Twenty-five :]

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Your POV

Tommy met my parents. We went with George, to visit my parents for new years, already happened, but its hard to see them a lot, since we're always working, and they live out in Manchester. Tommy was anxious, and quieter than usual, but my mother seems to love him. I also came out to them, and told them about me and Tommy. They were supportive, my dad was a bit weird about it, but George being the amazing brother he is, talked him through it, and convinced him other wise. It was really stressful, because of my dads reaction it set me off. My mum was taken aback a bit, and didn't expect it, but she was comforting about it, and since Tommy's on her good list, it was a win win.


I was sitting in my room again, working away, listening to Christmas In June for the fiftieth time I bet. I was eagerly waiting for my GCSE grades. Today was the day they were being sent out, and this was the goal i need to achieve, then, I'd drop out. You might wonder why I didn't just drop out in the first place, its just incase my content career ends, Ill have something to go off. Also, it felt like something I needed, not sure why.

I waited, and started to tap my fingers on the desk anxiously. I sat there constantly refreshing my inbox, seeing if there was anything new. Eventually, new mail popped up, and you guessed it, it was from Uni. I jumped onto the email quicker than ever, then speed read throughout the whole thing quickly. I smiled widely to myself. I'd gotten a C. I'd passed. "YES! YES! YES! AWW FUCK YES!" I yelled out and laughed loudly. We would surely get a noise complaint, but I didnt care. All my hard work had payed off.

George came into my room looking confused and annoyed. "[Y/N]- what are you yelling for?" He asked. "GEORGE! I DID IT! I PASSED MY GCSE'S!" I sprung up to him. "OH REALLY?? WHAT DID YOU GET?" He chimed excited. "A C!" I smiled greatly so much my cheeks hurt. "OH MY GOD [Y/N]! THAT'S AWESOME! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" He laughed and hugged me. "AWW THANKS MAN!" I hugged him back. He hugged me for awhile which felt really nice, just needed a brother hug really. "Oh my god I need to tell Tommy," I broke the hug and ran to my phone to call Tommy.

I waited for him to answer, and as i hoped he did. "[Y/N]? Whats up?" Tommy sighed. "Tommy! I did it! I passed my GCSE'S! I can finally drop out now!" I buzzed. "WOAH REALLY? THATS SO COOL! WAS ALL THE LATE NIGHTS WORTHIT?" He asked. "Thankyou! And yeah man they were totally worth it," I smiled. "Aww man im so happy for you I wanna kiss you right noww," he groaned. My face burned abit. "Tommy! George is in the room!" I whisper shouted into the phone. "Sure am!" George called out to Tommy, then smirked at me. "OH HI GEORGE- IM GOING TO KISS YOUR BROTHER!" Tommy called out confidentially, as i laughed bashfully. "Yeah yeah I know!" He rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Pfftt" i sputtered at George. The day was only gonna get better.

Within the day, I got a phone call, one from the landlord of the apartment in Nottingham I was trying to buy a room from. "Hello? Is this Charlie?" I answered the call. "Hi yes!, is this [Y/N]?" He asked me. "Yes this is [Y/N], why do you call me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Well, we're hear to gladly inform you that you have successfully bought the apartment room you where hoping for!" Charlie chimed. "No way really? Oh that's awesome! Thankyou!" I gawked, filled with excitement and glee. "No worries! You can move in from next week to the week afterwards, so you've got plenty of time sir, and you'll get your keys some time this week in your letter box," Charlie explained. "Hm, okay, yeah- thankyou! Once again, I appreciate it," i was smiling so much. "Alright sir, have a good day!" He said. "You too," I hummed then ended the call.

I squealed to myself like a fangirl. The two goals I was hoping to achieve had been completed! I can now rest and take time for myself. Now I have to tell George, he's gonna be upset that I'm leaving, but I know hes gonna be happy for me. I go to Georges door, and knock, just incase he's streaming, luckily he wasent, so I walked on in. "Hey George," i grinned. "What's up? Need something?" He asked and took off his headphones, editing a video. "Well I have some good news, and some bad news," i said with an upset smile on my face. "What is it?" He asked looking abit worried. "Well, the good news is, I got the apartment room! Bad news is, I have to move out," I sadly smiled. As happy as I was, i was gonna miss George horrendously. We'd lived together for 3 years now, since I was sixteen! Since i started university. He smiled, he looked upset, but he still smiled at me, then said. "About time."

I told tommy, who was thrilled. He was so excited and couldnt wait for me to arrive in Nottingham. After my call with Tommy, George came knocking on my door. "Hey [Y/N], since you're leaving soon, and I always seem to be busy, wanna hang out today? Some brother bonding before you leave?" He grinned. My eyes lit up. It sounded amazing, it was something I'd missed for awhile, and im so glad we can do it before i leave. "Seriously??? Oh my god George! Yes totally! Id love that," i grinned widely. "Then get changed, we're taking a trip down memory lane." He announced then left me to it.

A couple minutes later, id gotten changed, and was ready to leave. George and I hopped onto a bus somewhere, he wouldnt tell me where, said it was secret, but i didnt mind. When we got off the bus, I immediately knew where we were. "No way," I said in awe. "Yes way," He grinned widely. There we were, standing in the park we would always come to as kids. I remembered mum and dad, letting us run wild here when we were hyper, before we all moved to Manchester. "Oh my god! I remember when when we'd come here all the time as kids! I got my first bruise here," i chuckled. "That was your fault," George nudged me. "Keep telling yourself that," I nudged him harder, we both laughed together.

"Remember when we played hide and sneak and you forgot we were playing, and i was hiding for an hour," i said walking around with George, picking up little memories from every corner. "Oh my god- mum started freaking out so much," he giggled. "Pretty sure you started crying," i sputtered. "No you started crying!" He protested. "No! I specifically remember you balling your eyes out because you thought i died, mum was so pissed when she found out you just forgot-" i snickered. "Hah, well its not to bad as you falling off the swing and smacking your head on the floor," he scoffed. "Pfftt- thats funny though!" I smiled. "Yeah you didnt think so when it happened," he reminded. "Ahh true true," i admitted.

Walking around here made me feel like a little boy again, before all this, it blows my mind to see how far ive come. If i told 7 year old me that I was streaming for a living and that I was dating an internet famous dork, he'd freak out. "George, even though i always make fun of you, you'll always be the best brother I couldve asked for, and i wouldnt do anything to change that," i turn to him and said. "Aw dont make it weird," he joked.

My eyes started to tear up abit, he rolled his eyes sarcastically then said, "alright come here," he put his arms out for a hug, that i imidiantly took, brother hugs where always the best, they were always warm, giddy, and filled with nice memories. "Im gonna miss you so much," he murmured into my puffy jacket. "Me too buddy," i patted his back, then he pulled away from the hug, and gave me his childish grin. "Wanna get some icecream from The Mellow Shack?" He asked. "Always." I responded.

Nothing wrong with a little brother bonding time :)

This will most definitely be the second to last chapter, so please, enjoy the last chapter :]


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