Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

248K 8.5K 6.2K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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2.2K 95 18
By koi_coffee_

Just like thought, MSBY's feeling of something bad happening had finally shown true. They'd gone nearly four days without their setter, and it was heavily effecting their ability to play.

At first it was just effecting their play, then the teams mood in general. Of course they had their usual joy filled players, but an incomplete team, happy or not, eventually crumbles.

MSBY as a whole could feel themselves nearing that point, however, that never meant it was too late. Not to one person at least.

"Alright guys, take a pause and get some water!" Meian called, putting a pause on practice.

Everyone silently gave a nod in response, and made their way to the benches. Everyone except Sakusa that is.

"Sakusa! Can I talk to you for a second?" Meian questioned, immediately catching the dark-haired's attention.

Without a moment of hesitance, Sakusa nodded and followed Meian as he was pulled to the side. He'd figured their captain had an idea for a new play that involved him, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

"You've noticed it too, haven't you?" Meian questioned. "Everyone's behaviour, it's different."

"Meian.." Sakusa started with a soft sigh, he knew where this was going.

"I know, I know things are iffy between you two at the moment but I need you to check up on him." The dark-haired was nearly ready to plead, they needed some kind of update from Atsumu.

"Why not Hinata or Bokuto? Or anyone else for that matter."

"Because we've tried that already, remember?" Meian sighed, they'd already had half the team try and yet Atsumu responded to no one.

"What makes you think I'd be the one he'd answer to?" Sakusa held back an eye roll as he looked ahead, now doing his captain the justice of looking him in the eyes.

"I never said you would be, I'm just saying it's possible and I'd rather try than not." Meian kept his tone stern, he didn't mean to sound so harsh but he had to let the other know he was serious.

"Look, Sakusa, I know you two aren't on good terms but for the sake of the team we need you to at least try. Please?"

"And if he doesn't answer me either?" The dark-haired questioned, followed by a soft sigh. He knew how much Atsumu was needed to the team, so to his misfortune, he couldn't say no.

"Then I'll figure something out, sound good?" Meian smiled softly, a hint of relief in his tone knowing Sakusa finally agreed.

"Sure." The dark-haired nodded, thinking that was the end of their conversation.

"Great. In that case, you're dismissed from practice early."

"What?!" Sakusa immediately focused all his attention back on Meian while unintentionally raising his voice.

"What?" Meian questioned, raising a brow. He didn't want to waste any time and knew Foster would be fine with it if the team was down another player for the day.

"I have to talk to him now? It can't wait until after practice?" The dark-haired dared question, yet the look on his captain's face told him it was, well, a stupid question.

"Never mind then." Sakusa let out a bitter sigh, holding back another eye roll as he watched Meian smile.

"That's what I like to hear! Now, we'll see you tomorrow, and hopefully Atsumu too."

"Yeah yeah." Was all Sakusa had to say before waving Meian off and heading for the locker room.

Sakusa knew this was bound to happen, he knew he'd have to check on Atsumu at some point — yet he still couldn't help but feel nervous over what could go down.

Especially after what the faux blonde had last said to him.

Atsumu loved him.

He still loved him after all this time — and Sakusa knew damn well he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the same.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•





°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

"Here we go.." Sakusa mumbled under his breath as he hesitantly pushed the front door open, slipping his keys back into his pocket.

"Tadaima, Miya!" The dark-haired called out as he took a small glance around the first floor — to no surprise, Atsumu still hadn't left his room. Or so he'd thought.

As Sakusa slipped his shoes off and hung his sweater up, he caught the faint sounds of footsteps and someone closing their door from upstairs. He was in luck as that meant nothing other than Atsumu was awake, or that someone had broken in, however the dark-haired assumed that to be less likely.

Now knowing the faux blonde was up, Sakusa headed upstairs, though decided on making a small detour to his room to drop his things off before attempting to talk with Atsumu. As he'd gone to step into his room, Sakusa noticed something right off the bat, his door was already open — which was rather odd as he always left it shut when he left for practice.

Shrugging it off, the dark-haired went on and placed his bag down by his dresser, where he noticed another odd happening. One of his pictures, specifically one of himself and Atsumu on their last visit to Hamarikyu Garden, looked like it had been moved — which only led Sakusa to think the blonde had been in his room while he was gone.

Why? He wouldn't know, and decided based off their last interaction, it'd be better not to question.

Once again brushing the incident off, the dark-haired finally made his way to Atsumu's room. Taking the few second walk to try and magically come up with a plan on how to fix everything, or at least get a start on it.

However, the Sakusa Kiyoomi who always had a plan in mind, stopped in front of Atsumu's door without a clue of what to do next. He wasn't even sure if he should've knocked or just called the blondes name — there was so much he could do yet he didn't know what was right. So, for once, he simply decided to go with the flow.

Taking a deep breath, Sakusa raised his hand hesitantly and knocked on the blondes door.


No answer.

And so he knocked again. "Atsumu?"

No answer.

"'Tsumu," Sakusa let out a soft sigh as he knocked for the third time. "I know you're awake in there, please just open the door. Or at least speak to me."


Sakusa once again let out a sigh, yet quickly silenced himself when he heard soft footsteps making their ay to the door. They stopped right behind it, and for the first time in four days, Atsumu finally responded.

"What do ya want, Sakusa." The faux blonde questioned from the other side of the door, his voice undeniably horse.

"I just want to talk." Sakusa kept his tone soft, the slightest hint of anything besides nice was bound to make Atsumu turn him away. "And to hopefully be let in at some point."

"We've talked, ya said somethin' an I responded, so we're done here." Atsumu took a pause, and the dark-haired could nearly hear the eye roll from the other. "Bye."


"'M too far away, I can't hear ya." The blonde spoke yet his voice was mumbled, telling Sakusa the other had in fact moved farther into his room.

"Look, whether you like it or not we're going to have to talk at some point, so why not now?" The dark-haired questioned, letting out a soft sigh as he leaned back against the bedroom door.

"I agreed to check on you, I came back from practice early, and I will stay here until you let me in." Sakusa stated firmly as he stood in place, he didn't care how long it took until Atsumu let him in, he'd wait no matter what. "I can wait as long as it takes, whether that be hours, days, and so on."

"For fucks sakes.." Atsumu mumbled from the other side of the door, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth as he walked back over. "Why do ya have t' be so persistent, why can't ya just leave this be?"

"Because, leaving an issue like this be isn't what you do when you care about someone." Sakusa wasn't always one to admit it as he found admitting to lots of things difficult, however it was true, of course he cared for Atsumu. He could never not.

"Ya say that like ya care, last I checked the Sakusa I know doesn't care for shit." The blondes tone now came off a bit harsh, yet Sakusa understood why, it always happened when the other was about to cry.

"That's not the me you know and we both know that, for fuck sakes — there's no one I could care more for than you, and I know you know that too." The dark-haired now turned to face the door, holding his breath as the slim ray of hope came to him. He really hoped the others silence meant he was considering his words.

"Do I really?" Atsumu questioned, his voice lightly quivering. He really wanted to believe what he was being told, yet every time he trusted Sakusa's word he ended up hurt.

"I hope so, and if you'd really say you don't, then I'll remind you over and over again." Sakusa took a breath. "Whatever it takes for you to let me in and talk, I'll do it."

All the dark-haired got in response from Atsumu seemed to be a soft sigh, and for a moment he thought that's where their conversation was going to end. Yet to Sakusa's surprise, the sound of the doors lock clicking followed and as he looked up, he'd finally been met with the face of someone he hadn't seen in days.

"Ya better not be lyin' or I swear t' god 'm done with ya." The faux blonde threatened bitterly, watching as he simply received a nod in response. "Now come in, 'm not keepin' this thing open forever."

That was all Atsumu had to say for Sakusa to finally move, the dark-haired once again gave a nod before stepping into the others room. Sakusa took a quick glance around, and to put it nicely, Atsumu's room looked a mess — yet the blonde looked even worse. It looked as if he hadn't slept in days, that alongside the obvious tear stained cheeks left Sakusa feeling horrible.

A silence quickly filled the room from that moment on, nothing awkward yet nothing comfortable either, it drove both crazy. Sakusa knew he had to take his chance to fix this miss, yet he didn't know how, once gain he didn't know where to start or what to do.

Until he got an idea, one small idea that could've very well been his starting point.

"Atsumu, look at me." Sakusa spoke out of the blue, noticing how the the other seemed more interested in the floor than anything.

Hesitantly though, the blonde raised his head and finally found it in himself to meet Sakusa's eyes. They both seen one thing immediately, and both knew the other was thinking about it, yet Sakusa was the first to speak.

"Honey brown, by far the most beautiful eye colour I've seen to this day — the only one I'd ever want to see." The dark-haired's whole demeanor softened seconds after the words left his mouth. "You still see the colour too, don't you?"

"I don't know what the hell yer talkin' 'bout." Atsumu immediately shook his head, yet the lie was beyond obvious to both.

"Really? You don't remember how dark the black w-"

"Green." The faux blonde cut in, correcting Sakusa on his eye colour, and now knowingly falling into the others trap. "Yer eyes only look black 'cause of how dark the green is, it even had me fooled at first.."

"So you do see it still." The dark-haired quietly let out a sigh of relief, so silent it was nearly inaudible.

"Unfortunately, yes. I still see it, I've always been able t'.." Atsumu trailed off, his voice getting quieter as it went, yet still managing to keep his eyes on Sakusa.

He watched as the dark-haired took a deep breath, readying himself for something.

"Listen, Atsumu, I know exactly why you wouldn't want to hear me out, but if you could give me one shot to explain everything, I'd take it." Sakusa looked to the blonde once again. "Please."

"One chance, that's it." The faux blonde reluctantly agreed, holding in a sigh as he sat on his bed. Eventually patting the spot next to him as a way of signalling Sakusa to join him.

The dark-haired did without hesitance, and once he was seated — he finally got started.

"So lets start with high school, at Suna's summer party in our second year. That I have no excuse for, I drank too much and didn't bother to give any of my actions a thought before going through with them."

"Which," Sakusa went on after a pause. "I know still gives me no right to what I did, but I'm not looking for the right of way. I'm only admitting to what I did wrong."

Atsumu nodded at this, looking to the dark-haired who kept his gaze forwards.

"Then my conversation with Hinata.. which I know I could've responded to better. The only thing in my mind at the time was what response would get him to leave me be quicker, and that was the first thing that came to mind."

Sakusa once again took a pause, this time finally looking back at Atsumu. "I said what I said and I know it's too late to take it back, so the least I can do is assure you it wasn't anywhere near the truth."

"See, the truth is, I used to find relationships meaningless. Hell, there was a lot I found meaningless — until you came along that is. You've changed my view on so many things and you still do with every passing day, relationships included." Sakusa smiled softly, and to his relief, Atsumu gave him a soft smile in return.

"Saying all that, we both know the colour's still there and Atsumu," The dark-haired paused, letting out a breath as he gently took one of Atsumu's hands. "I mean it wholeheartedly when I say I don't want to lose it, there's no one else in this world like you."

".. ya mean it?" The faux blonde questioned, and despite the tears slipping down his cheeks, he held a soft smile. They weren't tears of hurt, they were tears of joy.

"More than anything. And I'm not expecting you to agree right away, or maybe at all, but if you'd eventually consider a do-over, I would in a heartbeat."

"Then lets go for it," Atsumu responded and a lot quicker than Sakusa had expected. "Let's drop eveythin' in the past an' start over on a clean slate then, Omi-kun."

Hearing that made the dark-hared smile more than he thought he could. And in a moment of final, long-awaited relief, Sakusa took a second to raise Atsumu's hand and place a gentle kiss on top — making the blonde's smile brighten.

"With pleasure, 'Tsumu."

And just like that, the negative tension between the two had completely vanished. There was no more anger, no more hurt, and no more lies.

Instead there was comfort, trust, and most importantly, love.


me: *says i'm going to disappear for two weeks*
also me: *disappears for a month*

y ' a l l,, i am so sorry for being gone so long, i've had a lot go in the past month, i've had members of family pass away and a breakup just a few days ago so i'm all over the place right now

though i can guarantee y'all i'm working on getting everything together so i can get back on a better updating schedule

now besides all that — skts does have their happy ending 😌

it really took 58 parts to get here, and just like that, with one more, this book'll be done o.O

i hope me breaking your guy's trust twice was worth it, i sure as hell think it is XD

anygays, see y'all later gremlins, goblins, and creatures of the woods ✌︎︎

~koi ☕︎︎

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