Seven :)

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Y/ns Pov

I slowly and stiffly open my eyes as i stare up at the ceiling while my heads still rested on Toms shoulder. I turn to his head to see him handsome face fast asleep as he softly breathes in my direction. I can't help but smile at his face, every single feature he has is perfection, His red and pink soft lips that curve when he smiles, His bright blue and sometimes slightly grey eyes, His long butterfly lashes, all along with his curly and big blond hair that almost glows in the sun as the sunlight from the window flashes on his face. I decide although I'm comfortable, I need to turn the TV off since we forgot to turn it off last night, and I need to get ready for today.

Tommys arms are wrapped around my waist lightly, so I move his arms slowly off trying not to wake the poor guy up. I sit up and turn the TV off using the remote on the floor. I sigh and grab my phone off the desk, 8:03am, I look at my notifications. I look back at Tommy not forgetting his presence, and smile again. Oh fuck I can't not do this. I open up camera roll and quickly take a photo of him before he can notice. Yeah, This is going to be my home screen. I yawn and stand up from the bed and start getting changed, hoping he didn't wake up, hes pretty fast on though, I doubt he will. I throw on a basic grey shirt with a design of a little ghost on the front, and some brown cargo shorts(the outfit is yours to chose ofc) since the weather actually looks nice today. From the corner of my eye, I see Tommys sunday club jumper carelessly lying on the floor. I think about this for a second. Would he mind? I dont know, but do I care? Hmmm, no not really, Not likes he's wearing it today. I pick up the jumper and put it on carefully, I don't wanna ruin it, he loves this thing. As I look at myself I'm seeing how big it is on me and how normal sized it looks on him. Meh, I dont mind, I like baggy clothing. I go out of the living room and close the door quietly. Man in normal circumstances  I wouldnt have cared if I woke him up or not, but, i care too much for him. 

After making a cup of tea(or coffee, whatever you want, or if you dont like either orangejuice :D), I sit at the counter and decide to msg George.

Y/n> Hey Georgie, U up yet?

At times like this I dont except him to be awake since hes a lazy sack of shit, but i got a response after 10 minutes.

This mf> Gmorning y/n, how was your night?

I blush at the thought of Tom kissing my cheek, and intensely type.

Y/n> It was fine, I slept, Me and tom watched a movie, so generic stuff really

This mf> Cooll, well im glad you had fun and stuff, Ill c u later today then

Y/n> Yeah, see you then gogs ,:)

I finish the convo and think more about last night. And what happened. Omfg what did happen? I cant wrap my head around it. It felt like a dream, all of this feels like a dream. Only a month ago did i meet tommy, now look at us, now look at me, ive changed. What does this make me? Bi? Gay? Pan? I really don't know. I dont want to lable myself so quickly though, sexuality is meant to be thought out, I'm still figuring myself out. I always saw both guys and girls attractive, and others ofc. I never thought id figure it out tho because i didnt think id like someone, until... you tom simons. You fucking dick head.

The door behind me opens up, the living room door, and it makes me jump and tense up. I turn around and just see tommy standing in the door way almost half asleep with his shoulders dropped down. "Shit tom you scared the living shit outta m-" "is that my fucking jumper?" He asks still half asleep. "um, yessss..." I awkwardly grin at him. Shit i knew this wasent a good idea. "Yeah i kinda just saw it on the floor, and thought id- yeah ill take it off-" I was half way through taking it off until "nono its fine, it looks nice on you..." he muttered. I look up at him with eyes wide and look back at the hoodie and smile. "Thanks..." I say. He blushed abit when I looked at him, hmm, cute. "Didja sleep alright?" I ask as he walks over to the cupboard for some cereal. "mhmm.." He hums a response to me. I lift an eyebrow and smirk at him, although he has his back to me as he grabs some cheerios from the cupboard and pours it into a bowl he grabbed. "Why'd didnt you wake me up?" Tommy asks finally facing me. "You looked so peaceful, i didnt want to ruin it," I smile at him. His cheeks go pink and he looks away. "Hey, about last ni-"  "HEY GUYS! YOU ARE FINNALLY AWAKE!" Toby yells out of nowhere which makes us jump. Ranboo winces at the sudden yell while behind Toby. "WHAT THE FUCK TOBY?!?!"Tommy screams back. I flinch at how loud it got. "OMG GUYS CAN WE STOP YELLING AND JUST TALK NORMALLY?" I yell in response. "yes! Please! That would be and sound spectacular" Ranboo agrees. "Okay!" Tubbo agrees and tones it down. "So what're we up to today?" Mark questions. "Are you serious man? You actually forgot?" Tommy snickers at him. "Pfft- well as far as im concerned we're going to the beach and meeting up with George and Wilbur? Correct?" I ask as I look at them all. "Yeah thats about right, so we all need to eat, do anything else, and be ready by like 11,"Tommy explains as we soak up the information. "Okayyy, thennn," Toby says.

They all have breakfast, except from me who gets my stuff ready in the other room and sorts it out. I take all the sheets off and fold the bed back into a couch, while picking up some clothes, moving things back and putting my stuff back in my bag. I thought id help tommy aswell and put his clothes in his bag and put anything in there that is his. Tom opens the door and walks in. "Hey Im just gonna get changed real quick if thats alright," Tom tells me as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Hm? Oh yeah sure, Im gonna go talk a shower anyway heheh," I chuckle and smile at him. "Ill leave you too it then!" I say before leaving and closing the door. I do just that and take a shower, usually id just walk to my room in towel and get changed there, but i dont think im that comfortable yet and will ever be. Should I dry my hair? Meh its fine as damp, I think to myself as I leave changed back into my clothes. I walk down the stairs to see them all hangin about. "Shit sorry was I holding you guys back?" I worryingly ask as i look at them. "nono dont worry, if anything we were early," Ranboo assures looking stylish as ever. "Oh okay, thankgod, might aswell go now then right?" i ask while pointing at the door. "Yeah why not be abit early," Tommy says staring at me and smiles. I feel happy inside and nod.

While on the train to brighton Toby goes on about how lego characters basically have a society and a goverment, yeah i dont even know. Then my stomache makes a funky noise, seeing as i only had tea(or any liquidd, not clorox tho) this morning for breakfast. "Did you have something to eat this morning??" Tommy asks at me with a worried look on his face. "mehh, not really, I had some tea, but that was pretty much it, its fine tho! Im not really starving ill be fine-" "y/n we're getting you breakfast when we get there. i dont care what you say, you need to have breakfast," Tommy interupts quite serious. I sit there dumbfounded and quite shocked, Ive never seen tom so worried for me, its like i see new sides of him everyday... "o-okay then, hahah," I chuckle and smile at him. As soon as we get off, we go to the nearest cafe and orders me some waffles. "Tom its fine ill pay-" I insist. "no, you payed for my sub yesterday, this is my payback," hes so headstrong, its another thing i love about him. while we all sit down and wait, and Toby still goes off and rambles to mark whos just listening, toms phone buzzes and he checks. "Ah shit, I need to get Will, Ill be back soon, sorry," Tommy gets up and grabs his bag. "alright bye bud" I smile and wave at him. 

When he leaves Toby stops talking and looks at me. I get really awkward and shocked and very confused. Ranboo stares at toby in confusement, realizes something, and stares at me through his sunglasses. "uuhmm, hi?" I awkwardly say while feeling very sorta scared. "so hows tom?" toby smirks. "hes.. alright.. toby what are you getting at." I scepticaly stare at them both.

I dont like where this is going.

A/n Aye i wrote this instead of doing online school, also 101 reads! Thats so cool! Thankyou very much everyone :), anyway 2 chapters in a day! I guess, since i wrote the other one at like 12 in the morning so- anyway srs thanks guys

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