Twenty-three •<:)

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Christmas Special :)

Your POV

I'm woken up by someone pouncing on me and hugging me. Im stunned and taken aback, i just woke up, so i was trying to figure out what was happening really. When i was atleast half awake, It was Tommy. Shaking me and telling me something repetitively, i didnt understand it at start, but the more i woke up the more i understood what he was saying. "[Y/N]! Its christmas! Wake tf uppp its christmass" he wined excitedly. "Uh- Tommy?? Whatre you doing here?? Did George let you in?" I slurred. "Well duh ofc George let me in, and im here because its christmas! And christmas is the time where you spend the time with people you love!" He grinned wide with rosey cheeks. My face went abit pink and i smiled softly and sleepily. "Hmm it is dear it is..." I murmur and wrap my arms around his neck bringing his face down to mine. I could now see his bright blue eyes squinting as he smiled with his pink lips and white teeth. His dimples curved in a perfect way and long eyelashes laying softly on his eyelids. I kiss him, with a tired, lovey and fuzzy feeling inside my stomach. He kisses me back, passionately and excitedly, hes just like how a child is on christmas, so excited and filled with joy and innocence. We stay like that for awhile until i pull away, he looks abit upset by that. "Aww whyd you stop?" He pouted. "Needed to see how red your charming face was," i smirk then kiss him on his crimson cheek. "Aww stoppp," he blushed harder, i laughed lightly at him.

After he dragged me me out of bed, we go down stairs and see some familiar faces. George, Wilbur, Toby, and Alex are downstairs chilling in the living room. Alex is leaving tommorrow, kinda glad and not, i like his company in the house and hes a really cool and funny guy, but him and George get so loud sometimes. "Hey guys, Merry christmas," I smile at them all. "Oh goodmorning! And merry christmas to you too," Toby says kindly. "MERRY CHRISTMAS BOYS!" Tommy yells out. "Merry christmas Tommy, but christ give [Y/N] a rest the poor guy just woke up," Wilbur sympathizes. "Its alright wil, he basically floored me just then," i joked. "I did not!" He responds. "Yeahh i know i know, you just jumped me," i scoffed. "Oh my god- is [Y/N] okay?" Alex laughs. "You tell me buddy i dont know," i responded to which everyone found humorous.

I decided to make hot chocolate for everyone, my little Christmas gift to them. I also apparently make really good hot chocolate, so when i gave everyone some they were in awe. We all chatted and talked for awhile to pass the time. "Oh yeah [Y/N]! So yknow how you asked Mark for free merch?" Toby asked. "Oh my god did he get me free stuff?" I smiled hopefully. "Yeah! He did holdup let me get it..." he started to search a backpack of his, then pulled out a box wrapped in custom ranboo wrapping paper. "This is it, it arrived at my house like 4 days ago, he wanted me to give it to you on christmas since he cant be here," he explained. "Aww thats sweet of him," i smiled then grabbed the box from Tobys hands. "Heyy why dont i get free merch?" Tommy wined. "Tommy you literally do." Wilbur said. "Yeah but not from Mark," he stated. "You never asked!" Toby added. "Well- yeah but stilll" Tommy crossed his arms and huffed. I giggled at him. "Awwwweee its okay Tommy wommyy~" i teased and pinched his cheek. "Oh fuck offf" he pushed my hand off and laughed. Inside the box was indead, all of his merch he'd ever sold, he even got the jacket extra large because i like baggy clothes. Ontop was a card written by Mark, saying:

'Hey [Y/N]! I got you the stuff you wanted, merry Christmas!
I wish i could be there to give this to you in person, but alas, i cannot, i must send my messenger bird to get it to you.
Wishing you a merry christmas and happy new year, miss you :)
-Mark Ranboo Nathaniels.'

I smiled at the note then put everything back in the box so i could sort it out for later. After awhile, Wil, Tommy and Toby went home, spending time with family or just celebrating in their own way. Me and George gave eachother gifts, he got me some cool graffic T's of a band I liked, and a new custom mouse pad with my username on it, since mine had been broken for ages (do you guys remember that???). I got him a new headset and some more dream merch, because, yknow. We chilled for the rest of the day, made christmas pancakes, which is our little christmas tradition since we moved out, then by around 8PM Tommy came over again.

He was wearing four layers, and was shaking slightly when he was at our door. "Hey [Y/N], God please let me in-" he begged. "Awe come on in you look freezing," he came in after me and closed the door behind him. Id changed into an over-sized, ugly christmas sweater, because i honeslty love them. As soon as i hugged him i felt how cold he was, it was about minus nine degrees outside, so expected. "Oh god you are cold as ice-" i shivered. "Not cold as ice, i am ice at this point," he joked. "Pfft oh my lord- take of your layers Toms, ill make you another hot cocoa, then we can watch a christmas movie?" I suggested. "Oh my god that would be heavenly right now," he gave me a cold kiss on the forehead and i giggled. I went to the kitchen to make the drink, then came back into the living room to see him huddled up on the sofa. "Here you go Toms," I passed him the warm cup, that he grabbed both hands with and cuddled with. "Oh my god your hot chocolate is literally amazing-" he said after taking a sip. "Thankyou," i giggled. "Oo! Ive got a gift for you," he grinned. "Wait really? But my gift for you hasent arrived yet," i stated a bit guilty. "Thats finee here" He grabbed a messily wrapped gift over to me that i noticed he was holding when he came in. From the look on the abstract shape, i could tell it was a book of some sort. I eagerly ripped off the wrapping, it was a photo album. The front was typed letter that read: 'Swing Lynn, Our Times". I turned to first page with eager and saw the photo that got us together. The one of me when i stole Georges phone and posted it on twitter. The lyrics, 'Hey there little honey wont you groove?' Printed out underneath it. The next photos beneath it was our first messages and a photo of our first meetup. 'Ive been trying all night to dance with you...'. Each page a different lyric, matched with a memory, a time a place. He remembered it all, now we would never. I started to tear up. "Oh no- whats wrong? God i didnt mean to make you upset," he hugged me. "Aww Tom its alright! These are happy tears," i sniffled in his shoulder. He pulled away from the hugged and wiped my tears with his sleeve. I rested my head in his chest and laughed to myself, then looked back up to Tom. "Thankyou Tom, I love it so much, it means the world to me," i held his hand, which he held tighter. "Anytime, im glad you like it, you deserve it," he smiled then kissed me on the lips, then kissed him back. We were lucky George didnt walk in then because that wouldve been embarrassing-
"Merry christmas Tommy."
"Merry christmas [Y/N]."
We spent the rest of the evening watching christmas movies and cuddling for warmth. While i circled his back, he eventually fell asleep, as did i not too long afterwards.

Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you liked reading the chapter just asm as i did writing it :)

Now back on my break i go.


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