Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.4K 224 198

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol

The Nether, The Lava

61 3 0
By LinoIsHeree_

Tommy decided that he would go to the nether since the last time he went there was when he was in exile. He didn't tell Ranboo nor Tubbo where he was going, he didn't need to be babied by them. He got up early, got ready and quickly ran to the only portal he knew.

Since it was really early in the morning, everyone was still asleep. The purple glow of the portal mesmerised him as he walked into it, feeling the warm air hit his face, almost like it was giving him comfort. "I've missed this" he whispered as he started walking. He walked along the cobblestone/obsidian bridge and peaked over it every now and then. *Jump, no one will miss you, if anything, they'll be more happy without you* the voice told him, Tommy decided to listen as he started to agree with it. He then stopped walking and sat down on the edge. He looked out on the deadly lava and the little red things that hover on it.

*Im almost jealous* he thought as he stared at the little red monsters. They got to be in the lava all they wanted so why couldn't he. The more he stared, the more he felt free, the more he felt like he could do anything. "Who would miss me, it would be better without me, right" he questioned. *You've finally got it* the voice laughed. He then felt himself start to slowly slip over the edge, he loved it, he couldn't wait for the freedom of falling through the air, it made it even more tempting. He then closed his eyes as his body slipped over the edge, but it didn't feel like he was falling.

He opened his eyes and looked up. A green person was looking back at him as he held Tommy's arm. "What the fuck?!" Tommy yelled. "Hello! I'm human!" The unknown green thing said to him. "Ok? And?! LET GO GOD DAMIT" Tommy yelled, he then looked at the person properly. They were covered in slime and had round glasses with a wooden stick coming out of they're head. "Who are you? And what are you?!" Tommy questioned. "My name is Slimecical but you can call me Slime and I'm human!" Slimecical said with a huge smile. "Ok? Now let go!" Tommy said as he started to struggle.

"But if I do that then you'll die!" Slime said as he started pulling Tommy back up. "Wait, STOP!" Tommy said as he tried to get out of Slimes grasp but couldn't, it was like he was stuck to him. "What are you really?!" Tommy asked as he was pulled back up. "I'm human!" Slime said happily. "No you're not?!" Tommy said confusedly. "Yes I am, anyway, goodbye!" Slime said as he got up and ran away. "What the fuck just happened" Tommy asked himself. *Anyway, look over the edge* the voice said. Tommy did so as the feeling came back to him, the urge. *The feeling of falling through the air is tempting right* the voice said, Tommy agreed. "2nd times the charm right" Tommy laughed to himself as he started slipping again.

Tubbo was chilling in the kitchen as he watched a green figure rush around the corner. "Go to the nether now unless you want to loose him!" Slime said, he didn't seem out of breathe. "What do you mean, and who are you?!" Tubbo questioned. "Tommy!" Slime said. Tubbo then quickly ran out of the house and to the nether.

Tommy could almost feel it. He closed his eyes once again as he slipped more and more, he felt tears start flowing into his eyes. He then heard someone yell his name, snapping him out of the sweat relief he was about to feel. He turned around angrily to see Tubbo and Slime running towards him. He then remember, he was on the edge of a block that was hovering above lava. *Oh no* he thought. "Stay there!" He yelled as he sat back on the block. They all instantly stopped in their tracks. "You!" Tommy said as he pointed at Slime. Slime smiled as he walked over to Tommy. "Yes" he said happily.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT" Tommy yelled in his face, making all of them jump. "What do you mean?" Slime asked. "I mean, I was SO CLOSE to freedom AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME! NOT ONLY DID YOU DO THAT, YOU TOLD MY BEST FRIEND" Tommy continued to yell. "If I hadn't then you would've died" Slime said confusedly. "MAYBE THATS WHAT I WANT" Tommy yelled out loud as tears poured down his face. "Maybe that's what I want" he said as he looked at the ground. He then turned around and looked at the lava. "Maybe that IS what I want" he said as he started to run towards the edge before being pulled back by something.

"TOMMY PLEASE STOP! I ONLY HAVE 2 THINGS LEFT AND YOU ARE ONE OF THEM NOW PLEASE, stop" Tubbo said as he held Tommy back. Tommy stopped and listened. "What?". "You and Ranboo are all I have left so please, you can't leave" Tubbo cried. "But, I thought you would've been happier without me, everyone would've been happier without me" Tommy said confusedly. "What?! Of cause not! If you died then I wouldn't know what to do" Tubbo said as he continued to hold him. "Please, you can't do this" he cried. Tommy sighed before turning around and hugging him back. "Ok, I won't" he said. "P-promise" Tubbo cried more. "Promise" Tommy said back as he felt Tubbo hug him tighter.

"You can't go" Tubbo said quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "I'm not going anywhere" Tommy said as he rubbed his back. "I know how you feel Tommy, I've been there" Tubbo cried. Tommy felt his heart drop. "Y-you have?" He said with a voice crack. "Yes, back when Schlatt was around, it was tempting I know, but I had to stay strong" Tubbo explained through cries. "Tubbo I'm so sorry" Tommy said as he hugged him tighter. "It's ok, you need to stay strong, you don't realise how much most people love you, a lot of people care about you" Tubbo said. Tommy started crying harder, "thank you so much". "It's ok" Tubbo said.

Tommy then looked at Slime who was smiling whilst looking out into the lava. "Who actually are you" he asked. "I'm Slimecical" Slime said again. "I know that but, where did you come from" Tommy asked. "Oh I can't say that" Slime said. "Ok then?". Tommy and Tubbo soon walked back to the mansion.

"You ok" Tommy asked the still crying Tubbo that was clinging onto him. "N-no! You almost just died!" Tubbo yelled. "I-I mean, yeah" Tommy said. "What do you mean 'yeah'?! YOU ALMOST JUST DIED TO THE HANDS OF YOURSELF" Tubbo yelled. Tommy didn't speak as his eyes widened. "Im so sorry" Tubbo apologised. "I-it's alright, I didn't realise you would be this sad" Tommy questioned. "Of cause I would and am!" Tubbo cried. "It's ok now, I'm alive right" Tommy said as he hugged him. "Yes but-" Tubbo said as his breathing started to get faster. "Hey hey it's ok now, I'm alright and alive" Tommy said as he hugged him tighter. "R-right" Tubbo said as he calmed down. "Come on, let's get back home" Tommy said, he then held his hand as they walked back home.


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