๐„๐”๐๐Ž๐ˆ๐€ , ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐›๐จ๐จ

By cadarino

948K 39.8K 107K

๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡, ๐š ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž ๐›๐ž๐ญ ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐ฅ๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐š๐ญ ๐š ๐ฏ๐จ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฒ๐›๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ ๐š๐ฆ๐ž ๐ž๐ง๏ฟฝ... More

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~ seventyfour ~
~ epilogue ~

~ sixtyfive ~

9.8K 433 1.3K
By cadarino


~ Vee Pov ~

"they're so peaceful." I hear Tubbo whisper rather loudly, holding back excited giggles.

"who's peaceful?" I blink open my eyes, realizing both Ranboo and I had fallen asleep.

"you and your beloved" Tommy annunciated, who was currently getting his hair French braided by Ollie, "mans won't stop falling asleep."

"he's comfortable" I smile, tracing along his arm as he slept.

"To be fair, he hasn't gotten any rest—at all" Tubbo acknowledged, "He's probably used to Ollie's sleeping habits while practically living there last month."

"Excuse me I got like—3 hours of rest this morning!" The brunette pointed out, brushing through Tommy's curls as she talked.

"I'll give that to you" Tubbo sighed, "but I wanna stream! I've spent the entire morning doing nothing!"

"You guys showed me British things for like 2 hours, and all I gathered from it was you call cookies biscuits and are f*cking wimps with heat."

Tubbo sighed loudly, "Oh my f*cking god if I hear you or Ranboo mention one more stupid sh*tty American thing I will kick you out."

"what about me?" I smile, enjoying the bickering.

"you get to stay, you're nice and not overtly American" He nodded, "I'll accept you."

"good enough for me" I shrug before getting interrupted by a stirring Ranboo,

"oh my gosh you're still here" he gasped,

I chuckled lightly, "Yes, I am."

"so...it's not a dream."

"it's not a dream," Ollie smirked, "but it's what the point of the mask is—"

"say that line one more time and I will hurt you" Ranboo deadpanned,

"do it you won't." Ollie bet, making a challenging expression towards the other teen.

"please don't get hurt." Tommy sighed, "It's not fun when you get hurt."

Ollie finished off a braid of Tommy's hair, flicking his forehead before continuing, "I suppose getting hurt in other countries is kinda my thing though..."

"only mentally." Tommy tutted,

"physically as well, when I jumped off the roof I hurt my ankle and I didn't tell anyone about it since #adrenaline, and now it kinda hurts after walking for a long time." Ollie mentioned way too casually for anyone's liking.

"you hurt your ankle on the roof?!" Tommy exasperated,

"you jumped off a roof?" I hadn't heard this part of the story before.

"someone kissed on a roof as well but that's straying off the subject..." Ranboo mumbled, staring at the ceiling of Tubbo's house as I fidgeted with the strings of his hoodie.

"you hurt your ankle on the roof?" The blonde repeated, more shocked than anybody else.

She shrugged, "it didn't seem super important to say—and it doesn't bother me too much, so it's basically nothing."

"Great Ollie just revealed some cool trauma that we can all talk to our therapists about later woo! can we stream now?" Tubbo said, smiling hopefully.

"Tubbo I like your attitude" The brunette clapped, "time for my monthly appearance on the internet!"


"Do you wanna be on the stream at all?" Ranboo asked me, nodding towards Ollie and Tubbo, who were excitedly setting up, "you can if you want to?"

"I wouldn't wanna interrupt or add too much for chat to be confused about—I'd like to watch though" I smile,

"you wouldn't be interrupting" Ranboo reminded, "you're always welcome."

"Thanks" I smiled warmly, "it means a lot."

"just know you can join in whenever" He traced along the peace sign on my arm, something I noticed he did a lot.

I nodded, "I'll probably just be working behind the camera—plus, front row seat to some new OllieInnit content? Count me in."

"good thinking." Ranboo grinned, "—Beautiful thinker moment."

"it is!" I chuckle, "we should start keeping track since there's been so many."

"we should" he agreed, smiling at the thought.


"sorry for when people flood the chat with hate" Ollie sighed, double checking to make sure the camera settings were correct,

"don't be sorry" Tubbo reminded, "if it happens, we'll deal with it, and it'll be no problem!"

Tommyinnit is now Live!


Tommy sent out the notification on all platforms as usual, "you sure you wanna be on?—I mean it's your call I just don't want you to be overwhelmed."

"There's gonna be hate and I'm fine with it" Ollie acknowledged, "Chat has funny insults every once In a while, it's cool."

User1: wait I thought she was dead

User2: holdup her and tommy are still together? Wasn't she canceled?

User3: guys watch out she's gonna get kidnapped again D:

User4: oh she's here :|

User5: lmao Oll*e not apologizing arc?

User6: surprised she isn't on the streets by now, why are they still friends with her?

User7: ollie needs to apologize.

WilburSoot: mods sub only and permban hate ty <3

WilburSoot: mods sub only and permban hate ty <3

WilburSoot: mods sub only and permban hate ty <3

"this will be interesting" Ranboo says, watching the chat cruise by as the starting soon screen played out.

"I'm just so famous yall would never understand" Ollie's sarcastic tone lightened the mood, "you guys still fine with me being on?

"we're more than fine with it" Tommy said instantly, messaging Wilbur on the other monitor.

"upvote" Tubbo noted before unmuting for chat, which died down only slightly.

Softnuage: money mode :D

User8: hi ollieeee

User9: sorry about the hate benchtrio :( Ollie kinda deserves it tho...

User10: im closing chat why are yall like this

User11: ig I can tolerate this if I pretend she's not here

User12: this chat is just a free block list

User13: why are people defending Ollie? She lied then disappeared for months...

Softnuage: Emote only bc chat sucks :/

User14: chat is so rude today-

"we need a distraction or something" Tubbo mentioned secretively to Ollie as Ranboo and Tommy welcomed the stream,

"something that will make twitter go crazy" She said sarcastically, still not loud enough for the mic to pick it up.

"you guys should reveal me" I joked, "that'll do it."

Ollie raised an eyebrow before thinking out loud, "wait..."

Her pondering was interrupted by Tommy jolting in, "We also have Molly! Molly say hi!"

"hello!" she smiled, it always amazed me how quickly she could switch to her usual stream-sona, (which to be fair, wasn't too different from her actual personality), "how's everyone doing?—I haven't talked with you guys in a bit!"

Chat was temporarily put back in normal mode, most hate had died down by now. (keyword: most)

User15: OLLIEEEEEE <33333

This message was deleted from a moderator.

User16: HIIIII

User17: GOOD HOW ARE YOU????


"what're we doing today chat?" Tommy said excitedly, "we feeling some media shares? Hmm?"

"yes media shares!" Tubbo nodded before directing the stream moderators, "mods will you please get that set up please and thank you?"

While they waited for media shares to queue up, the group simply talked about normal things. It was crazy how similar the on-stream conversations were to our regular conversations, the only difference was a slight filter about a handful of topics, for example, Ollie couldn't joke about gas stations as much because she would 'most likely be trending on twitter.'

"I'm not saying I wouldn't love to be trending on twitter" Ollie smiled, "just for good reasons would be nice."

"Chat you should get us trending!" Tubbo cheered,

Tommy wheezed at Tubbo's excitement, "for what?"

"no clue!" The brown-haired boy giggled,

"Ranboo what's something that would make something trending on twitter?" Ollie asked,

He thought for a moment before speaking, glancing at me for multiple seconds, "our special guest."

"what." I brought my attention to Ranboo, I was only half paying attention until that moment.

"you'd be trending on twitter in seconds, correct?"

"I suppose" I smiled, a blush reaching my cheeks. I was merely sitting behind the camera, checking every couple seconds to make sure everything was working well.

"Vee give me your hand" Ollie reached out towards me.

"my hand?" I ask quietly, I took a second to look at chat, which was already confused by my voice in the background.

"yes!" She nods, "Ranboo you fine with it?"

"why would I not?" Ranboo cleared his throat, giving Ollie a look.

Ollie pursed her lips momentarily, "no idea—moving on, you fine with it?" she turned to me,

"am I fine with showing my hands to the stream?" I ask, laughing slightly.

"yes.—are you?"

"I guess?" I shrug, "sure?"

"We need a yes or no." Ranboo crossed his arms, he always needed a straight answer.

"yes, I would love to show over 122 thousand people my hand" I smiled, checking the viewer count.

Ollie chuckled, "#hand reveal for—can I say your name? Ranboo can I say her name?"

Ranboo answered plainly, I could tell what he was doing, "It's her choice."

"girlboss" Tommy mumbled, gathering a laugh from the group before Ollie returned to the subject,

"can I do a #name and hand reveal for our mystery person?"

I nodded, smiling at the antics, "yes."

"okay chat be nice...I know you aren't good at that," Ollie made a knowing-comedic look towards the camera, "But this is Vee, I encourage you to get her hands trending on twitter."

I simply waved towards the stream, laughing at the ridiculousness. And the group cheered,

"Vee making her debut pog!" Tommy clapped, "our ToLuv duo is iconic! We are girlboss' in plural!"

"do a peace sign" Ranboo said, laughing along with everyone.

I smiled at our little inside joke as I did multiple hand signs, "hand content for the stans."

"imagine you just start flashing gang signs or something" Ollie chuckled, "at least it'd make a good video"

"gang signs?" Tommy widened his eyes, "Our monetization!"

"it'd be worth it" Ollie made a so-so gesture.

"Dono just asked if people can make edits of your hand" Tubbo notified before holding out a pencil like a microphone in my direction, "what do you say Vee?"

"yeah I'm cool with it" I shrugged, "just don't be creepy—I'm a minor."

"Woo Minecraft minors!" Ollie clapped, "we should get that trademarked."

"wait Vee what's written on your arm?" Tommy pointed to the 'don't worry' that I had rewritten multiple times.

"oh—" I glanced at the peace sign, smiling before continuing, "Ranboo always tells me 'don't worry' so I wrote it on my arm so I wouldn't pull a memory boy and forget."

I could basically hear Ranboo roll his eyes, "you're the one who voluntarily writes it on your arm!"

"fine I'll stop then" I smiled, knowing he would protest instantly,

And he did, "no I like the drawings!"

The group laughed, "dang Ranboo switched up so fast" Ollie joked, "are you by chance bipolar?"

I took my hand out of camera view, and Ranboo gave a small thumbs up to me as I sat back down near the monitor to check stream chat.



User22: idk what this is but I love it.

User23: is she Ollie's replacement or something?


User25: brb gonna make a fanpage

User26: wait I'm confused who is this

The rest of the stream went well, the group ended up watching random media shares and talking for about an hour and a half, and once it ended Tommy informed me with nearly surprising news,

"oh sh*t wait you're actually trending Vee" The blonde wheezed, "#VeeHands and #MysteryVee are 4 and 5 in the UK"

"f*ck yes!" Ollie laughed, "this is truly a great day for the Vee community."

"I have a community?"

"you have edits and fan pages," Ranboo smiled, "I'm guessing you have a community."

"my hands have a fan page" I laugh in realization, "that is—amazing."

a/n: ahahaha sorry for this being a bit shorter than my usual weekly chapters ahahaha also sorry for posting this later than i intended ahahaha

(ive already written mcc(s) in eunoia and i'm so excited for those parts ahhh)

okay so my AP human geography teacher has a bunch of babies in his classroom that randomly showed up so i decided to name one of them <3 hope you enjoy

had to block out my school logo so i don't get #doxxed

here's jeremy making sure no one steals from the cabinets <3 our little star ‼️😍😍😍😍


story time:
so i was in art trying to send this reference picture to my friend, but i accidentally missed a single number and i (being the fanfic main character i aspire to be) wrote a heartfelt apology- AND THEY READ IT? BUT DIDN'T RESPOND?

so yeah that's what's been going on my week 😁🤞

mwah mwah have a nice day/night

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