~ sixtyfive ~

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~ Vee Pov ~

"they're so peaceful." I hear Tubbo whisper rather loudly, holding back excited giggles.

"who's peaceful?" I blink open my eyes, realizing both Ranboo and I had fallen asleep.

"you and your beloved" Tommy annunciated, who was currently getting his hair French braided by Ollie, "mans won't stop falling asleep."

"he's comfortable" I smile, tracing along his arm as he slept.

"To be fair, he hasn't gotten any rest—at all" Tubbo acknowledged, "He's probably used to Ollie's sleeping habits while practically living there last month."

"Excuse me I got like—3 hours of rest this morning!" The brunette pointed out, brushing through Tommy's curls as she talked.

"I'll give that to you" Tubbo sighed, "but I wanna stream! I've spent the entire morning doing nothing!"

"You guys showed me British things for like 2 hours, and all I gathered from it was you call cookies biscuits and are f*cking wimps with heat."

Tubbo sighed loudly, "Oh my f*cking god if I hear you or Ranboo mention one more stupid sh*tty American thing I will kick you out."

"what about me?" I smile, enjoying the bickering.

"you get to stay, you're nice and not overtly American" He nodded, "I'll accept you."

"good enough for me" I shrug before getting interrupted by a stirring Ranboo,

"oh my gosh you're still here" he gasped,

I chuckled lightly, "Yes, I am."

"so...it's not a dream."

"it's not a dream," Ollie smirked, "but it's what the point of the mask is—"

"say that line one more time and I will hurt you" Ranboo deadpanned,

"do it you won't." Ollie bet, making a challenging expression towards the other teen.

"please don't get hurt." Tommy sighed, "It's not fun when you get hurt."

Ollie finished off a braid of Tommy's hair, flicking his forehead before continuing, "I suppose getting hurt in other countries is kinda my thing though..."

"only mentally." Tommy tutted,

"physically as well, when I jumped off the roof I hurt my ankle and I didn't tell anyone about it since #adrenaline, and now it kinda hurts after walking for a long time." Ollie mentioned way too casually for anyone's liking.

"you hurt your ankle on the roof?!" Tommy exasperated,

"you jumped off a roof?" I hadn't heard this part of the story before.

"someone kissed on a roof as well but that's straying off the subject..." Ranboo mumbled, staring at the ceiling of Tubbo's house as I fidgeted with the strings of his hoodie.

"you hurt your ankle on the roof?" The blonde repeated, more shocked than anybody else.

She shrugged, "it didn't seem super important to say—and it doesn't bother me too much, so it's basically nothing."

"Great Ollie just revealed some cool trauma that we can all talk to our therapists about later woo! can we stream now?" Tubbo said, smiling hopefully.

𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐀 , 𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐨Where stories live. Discover now