Walking Disaster- Hosie

By hosiesmp3

46.7K 1K 105

There are two girls, pretty obvious. One girl is a party animal, the other one likes to stay away from crowds... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Update :)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 18

925 26 0
By hosiesmp3

Josie's POV
We were back at the cabin. It was now time for Hope's party. Leo and Landon still stuck around, going out every now and then to get more wood. I don't know why but I don't ask questions. Freya left because she thinks we are old enough to take care of ourselves. Hope has been on the couch for awhile, don't nothing. Which is fine with me, it's her birthday weekend after all. Landon and Leo finally come back and it seems like they went hunting as well. Or they fought.

J: What happened to you guys?
La: A small disagreement that turned into fighting. Why?
H: You guys look like you went hunting.
Le: We tried to but he kept getting in the way.
La: Oh shut up Leo.
Le: Make me.

I roll my eyes and giggle. Everyone's eyes were on me now. I quickly went quiet and watched tv. Hope got and her and Landon walked out. They didn't really say much. Leo sits across from me.

Le: Look I'm sorry. I'll stop fucking around and I'll grow up.
J: Thank you for your apology Leo.
Le: No problem. I should've opened my eyes sooner when I seen you guys all happy. I won't ruin things anymore.
J: Okay thank you once again. Seriously.

He smiles and we go into an awkward silence. I get up and look for Hope and Landon. They were in the back. I walked out there and Hope gives me a small smile.

J: Everything okay?
H: Mhm.
J: What would you guys like for dinner?
H: I'll help you cook in a minute.
J: You don't have to.
H: Don't worry I will. Lan what do you want?
La: How about steak and potatoes and whatever Josie wants?
J: Okay, well I'll be inside waiting for you, Hope.
H: I'll be in there in a minute.

I walk back inside and walked to the kitchen. I see Leo getting a glass of milk.

Le: So what's up with you?
J: Nothing why?
Le: You just seem so jealous right now, it's kinda hilarious.
H: Oh shut up Leo.
Le: Sorry Hope.

Leo walks off and goes to the back with Landon. Hope comes up to me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

H: What is Leo's problem now?

J: Oh uh I don't know. You'd probably have to talk to him about it.

H: What's going on?

J: Let's cook, shall we?

H: Fine but after we are talking.

I nod and I grab everything we need for dinner, Hope helps every now and then. I quickly wash my hands and Hope looks at me, confused.

J: It's so we have clean hands before we start cooking so that way if we've touched anything dirty before cooking then other people don't have to eat our nasty germs. It's polite thing to do after all.

H: You sound like a professional.

J: I learned from my mom, now wash up.

H: You sound just like your mom too.

J: Oh shut up and just go wash your hands so we can start cooking.

Hope nods and washes her hands. I start to get everything ready and Hope comes up behind me and hugs me. I smile and melt into the hug. She lets go and stands next to me.

H: What's first?

J: I'll do the potatoes, you do the steak. Sounds good?

H: Yep.

-1 hour later-

Hope's POV

After cooking, we called Landon and Leo to come inside. They came inside and we all sat by the table. Landon was talking about sci-fi, his normal geeky thing. Leo would continuously roll his eyes, he normally does that anyway. Leo has been on my nerves a lot lately. Josie would always nod and listen to Landon. Landon seemed content with his food. Leo got up from the table. 

Le: I am leaving tonight, actually I am leaving here. Sorry I gotta be a party pooper. 

H: Nobody seems to care Leo. You do you. 

J: Hope! You aren't supposed to say that. 

H: Sorry but we all know it's true.

La: Doesn't mean we have to be rude. Leo have a safe drive. I hope you enjoyed your weekend though. 

Le: Thanks Landon. 

La: No problem. I'll come and help you pack everything up later. 

Le: Okay, I'll just go out by the fire then. 

Landon nods, Josie waves bye to him and I simply pretend to ignore his existents. Landon finishes his food and gets up. He says goodnight and he walks over to Leo, who just came inside. Landon and Leo go into Leo's room. Josie looks at me and it seems like she's upset.

H: What's wrong?

J: Nothing.

H: Talk to me. I'll apologize to Leo if that'll make things better. 

J: It's not that. 

H: Then what's up?

J:  I don't know, I think it's just my parents kind of splitting up but let's not focus on that. This is your weekend. What do you want to do?

H: Let's go for a walk.

J: It's dark Hope.

H: We have flashlights. Come on, let's go.

I smile at Josie  and we got up. We took care of our plates and began to start cleaning up. after we finished cleaning, I put  on a hoodie and hand one to Josie. I grab a flashlight and we began to walk for a bit. 

H: You should text your sister. 

J: You're right. I will when we get back to the cabin. Right now I just want to spend time with my beautiful, caring and loving girlfriend. 

I look at the ground and smile. Josie seriously knows how to make someone blush. I'd do anything for Josie, I've never felt this way about anyone before. It's kind of scary but I want things to actually work for once. I don't ever want to lose Josie. 

Authors note: Another bad chapter. I will be stopping this chapter here, mostly because it seems like a good place to stop. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. Now let's talk about how weird this chapter is, with all the spaces and what not. I originally write stories with my phone, which is why in previous chapters they were all over the place and what not. I recently got a computer for helping  my grandma because she got surgery awhile back and needed help. I wrote the rest of this chapter with my computer. My grandma is doing fine now, she's healthy and alive. Obviously, anyways this chapter is a little boring but I promised you guys that a chapter would be out sometime this week so here you go and I hope you enjoyed :). 

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