Walking Disaster- Hosie

By hosiesmp3

46.7K 1K 105

There are two girls, pretty obvious. One girl is a party animal, the other one likes to stay away from crowds... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Update :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 16

967 38 3
By hosiesmp3

Hope's POV
Once Penelope sat by me, I got confused. She never wanted anything to do with me.

P: I'm so sorry for how my brother acted. Whatever he said was never the truth. He's simply idiotic. He really should've taken my actual advice and left you guys be. I'm glad Jojo has somebody like you. Just don't go beating everyone up, okay?
H: You got it Pen.
P: That's a new one, normally you call me a bitch or anything other then my name.
H: Well now that you pointed it out, I'm going back to calling you a bitch. How's the new school?
P: Got kicked out. I also dropped out.
H: Why?
P: Schools boring and what are you really gonna use it for? Ya know?
H: I guess.
P: You should go back and actually have fun, it is your birthday weekend.
H: I shouldn't go back. I almost killed someone from beating them up. Something my dad would've done. I don't even think Josie would want to be with me still after that whole mess.
P: She literally stopped you from literally killing my brother. Yes she wants the peace and she wants zero harm in her life but she knew what she was getting into when she started dating you. Your family isn't known for the softness and kindness like most families are. She signed up and I don't think she's taking a refund Hope.
H: I don't know, she seemed so concerned, so worried.
P: Jojo is a worrying person. She's never going to stop worrying about you. You can call it quits with her if you really want to, to "protect" her or whatever the fuck your family does but I know for a fact that she will never give up on you. She'd do anything for you Hope.
H: She shouldn't be with me. I would be bringing so much pain and darkness.
P: Maybe she thinks differently Hope.

Penelope got up and walked away. I started to question everything. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around. I seen my aunt Freya.

F: I knew you'd be here. It's pretty, isn't it?
H: Yeah.

I looked back towards the waterfall.

F: What's going on?
H: I almost killed someone aunt Freya and I scared Josie. I know I did. Did dad do that? Did he beat somebody for Camille?
F: Oh sweetie, your dad has some stories for you. But to answer your question, he'd go absolutely nuts if Camille wasn't around him. She came in at a good time. Your dad was struggling and he was also fighting and throwing and then he started playing football and basketball. Camille came into the picture and everything changed for your dad. But Camille and him broke up and he had a one night stand with your mom who then fell for Elijah.
H: So I should probably go back to Jo?
F: Yes definitely. Talk to her.
H: I will. Thanks aunt Freya.

I got up and Freya and I hugged. I ran back to the cabin and it was starting to rain. I seen Josie by the porch, we made eye contact and she started running towards me. Josie jumped into my arms and I wrapped my arms around her catching her. I put her down and she backed up and slapped me.

J: Don't scare me like that again Hope. What were you thinking? You could've died from a wolf. Leo could've actually done something this time. You had me worried sick.
H: Ugh your starting to sound like my mom.
J: Well maybe this time, it'll actually get into your head that you can't keep doing that. Everytime you walk off alone, you always end up doing some dumb shit.
H: I'm fine. I just needed to clear my head.

Josie hugged me and we stayed in the hugging position. After a little bit, I pulled away from the hug but kept my hands on her waist.

H: I have to say something.
J: Go ahead.
H: I love you, more than anything in the world. You're my light, my safe place, my home. I can't imagine a world without you. I'm sorry for tonight, I'm sorry for beating someone to where they almost died, I really am. I'm just glad you didn't run off. I'm glad I still get to call you mine. I don't want to lose you Josie.
J: I don't want to lose you too Hope.

I smiled at Josie and she smiled back. I pulled Josie closer to me and I kissed her. It was a nice, slow and passionate kiss. I pulled away and seen Landon in the distance. I looked at Josie and kissed her again.

J: Let's go get you cleaned up.
H: What do you mean?
J: Look at your hands Hope. They're all bloody.

I chuckle and we walked back to the cabin. Once we got there Landon walked to his room. Leo was passed out on the couch. Josie took me into the bathroom and made me sit down on the toilet.

H: I'm sorry once again.
J: Don't worry about it.
H: I shouldn't have done what I did.
J: Hope, seriously don't worry about it.

Josie cleaned off my knuckles and wrapped my hand up. I moved my hands and she sat on my lap. I hugged her and laid my head on her chest. She began to play with my hair.

H: I talked to Penelope when I was out.
J: What'd you guys talk about?
H: She just helped me realize some things.
J: I thought you guys hated each other?
H: Me too but it's kinda whatever now.
J: Where's Freya?
H: Out by the waterfall.
J: There's a waterfall?
H: Mhm, I'll show you tomorrow.

I looked up towards Josie and we shared another passionate kiss. Josie pulled away from the kiss and looked at me.

H: You're absolutely stunning babe.
J: You too Hopey.

I smile and Josie stood up. She held out her hand and we walked back to our room. Josie got ready for bed while I just sat down on the bed. After she got ready, she sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her. We kissed, which then turned into a heated kiss.

Josie pushed me down to where I was now laying on the bed. She took her shirt off and I took off my jacket and shirt. We kissed which turned into making out. I flipped us to where I was on top now. I kissed Josie's neck, leaving a couple marks. I helped her unclip her bra and then unclipped mine after. I kissed down her body, to the hem of her pajama pants.

H: Are you sure you want to do this?
J: Yes, I'm sure.

I take off her pants and make my way back up to her lips.

-45 minutes go by-

Josie was curled up to me, her hand on my chest. I held her close to me. It was just peer silence. After a little while, Josie sat up.

H: Is everything okay?
J: Yeah, everything's fine. Why?
H: Then where are you going?
J: I'm going to the kitchen to get us snacks. Is that okay?
H: Yeah. Just be careful. Leo is out there on the couch.
J: You could just come with me.
H: But it's comfortable right here.

Josie playfully hits my arm. I laugh and she gets up and puts her pajamas back on. I got up and changed in my pajamas. I turn around and seen Josie looking at me.

H: What?
J: I love you.
H: I love you too.

We walked out into the kitchen and seen Leo standing by the counter with a drink of water.

Le: Thanks for the busted lip.
H: You deserved it.
J: Hope, he's not worth it. Remember?

I nod and we grabbed a couple snacks and went back to the room. We watched a movie and I checked the time. It was now 2am. Josie snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around her protectively. Josie and I went to sleep at the same time.

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