One :]

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Y/ns Pov

A loud, unbearable screech comes from George's room. This is what it sounds like when he's fucking streaming. You wouldn't believe me if I told you he was 24 years of age, I dont sometimes. Sometimes it feels like I'm the older brother, at 17, soon to be 18 years.

It's about 6pm, I haven't eaten much today, so I should probably get something to eat. I might just make some noodles and call it a day. I quickly stir up some noodles and add the flavouring which I don'teven know what is, but it tastes good so who am I to complain.

I don't think George has eaten alot today either, I'll see if he wants some. For some reason he's unusually quiet. Strange, and nice, better enjoy it while it fucking lasts. I trod up the stairs, noodles in hand, and knock on his door.
No response.
"George? Ya there?" I question.
No response.
Fuck it Imma just walk in, hope he's not streaming, and dead I guess.

I cautiously creak the door open, and see George sitting in his chair with his screen on. With confidence I fully open his door and stroll in, to see George sleeping in his chair. Oh geez, he slept quick. I look at his surroundings. His phone is sitting face down on his desk, with all three monitors on, one on, the other two on Discord. I notice one has messages to his boyfriend- Dream. I mean Dream, because everybody believes that.

Atleast I leave my desktop in a good state. That was a fat lie, there is paper and pencils of any kinds all over my desk, along with my monitors and my breaking(broken) mouse pad of my name. I remember from the glimce of my eye, George's phone. Out of curiosity, I pick it up and look at the front screen, plenty of notifications.

Thinking about the state he's in right now I could absolutely and flawlessly embarrass, not that it would do anything, I mean people would just call him cute and "gogy wogy". I use my epic hacking skills to unlock his phone, those hacking skills being the finger print I added ages ago that he still hasen' t noticed yet, but hey it felt cool shut up.

I go on his camera roll and take a picture of me pointing at gogy like a fucken nob head. Perfect I thought in my genius head. I was just wondering were to post this, first thing I thought of was Twitter, so I tapped away to Twitter and surely but shortly uploaded this photo with the caption ''Dumb bitch fell asleep in his chair.''

Yeah, It's gonna get attention, and George will find Out, but hey what's the problem with that.

Is what I wouldn't have said if I KNEW THE CONSEQUENCES. Hm no, scratch that, Is what I wouldn't have said if I KNEW HOW BAD THE CONSEQUENCES WHERE GOING TO BE

Next Day, Y/n Pov

I was just chilling on Hypixel, absolutely smashing at Bedwars when the door slams open at 9am and almost breaks. I slowly turn around in my chair with a "wtf do you want" face, It's a natural reaction to George of all people. "Y/N. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO." George almost calmly yells at me. "OHHH, AHAHAHAAA, You mean how I made you internet famous?? Ahehaha, AGAIN?? PFFTHAHAHAA" I sputter Out, trying to contain most of my laughter. "Y/N DREAM, AND HALF OF THE INTERNET, IS ASKING WHO IT IS." George in a way worryingly yells. "Pfft so? What's the big deal." I SLING my arms around my back in a cool manner. "Have you even seen the post," he says while pinching the gap between his eyes. "Ight just a sec," I say as I lift my phone from the desk and open Twitter. And he wasn't lying, that shit really blew up.

"Lmao I'm famous." I remark in a swag way. "Y/n people know it's you." George states as he stares at my monitor. "Okay and? Probably not alot of people anywayyy" I lazily groan as I spin in my chair. "Just- check," he annoyingly says. "Ugh fiineeee..." I reluctantly open my social media and oh my giddy goodness that bastard was right. I gained 12k on Insta and Twitter. "HOW TF DID THEY FIND ME?!?!?!?" I argue with the phone as if it's going to respond. "Hm, guess someone didn't think this through" he says with a cunning smirk which always ticks me off. "Imma wipe that smirk of your fucken face in a minute you fucken french fry built little boy." I threaten as I held up my pair of scissors that are always there. "Okay damn, god, I'm leaving-" George leaves my room with not hesitation and closes the door firmly.

Fucken prick.

I scrolled through the mass amounts of tweets of my profile and George, people reposting the image and spreading it like fucking confetti. I checked to see the original post, and saw comments from popular mcyts, mainly from the DreamSMP.

Badboyhalo> Holy muffin you look really weird ,:/ and who's taking that photo?
Sapnap> LMAO TF??

As I scrolled through I couldn't help but piss myself of laughter(not really ofc, ew) but one comment caught my eye.

TommyInnit> GOGS WHO'S THAT?
TommyInnit> Nvm I found his thing he looks real cool and you look stupid

I check my notifs for a second, to see that Tomyinnit has sent you a friend request.
Why did Tommyinnit send me, a friend request... hmmm. I'm kinda nervous to expect It, wait he also followed me on all my platforms. What does he want from ME? Does he  find me interesting or some shit? WTF DO I DO? I finnally grow a pair, and accepted his request.

Hello it's me big man Tommy

Heyo, what's up?

I'm gonna look really casual to hide my anxiety right now. Hmm yeah sounds healthy

Nothing really, you seem poggers, you wanna play mc?

Oh wow, yeah that sounds cool as shit, your dis?

(Insert thing yknow) Alright pog, I'll add you in a sec

What the fuck is going on.

Ahhhhhhh wow that's alot and it's 4am woop woop, hope you liked the first chap and hope you want another one anyway bye guys and gals and non-binary pals-✌🏽

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