Five :0

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A/u Before I start this can I just say, little shout out to one of my readers , they have been voting for my chapters ever since I started so thanks man, really helps :-)👍🏽

Tommys Pov

I feel someone gently shaking me, and hear a muffled "Toms.. wake upp". I eventually properly open my eyes and see Y/n, smiling at me in a very reassuring way. Seeing Y/ns smile makes me at ease and I smile back while I'm pretty sure my face goes abit pink. Shit. "C'mon, it's our stop, Ranboo and Toby are gonna leave us," y/n let's out his hand for me to take. "Not on my Watch," I grab y/ns hand for the first time as he pulls me up. I'm still half asleep, but his hands feel so soft and dainty, like if I squeezed them too hard they'd break. Y/n led me out of the train and we saw Toby and Mark waiting for us outside. "Yoo manss, what took you so long?" Toby says, very awake since he looked really tired when we got on, that nap most have done a number on him. "I had to wake Toms up, he's still half asleep I'm pretty sure," Y/n assures as he looks back at me and smiles. I get all tingly inside. God I love it when he smiles at me, but I don't know why. "Well C'mon! We're gonna ditch you again if you don't hurry up man!" Toby says walking away as Mark trails behind him and mutters something to him and they both giggle. What's tfs that about, I think to myself as I squint at them. I then feel something tighten on my hand, I look at y/n, I can't really see his face that much because  it's pretty dark and I'm half asleep, but I think he's blushing? And hard.

"Tom?" He says trying to keep a stern voice but it coming off as a shaky voice.


"You're still holding my hand."

I look down at my hand to see, oh my fucking god he was right. OH MY FUCKING GOD HE- I instantly wake up and feel my face and ears get hotter than ever. My face goes full red as I realise how firmly I was holding his hand, and without even realising. I snatch my hand away imediantly from his and look down at my feet. "Shit I am-  so sorry I- I was just half asleep I didn't-" I stutter and trip on my words. "Nononono i-it's fine dont- don't worry about it," he looks away. "It was..." he inhales. "Kinda nice.." he mutters under his breath. My eyes widden at his comment. He liked it? Wait wait what does this mean? Did I like it? I LIKED IT. I DID. Now what?? Without thinking, I moved my hand back down to his and hold them, properly. He flinches at the sudden movement, but then eases up as he intertwines his petite fingers with mine. His hands are seriously so small compared to mine...
"C'mon, they're gonna leave without us," I say as I drag him with me. "Oh- okay Yeah," he utters.

The walk back was quiet, Mark and Toby where way ahead of us, all you could hear was our breathing and footsteps. It was abit cold at that time, but y/ns hands kept mine warm and fuzzy. The entire time I couldn't help but have a huge grin on my face. My cheeks were still abit pink, and I think his were too. Now that I think about it, that's probably why Ranboo and Toby giggled at us. When we got to the entrance and had met up with Toby and Mark, we let go of each others hands, although I wanted to hold his hand more, I didn't know how Ranboo and Toby would react, I'm sure y/n was thinking the same thing. "You too seem quite lively," Y/n points out, he wasent lying. "Mehh, I don't get tired that easily," Mark brushes off all cool as we enter the hotel building. "Oh yeah y/n! Since it's your first time staying over, I need to tell you-" he moves to y/ns ear and whispers "Ranboo sleeptalks and walks". Although he sucked at whispering and Mark looked at him, I think, after he did. "Really? Listen if your gonna be sneaky atleast be  good at it, geez," Ranboo  crossed his arms all sassy. Y/n snickers and I jokingly shake my head at Toby with disappointment.

Y/ns Pov

As Tubbo opens the hotel door, I get a glimpse of the actual place. It actually looks quite nice, although there are a couple jackets lying around and some food packets on the counter, it's no biggie, my rooms been in worse states. "Welcome to my humble abode, it's not much but it'll do," Toby says  showing off his estate. "Aaaaahhhhhh..." Ranboo yells in lowercase as he drags his lanky body up the stairs. I must've had a confused look on my face, because Toby said "Physically drained, he's like that after a big day,". "Right, I get that," I stated while myself, is feeling very drained from today, what I get for being a twitch streamer. "Oh, by the wayyy bathrooms are down that hall way, don't be afraid to help yourself to food and, you'll probably be sleeping in thereee" Toby pointed to a room which I'm guessing was the one they streamed in and played Minecraft in, due to there being a three monitored PC so uh, yeah no shit. "Alright, thanks Tobes," I awkwardly finger gun with no energy. "No problemo big man!" He returns it with abit more energy that me, and then goes up the same way Mark did. I stood there awkwardly.
With Tommy.
I still keep thinking about his hands, how big they were compared to mine, and how warm and comforting they were.
Ugh fuck off weird thoughts. Fuck you. Fuck Tommy. Fuck feelings.

Swing Lynn - Tommy x MALE Reader :)Where stories live. Discover now