Thirteen =D

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Tommys POV

"I have college next weekkk" Y/n wines on our call. "Pfft loser, what day?" I ask while playing on Hypixel. "Meh fuck you, idk.. uh I think Tuesday," He groans. "Tuesday?" I ask again with full attention. "uhh yeah, why?" He asks. 

"What if I picked you up from college?" I ask as you can hear my grin. "Pick me up? From Nottingham? Okay one, you can't even drive, and two, that's alot of effort just to pick me up." He insights. "Hmm now that would be true, buuut, I have a quick-fix to that," I hint. "Well go onnn," He says with eager in his tone. " Well I'm actually coming into London to meet some people and, yknow be famous," He scoffs at that last part. "So while im there, I could pick you up with me.. via bus or train.. and we could hangout!" I  tell. "Ohh I see I see, sure I dont see why not then!" He chuckles. I start getting excited again, thinking about it, its only been a week since or last hangout, but still, I can't wait- "Wait Tom, question," Y/N says interrupting my thought process. "yeah?" I ask. "So if you're staying in london for a couple of days, where are you staying?" he puts the main question at hand. "oh, i didnt think of that, I'll probably just go to a hotel y'know," I say the first thong that came outta the top of my head. "Uh, no, not on my watch, you're staying with me." He demands which gives me sudden butterflies. "Ha-what? I mean if you want but I can just-" "Uh Tom, no Im having you come over, im not gonna have you hang out with me all the way in london and then not let you crash on my couch, your staying with me," He settles the agreement before i can disagree. Spending another night with y/n? oh my god. "pfft, alright then, I guess thats settled" I give in and agree. "It sure as hell is toms," He calls me one of his two nicknames for me.

Y/N's Pov

"Alright then, next week, Tuesday, aye?" I say again just to be sure. " Yep, next week Tuesday." He reminds. "Alrighty thenn, neat, you might have to deal with George, but y'know," I say. "I would not mind, spending a night with Gogy is my dream come true," he jokes. "Pfftt, fuckin' weirdo," I chuckle. "Okay, do you have anything to do?" he asks. "uhhhhmmm... ah shit I do- I gotta get new folders and stationary for college," I'm reminded and regret. "Ha what a loserr, hahaa," He pokes fun at me. "hah hah very funny dick, anyway I better be going or else I'll forget and won't do it," I note. "alright then, see ya," he says. "Cya, stay safe," I note before ending the call. Now I've also gotta clean my room-  I say as I start said process.

. . .

Well, Tommy's coming today. And I have college today. Eughhhh wahhh... I don't wanna goo... I wince to myself as I fill my portable mug with coffee(or some energising drink) as I think about sitting in a big room filled with people I don't like, listening to lectures for hours and staying in the same spot for god knows how long. Ughh just thinking about it makes me sick. George's still asleep, lucky hoe, he finished and got a stupid computer degree, which I guess kinda help, but THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT.  I'm just doing an english major- Ugh. I check my watch and see it's time for me to leave, so I throw my backpack on my bag and drag myself out of the door, mug in hand, and head my way to the bus stop. As I sit there on the bus, I dread it more and more, this is why I dont like school, people, Also boring shit, half of the lectures useless and only like 20% is actually important

The bus gets at me stop, and I hop off as the door closes behind me. The Uni isn't too far from here, so I can proceed the rest of the way on foot, which isn't too bad because London mornings feel fresh, cold, but nice. I make my way to the tall building and see little to no familiar faces, I don't really pay attention to people really. Although I do have a few acquaintances, that's pretty much it, most of my other friends go to different uni's, I'm fine with that tho. I see a couple of people glance at me and whisper to they're friends, then giggle and smile. Wonder what's their problem.

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