Swing Lynn - Tommy x MALE Rea...

By MrMans12

87.3K 2.6K 2.1K

"Hey there little honey wont you groove? Ive been trying all night to dance with you," THIS IS IN NO WAY TO S... More

uh Hey there
One :]
Two :,]
Three :}
Four :>
Five :0
Six :○
Seven :)
Eight C:
nine :Q
Ten :,)
Thirteen =D
Sixteen {:'
Seventeen {:'
Eighteen D,:
Nineteen :,]
Twenty :0
Twenty-One :]
Twenty-two ;)
Twenty-three •<:)
Twenty-Four :°
Twenty-five :]
Twenty-six | Finale :)
Authors Final Note :>

Eleven :>

3.1K 85 126
By MrMans12

Y/ns Pov

Holy shit.
I just did that.
I just kissed Tom.
Directly on the lips.
What will he think of me??
Oh no.

As I walk to the train station were George will be waiting for me, thankgod it's not too far I hate walking, my face feels red, and hot. I slap my cheeks trying to refresh my thoughts, doesent help, shocker. I got so on edge I started speed walking, which helps because I want to get there soon.

It slowley gets dimmer and nottingham lights up sort of, the old style buildings look beautiful, London looks better at night tho. Thoughts of Tom flash and overflow my love confused head. I can't help but think about holding his hand again, hugging him, kissing him... for longer- "AHH STOP IT" I whisper shout and smack me cheeks again, driving a couple of eyes towards me.

Eventually I make it to the train station and see George just chilling, doesent seem bothered, as Tom would say, he don't know nobody. "Hey mann, sorry if I kept you waiting," I apologize. George gives me a weird look. "Whys your face red?" He asks curiously. Shit. Um excuse excuse cmonnn- "I walked into a pole."FUCK. He squints at me and gives me an even more questionable look. "Uh okayy, also you actually apologized to me, you never do that- are you okay??" He asks weirdly. "Pfft what? Y-yeah I'm gay- GREAT. Great, yknow because gay also means happy haha I'm fine." I bicker. "Mm'kayyyyy"he says all skeptical.

During the way home, and even sitting in my bed, I couldn't get the thought out of my head. How soft his lips were against mine, how I wish it could've been longer, how I wanted it to be a normal thing between us. I don't know why I did it, I guess I just wanted to be affectionate? But what if he's not comfortable with it? He probably doesn't even understand his sexuality, he's probably just a confused straight. I don't even know what or who I am. Ever since I met Tom I've been a mess really, can't think normally, my emotions are all over the place, and I'm losing touch in myself. I believe this is what they call being "lovesick" but I never thought I'd experience it. "Ughh..." I groan as I roll over on my chest and exhale into my pillow. I wonder what Tom thinks of me now. I wonder what's going through the poor guys head. I've probably made things so confusing for him..

Tommys Pov

Ly .

My head is rambling with fifty different thoughts going on at once. Y/n kissed Me-ME! OF ALL PEOPLE ME! After he left me baffled in Brighton, I stood there for awhile trying to piece together what the fuck just happened. Then after realization, went red and stuttered uncontrollably. I been sitting in my bed for about the whole night, I haven't touched my computer once, which my mum thought was weird and asked if I was alright. Ive been sitting in the dark alone with my thoughts.

Alright I need to think about this. Alright Tom. How was it? Well it was great really, I liked it, I mean it was my first kiss, I don't know about him though. Would you wanna do it again? Well probably, yeahh.. do you like guys? I don't know, probably, I mean it wasent like that until I met him, I don't know really. Do you like girls? Oh absolutley always have always will. So what the fuck are you? Does it matter? I'm happy right? Genders a social construct anyway. Is he happy? He seemed happy... and I know for a fact I like y/n, so much I'd want him to call me his... boyfriend. "Sigh... a life as Tom Simons isn't easy... but it's nice when you're here, isn't it?" I whisper to myself and drift away to sleep.

As the light creeks and picks at my eyelids, I squint them open to the blinds I forgot to close. Man what time is it? I check my watch, 11:46am. Holy shit I slept in. I didn't even get changed, I slept in jeans and my shirt. I've never slept in my clothes before, Idk it feels weird. Wait y/n still has my jumper. Ah shit. I give out a morning groan and stretch my arms and legs out like a stretcher. I decide to stop being lazy and got up to get ready. I didn't check my phone once.

I trodded down the stairs in a new change of clothes, consisting of my blue hoodie and another pair of denim jeans. I great my dogs and and welcomed by my mum when I walk into the kitchen. "Oh Tom, you're finally awake! Thought you died on us for a second," she chuckled as she was putting away cutlery in cabinets. "Heh, just really tired from the last couple days," I go to the cupboard and grab some cornflakes to munch on. "Well you must've been really tired because you barely talked to us and you didn't touch your computer, and I actually slept well last night when you came back," she points out. I'm not listening though, I've grabbed milk and are just pouring it into a bowl, my head full of my first kiss, with a man. "Oi! You're spilling milk! God where you listening?" She snaps me back to reality so I can stop what I'm doing and put down the milk. "Hm? Pardon? Um, yeah I'm-" I pause for a second, thinking about what I'm really thinking and if it's worth telling them about. "-...fine, I'm good," I finish off while grabbing a sponge and cleaning up my mess. "Hey. Don't lie, Whats up." She stops what she's doing and gives me the stern 'mother voice', yknow the one she'd give you if she knew you were lying. I feel a chill run down my spine at the voice. Ah shit, no, I can't tell her, not yet atleast. I sigh. "Mum nothing's up, I'm fine! Like I said," I said trying not to break eye contact, which was hard as she was staring me down. "Tom I know when somethings up when it's up, and it is up. Listen if you don't wanna tell me, that's fine, but tell us eventually, 'right?" She assures. "*exhale* yes mum, I'm fine dont worry," I say resting my shoulders and grabbing my bowl. I give her a quick peck on the cheek and bring myself back into my room.

Alright, I've gotta man up and just dive head first sometimes. I mentally prepare myself as I grab my phone from it's charging port and go on insta to see if I have any messages from y/n. None. He might still be asleep actually. Either way I message him anyway.

Tommyinnitt>  gmorning y/n, hope you slept well, you tired? cus i am

It's simple, abit stale, but simple. Now I play the waiting game.

Y/ns Pov

My eyes are stiff with sleep crust as I open them with my head dug deep into my pillow. I didn't sleep too much last night, must've been why I slept in more than usual. Wonder if George is awake, eh probably not he's a lazy shit. I groan and pick my self up from my bed and lay up. I go to grab my phone after not touching it at all after last night. I anxiously and relectuantly turn the screen on and see a notification.

Message from: Tommyinnitt

That along with 90 other notifications. Besides that- a message from Tom, gosh what did he say? Wonder if he's finally calling me out, maybe spacing from me, maybe just ending the friendship. I take a sigh of acceptance of what might happen next, and open the notification.

Tommyinnitt> gmorning y/n, hope you slept well, you tired? Cus i am

"Oh thank the lord-" I mutter as the weight lifts of my shoulders.

Y/u/n> pfft morning
Y/u/n> yeah i slept like shit

Tommyinnitt> its hard being apart of tom simons life innit😌

Y/u/n> its hard babysitting you but yeah sure that too ig

Tommyinnitt> bitch

Y/u/n> loves😍

I chuckle to myself and set my phone down and pull my hair back to stretch my face out and wake myself up abit. Need to actually get up. Monday's feel like shit so I prolly won't do much, will stream tho definatly today, Tom might wanna join me. I don't bother to get changed too much, I just change my shirt and I'm off. I drag my body down the stairs and decide I'm hungry. I quickly grab some crumpets and throw them in the toaster like a boss, well not really I just kinda try to and well- it doesnt matter shut up. After awhile I hear George coming down the stairs looking like, George. "Hey y/n/n" he said giving me his morning smile. "What's upp," I say returning it back. "Meh nothing, you good? You seem tired," he walks to the cabinet to grab a small snack. "Absolutely, probably just gonna throw some caffeine down my throat and call it a day yknow," I decide and walk to the fridge to grab an energy drink. The silence was so loud, but i was too tired to care. I cracked open the top, took off the can tab, and put it in my pocket. While taking a sip George speaks up. "So, you like Tom?" "PFFFFTT-" I sputter out all of the drink all over the floor at shock and embarrassment as I feel my face go pink. "SO THATS A YES?" he questions and I can hear the smile in his voice as I'm looking down at the mess I just made. "H-W-HUH??" I stutter and barely manage to say. "Oh my god. You like Tom. You like TommyInnit." He said covering his mouth with his hand. "Fuck offff" I groan as I grab the sponge to clean up my mess. "When did  that happen??" He questioned. "... like, Idk.. probably awhile after I met him.." I mutter. "Wow, you've known him for a month," he insights. "Gee thanks for counting for me, what would I do without you," I sarcastically remark while wipping the floor. "Oh shut it, you guys are so obviously in love," he says. I stop in my tracks and blush. "IS IT THAT OBVIOUS??" I yell while staring at him red faced. "Well yeah, like really obvious, we all know." He remarks. "U-um, haha, who tf is we" I ask. "Me, Will, Ranboo and tubbo," Curse you universe. "Ughhhh..." I groan while washing out the sponge in the sink. "So, made your move yet?" He asks while nudging me. I think about him kissing me on the cheek and me kissing him on the lips and feel my face go hot, which unfortunalty he noticed. "I'm taking by your red face that's a yes, oh my look at you," he says. "When??" He asks me with utter curiosity. "...before I got to the train station with you last night." I mutter. "Omg I knew something was up when you asked me to leave," he giggles. "So did you like tell him?? Orr" he questions.

"... I kissed him..."
"YOU DID- OMG REALLY?? SERIOUSLY."He says practically in awe as I'm red faced. "IT WAS ONLY A PECK , A-AND HE DID IT FIRST LAST NIGHT WHEN WE WERE WATCHING A MOVIE." I explain. "OMG HE KISSED YOU????" After a whole lot of unnesecery detailing and explaining, he's ended up with a good amount of blackmail, and I've ended up with a red face. "George I have been clueless ever since I met Tom, and now sexuality and gender is into the picture, I am at a loss for everything really." I chuckle nervously. "It just means your in love, and don't try worry to much on your preference and labels, those don't mean too much right now," he ensures. "Is that what it's like with you and your boyfriend? I mean clay," I correct. "Shut up, that's none of your concern," he says all sassy. "Wow, one sided much" I point out. "Shush, just know your in love alright? And you've gotta do something with your heart, as cheesy as it sounds," he notes. "Pfft, yeah, will do," I smirk. "Well imma go and do shit I don't actually know what yet heh," I say on my way up the stairs. "Oh y/n wait!" George stops me. "Yeah?" "You go back to uni next week right?" He asks. "Ugh don't remind meee" I wine. "So yes?" He laughs. "Hmmm depends if I feel like going," I trod up the stairs. "You're go in wether you like it or not!" He yells. "Ugh fineee" I yell back.

I close the door of my room and place my crumpets and energy drink on my desk. I put a crumpet in my mouth and check my phone for notifs. I see one from Tom.

TommyInnit> stream with me

Wow not like I have a choice do i.

(Lil time skip)
We were both streaming on each of our  accounts on twitch, and i had alot if viewers, more than usual, so that's cool. "Oh my god when did you last play Bedwars, last blue moon? You suck ass," I joke while knocking someone off our base. "OH SHUT THE FUCK UP MANN, YOU'RE BARELY DOING SHIT" He yells through his Mic. "I'M LITERALLY CARRYING OUR ENTIRE TIME WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT" I yell in return. Chat seems to really like our interactions, I see alot of fan art and videos of us, quite cool actually. "Wait wait I'm gonna go auto tune," he says. "Oh god please dont-" "hElloOoO y/U/nNnNnNnnn.." His voice bellows through my headset. "Oh for fucks sake-" I wine. We streamed for awhile until.
Dreamwastaken donated £40! Y/u/n ur cool B)

"Holy cow- Thankyou Dream! For the 40 pounds! Wow um thank you you're very swag too," I chuckle. "Why are you talking to dream." Tom says like a small child. "Why tf haven't you built a defence around the bed jackass," I joke. "Fuck you." He says. An hour later we had stopped stream and just talking, it was abit awkward but we got there. "Oh yeah dreams been really interested in you yknow," he noted. "Really? Oh that's so cool," I raise my eyebrows in shock. "Yeah who knows he might slide into ur dms all like 'hey gurl wanna see my recent high score for speedrunning'"He jokes. "PFFTBAHAHA, Omg I'd cry- pfft" I laugh. We talked for a little while longer until he had to take the dog out and do jobs around his house like a nerd, so we said we'd chat later and finished our convo and I just chilled on skyblock. Badum! The discord notification sounds through my headset and I check my 3rd monitor for discord. I thought it was Tommy but to my surprise it was... Dream??

Dream> Hello Y/u/n! I was wondering if you'd want to join the DreamSMP! I really think you'd be a great asset and we'd all very much like to meet you. Ofcourse this is optional, I await for your answer(lol)

Holy- Wow. Me. On the dreamsmp?? Woah. That's so cool. Should I tho? Er I don't know if this is my thing.

Y/u/n> Omg wow yes That'd be so cool

Dream> Awesome! Love to have you on the team

Y/u/n> That's so cool:), ip?

Dream> totally! *insert because ofc I don't know it

Y/u/n> Thankyou:D

Dream> No problem! Also here's the link to our Discord:) (**Wow link woohoo**)

Wow. Y/n on the dsmp. What the hell.

I'll do my best to get chapters out more often, so sorry to those who've waited so long

Cya in the next chapter

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