Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.2K 189 197

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol


68 4 2
By LinoIsHeree_

Tommy was woken to a sharp pain in the lower part of his stomach, causing him to make little groans of pain. *Ow ow ow ow, why* Tommy thought as he tried to stand up but failed as he instantly fell to the floor. "Ow" he said quietly as he lay on the ground whilst hugging his knees. *Do I wake someone up?* he thought. He really didn't want to move but the pain was getting worse. He then heard a yawn, he didn't want to look though.

"Tommy? Are you alright?" Ranboo asked as he got up and ran over to him. "I may be trans but I still have the organs of a girl, figure it out yourself" Tommy said as he tried to move but instantly felt another sharp pain. "Arg-" he groaned before falling back into the same position. "Oh, here let me help you" Ranboo said. "No! Go see if Tubbo is ok then come back to me" Tommy said quietly as he kept trying to get up but it was making the pain worse. Ranboo ran over to Tubbo and comforted him.

"Ow" Tommy hissed as he tried to get back on the sofa before looking at the ground, there was blood. *Great* he thought as he sighed. "You alright" Ranboo said as he quickly ran over to him before noticing the blood. "Sorry" Tommy apologised. "Don't apologies for that, I'll clean it later" Ranboo said with a smile. "I'll go and ask one of the girls for... something" he said as he quickly ran out the door. "Ranboo wait!" Tommy yelled.

"Tommy?" Tommy heard Tubbo yawn. *Oops* he thought. "Omg are you ok?!" Tubbo said as he quickly ran over to him. "Y-yes I'm ffffff- omg ow" Tommy tried to say, it felt like he was being stabbed. "What happened?!" Tubbo said as he helped Tommy onto the sofa. "That time of the month, if you know then you know" Tommy said as he felt it again. "OW oh god" he yelled as he held his lower stomach. "Oh right! Has Ranboo gone to get something?" Tubbo asked. "I-I think so" Tommy said.

"I brought- Niki" Ranboo said, clearly out of breath. "Ranboo and Tubbo can you guys get out for a minute, oh and heat this for me" Niki said with supplies in her hands as she handed Ranboo a heating pad. Ranboo and Tubbo nodded as they stepped out of the room. "You alright" Niki asked as she kneeled next to him. "DO I LOOK ALRIGHT TO YOU" Tommy yelled. "That was expected" Niki laughed to herself. "Here, can you walk to the bathroom" she asked him. "Probably not" Tommy said in pain. "Here, hold onto me" Niki said as she held her arm out for him to grab.

Tommy then grabbed her arm and tried to pull himself up before immediately falling back down in pain. "OW Ow ow" he cried. "Ok, let's try this" Niki said as she put her arm under his arms and pulled him up. "Aaaaahaha ow" Tommy cried as he stood up and looked down, his pants were covered in blood. "Don't be embarrassed, I've been through the same thing before" Niki laughed as they started slowly walking to the bathroom. "Are you ok?!" Tubbo quickly said as he ran over to them. "Can you help me take him to the bathroom" Niki asked. "Of cause!" Tubbo said as he went round to the other side of Tommy and did the same thing.

"Where's Ranboo?" Tommy asked, still in a lot of pain. "Downstairs with the heating thing" Tubbo answered. "Sit down on the ground for a second, can you turn the shower on please" Niki asked Tubbo who nodded and quickly turned the shower on. "Can you get some fresh clothes as well please" Niki asked Tubbo. "Of cause!" Tubbo said as he quickly ran to get clothes. "I've got one of Ranboo's hoodies and some jeans!" Tubbo said with a smile. "Maybe not the jeans, got any sweat pants?" Niki said. Tubbo quickly ran back and soon returned with black sweat pants. "Perfect, thank you" Niki thanked as Tubbo nodded and went out of the room.

Niki then made sure the water was at a good temperature before helping Tommy up. "Need help getting undressed?" She asked. "N-no I'm fine" Tommy said, he knew he desperately needed help. "I'll wait outside if you need any help" Niki said with a smile as she left the bathroom and closed the door.

*Right, this is gonna hurt like a bitch but if I don't hurry up then I'm gonna end up bleeding all over the floor* Tommy thought as he slowly got undressed and slowly walked into the shower. He then sat down under the water, it did hurt less but the pain was still very much there. He washed the blood away and quickly got dressed whilst he wasn't in as much pain, he then soon after turned the shower off. He quickly put the hoodie on, then a pad and then the sweat pants on before it hit him again, making him fall against the sink. "Ow" he accidentally slipped out. "You alright" he heard Niki ask. "Mhm" he said, almost unable to speak because of the pain.

"Can I come in?" He heard Niki ask. "Y-yes" Tommy said as he tried to stand up straight but was failing. Niki then opened the door and quickly ran over to him. "Let me help you" she said as she put her arm under his arms again and helped him walk. "Here!" Ranboo said as he handed Niki the heating pad. "Thank you" Niki said as she continued to walk to Tubbo and Ranboo's bed. "Lie here for now" she said as she helped him lie down. "Mind if I place this here" she asked as she pointed at where the pad is meant to be placed on herself. "S-sure" Tommy stuttered, he didn't really care, he just didn't want to be in pain.

Niki then pulled the hoodie up slightly and placed the pad on his lower stomach before pulling the hoodie back. "There" Niki said with a smile. "Feel better now" she asked. "Very, thank you so much" Tommy said. "Any time! Also you can keep these, I'll put them in the bathroom" Niki said as she pointed at the products and quickly placed them in the bathroom before running back. "I'll be on my way now, is there anything else you need?" Niki asked. "How do we help?" Tubbo asked. "Lots of water and some sugary snacks will help a lot" Niki said. "Thank you so much" Ranboo thanked. "It's really no problem" Niki laughed as she waved goodbye and left.

"Water, right" Tubbo whispered to himself as he quickly ran to get a glass of water. "You ok now" Ranboo asked. "Well, better than before, thank you for that" Tommy said with a smile. "You don't need to thank me" Ranboo laughed. "No I really do, Dream didn't do anything about it except yell in my face when I got blood everywhere" Tommy laughed. "Oh" Ranboo said quietly. "Lie next to me" Tommy said. Ranboo did as he was told and laid next to Tommy. "Is that my hoodie?" Ranboo said. "Nope, mine now" Tommy said with a smile as he stared at the ceiling. "Oh ok then" Ranboo laughed.

Tubbo soon came back with a glass of water and gave it to Tommy. "Drink" he said. "I don't want it" Tommy said as he faced away. "But Niki said-" "Does it LOOK LIKE I CARE" Tommy yelled in Tubbo face before realising. "I'm so sorry" he said as he sat up, accidentally setting off another stab of pain. "AAAaaahaha ow" he yelled as he fell onto his arm. "A-are you ok" Tubbo asked. "I'm ok, I'm so sorry for that I didn't mean to" Tommy said as tears started to pour into his eyes. Tubbo was now more confused than anything. "Why are you crying?" He asked. "I'm not!" Tommy said as he laid back down.

"You guys alright" Ranboo asked them both. "Yes" Tubbo laughed. "Pain" Tommy answered. "Ok then" Ranboo laughed. "I want chocolate" Tommy mumbled. "I'll go get some then" Tubbo said as he went to go and get some. He soon came back with a bar of chocolate and handed it to Tommy. Tommy took it and quickly ate it. "Happy now" Tubbo laughed. Tommy nodded with a smile, making them laugh. "I'm bored" he said. "We can watch a movie!" Ranboo said excitedly. "Sure!" Tubbo agreed.

Tommy then tried to get up which, of cause, got sent another stab. "OW OW Ow ow ow" he said as he slowly fell back down. "Stay still or you're going to be in even more pain" Tubbo laughed as he did the same thing he did before and lifted Tommy. "Ow ow ow hahaha ow" Tommy cried as he leaned on Tubbo. "Ranboo, a little help here" Tubbo said, he was struggling to keep Tommy up. Ranboo quickly ran over and helped Tommy to the sofa before slowly sitting him down. "Where's the heating thing?" Ranboo asked. "On the bed" Tommy said as he slowly got comfortable. "It's supposed to be on YOU not the bed!" Tubbo laughed. "I KNOW but it got too hot" Tommy cried.

Ranboo quickly ran back over, grabbed the pad and ran back before handing it to Tommy. "Here, it's fine now" he said. "Thanks" Tommy said moodily. Ranboo then smiled before sitting back down. They then put something on and watched it. *I got way too lucky to have these 2 idiots as my best friends* Tommy thought as he laughed quietly.

Since this is a story, let's just say that his period lasted for today because otherwise it'll ruin the story...

1659 words

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