The Vampire prince's Suitors...

By FeignIgnorance

34.1K 918 110

Pepper finds herself owned by a prince, her family had prepared her for becoming a pet, but never for being o... More

Unexpected royalty
Bonding Time
🌼Boredom and law breaking🌼
Defensive heart
Caged and tired
🌼Garden of glory🌼
Drawings and friends
🌼Gentle flirtation🌼
Soft hands
🌼Lustful temptation🌼
Uninvited but welcome
🌼Swimming lesson🌼
Drawing, please.
🌼Gems cut🌼
Jeff and Alex
🌼Callum and training🌼
🌼Strange Lad🌼
Lost in a castle
🌼Her first punishment🌼
Fearing the worst
I am here
🌼The best for last🌼
🌼TV show trainers🌼
Callum's rage
🌼Pepper, darling🌼
Preparing for the choice
Hunted down
🌼Chaos and order🌼
A family by any other name

🌼Meeting Ollie🌼

1.2K 34 4
By FeignIgnorance

🌼Prince Alex's point of view🌼

I sat up and glanced at the lump under my blankets. She hadn't even woken up when I picked her up.

It may be of poor taste to let the human sleep beside me, but I couldn't find the heart to lock her up. I didn't even plan on putting her under the blankets, but she was shivering.

I nodded at one of my servants as they walked in, the same one who refused Pepper food. She smiled and slightly bowed, leaving the cart inside and leaving, I sighed and shook Pepper's shoulder.

I watched her yawn and stretch, blinking up at me with her adorable tired gaze. She squinted and looked around, seeming unsure of herself.

She pulled up her sketchbook and examined it. I feel bad for yesterday, she had been so adorably scared for that book of hers. With big watery eyes and a small voice, she can really make me want to hold her and protect her.

She's very much still a child, my special pet.

"Hurry and eat Pepper, then you will have a bath, I'll just be getting ready" I explained, she huffed and moved off of the bed, leaving her book protectively on her cage.

I pulled the cart to the bed and lifted my foods lid, eating it slowly. She ate much quicker, I guess she is very food motivated.

"You'll make yourself sick eating like that." I warned her, she held her plate a little closer. Her eyes wide with worry before squinting a more aggressive look. I rolled my eyes and smiled, she's very cute.

"I'll be fine" she stated. I've never heard of a human being so defiant, yet so anxious. You could swear she's had an owner before who neglected her.

"Stop with that attitude" I corrected her, she shrunk back and seemed to grow anxious. I didn't say anything wrong, why does she keep getting upset?

I sighed and stood, walking to a well hidden closet door. I looked back to see her confusion as I opened the door, she must've never seen it.

I listened to her shuffle to the bathroom and examined my suits. I could go for a nice blue. Yet it is traditional to go to important events in red.

I finally decided on a comfortable suit and got changed, examining myself in the mirror on my closet doors. I smiled, happy with the silky green outfit. Green is always acceptable if red isn't wanted.

I picked up clean clothes for Pepper and entered the bathroom. I checked on her briefly, seeing her dunk her head and scrub out the hair wash.

"Your clean clothes are here" I told her, resting them on a chair. I went to the sink and combed my hair, deciding on how I want it.

I decided on a respectable, out of my face look. Pepper was drying herself and getting dressed, I smiled happily and began combing her short hair.

Once ready I attached her leash, and walked her out, heading for the big hall. I stepped out and immediately noticed a rather cute man. His hair short and excited brown eyes wide.

"My prince! It's wonderful to meet you! My name is Ollie Charleston! The son of a nobleman" greeted the man. I smiled at him, enjoying the happy atmosphere.

I examined his grey suit and his cute features. He isn't handsome like Frederick, yet he's irresistibly cute, and not in the platonic sense.

"Welcome Ollie. The pleasure is all mine. I hope you've readied a lovely week for us" I greeted in turn. His smile lit up the room and pushed up his button nose.

"Oh, I didn't realise you had a pet, she's very cute!" He gushed, I smiled a little wider, I am quite proud of her.

He held my hand and kissed it quickly, standing up and gazing at me.

"I definitely have quite a soft week planned, I don't want to be overwhelming. So I've planned some lunches and dinners and some games to" added Ollie. He patted Peppers head and smiled at me.

"I can't wait. I'm certain you have planned quite a lovely week for us" I responded, nudging Pepper closer to my side.

"of course! You're quite charming my prince. Maybe we'll even sneak some little moments in" chuckled Ollie, I examined him and slowly understood his meaning.

"Oh" I stammered, flustered by his Comment. He smiled still, laughing to himself.

"Little moments?" Asked Pepper, seeming confused on our reaction. She's so innocent.

"Nevermind Pepper" I mumbled, catching Ollie's wink and joyous laugh.

He's pretty charming himself, though surprisingly forward.

"I've written down the plans, be sure to tell me if you'll be unavailable" added in Ollie, moving quickly to the exit door.

"Farewell for now, my prince" said the cute man and he opened the large doors.

"Farewell. I look forward to seeing you again" I responded, glancing down to my confused human.

"Likewise" said Ollie as he vanished. I sighed and nodded to a servant who handed me a small notebook.

I guess this is the schedule he wrote. I opened it and noticed the surprisingly elegant writing.

"I think he's quite charming, do you agree Pepper?" I asked, she looked at me.

"He's nice" she agreed, I smiled and led her to a high staircase and showed her the ballroom.

"Soon we'll be having a ball. That day, you will spend some time inside the room, bathing and getting ready and once I've made my decision, you'll be brought out. We'll all dance and celebrate, and then me and my betrothed will pick who will be the surrogate mother. I want you to help me decide, it'll both annoy my father, and if there's going to be a baby, then it'll be easier for you to not be left out" he explained.

She nodded along to my long explanation. Her word is so important to me on this.

"Okay, prin.... Master" She agreed and examined the ball room. Surrounded by strangers, the thought must be nerve wracking for someone so delicate.

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