Ishq Kinara[Love Ashore] Comp...

By AimmyB

181K 17.6K 27.8K

Five people. Five lives. Five tales. Each of them is struggling through life and these struggles aren't somet... More

Character Aesthetics
1. Abay Saalo'n!
2. A bunch of idiots
3. A regular Sunday
4. Changes
5. Shift
6. Realizations
7. Conundrum
8. Friends
9. Life
10. Clear Waters
11. Not Quite A Heartbreak
12. Too Much Work
13. Heart Ties
14. November
15. Not So Normal
16. Ashore
17. Serendipity
18. Dive
19. Horizon
20. Promise
21. Epiphany
22. Crown
23. Fall
24. Aurora
25A: Someday
25B. Everyday
26. Steady
27. Ripple
28. Crashing Down
29. Decisions
30. Crevice
31. Souvenir
32. Waves
34. Sinking Ships
35. Losing Grip
36. Fading
37. Unsaid
38. Ships in the night
39. Far from the shore
40. Life as it comes
41. Reminiscing
42. Homecoming
43. Warm
44. The same place
45. Changes and Constants
46. Traces
47. Start Over
48. Shore to the sea
49. Fall into place
50A. Love Ashore [Last]
50B. Love Ashore[Last]
Thank you Note
Bonus: Still Ashore
Bonus # 2: Then and Now
Once Upon a January

33. Echo

2.2K 258 381
By AimmyB

The thing about living in a metropolis is, it never sleeps. It never stops and it certainly never cares. You might be losing your mind but the hustle around you will keep on going. That's the thing about big cities with jammed packed traffic and people running everywhere. You are often on your own. You can find someone who walks on the same wavelength as you, but at the end of the day you are on your own.

Sarim stopped his car in the designated parking area of the Cardiology and came out of it. His hands were fumbling with his phone. This was his first time being in a hospital lobby at this hour and he realized that even though life never stops but here it had slowed down. Such a contrast from the chaos on the roads.

His first instinct was going towards the ER. He was half way down there when he saw Izaan and his pace quickened.


Izaan looked behind where Izaan could see Safwa sitting with a woman. Probably Elaf's mother. She was running a soothing hand down her arm.

"How's he?"

Sarim asked, stopping just a few steps away from Izaan. Safwa and Yusra hadn't yet seen him and the one his eyes were searching for was nowhere to be found.

"Still inside. They were running all the tests. The damage was prevented because he was taken here on time. But still he's not out of danger."

Izaan's voice was not as grave so Sarim hoped things weren't as bleak as well. Safwa had seen him by now. She gave him a nod and he came towards them. His greeting was reciprocated lightly by Yusra who was now looking at him. There was a hint of recognition there.


Safwa called him and when he turned to her she gestured towards the adjacent hallway. Sarim didn't have to be told twice. He knew what she was saying without saying anything.

He rounded the corner. The ER wasn't as crowded as it would be in the day. The next hallway was mostly deserted with only a few staff people walking around on duty.

She was standing close to a bench with her hands clasped together as if she was in pain. Her face was devoid of any expressions and her demeanor was on fight. As if she was bracing herself from everything adverse.


Sarim was just a foot away from here when he called her. She flinched but immediately looked his way. He had extended his arm for her to hold onto him. A tear rolled down her cheek. Her shoulders slumped and the next thing Sarim knew, she had flung herself in his arms.

Sarim wasn't prepared for it but he welcomed it like it was part of the norm. She fitted right into him. Clutching his shoulders, she placed her head in the crook of his neck. The dampness of her cheeks and the shaking of her form was both making its presence known. Sarim ran his hand through her hair.

"It's okay. He's going to be alright in no time."

His soothing words were a mere whisper in her ear. She had been told the same by everyone but this was the first time she found it actually making sense to her.

"I'm so scared."

A broken cry. Mumbled by her own breath and the fabric of his shirt. His hands rested on her back.

"And I'm right here."

Elaf raised her head and looked at him. His gaze was serious and telling of so much. Things which made sense and also things which didn't quite. She nodded and left his side. Sarim felt a pang of cold where she's just left from even though the weather was far from it.

"You should be with your mother, Elaf. She needs you."

"I know I was just...I don't know I just wanted to run and hide somewhere. I didn't have it in me to say anything to Mama."

They were standing side by side. Elaf wasn't looking at him but his eyes were on her. As they started walking towards the ER, he held her hand and Elaf gripped on it with a trust that maybe now she wasn't that scared anymore.


"He was worried for some months now. The work pressure kept on increasing and even though Elaf and I were worried and asked him time and again what was it even about, he always dodged the question. Just yesterday when he finally got the termination letter from his company, he told me that the higher ups were hinting at a staff change for months now. They had a list prepared of the employees they'd be firing because they wanted new people, young blood to take their place. He, along with a few of his colleagues, protested against this. But It's a private company. How far long could they go? They even tried their best to prove that they were diligent workers. But it just went down the drain in the end. They went ahead with their plan. He told me everything when he came back. He was stressed beyond measure and I was also panicking because I was seeing him this worried for the first time. It wasn't just the job. So much was at the stake there. Elaf and I tried calming him down but he just kept on thinking and worrying. It happened around midnight when he got the pain and feeling of unease in his chest. We didn't wait and called in for some help. The Chacha Jee living across the street immediately called the ambulance and then we were here and he's been inside since then."

Yusra was narrating the whole thing to Nusrat Aapa who had gotten there with Hesham. Elaf and Safwa's families knew each other well because of how much both the friends stayed at each other's place. Nusrat Aapa was giving strength to Yusra through her kind words. Safwa was sitting close to them. While Izaan and Hesham were at some distance. The door to the ER was closed. They were in the waiting area and weren't allowed inside yet. Sarim glanced to his side and saw Elaf looking through the glass door into the semi empty hallway. Her eyes were searching and so vulnerable. It ripped something inside of him. Seeing her like this wasn't something he'd ever want again. This sadness, worry and pain looked so alien on her. Something Sarim never wanted to associate with her.

Words would be futile at this point, he knew that. She had had enough of those. Words can do just so much, he realized standing there that no matter what he or anyone says, she wouldn't get peace till she sees her father right in front of her.

So he just stayed by her side, holding her hand and giving her a shoulder to rest on. Because words weren't necessary. Words weren't going to do anything.


It was in the wee hours of morning, when the dawn had just cracked on the horizon, they had gotten the news that Daud was out of danger and his more tests would take a day or two to be completed. They wanted to have a complete checkup but for now, he was fine. His family could meet him as soon as they shifted him to the room for further observation.

Yusra and Elaf were visibly relieved. So much that tears of gratitude were shining in their eyes. Nusrat Aapa insisted on sending them breakfast even though they refused but she and Safwa would've none of it. They left with the promise of coming back in just an hour with breakfast. Even Hesham and Izaan refused to leave. Elaf didn't tell them again because she knew they wouldn't budge.

"I never knew you have made such beautiful friendships, Ell."

Yusra mumbled, looking at the three boys who were standing close and talking amongst themselves. Elaf smiled lightly. She knew that alright. Her friends were some of the best people she had had the privilege of meeting and keeping in her life.

Safwa and Nusrat Aapa were back in no time. They had packed a light breakfast for Yusra and Elaf. The boys had refused to eat saying it were them who had gone through the excruciating pain and waiting so they needed to recharge.

"You are done already?"

Sarim exclaimed seeing Elaf had just taken two bites of her sandwich and was putting it back in the container.

"I will be able to eat once I see Baba. When will they let us in?"

She looked through the glass door again. Sarim smiled.

"Soon enough. You can easily finish this sandwich in the meantime."

She shook her head and Sarim nodded in acknowledgement. He had always known that she was close to her father. Their only argument was also centered upon this debate only. But he was seeing how right now she was just her Baba's girl and nothing else. The care and the worry, it was heartwarming. Maybe it was the fact that the person admitted here was her father because parents are parents. You might not see eye to eye with them but caring for them , loving them comes naturally to you. He could never say he hated his father. He was mad and angry at the man most of the time but did he ever hate him with his heart? Never. Or maybe it was just Elaf and her ways of loving people close to her with all her might.

Sarim was lost in his own musings when he felt Elaf getting tensed up beside him. He looked at her and then followed her line of vision.

There were two men and a woman and by the looks of it they were coming towards them only. Elaf stood up and so did Yusra.

"Ammi Jaan."

Yusra mumbled when the woman came close. Her tone was neutral but the woman's face wasn't. She looked both pained and livid.

"Where's my son! How's he!"

Elaf took a shuddering breath. So, it was the Dado Sarim had always heard from Elaf but was now having to see in her full wrath as well.

"He's inside but he's fine now. Don't you worry."

"Easy for you to say. How could you, Yusra! How could you didn't tell us! I can't even fathom why the idea of calling us didn't cross your mind or you didn't want me to see my son? The same old! You first and his own family second!"

Elaf had had enough. The people sitting around were now attentive towards the commotion. Trust Dado to start it everywhere.

"Sorry, Dado. We were so worried that nothing made sense to us at that time. Please, don't blame, Mama. And please don't make a scene as well."

Her tone had no hint of bite but she was tethering on her patience and those who knew her could sense that. Mrs. Durrani glared at her and opened her mouth to say something when she was held by her shoulders. The man behind her smiled genially at Elaf which she didn't reciprocate.

"Dado. They were worried and tense. Let's not blame them for that now, hun? We came here on time and that's what matters the most, right Elaf?"

Elaf looked away, not saying anything to him.

"I want to see my son, Ruman!"

Mrs. Durrani demanded out of the man who Sarim was now sure was her grandson and Elaf's cousin. Ruman. They opened the door and got inside without caring for anything. Ruman was already calling someone and it was evident he had connections inside the hospital and was going to use those.

Once they had got lost through the hallway, Yusra sighed and turned to Elaf.

"You didn't call them? I told you to."

Elaf looked so tired when she shook her head.

"I forgot, Mama. I don't think of them on regular days and it wasn't a regular time so how could I keep it in mind?"

The sass. Sarim pursed his lips to hide a smile.

"I think we should leave now."

Izaan announced and they all agreed. It was not ideal to stay here anymore. It had become a family matter and they didn't feel like intruding into something they already had.

" I will come back in the evening."

Safwa promised, hugging Elaf.

"Me as well."

Hesham piped in. Elaf gave him a smile. Izaan nodded in her way, which was his way of sealing the promise. Elaf knew by now. He wasn't going to voice it out.

They were already walking towards the exit when Sarim stood next to Yusra and Elaf telling them they should call if they needed anything. Yusra patted his head saying her thank yous. Elaf was silent. He glanced in her way but she still didn't say anything.

It was when he had taken two steps following his friends, she called out for him.


He turned around. Elaf opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again.

Stay. She wanted to say.

Stay. He wanted to stay.

But this wasn't feasible. They both understood.

So Elaf smiled and Sarim smiled back. He walked through the door and Elaf watched him doing so.

It was the first of the many instances where she should've called and he should've stayed.


"It's no joke why Elaf's always so wary about her Dad's side of the family."

Safwa exclaimed, leaning against her car. Nusrat Aapa was already inside waiting but Safwa had to show her frustration. She never liked Elaf's paternal family even though she hadn't actually met them but now after getting a glimpse she was sure she never would want to. She also wanted the same for Elaf but that wasn't likely.

"That guy, whatever his name was, didn't give me any human vibes. He must be just a bad energy."

Hesham matched her scowl. Both Sarim and Izaan looked between each other and then shook their heads. Kids.

"I think a parking area is not somewhere you should bitch about Elaf's family."

Safwa shrugged her shoulders in Izaan's way.

"I don't really care. I'm just frustrated. "

To some extent they all were frustrated and worried. Elaf and her parents' future was a big question mark and even though they wanted to help, they knew it wouldn't be easy seeing how caught up Elaf was going to be with her extended family.

Izaan and Sarim stayed quiet. Safwa got inside her car, waved at them and left the parking lot. Hesham followed suit.

"You good?"

Izaan asked Sarim. He could see how silent he was after what happened in the waiting area. Sarim shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm just worried.."

"Don't be. She's capable of handling her relatives. Didn't you see the way she gave it back to her grandmother? She's gonna be fine."

Sarim smiled at that. He was sure she would give it back whenever the chance came up. He just wasn't feeling easy about it. Something was nagging at the back of his mind.

Bad energy? Maybe.


When Elaf and Yusra went inside the room, Daud was already up and sitting on his bed. Elaf's eyes filled with tears seeing his pale face and the pin of cannula in his hand. But more than anything what pained Elaf the most was his glassy eyes and the way he had his body in his mother's embrace. Mrs. Durrani was caressing his head and whispering in his ears. The moment felt way too personal that even though it was just her father still Elaf hesitated crossing the threshold of the room.

Daud had seen her and Yusra coming. He pulled away from his mother and gave his warmest smile to Elaf. That was it. She almost ran towards him and hid herself in his very familiar and very comforting hug.


She cried into his shirt. The fear of never inhaling this scent which was so his, the rumble of his voice that was the first thing she'd known when she was just a baby and the way he had his warm arms around her, forever the protective shield she loved and cherished.

She had never thought on these lines before but she was so so so scared of never experiencing any of these again. So much so that the mere thought was making her heart constrict and her breathing shallow.

"I'm alright, Elaf. Don't cry."

But she cried earnestly.

When she got control over her emotions somehow, she looked up. Daud's always smiling face. She craned her neck to the side and found Yusra. Her hand was in Daud's and both of them were looking at her with soft eyes.

And in that moment Elaf knew no matter what life threw her way, these two people would always be worth fighting for. And she'd fight for him, no matter if the whole world would be against her.

She wiped her face and got up.

Mrs. Durrani had started talking again and for a change she wasn't spewing venom but instead asking Daud small questions about his health. Unfortunately the topic of his unemployment was also discussed and Daud filled her and his brother with all the details. Elaf knew all that. She was angry at his company but she was helpless in preventing anything that had happened and was to happen.

So, when she felt that it was safe to slip, she had silently left the room. Her destiny was the finance desk and her hands were fumbling with her purse. Daud wasn't discharged yet. It would take three days at the most. Which also meant three days of hospital paying hospital dues. They would leave with a long list of precautionary measures and diet modifications along with a heavy packet of medicines to keep his heart well functioning. All this won't be coming without any price and Elaf was going towards her first move after she knew her father had weakened. Instead of mulling over the fact that he was taking a step back from the bread provider of the family duties he had done all his life, she was ready to play the part to the best of her abilities.

A single night had turned her into a Baba's girl to Baba's daughter who was ready to take up his role and give him the needed rest.

She had grown up in a single night. She didn't know that yet but she would soon.

The bill was generated on her askance in no time once she reached the accounts counter. She gave a cursory look to the paper in her hand when someone snatched it out of her. She whirled around only to come face to face with Ruman.

"I've got this."

Elaf narrowed her eyes.

"I didn't ask for your charity."

He pretended that he didn't even hear her and took out his wallet. Elaf was livid by now.

"Excuse me, this is my bill. You can't pay for it."

"I actually can. Dado's orders. Keep your money. It will come handy for other purposes."

He had dismissed her like it was second nature to him. Elaf seethed but didn't explode. She had no energy to argue with him when he wasn't going to even listen to her.

"Your friends are gone. You should've introduced them to us."

He mentioned once he had paid. Elaf didn't even want to give any answer to him. She was still bothered by the fact that he paid for her father's hospital bills.

"There was no need."

She finally spoke.

"Oh no. I would've loved to meet them. Especially the one in white shirt."

Sarim. Like hell if Elaf ever let this weirdo even have a conversation with him or with any of her squad members for that matter.

"They are my friends and I don't see why they should meet you and Dado?"

"For future reference you know. We all are going to see each other a lot from here on."

She didn't understand in what context he was talking. Giving him a very confused look, she quickened her pace and rounded the corner. Ruman stood there with a grin on his face.


Daud was finally getting discharged after three days. His reports were satisfactory but the doctors had warned against him taking any stress because stress had become the stimulus for his attack and would be so in the future as well if he wasn't careful. Elaf took it upon herself to make sure he was never at that level of worry.

Safwa kept on visiting all the days, sometimes in the evening and sometimes in the morning. Hesham and Izaan stopped by as well. Daud was getting familiarized with his daughter's friend circle and so far Elaf could see he was as impressed as Yusra.

She hoped that when Sarim showed up, Ruman or Mrs. Durrani wouldn't be there. But to her rotten luck, Sarim chose the same time when Dado was visiting to come by.

It was all okay meeting, in his true benign nature. Daud talked with Sarim and since both were engineers, the conversation flew much to Elaf's elation. Daud was impressed by Sarim's out of campus work and exposure about which Sarim told him so humbly. But Elaf could see all the while Mrs. Durrani's eyes were searching. She was looking between Elaf and Sarim and trying to decipher something. Elaf hoped she hadn't assumed something on her own and blurted it out in front of Sarim because that would be so embarrassing.

Nothing of that sort happened. Elaf was relieved but when Sarim was leaving and she was seeing him off, Ruman had to be there in the hallway walking towards the room.

The first introduction between the two guys was as tension-filled as Elaf had imagined it to be. Sarim's body language wasn't hostile. He was usually a very cool headed person as it is but there was something in Ruman which made him appear on edge. Same was true for Ruman. He was looking extra smug but with a simmering fury beneath. Needless to say Elaf was relieved when Ruman left to get inside Daud's room.

"He's no good news."

Sarim muttered. He was a good reader of character and that much Elaf herself knew that Ruman wasn't someone to trust. But having Sarim reinforcing her gut feeling had her nodding her head.

"He never is."

That day while leaving, there was the same unsettling feeling in Sarim just like the last time he had left her. He lingered in the hallway, trying to say something to prolong his stay but then he just scratched his neck and bidding her a bye was out of there.

And Elaf smiled after days in the moment.


Yusra called her. Elaf was sitting next to a sleeping Daud. Mrs. Elaf was sure someone was there to see him because it had been happening a lot all these days. Relatives wouldn't stop coming and as endearing as it was, Elaf was tired of socializing.

"Come with me."

Yusra caressed her head and beckoned her towards the door. Elaf looked behind. Daud was still sleeping and Taya Jaan was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. He had gotten here in the morning and seemed like he had no plans of leaving anytime soon. He nodded in Elaf's way telling her the same and taking a breath of relief, Elaf walked out following Yusra.

"You know what happens now, don't you?"

Elaf's shoulders slumped. She had read her father's termination letter and all that the company was taking back from him.

The house was from a company package and now Daud not having the job meant only one thing.

The house was also going away. They had to vacate it.

"They have given us three weeks to go on with the procedure. We will have to start as soon as we get back. There's lots to pack."

"We also have to see houses for rent as well. Did you talk to Khalu about what I told you? We will sell the car, Mama. Baba won't be able to drive for a while and me and you, we can use public transport. The money coming from the car, we can use in getting a decent house on rent."

Yusra averted her gaze.

"We won't be needing that. But I have talked to Tariq Bhai. He will try selling the car to one of his clients."

Tariq Khalu was a dealer of automobiles so he was their first option for this. Elaf scowled.

"What do you mean we won't be needing that?"

Yusra looked up. She didn't know why she was so nervous telling this to Elaf even though he knew Elaf was an understanding child of hers and wouldn't throw a fit because she knew where they stood both financially and emotionally.

"Your Dado wants us to move into the Durrani house and your Baba has agreed."

Elaf wasn't expecting this.

"What? But how? I mean can they?"

"Yes, the house is quite big and since once upon a time I used to live there only with your father. She said she'd give us the same room. You can share Sumreen's."

Elaf ran a hand on her forehead, a gesture telling how unsure she was of this plan and Daud had already agreed. Maybe sickness does this to you. You become vulnerable and any shelter looks like a safe haven to you.

"Mama, I'm not being ungrateful, but I'm not sure about this decision of Baba."

"Neither am I."

Yusra said with a tiredness of eons in her stance. This would explain the smug look of Tayi Ammi when she came to see Baba, this would also explain Ruman's cryptic responses to Elaf like he knew something she didn't. She was already reeling from the life changing hurricane that had come into their lives in the form of Daud's termination and now life was turning a new turn every other day.

Elaf thought of all the possibilities and none of those were as easy as this one, maybe the reason why Daud had chosen this way. It ensured of less worry and hassle but it promised of more drama and mental torture, though for Elaf and Yusra.

Elaf had never lived among so many people. She wasn't used to the idea of a joint family and now when she was at this stage of her life, living in one seemed next to impossible to her. But she couldn't start a fight with her parents, not when she didn't even have an alternative. And even if she did, Daud would always prefer living in his father's house than any rented house they'd get their hands on.

It was difficult. She hadn't given her mother any response, not a positive one nor a hostile one. She was just silent and wrapping her head around the fact that life, from here on out, was going to be a stark opposite to what she'd known all her life.


Ibsam had dropped Maryam a handful of times outside of her bungalow. She was always on loggerheads with her driver and when she wouldn't be in the mood to call him, she'd ask Ibsam to drop her home and he obliged like he didn't know what a no even means.

But today was the first time she had invited him in. When he showed his reservations, she laughed and told him the entourage of their house help staff was there so he wouldn't be too flustered that they were alone. At this, Ibsam agreed with curiosity.

The inside of the bungalow was as lavish as Ibsam had hoped it to be. He could tell from Maryam's living style that she came from some place like this and he wasn't disappointed.

From the foyer to the intricate staircase, the flooring and the interior, everything was screaming generational money and since Ibsam had none, it was fascinating to him.

"How's you like that?"

Maryam asked, sitting on the lounge sofa with her legs folded beneath her. Her long honey dyed hair was falling on the back of the sofa and her face was set in an expression of smugness and anticipation. Like it was a rehearsed part of play, whenever someone visits this castle of hers, they won't be saying anything against its beauty, that special it was.

"It's beautiful."

She grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"I know."

Ibsam gulped and looked around once more. The place was grand in its glory but it wasn't welcoming. But that was the last thought on his mind.

"My Baba specially asked me to invite you over some day."

"You talk to your Baba about me?"

"Get over yourself. I talk to him about all my friends but he seems to be the most interested in you. Maybe your intelligence genes are finally doing the good work for you."

She wasn't wrong. He was one of the brightest students of his class. He was tech savvy and it was just a plus point for his IT degree. It was basically the main reason why Maryam even got attracted to him in the first place, other than the fact that he was good at giving praises and easy on the eyes as well.

"Are you staying for lunch?"

She asked, getting up from the sofa. Ibsam shook his head.

"I think I'll pass. Have to get home and study for a test."


He wasn't deterred by her insults. He was used to it by now and it was her way of showing affection, he had figured this out long back.

"Baba is coming home for lunch. I may or may not have mentioned that you are here. So, it's going to look very disrespectful if you go when the man is coming here just to have lunch with you,you know. Use your good ol family manners, Ibsam."

She said in a sing-song voice. Ibsam's eyes widened. Her father was coming to have lunch with him?

She was on the first step of the stairs.

"Okay. I'll stay."

She grinned and gestured upwards.

"Let's show you my queen den then."

And he followed without any questions.


They were all sitting at their usual table at Granna's. But the usual chaos and uproar surrounding them wasn't there today. Elaf had come to university after a few days and the news that she had broken was enough for them all to feel on the edge.

"Are you guys sure about it?"

Safwa was the first person to ask this question. The boys were silent. No one had anticipated that Elaf's father losing his job entailed so much. Their house was gone, well, would be gone in about two weeks and they were shifting to Elaf's Dado's place, a development none of them were sure about whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"It's not like we have many options. Baba has made his mind."

"You can always try changing his mind."

"Trust me I want to but I just don't think arguing with him is a good idea. He's still recovering and I don't want to stress him out. Living at Durrani house is at the bottom of my priority list but no matter what they are the only family we have right now and in this crisis only family can side with family."

"Don't you have anyone at your Mum's side? Someone who could help you out?"

Hesham asked. He was probably the only person after Safwa who hadn't tried schooling his expressions on knowing that Elaf was moving to Durrani House. It had left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Well, they are a different story."

"How so?"

"You are so interested, Hesham. Sarim is right. You can give competition to Desi aunties sometimes."

"Don't divert the topic."

Elaf smiled.

"My parents' was a love marriage. They were on the same level of mental capability and financial status but there was a stark contrast in their family set up. Mama came from a well educated upper modern Karachi family while Baba's was a typical Desi household. My Nana and Nano weren't that in favour of their marriage, the reason wasn't my Dad but his family but Mama insisted and so they had to relent. It started going down a few months after their marriage though. Mama couldn't fit in. My Dado and Tayi Ammi made sure she won't as well. Mama had never lived in a joint family before so she had to navigate her way through everything, including the family politics and that's where she knew she couldn't do it. After a few brawls here and there she said he had had enough. Baba moved with her to a new place away from his family. They had me and then we were a proper family. But neither my Dado ever accepted that nor my mum's side of the family got over the fact that Mama put her choice over all of their disapproval. As a result, I was never close to my Dado and the inhabitants of Durrani House and my mother's siblings were never the same. My mum's only close with two of her sisters, you know like siblings close? Yes that. My Mamu, both of them don't actually care much and we don't see them and their families that often as well. Nana and Nano both passed. It was still better when they were alive but after them. Well."

She shrugged her shoulders. They all now understood why Elaf was saying their options were limited.

"Well that sucks."

"It sure does. Cheers."

Elaf raised her shake glass towards Hesham who grinned at her.

"So you are moving there?"

Izaan asked, clasping his hands. Elaf nodded.

"Then go there with a clear slate. You are graduating in just a few months at the top, after that you will get a job and will be able to fend for both yourself and your parents. Think of this as a temporary settlement. Once it goes running, move out, rent a house and live a slightly better and tension free life. This too shall pass, Elaf."

Elaf liked this about him a lot. He would mould himself to a situation real quick. Something she was good at too. So in a way he was relatable.

"And you are not the one to back down from what you believe in, so they won't be able to boss around you."

Sarim added. The praises. She smiled, shaking her head. She was on the verge of becoming flustered.

"Just stay away from that moronic cousin of yours and we're good. The guy gives me the creeps."

Safwa's concern was vehemently matched with Hesham's. Both of them were no fans of Ruman. Well, Elaf could relate there as well.

"Don't worry. I know how to keep Ruman in his place. He always gets what he deserves whenever he tries talking to me."

"Good, shorty. I'm proud of you."

"Well I'm not. You haven't gone anywhere with your and Zonish something. What even happened there?"

"Well we are kind of friends."

"That's not much."

"Not that I'm trying for anything. But just for your information, These two started off as friends and you two are right now in that zone. "

He pointed towards Izaan and Safwa and then at her and Sarim. Elaf wanted to smack him for always saying shit which would leave her speechless.

"Just say you are afraid of her and call it a day. This reverse drag ain't working."

Safwa, being her best friend, came to her rescue and Elaf was happy.

"Also, Elaf. Make sure that they don't put a ban on our night outs. Though I won't be visiting much, you are staying with me whenever we feel like it and no, I don't care for any Dado."

"Roger that boss."

It felt so easy, with these people, the situation she was so conflicted about started looking less bleak as she conversed and shared it with them. They were truly her people.

They finished their shakes and snacks and came out of the familiar building which has seen many of their hangouts. Safwa was to drop her home in her car and as Elaf followed her, she took a quick glance back.

Sarim was uncharacteristically silent. She had noticed it.


The paper with an office language scattered on it was placed on the table. It wasn't just a piece of paper. It was the proof of the shackles Irma had broken.

Today the period of waiting for reconciliation had ended and now her decree of Khula had been effective. Which means the moment her baby was born, she'd be out of this marriage and Mohid will be out of her life in every way possible.

His attempts in the beginning of this ordeal were incessant and desperate but Irma didn't budge. She stood her ground for three months and slowly both Mohid and his family got bored, or their spirits dampened, she would never know. She just knew that over time, they had stopped trying to pursue her.

She was basically in her Iddah period now and in her sixth month of pregnancy. The whole period till now wasn't as excruciating as she once thought it to be, to think of it she was pretty sure anything would be less painful than being subjected to a man's fists and slaps everyday.

She was mostly at home, where Farwa would be doting on her, making something for her to eat. Sarim, though, was busy and often caught up because there was so much going on in his life with it being his last semester, but there wasn't any moment she had called out for him and he wasn't there.

She was almost three months pregnant when she left Mohid's hell hole and now she was three months after that, free from it, in a sound mental and physical condition and doing fine.

But there were still some things she had to do.

She came out of her room. Naumana and Farwa were in the living room having their tea. There was no conversation flowing between them but they weren't completely silent as well. Farwa was talking about something. Irma smiled knowingly. This whole situation had one positive effect, Farwa wasn't as perturbed by Nauman as she was before. This had emboldened her to some extent. She was no longer scared of telling her husband where he was being unreasonable, though she still did it without ever being disrespectful but the fact that she was doing it, was more than enough for both Sarim and Irma who had seen their mother, all their lives, being so afraid of even breathing in their father's presence. It was a pleasant development.


Irma called out to Nauman who looked up and immediately shifted to make room for him right next to him. Farwa hid her smile. This was precious.

"Baba, I wanted to ask you something, in fact I wanted to tell you something. You two Ammi."

They were both attentive towards her now. She held Nauman's hand in hers.

"I'm so thankful for your support, what both of you did for me, in fact Sarim as well. Without you guys, it would've never been possible for me to get away from that abusive household. I cherish it, you know. Please know that."

Sarim who had come down to find something to eat, saw them gathered in the living room and came close to know what was happening.

"Right now my sole focus is my baby. But I will get done with this one day as well. The baby will be in my arms and that's why I wanted to ask two things from you two."

She heaved a deep sigh.

"Ammi, I won't be getting married again. I know it's not even something I should be talking about now but I want to make it clear once and for all. I have had my experience with marriage and it didn't give me much. A bag full of trauma and bruises. Though my baby is something that I cherish from this marriage but that's about it. I don't want any marriage talks in the future, when my baby is in my arms, how this kid will need a father. I will be enough for my child. I can assure you all."

She glanced around and continued.

"And Baba,"

She was now completely focused on Nauman.

"I know you will not like this but once the baby is born, I will fend for myself and my baby. I will find a job, I will build a career and I will take care of my own expenses. I won't deny that I'll need your support in the beginning like I do now, but I don't intend on making it a permanent thing. No. I will use my degree, my connections and my good name that I still have. That year living with Mohid told me that I still had it in me. You won't stop me, Baba. I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Please be the same understanding father you've been all these months to me. That's all I ask of both you and Ammi."

Heavy silence fell in the living room. The hand in Irma's hold finally moved and when she left it, it stayed on her head.

"You will do what you want to do. And no, none of us will stop you. Especially your Baba. He's done doing that."

Nauman spoke with the same finality that was the part of his personality. Farwa sniffled and Sarim was there to hug her. He gave Irma a thumbs up. And Irma knew she didn't even have to ask him this. He would always be there for her, supporting her every decision.

Her first and foremost support system.


Safwa never had to worry about the trivial things in life, and laundry was one of those. She always found her clothes washed in a pile on her bed or her couch and then she or Nusrat Aapa would fold them into her closet.

But this time around she was not even waiting for the washed clothes to arrive at her room, but was now rummaging through those.

Courtesy, a worn out shirt she was now holding in her hand with a smile on her face. It was pretty comedic, that the person it belonged to was always a phone call away and Safwa had met him just yesterday but right now, his shirt was providing her with the same solace he was capable of. Love is very weird and Safwa couldn't deny it. It makes you mad and look for something entirely different in something people wouldn't stop to waste their two seconds on.

She was trying to find something in there, maybe that was the reason she hadn't noticed when came inside outside of her room calling her name. Safwa scrambled to put the shirt away but it was late, Bisma was inside and she had certainly seen that shirt and knew it didn't belong to Safwa.

"I came to ask if now's a good time to go and see Elaf's father but clearly you are occupied."

She turned on her heels and Safwa ran after her.


She held her arm.

"I swear it's not what you think! I gifted him a shirt a while back. We went to the store together and on my insistence he changed into that in the changing room of the store itself. On the way back home the shopping bag was with me and this is how I got his shirt and ..."

She stopped realizing Bisma was looking at her without any hint of rage or disapproval.

"Were you planning on giving it back to him?"


Bisma shook her head.

"No. I wasn't. I wasn't planning on giving it back to him."

Bisma took a step back, nodded and started down the stairs. Safwa was still standing there.

Bisma opened her car door and went inside. She had been putting this on hold for long but she couldn't do this anymore.

When you start keeping souvenirs of someone, or your feelings, that's when you know you are in too deep and never coming back. It had happened with her and now it was happening with Safwa.

And Safwa wasn't ready for something as deep. Not yet. Safwa won't understand but Bisma had an idea who might.


Izaan was grumbling under his breath, first of all he had a mad hectic day at both the university and then in the hospital, then he had to deal with Kumail and Roshna's non stop bickering. People get mellow down when they finally confess but these two had somehow started acting more unhinged, always arguing and then laughing it off. It was sickeningly sweet and borderline infuriating.

But now he was going home and he couldn't be more relieved.

That was short lived. He said it too soon.

Because the person standing in the parking lot was someone he had never expected to meet. Not like this and not here.

"Izaan Shoaib. Bisma Kirmani."

She introduced herself with a plastered smile which seemed too fake and something of a regular office charade. Izaan understood her body language. She was here for a business negotiation, her composure was of the same.

But he wasn't a businessman. He was just a boy who loved her niece with everything he had in him.

"I was hoping to get a few minutes of yours. I know it's been a long day."

"The cafe's this way."

He pointed to the left. By now Kumail and Roshna had understood something was off because Izaan's lips were pursed.

He nodded at them telling them it was fine but his inner alarm was blaring.

The first test of their love was here and he was alone trying to make his way through it.


Izaan clasped his hand on the table and looked at Bisma. She was already looking at him, trying to read him.

"We haven't met properly yet. But I know quite a lot about you."

"I hope whatever you've heard is not all that bad."

"No, not really. Your friends really talk highly of you. And Safwa as well."

He didn't say anything. She was setting the field to place her cards.

"I don't want to do the preliminary talk, Izaan."

"I'm not a fan of those as well."

"That's good. Safwa and you, well you both are..."

"We are in love."

"And you are sure about that?"

He smiled. Doubt wasn't a word he knew when it came to his feelings about Safwa.


"You both plan on going further with this."

"Not yet. We let things pan out and see where it takes us. And we are both building our careers at this point. We can't think of going further yet."

"Exactly my point. Right now you both are in the middle of a long haul which we call a career. Also, you have an even longer route than Safwa."

"Yeah, Doctors don't get ready to go in the field overnight."

"That's not what I'm getting at."

She folded her arms giving Izaan the impression that this was where the real and hard talk was going to start.

"Izaan, you are a sensible kid. I always heard it from Hesham and Safwa but I can tell this myself as well. I'm not trying to be the villain in your story but have you thought over everything when it comes to you and Safwa?"

She found him silent. He was giving her the chance to finish first and then he'd add his points.

"First of all, the difference between your timelines. You are working things out from scratch. While Safwa is already there in the business field. The moment she graduates, I plan on indulging her deep into the workings of our office. She can keep on pursuing her studies further but it's a fact that she has everything planned out for her. Same is not true for you. I appreciate your hard work and your zeal to be a self made man but that's a slow procedure, do you think even in the next five or six years, you'll be able to stand side by side with her."

The first crack in the doubtless picture Izaan had formed in his mind.

"I didn't mean to be rude. That was not my intention."

"I didn't take any offence."

"You should know both of your approaches towards your individual line of work is also telling of how different things are for you and Safwa. She's more laid back because she knows no matter what, an office is waiting for her she can always turn to. You don't have that assurance in your life that's the reason you are so hard working. This stark contrast between you two and how you see your career lines is also something that will, at one point, collide. You are only human and so is she. Sooner or later this will start making noise. If not you two then the circle you move in will do so. You know our society."

Izaan shifted in his seat. He half wanted to tell her that won't happen. But she was right both him and Safwa were only humans. What if he got jealous of how easy it had been for her. What if she got tired of how long the journey of his stability was going to be?

"Also, you do realize that Safwa might be the softest bean out there but she has always been a pampered kid. Look at it from a realist point of view, Izaan. She cooks when she's in the mood. It's not an obligation because she has people doing that for her. She's a solitude lover even though she fits well with people she surrounds herself with but her social battery tires out soon. She's always been used to living in a house where there are not many people. She has people for every beck and call of hers. She lives a luxurious life and I'm not trying to glorify it but I come from the same set up. It's hard, when you've all your life in luxury, it's very hard to get it out of your system and routine. That's her normal and your lifestyle might be fascinating to her, but it's not really normal for her. What do a human do when they are stuck in a situation which isn't their idea of normal? They look for ways to go back. And here it's not going to be a situation but a life. Of you both. How would she escape from that? Do you see her fitting well in your lifestyle?"

She had said so much without saying much. Izaan knew where she was coming from. He never planned on leaving his parents and Abba. Moving out and being on his own. If somewhere down the line him and Safwa would go as far, then she'd live with his family and then what? Would she fit it? And the luxury Bisma was talking about, he won't be able to give it to her. Not for many coming years.

But they weren't getting married or something anytime soon.

Whom he was kidding? Even if they decided to go for it in the next five years he still wouldn't be able to give her all that. He would still be a struggling middle class Izaan who lived in a mediocre neighborhood of Karachi in a two storey house. His father would still be a cloth merchant and his mother a housewife. They would still be the same tight on money but rich at heart family.

Another crack. Deeper than the last one. The boom echoing in his ears only he was able to hear.

"I'm just trying to say that there's so much that can go wrong in your and Safwa's relationship. You guys might be sure about it now but now it is easy. Give it some time. Stop and think things over. I like you for her. I really do. But I'm not used to seeing things from rose colored glasses and I see you both can hurt each other in more than one way. Circumstances can hurt you both in every way. I wouldn't want Safwa hurt and I wouldn't want you hurt as well. You are a good kid. "

She got up to leave. Maybe she was done. Maybe the turmoil on his face had made her stop. Whatever it was she was saying her goodbyes and was out of the cafe in no time.

And Izaan sat there.

The doubtless picture was in total shambles. Cracks, small and big, littered here and there.

The only thing whole and pure was his love for Safwa. Because now in this relationship, he was sure of just that.

His love for her.

Her love for him.

Everything else was a receding echo of ash and embers.


Don't you all wanna give Izaan and Elaf hugs? Because i certainly want to </3

I so wanna link up the spotify playlist here. It will be in the first comment. It gives me mad feels so you should also be my guests. 

Love, Aims. <3

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