By sophia_ispeng

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What happens when you fall for someone you know you're not supposed to fall in love with? ''It's cool to have... More

Author's note.
CHAPTER 50 {The End.}


66 39 7
By sophia_ispeng

12th, December 2020.

Third person POV

Three weeks passed since Dave and Jasmine saw each other but they still communicated through their phone.

One issue Jasmine had with Dave is that he was really secretive.
Dave could be dying and still not say a word to Jasmine.
He literally kept everything away from her.

She always complained about this to him and most times, he would tell her that humans could not solve his problems so why bother telling them?
He said God was the only one he told his problems to because he believed he was the only one who had solutions to them.

Jasmine still tried to make him understand that telling your problems to God was a good thing because she also did that.
But she urged him to at least talk to her about it even if he didn't tell anyone else.
She told him that she could also include him in her prayers if she couldn't solve them.

He finally agreed to tell her some things about him the next time they met each other and this made her so eager to see him.

After the waiting and postponing of their meet up by Dave, he finally agreed to see her on a Friday, 17th December.

She was already dressed and almost at his apartment when she received a text from Dave informing her to not bother about coming anymore.

She ignored the message and kept her phone beside her. There was no way she was going back at this point.
She arrived at his apartment minutes later and she could hear a loud music coming from his house.

Was he throwing a party?
Is this why he didn't want her to come over?

She began to knock on the door of his apartment but no one came out and it caused her to knock harder.
There was no way she was going back home now.

After what felt like hours of knocking, no, banging on Dave's door, he finally came out. Jasmine was already pissed.

''Hey. . . Uhhm, you can't come in oo.'' Dave stated, stuttering causing Jasmine to give him a death glare.

What the fuck was going on!?

''Why?'' She asked. Irritation written all over her face.

''Some of your seniors are here with some guys.'' Dave stated.

''Mtcheew.'' Jasmine sighed as she walked past Dave and made her way into the house.

Who cared about her fucking seniors? If they wanted to make out, then they should get a lodge for all she cared.

Dave followed behind her right away and when she got in, she couldn't see anyone's face properly because the light in the room was dim.

She made her way to the dining room and made herself comfortable.
Dave came along and they sat together

When she was fully settled, she decided to check out who the so called seniors were that made Dave text her from a mile away, telling her not to bother coming anymore and she saw two girls from her school. One was light skinned and slim while the other was dark skinned. She wasn't so thick but she was physically endowed than the lighter figure.

She knew those girls, but she had never spoken to anyone of them. So these ones too are bad?

Justin was with the lighter girl while another stranger was with the darker girl.

''Yo, what would you like to drink?'' Dave asked Jasmine, causing her to bring her attention back to him.

''Any orange juice would be nice, thank you.'' She stated, and Dave went to the fridge to get her something.

''Hey girl,'' Justin hollered as he came to seat next to Jasmine who was already busy, typing away in her phone.

''Hi boy,'' She replied, smiling ear to ear.

''How are you doing?''

''I'm chill as you can see. It's been a while tho.''

''I know right. You just forgot about us here.''

''That's not true. I always come around but I don't get to see you.''

''It's all good. You look really nice.''

''Aww, thank you love. What's going on here tho?'' Jasmine asked nudging her head to the direction of the girls with a large smirk on her face.

''They're from your school. I arranged for them to come today. I need a little bit of satisfaction in life yunno.'' Justin winked and smirked.

''So you want to f* them like this?'' Jasmine asked to completely sure.

''Yes na, but the fair one is saying she's on her period.''


''Why does this have to be in Dave's house tho?'' Jasmine asked with a frown on her face.

''What in the world have you guys been talking about? Justin stand up from my chair abeg.''
Dave whined as he placed the juice and a glass cup on the dining table.

''Aww, somebody is jealous.'' Justin teased as he stood up causing Dave to roll his eyes.

''He just doesn't like sharing me.'' Jasmine stated.

''You wish. Go and meet your girls please.'' Dave stated as he took his seat beside Jasmine.

''I've been in your house for a while and you didn't even offer me water to drink. Jasmine just arrived and you're already serving her with juice.

Justin nagged, causing Jasmine to chuckle.

''That is why she's my Jasmine flower and you're just yunno. . . Justin.'' Dave pointed out.

''Go and attend to your guests please.'' Jasmine urged, still laughing and the latter walked away, leaving the two be.

Jasmine and Dave began to converse but they couldn't hear themselves speak because of the buzzing music. They decided to choose his room for a proper conversation.

They went in and shut the door behind them making the guests to think otherwise but Jasmine cared less about that. She knew what she was going in there to do anyways.

''You room is really. . . Organised.''
Jasmine complimented as they got in.

Dave's room was simple and neat, very neat. Jasmine couldn't spot a single dirt. She would have assumed the room was all tidied up because she was coming over but she decided against that assumption. If the guests were not there, she would have been in the seating room all through her stay so that couldn't be the reason.

                   Dave's room.

"Thank you mama."

Jasmine walked to the mirror stand and stood in front of it.

"Aww, your mirror is pretty."

"That is where I always stay whenever I'm making calls with you." Dave stated.

"Why?" Jasmine asked, chucking.

"I just stand there to admire this beauty."

Dave replied, referring to himself. He was standing beside Jasmine, they were both in front of the mirror now.

"Why do you like to feel so hot sef?"
Jasmine asked, a small smile placed on her face.

"Because I am hot."

Jasmine walked away from him and went to sit on his bed.

"Oh my god Dave, your bed is so soft damn!" Jasmine cooed.

"Yeah I know right. She's my princess-"
Dave stated making Jasmine let out an oh wow type of look.

she thought she was his princess.

"-And you're my queen." He finished.

Jasmine felt the heat creeping from her neck to her cheek and ears.
She couldn't stop herself from smiling hard even with the way she bit down her bottom lip. So she just resulted in looking away.
Dave sure did have a way with words.

"Aww, see how you're blushing anyhow."

"I'm not blushing." Jasmine replied as she made a failed attempt to cover her face to prevent Dave from seeing her.

"You already are baby."

Justin kept on walking in and out of the room with the expectations of meeting them doing something intimate but his expectations were cut short as he kept on walking in on them conversing.

Dave later left Jasmine alone in his room as he went to take his bath.
She laid on his bed and began to go through his phone, watching videos and all.
Soon enough, he came out putting on a pair of boxer and a white towel around his neck.

His eight packs were visible and he got water dripping from his hair.

Damn, he looked more sexy on towel.

"I know I'm hot and all of that shit but you can stop staring now." Dave stated making Jasmine wonder how long he had caught her staring at him.

Jasmine just rolled her eyes and returned back to pressing his phone. She was already caught red-handed so there was no need trying to defend herself.

He asked if he could dress up in her presence and she replied with a "sure."

Dave's body lotion smelled really nice. Everything was in a set. The cream he applied on his face was different from the one he applied on his body. She never knew Dave took care of his skin this much until today.

No wonder everything about him seemed to smell so. . . Relaxing.
When he stepped in from the bathroom earlier, the whole fragrance of the room changed.
A good type of change. Even his soap had a nice scent.

He later settled for an orange shorts and a white shirt with white flip flops.

They heard a knock on the door and before Dave could get to the door, Justin had already walked in with the expectations of catching them in-the-act. But he didn't, again.

Justin being frustrated this time, asked what in the world they were talking about and their response to him was "stuffs."

The noise coming from the living room began to get out of hand causing Dave to send them all out.

"Would you believe I met seven people in the living room? Like where did the three more people even come from?!"
Dave stated as he walked back into the room.

"That explains why the noise got louder." Jasmine replied.

"That's over for them now. At least I can get my peace and quiet house back now."

"And we can begin with our serious conversation. You know, the things you said you were going to tell me when next we saw." Jasmine stated, nudging him on the elbow with a smirk on her face.

"Madam you like gist a lot."

"Only your gist," Jasmine replied causing Dave to smile.

"Have you ever seen someone teleport in reality?" Dave asked out of the blues.

"No. . . Why?" Jasmine asked, confusion evident in her voice.

"I told you I'm a footballer. So because of that, I travel a lot. I've been to Calabar, Abuja, Togo, Cameron, Cotonou and more for football tournaments."

"Okay. . . But what does that have to do with someone teleporting?"
Jasmine questioned.

Dave let out a small chuckle before responding.

"When I was in Calabar, I was always indoors because the rate of cultism was too much. The only time I went out was when I had trainings or matches."
Dave stated while Jasmine nodded in understanding.

"So one fateful day, I was coming back from training and I passed through the market route. I don't even know how it happened but within the twinkle of an eye, cultists came out and began breaking bottles everywhere."

"The cause of the riot was because the other cultists, their opponents, trespassed. People were screaming and running for their dear lives. Gunshots were heard and bottles were being broken. That was the first time I spotted a dead body in my life." He glanced at Jasmine who seemed to be so engrossed in the conversation before continuing.

"15 year old me then, I didn't know what to do. I mean, I knew I was supposed to run but I was in so much shock that I couldn't move. And I knew fully well that I would be shot if I didn't run but I just stood there."

"I felt a hand grip me tightly from behind and that moment, I knew I had just a few more minutes to live. I turned around to find a stranger behind me."

"I asked him if I could say my last prayers before he killed me but he didn't respond. Instead, he held my hand and tapped on a ring on his middle finger. I don't even know how it happened I swear. But somehow, I found myself at the front, where there was no fighting. Although, I could still hear people screaming."

"Wow!" was all Jasmine could say.

"I turned around but I didn't see the stranger so I began to run. I ran as far as my legs could take me. I ran till I was out of breath."

"A lot of questions I couldn't get answers to. Questions like who was that man? Where did he get that ring from? Why did he choose to get me out of that place? But I guess some questions are better left unanswered." Dave stated, causing Jasmine to nod in agreement.

"And that moment, I realized that no matter what happens to you, if it's not your time to die, you won't die.
That was the time I started getting close to God too because most of my team mates in the field were also cultists and they tried to lure me into it occasionally. But when they saw that I was always going to church and all, they classified me as a churchie and let me be."

"Wow, Dave!" Jasmine exclaimed again causing Dave to chuckle.

"Trust me, if I wanted to be a bad boy, I would have joined them but I knew there was nothing useful in that lifestyle so I decided to stay on my own and make God my bestfriend till I got back to Lagos."

"Thank God you chose to follow the right path." Jasmine stated making Dave nod his head.

He went on to tell her a lot of deep things about himself that no one knew about, including his parents.

This made her feel important because she had some information that not even his parents were aware of.

She figured out that Dave was a very closed off person. He didn't open up very easily and just when you think you have figured him out, he shows you another side or piece of him. He was like a never ending mystery. But she kinda liked that about him.

At the same time, she felt a certain type of way because she never knew this and she probably wouldn't have known if she didn't talk to him about opening up.
She started to feel a bit scared of him.
She began to wonder if perhaps, they were more deep shits he hadn't told her about.

It was already getting late so she had to take her leave.

They hugged each other like a million times, she didn't want to let him go.
She felt a lot of comfort whenever she was around his arms.


Christmas was fast approaching and Dave informed Jasmine that he would be going on a trip in three days time to see his cousins.

This came as bad news to Jasmine because she had already made plans of spending her Christmas with Dave.

She didn't let her sad emotions show because he sounded really excited about it.
She didn't want to kill the moment with a negative response.

He told her about how he missed his cousins and how he would love to recreate some fun memories with them once again.

Jasmine began to make new plans on how to spend her Christmas knowing that Dave would not be available anymore.

Dave and Jasmine had another fight a day to Dave's trip.
This time, it led to their break up, again.

After the whole argument and exchange of words, they decided to stop talking and Jasmine wished Dave a safe trip.

Jasmine began to live happily without Dave. She began to talk to other guys and just when she thought everything was over with Dave, she received a message from Dave the next morning.

The text read thus.
"Before you begin to take life too seriously, I'm at the airport and I'm about to leave Lagos now. Bye."

Jasmine saw the message and she didn't know how exactly to feel.

On one hand, she was happy that he still cared about her enough to text her and inform her of his departure but why in the world did he always have to come back when she was already moving on!?

"I thought we've stopped talking?"
She replied to the text.

He told her he just felt the need to let her know that he was at the airport and she teased him by telling him that the reason why he texted her was because he was already missing her.

They began to talk again and Dave suddenly went off. Probably because they were asked to switch off their phones in the plane.

It was already sunset and Jasmine hadn't heard anything from Dave.
No phone calls, nor text messages.

She didn't want to bother herself but she couldn't help but miss him terribly.
Why did he come back if he was still going to leave again?

She went to bed that night without receiving a goodnight text from Dave and that actually hurt.

She received a text from Dave very early the next morning and he told her that he arrived safely and that he wouldn't be online steadily because the network connection over there was really bad.

Jasmine woke up to his message and she felt relieved to know that he was doing fine. Although the time she saw the text, he had already gone off.

Being aware that he wouldn't be coming online as usual did not make her feel good but she knew that she won't be affected that much because she was already talking to other guys.

Jasmine and Dave really lost connection the period he went on his trip.
It felt like he was fading away from her life.
They lacked communication for days and she wasn't really feeling his absence.

She wasn't even missing him like she was meant to.

He came online after three days and he told her that he had been having lots of fun over there.

He said that he had been attending several wedding parties because it was a festive period.
They didn't really talk much and he went offline, again.

This pissed Jasmine off.
Could it be that he wasn't missing her?
Why wasn't he giving her the attention he used to give to her?
She began to ask herself questions which led to thinking.
Whatever the case was, she would figure out soon.

Hey, go and tell your friends to come check out my book😘😊

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