of security. "
"That's the thing though," Jay looked around the room his gaze finally landing on the unruffled Sergeant, "we were guessing then and we're still guessing now."
"Halstead that's what we do most of the time when we're working a case. We make assumptions based on the information to hand at any given time and act accordingly. This is no different. We all know tbere are no absolute certainties in this job."
"Never looked at it that way," Adam acknowledged the truth in the older mans' words when Jay lapsed into silence rather than responding.
"You always were a bit slow Ruzek," Al commented with a wink.
"Yeah, yeah."
"For now let's get back to dealing with the Specialists," Murphy directed getting to his feet, "we'll have a briefing with the full team later on once the Forensic Report is furnished."

The other men began to file out with tbe exception of Voight and Parker.

"How is he doing?" the Psychologist asked the Sergeant as soon as the door closed behind the other men.
"Hell Doc I could ask you that question."
"From what I've learnt about him Jay isn't going to give his emotions free reign," Parker sighed, "but you know him well."
"He'll focus on the investigation. He can be quite driven and single minded once he sets his mind on something and he isn't going to let his emotions control him."
"Can't say I'd blame him if he did," Murphy leant back in his chair, "I've gotta say Wells is operating on a whole new level of maliciousness. I've come across some pretty bad people over the years but Wells is in a league of his own."
"I can't argue with you about that."
"The sheer level of evil would indicate it's personal," the HS man stated eyeing the man from Chicago, "I know we've dealt with this before but in light of the most recent incidents are you still certain Wells doesn't know Halstead personally?"
"As sure as I can be. Halstead said he never met him and I trust him."
"I wasn't casting doubt on your Detectives' honesty," Murphy put in hastily, "I'm just asking if there could be some connection between them that Halstead isn't aware of?"
"That is a possibility," Voight accepted after considering the other mans' words, "but if there is we'll only find out if Wells lets us."
"Or his twin," Parker added.
"Or his twin. So how long more will Wagner allow the investigation team to stay as is?"
"Todays' incident increased the pressure to make an arrest," Murphy pointed out, "so he's after backing off a bit. We might get another week or so out of him."
"You're still going on the twin theory?" Parker double checked.
"Yeah," Voight acknowledged even though they still had no concrete evidence to back it up, "it makes sense."


Jay eyed the metropolis before him from behind sunglasses. He had taken to wearing the eyewear to avoid attracting attention with his now multi coloured swollen right eye. Sighing he leant over the wall and viewed the figures walking along the footpath below, transformed into doll size mannequins by distance. From this span he couldn't tell who was sad, who was happy or who was struggling through their day. He realized that he could compare that lack of knowledge to Wells. They only knew minor details about the man and therefore could not get the full picture. A sound from behind had him straightening up too quickly and he would have lost his balance if a strong hand had not grabbed his arm to steady him.

"Whoa! You okay?" Al asked with obvious concern.
"Yeah ..... yeah I'm good," Jay insisted pulling away from the older man and leaning back against the wall, "didn't hear you that's all "
"I know you weren't thinking of jumping so what were you doing?"
"Just thinking how we're not seeing the full picture with Wells," Jay shrugged, glad he could squint behind the sunglasses without worrying his friend, "it's as if he's out of focus."
"Or 'they're' out of focus," Al corrected, "did the Wells on the DVD footage look any different to the Wells that you met in Central Park or the one that hurt you?"
"Can't say I noted any difference," Jay admitted unhappily before conceding, "but the concussion could be effecting my memory."
"Yeah a Grade 2 concussion can cause memory issues but at least you didn't suffer a loss of consciousness," Al observed, "any more Grade 3 or 4 concussions and you're definitely going to have Will in a panic."
"Adam said he doesn't know what went down," the headache riddled Detective frowned, it had been a specific request he had made as soon as the brain fog had cleared in the hospital.
"He doesn't but Rhodes will want to check on you before he heads back. He's going to ask questions. Those glasses can't hide the fact you're hurt Kid."
"Firstly I told Conor not to contact me in person again and secondly I've told you before not to call me 'Kid'. I know I'm not as long in the tooth as you are but I'm not wet hehind the ears either."
"Rhodes saw the news so he's going to want to see for himself you're still standing," Al explained seriously before tilting his head and eyeing his companion, "and you come to me when you're feeling better and tell me I'm long in the tooth. I'll happily put you straight."
"Sure old man. Whatever you say."

Al shook his head fondly. The other man was definitely going through hell but he was not going to take his frustrations out on anyone else. The older man thanked a God he no longer believed in he could call this amazing young man a friend.


Break Room

Three hours later after the main team briefing had been completed Jay sought his Sergeant out.

"What's up?" Voight turned to look at the newcomer in the quiet room as he finished stirring his coffee.
"Sarge about what you said earlier," Jay began as soon as he closed the door, "about home advantage. Were you serious?"
"Take a seat," Voight instructed as he sat down at one of the small round tables and waited for the other man to comply, "it's a definite option. We're aware Wells wanted you back in Chicago ......,"
"That's the thing Sarge. We're guessing that's what he wanted. Since Bensons' death that seems to have been put aside though."
"Like I said before Kid we make decisions based on what information is to hand at any given time. We stack up the likelihood of what a perp will do and act accordingly. You don't need me to tell you that. You've been a Cop long enough to know the way things work," Voight looked across at the younger man hating the strain he was under and wishing he could ease things for him, "tell me something. Do you have any idea why things have become more personal for Wells? He's clearly escalating his ...... vendetta ..... for want of a better word ..... against you."
"Honestly Sarge I don't have any idea. I mean it's obvious this is more than just anger at losing what he viewed as a cushy job with Petrocelli," Jay shrugged in defeat before acknowledging an uncomfortable truth, "and his actions, especially lately, scream personal but I don't know him, or them .... at least ..... I don't think I do."
"Halstead I'm not doubting you. I know you're being honest," the older man assured to allay any worries in that regard, "I haven't made any final decision yet about going home ...,"
"Sarge ... I can't go back to Chicago if ye go .... I can't put Will or anyone else at risk again," the pale man finally disclosed his greatest fear, "I won't be responsible for Will or anyone I know getting hurt. I disrupted everyones' lives when .... well you know ........ when we were dealing with .... the old man. I'm not going to do that again."
"You didn't disrupt anyones' lives," Voight pushed his empty mug aside and leant his arms on the table between them to ensure he had the younger mans' full attention, "that was on your old man and only him. I am concerned about what this is doing to you but when I decide it's time to head home it will be because it will aid the investigation and get it closed sooner rather than later. I have to consider the overall picture."
"Okay Sarge," Jay accepted the other mans' candour.

For his part Voight hadn't lied but for him the main picture would always have Jay in the foreground ......


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