Ice and Snow, Mind and Heart

By Heartlocket1004

150K 4.9K 415

Yuki, an old friend of Inuyasha's, returns to Feudal Japan after rumours of the evil Naraku gets around, and... More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Rin
Chapter 3: Inuyasha
Chapter 4: Tokijin
Chapter 5: Sesshomaru wields Tokijin
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes
Chapter 7: Kohaku
Chapter 8: Fates
Chapter 9: Demon's True Nature
Chapter 10: Sesshomaru
Chapter 11: Affections Touching Across Time
Chapter 12: Panther Demons
Chapter 13: Full Moon
Chapter 14: Sacrifice
Chapter 15: Tenseiga
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Jaken's Plan
Chapter 18: Abducted Rin
Chapter 19: Naraku
Chapter 20: Connection
Chapter 21: Realization
Chapter 22: Resolution
Chapter 23: Wolf Demon Tribe
Chapter 24: Koga meets Sesshomaru
Chapter 25: Poisons
Chapter 26: Barriers
Chapter 27: Jakotsu and Suikotsu
Chapter 28: Altercation at Mount Hakurei
Chapter 29: Peace
Chapter 30: Naraku Beyond Darkness
Chapter 31: Farewell, Kikyo?
Chapter 32: Discovery
Chapter 33: Past Revealed
Chapter 34: Old Scars
Chapter 35: Comfort
Chapter 36: Uncertainty
Chapter 37: The Women who Love Sesshomaru
Chapter 38: Yearning
Chapter 39: Defining Weakness
Chapter 40: So'unga
Chapter 41: Three Swords
Chapter 42: Father's Shadow
Chapter 43: Undead Warriors
Chapter 44: Takimaru
Chapter 45: Swords of an Honorable Ruler
Chapter 46: Someone to Protect
Chapter 47: Contemplations
Chapter 48: Entryway
Chapter 49: Inu no Taisho
Chapter 50: Adamant Barrage
Chapter 51: Blundering Truth
Chapter 52: Leave or Stay
Chapter 53: Forever with Lord Sesshomaru
Chapter 54: Hearts
Chapter 55: Mark of the War Gods
Chapter 56: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 57: Four War Gods
Chapter 58: The end of Horai Island
Chapter 59: New Future
Chapter 60: Kagura's Wind
Chapter 61: Meido Zangetsuha
Chapter 62: Final Act
Chapter 63: Mother
Chapter 64: Netherworld
Chapter 65: Loving You
Chapter 66: Unpleasant Truth
Chapter 67: Complete Meido
Chapter 68: Tenseiga's Truth
Chapter 69: Defying Fate
Chapter 70: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 72: Vulnerability
Chapter 73: Magatsuhi
Chapter 74: Pride
Chapter 75: Bakusaiga
Chapter 76: Left Behind
Chapter 77: Waiting
Chapter 78: The beginning of the End
Chapter 79: Kohaku's Shard
Chapter 80: To the End
Chapter 81: Demon
Chapter 82: Half-demons
Chapter 83: Human
Chapter 84: Saved
Chapter 85: Unfinished business
Chapter 86: Back to the Beginning
Chapter 87: Toward Tomorrow

Chapter 71: Meido Tetsusaiga

1K 40 2
By Heartlocket1004

Inuyasha gasped as, following Tenseiga's breaking, Tetsusaiga pulsed before it glowed, enveloping him in the light as it transformed yet again.

As the light receded, he vaguely noted that he had returned to his normal, half-demon self, leaving him somewhat weak and lightheaded. But his attention was focused mostly on Tetsusaiga's blade, which had now turned completely black.

'Meido Zangetsuha.' Sesshomaru thought as he too stared at the black blade. 'The technique I almost lost Yuki to in my quest to master it... And now, it will be mine no longer. Why, father?'

His attention returned to his younger brother as Inuyasha winced, before looking back at his back where a few Adamant spears were still imbedded.

"Damn." Inuyasha hissed as both he and Sesshomaru noticed the miasma. "Naraku's..."

He grit his teeth, fighting the sudden pain, but it was too much. The Meido's aura paired with the miasma overcame him now that he was no longer a full demon and Inuyasha passed out before Sesshomaru.

The older dog demon scowled as he watched Inuyasha float backwards and towards the Underworld once more.

"Succumbing to Naraku's poison." Sesshomaru muttered irritably. "Your nature is weak, half-demon."

He knew from painful experience that only the power of Tetsusaiga, especially now that it was combined with Tenseiga's Meido technique, was keeping his brother from dying. Sesshomaru's frown deepened for a moment, before with a resigned air he flew over to his brother.

Grabbing onto Inuyasha's back, Sesshomaru unceremoniously pulled the Adamant shards out from the half-demon's back, expelling the source of the miasma before it could spread into Inuyasha's body... and then he punched Inuyasha across the face.


Outside the Meido

'Very mature.' Yuki thought to herself as she watched.

The others were less calm.

"Hey!" Kagome cried as she grabbed Totosai by the lapels and shook the older demon frantically. "How will they escape from the path to the Underworld?"

"There's no way." Totosai answered grimly, waiting for Kagome to stop shaking him. "I'm afraid it's impossible now."

"What?!" Kagome cried, but Yuki just waited.

She'd heard that phrase – well, heard about it – before. And given what had just happened between the brothers... she wasn't quite as ready to give up yet. And after the depressing day she'd had... she was ready to hope one more time.


Inside the Meido

Inuyasha stirred, and his eyes fluttered open before focusing on Sesshomaru before him.

"Sesshomaru." He half-muttered half-growled, feeling his cheek throb.

Wiping at the pain, he glared at his older brother, griping: "What? You still want to fight?"

"The gate has been closed." Sesshomaru informed Inuyasha without preamble; he was ready to leave and knew that his statement alone would be enough to make Inuyasha realize the gravity of their situation.

Sure enough, the younger dog demon's eyes widened, and Inuyasha yelped: "What?!"

Satisfied, though only grimly, Sesshomaru queried almost nonchalantly: "Will we stay here on the path to the Netherworld? Or will we find some way to return to the world of the living?"

He fixed cool eyes on his younger brother as he added: "Inuyasha, it all depends on you."

It might have been a touching moment for the brothers... if it hadn't been for the flat tone Sesshomaru had spoken with.

As it was, Inuyasha was still stunned and he asked, sounding hesitant before his older brother for the first time: "It all depends on me? But how?"

He looked down at his new, black Tetsusaiga as he wondered aloud: "Are you telling me that I need to use this new Tetsusaiga? This Black Tetsusaiga?"

Sesshomaru sighed as he watched his brother stare at Tetsusaiga musingly, and he interjected pointedly: "We don't have any time to waste on conversation."

Inuyasha glanced back, realizing only then just how close he'd gotten to the eclipse-like hole that led straight to the Underworld. If they passed through that black hole, there was no doubt they would never escape.

Sesshomaru watched as Inuyasha turned to face the eclipse, his face uncertain as he stared at Tetsusaiga, seeking answers that he knew Sesshomaru wouldn't or couldn't give.

'Inuyasha...' Sesshomaru thought grimly as he watched his half-brother, even as he felt his body starting to be eaten up by the darkness of the Underworld. 'That sword belongs to you now. You must wield it your own way.'

Inuyasha glanced back, as though sensing something was wrong, and the half-demon's gold eyes narrowed as he saw the edges of Sesshomaru's body dissolving into the darkness around them.

"Don't you disappear on me!" Inuyasha yelled at his brother furiously. "I won't be able to live with myself if you die now! And it's not just because of how Yuki would feel!"

Sesshomaru's eye twitched irritably, but Inuyasha barely noticed. "It's bad enough I've got your sword! Hm?"

Inuyasha blinked as he felt a tug on his clothes, and he looked forwards once more just as the black hole started sucking them in towards the Netherworld. He let out a yell as he was pulled while Sesshomaru followed silently.

'Is this the end?' He wondered as he watched Inuyasha struggling. 'Is this really how I will die?'

Yuki's face as he'd last seen it, distraught and hurt by his words, flashed before his mind's eyes and Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. 'Yuki...'

Inuyasha growled suddenly.

"Over there!" He shouted, whether to himself or to Sesshomaru. It didn't matter.

He lifted Black Tetsusaiga, focused on a gleaming crescent in the middle of the black hole. He wasn't going to die here, and he wasn't going to let Sesshomaru die either. But it definitely wasn't because he was his brother.

Inuyasha swung Tetsusaiga high above his head, aimed, and then slashed at the thin white light as he yelled: "Let's go!"

A purple crescent shaped attack flew out from his sword, headed right for the white light. The instant the two lights clashed, there was a small spark, before it was like the whole world exploded around Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha closed one eye while he shielded the other as everything around him glowed purple for a moment, before the light turned white and he couldn't see anymore...


Outside the Meido

Yuki looked up, relief seeping through her entire body as a large, perfectly round Meido appeared in the sky above them.

"The path!" Shippo cried as they all gaped, and Totosai murmured in awe: "Woah..."

Something sparkled as it fell out of the Meido first, and Totosai squinted. "Is that...?"

The others ignored him as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru appeared in the Meido, the former falling out and landing face first into the Earth below.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried as she raced across towards the half-demon lying in a heap on the ground.

Rin and Jaken meanwhile ran for the dog demon who landed far more elegantly further away.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" The pair cried, and he glanced at them briefly as they ran up.

Jaken was crying, though he bit his tongue to remain silent when Sesshomaru raised his gaze to look behind him and Rin. Yuki was coming towards them at a slower pace, relief at his safe return mixed with anger and wariness in her expression as she examined Sesshomaru's face. She was clearly searching for some indication as to how he felt before she decided how to approach him, and Sesshomaru knew the exact moment that she figured it out.

Her eyes landed on his tightly clenched fist, mostly hidden beneath his long kimono sleeve. It was almost unnoticeable, and indeed no-one else seemed to see it; but of course, Yuki did. And though Sesshomaru kept his face as impassive as usual as her eyes met his once more, as usual she saw right through his act.

Her shoulders slumped a little as the tension left her when she let go of the small resentment that told her she should slap him for how he had handled the whole situation. She had been ready to rail on him, furious with Sesshomaru for his deception and what she perceived to be needlessly harsh actions and words. But that look in his eyes as she stopped before him at last... She could only imagine the heartache and confusion Sesshomaru must be feeling right now, and knew it wasn't the time for her own hysterics.

Knowing the others – other than the unconscious Inuyasha – were watching, she refrained from hugging him or showing any outward display of comfort. He would not take that well, particularly with Totosai watching, and Rin and Jaken waiting to one side and eyeing the pair carefully. Instead, she took his hand gently, loosening his fist and worming her way into his grasp.

He seemed hesitant to respond, his emotions warring as he stared at her with troubled gold eyes – there was apology for causing her to worry, the natural confusion and dare she say hurt regarding his destiny with his father's swords, and the anger that she had seen throughout his fight with Inuyasha though it was muted now and tempered with what looked to be resignation. But as Yuki looked up at him, her hands squeezing his with silent comfort, he finally relaxed just a little and the apology began to outweigh the other emotions as he silently squeezed her hand in return.


Yuki turned while Sesshomaru moved his eyes to Totosai as the elderly demon came up beside Yuki, his bulging eyes watching Sesshomaru thoughtfully.

"Are you able to accept what has happened?"

And just like that the anger and irritation won out on Sesshomaru's face.

Yuki sighed quietly as Sesshomaru removed his hand from hers while Jaken blurted out through his tears: "Lord Sesshomaru! I am sick with grief! For Tenseiga to be absorbed into Tetsusaiga like that, it's unbearable-!"

For once, it was Yuki who smacked Jaken on the head, silently ordering him to be quiet. Sesshomaru meanwhile didn't even acknowledge Jaken's wailing as he fixed Totosai with an icy look.

"I do not care." He replied flatly, his tone as cold as the look he gave the old swordsmith. "Yuki, we are leaving."

He turned, clearly ready to leave and definitely not willing to discuss Tenseiga's fate with Totosai at the moment. Yuki sighed to herself – at least he'd called for her.

Should she should be angry that he was so commanding when she really thought she deserved an apology first after what he'd put her through? Probably. But, given the circumstances, she let it slide. For now. How much longer she could do that, however, she wasn't sure. He would have to learn some time that he couldn't continue to be so immature, but she figured that now was not a good time for that lecture.

She was about to apologize to Totosai before she followed Sesshomaru, when the older demon called: "One moment, Sesshomaru."

Yuki paused, as did Sesshomaru though he didn't turn around.

The old demon took a step forward as he informed Sesshomaru's back: "Although you may find little consolation in it now, I suggest you take it."

He looked pointedly to the side, and Sesshomaru glanced at what he had already known was there. Yuki looked over, surprised to see Tenseiga – whole again – sticking up out of the ground not a few feet away. She supposed she'd missed it, too focused on Sesshomaru, but Totosai had not had her problem.

Yuki's eyes flickered back to Sesshomaru, noting the way his back had tensed just slightly, while Totosai continued firmly: "It fell from the path to the Underworld."

Yuki glanced back as she heard a groan, and her gaze softened just slightly as she saw Inuyasha stirring at last.

"Inuyasha? Are you okay?" Kagome asked from where she was knelt beside the half-demon.

He barely heard her as he lifted his head, only to see Yuki, then Sesshomaru, and finally Tenseiga.

"I see." He realized. "That light that I was following must have come from Tenseiga."

Sesshomaru ignored him while Yuki looked at Inuyasha curiously. Her eyes moved again, however, when Totosai walked to the side and even Sesshomaru watched as Totosai pulled Tenseiga out of the ground.

Totosai held Tenseiga up as he said to Sesshomaru encouragingly: "You may not be satisfied with this sword that cannot cut, but Tenseiga is powerful for it heals."

Sesshomaru scoffed and he turned away once more, retorting sharply and with more than a hint of bitterness: "So what, I'm supposed to take it and go around healing people now?"

He started walking off again, finishing scathingly: "Don't be ridiculous."

He stalked away without another look back, ignoring Jaken - as the little demon ran after him with a cry to wait - and Totosai, who tried to cry: "Hey!"

Totosai sighed, shaking his head after the stubborn dog demon as Rin and then Kohaku ran after Sesshomaru as well.

"Master Totosai." A voice spoke up from beside him.

The old master turned in surprise at the address, though in his hearts of hearts he really wasn't too surprised, to see Yuki standing there.

She smiled a little wryly as she held out her hands for the sword, and Totosai nodded as he handed it to her.

"I'll give it to him when he's calmed down a bit." She informed the old master, before nodding to Inuyasha.

"Sorry I couldn't stop him before..." She gestured at his battered state, and he shrugged.

"Not your fault you've got lousy taste in guys." He replied, and she smiled slightly.

"He's not so bad." She murmured softly, a hint of sorrow passing through her eyes.

Inuyasha just nodded and he glanced at Sesshomaru briefly before looking at Yuki once more.

"Take care of yourself and him, Yuki." He muttered, clearly uncomfortable with actually worrying about Sesshomaru. Kagome on the other hand looked pleasantly surprised at the change while Yuki gave Inuyasha a small smile.

"I will." She answered.

Leaning down, she pressed a kiss onto the top of Inuyasha's head, whispering so only he could hear: "Thank you for bringing him back to me."

And before he could answer or retort, she stood up and she was gone, running after Sesshomaru as he walked off with Jaken, Rin and Kohaku trailing behind.


Yuki hurried after Sesshomaru, who had no intention of slowing down.

"Jaken, can you go fetch A-Un, please?" Yuki requested as they disappeared out of sight from Inuyasha's group.

"Huh?" Jaken asked, puzzled by her request, but Rin - as usual - was more perceptive.

"Come on, Master Jaken! Kohaku and I will go with you!" The child agreed, dragging Jaken with her.

"Uh? Hey!"

The pair disappeared, Kohaku following silently. The boy was observant as well.

Yuki waited until they were gone before turning to Sesshomaru.

He had stopped, knowing what Yuki was doing and less reluctant to speak with her than he had been with Totosai. His face was less impassive now that they were alone, and under the still raw anger she could now easily pick up on the even rawer pain in those cool gold eyes.

Sticking Tenseiga into the ground for the moment, Yuki took a step forward and closed what small space remained between them as she embraced Sesshomaru. He didn't return it at first, standing stiff and she could sense the war of emotions inside him. He wasn't ready to let the anger go yet; neither did he want to deal with the pain. But he wanted to accept her comfort, even if he wouldn't admit it aloud, and so for a long moment he simply stood there while Yuki's arms wrapped him in her warmth.

Finally, his head bent down over hers and Yuki sighed as his one arm came around her back, drawing her a little closer.

"You did the right thing."

He tensed again just slightly, but Yuki continued softly: "I'm not saying I agree with how you did it and if you do something like this again, you'll be in big trouble. But you did the right thing in the end, and I'm proud of you and grateful that you came back. For a moment there..."

She faltered for a second, before she regained herself.

"For a moment, I thought I'd lost you."

He didn't respond at first, nor had she expected him to. He knew she meant more than his trip back into the Netherworld. She was referring to the distance he had created, the gap she had felt she couldn't cross and which had worried her almost as much as his duel with Inuyasha had.

And she knew why he couldn't answer instantly, what was going through his mind. It was more than just his sword and any heirlooms left behind by his father that he had lost today; though that alone would probably be enough to drive Sesshomaru to the edge. And it certainly almost had; if not for the realization that this was his inescapable fate, Sesshomaru might have really given into his anger, Yuki's fears or not.

But after accepting the reality in that quiet time he'd had to think on his own, his decision had been relatively easy to make. Harder to execute in many ways, particularly as Sesshomaru was not usually prone to emotional outbursts, but it was now done. Naraku's bargaining had been an element he hadn't expected but it was worth Inuyasha being banged up a bit if it meant Sesshomaru could show the manipulative spider once and for all that he, Lord Sesshomaru, never could or would be made to dance to someone else's tune.

But in Tenseiga's place there was now a hole and Sesshomaru was at a loss as to how to deal with that. His core mission for centuries had been to become stronger than his father; that had been his very essence. Even the unexpected addition of Yuki in his life had not swayed him from that mission. Falling in love was a weakness he hadn't been expecting to confront. But once he had, he'd determined he would prove himself stronger than his father by protecting Yuki and himself, as his father had (in Sesshomaru's eyes) failed to do.

Ultimately, surpassing his father was always his goal. And Sesshomaru had thought he could accomplish it with his father's sword, Tenseiga. Even after learning he could only bring back the dead once, he'd had the Meido Zangetsuha. But now, it was gone and he was lost. Not a feeling Sesshomaru was used to and one he despised.

And the haunting question remained: Why?

Why had his father left him nothing? And if he was going to give him nothing, then why had his father chosen to bestow Tenseiga to him in the first place? Was it so important that Inuyasha obtain the Meido Zangetsuha that their father had tormented Sesshomaru to this extent? Was it that his father cared only for Inuyasha or did he, as Yuki and Totosai insisted, really have other plans still in store for Sesshomaru?


Sesshomaru's eyes focused back on Yuki as she softly called for his attention.

"I know... it's hard." She said softly, raising a hand and cupping his cheek. He didn't immediately respond to her touch, but Yuki took it as a good sign that he at least hadn't moved away.

"I won't pretend I know what you're going through, because I don't. I never knew my father, and you've seen what my mother was like. I've never looked up to someone the way you do your father. But I promise you," she stared up at him with bright blue eyes.

"I will be here and work through it with you. So don't shut me out; let me help you."

He stared back at her for a moment before he nodded. And that was enough for the moment.

Yuki pressed a kiss on him, waiting for Sesshomaru to respond softly. It would take a while for him to recover, but she hoped he would, given time. He was strong, she believed in that. All he needed, she thought to herself, was to be reminded that strength didn't lie in material objects like a sword. It thrived in one's will and heart.

*A/N Song of the day: In your past from Sword Art Online. The link is here: 

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