
By Ravien8

716 122 11

Th year is 2114. One hundred years ago a groups of teens built robots that would help change the world. But t... More

Chapter One: 22nd Century
Chapter Two: Kage
Chapter Three: Hospital
Chapter Four: Released
Chapter Five: Fire
Chapter Six: Glitch
Chapter Seven: Visits
Chapter Eight: First Day More Trouble
Chapter Nine: New Life
Chapter Ten: R.E.D
Chapter Eleven: One Awakens
Chapter Twelve: Hard Truth
Chapter Thirteen: Rip
Chapter Fourteen: Tear Part I
Chapter Sixteen: Saved?
Chapter Seventeen: Flash
Chapter Eighteen: Revenge is Planned
Chapter Nineteen: Argument
Chapter Twenty: Alive Again
Chapter Twenty-One: Stay Back
Chapter Twenty-Two: Welcome Back
Chapter Twenty-Three: Abduction
Chapter Twenty-Four: I Don't Want To Go
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Girl Who Forgot Too Much
Chapter Twenty-Six: Who Am I? Who Are You?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Heartbeat
Chapter Twenty-Eight: We're the Mitchell Twins
Chapter Twenty-Nine: End This... Brother
Chapter Thirty: No Deal
Izzy, Abi and Eric
Chapter Thirty-One: Live On... For Me
Adam, Joe and Ashley
Chapter Thirty-Two: Century

Chapter Fifteen: Tear Part II

25 5 0
By Ravien8

Yellow! Part Two is here! After the next few chapters I finally get to put in more amazing things! Hint: shapeshifting robots!!! :) ;) ;). I know it's a little weird but hey! I'm weird! So enjoy this next chapter!

Chapter Fifteen: Tears Part II
"The worst part about being strong is that no one asks if you're okay."
-Unknown (I think it's from an anime)
I feel so cold..... so numb. Why can't I feel? Why can't this pain in me heal? Is it because I don't have my brother, Kage? I've never felt so cold. I'm always shivering. Constantly cold, numb, this aching in my heart won't stop. Did Kage feel this way before he went away? Did he feel numb? Cold? My bother, my only family left. Is he really gone? Brother, where are you? Do you think. Did you feel anything? I know you care but... his eyes.... so dull... ever since that day.

The fire. I want it back. I want the heat of that fire again. I want it to take my pain away. Can it? Can anyone? I've lost my last piece that kept my family together. I'm so alone.... I've only felt this once before. When I was asleep.

I lay in my bed unable to eat, sleep, talk. I haven't gone to school, haven't seen Abi or the twins or Joe, Ash and Adam. Haven't gone to see Abi's parents in the hospital or Kage... Kage.... Kage.... Brother... Why?

Tears filled my eyes. Ever since the twins' mom died. She was a rip in the paper of our life. Kage was a tear. When will it finally fall to shreds? Soon? Years from now? My life should've ended. I should've never have met Danny.... Danny.... Danny.

Danny showed me compassion, kindness and love. Love I've only seen from my friends and Kage. No one in 2014 but the people with me today showed me that. I wonder if I would've had kids. Gotten married. Had a family? Would my kids have met Danny? Grandkids maybe? Met his friends? Be enemies or never meet? All of that is pointless to think about.

Pointless..... Pointless.... Pointless! It's all pointless this.. this.. this pain! Hopeless! Pointless! It's annoying! It should never of happened! It all started with him! Then her! Then the mother! Then the twins and now Kage!

"Melody?" Danny's voice asked behind my door. "You okay?"

He asks me that ever hour or so.... pointless.

"The others are over doing homework," he explains. "You want to say hi?"

Talking... pointless.

"Do you want to do some homework? Take your mind off things?"

Work, distractions... pointless.

"Ash, Joe and Adam are here as well," he urged. "They've been working on Glitch and the others."

Robots... pointless.

Robots. The robots. They are the cause! All of this! Everything!

I shot out of bed and yanked open the doors. Danny was there, shocked that I had swung open the doors.

"Shut up!" I yelled, tears in my eyes. "It's all pointless! It's all the robot's fault! They are the cause! The death! The twins running away! You telling me to wait!"

By now some of the others had come up the stairs to see the commotion.

"This is all pointless! All of it! If it weren't for the robots...."

I stopped when I saw the twins. They both had shock on their faces. I grew angry.

"If you two would've talked it out!" I yelled at them. "If Mickey wasn't weak to run away or you, Mike weren't to stubborn to listen then Kage wouldn't have gone after you!"

"Melody, this isn't..." Danny began.

"Be quiet!" I screamed. "If you hadn't told me to wait! You! Pointless! You told me to wait! To WAIT!"

I ran downstairs and out the door, tears streaming down my face. Was this really the tearing of our paper in two and then it would go to shreds....

"I'm done," I thought. "I can't live like this! Three days I lasted. Three.... I'm pathetic.. Pointless.. Oh... So pointless."

I ran to the hospital, walking in and looking as composed as possible. I asked the lady at the desk for a pen and paper and walked into Kage's room. He still laid there. Sleeping.

I heard the door open and a doctor walked. Doctor Hothorn.

"Hello there, Melody," he said with a sad smile.


"Will he wake up?" I asked, calmly.

Pain flashed across his wrinkled face.

"The chances..." He said. "Are less than slim. He's been close to death a few times. His heart skips a beat at times and it sends him into shock. We constantly check on him but... it's not hopeful."

Numb.... Pointless.... Numb.... Pointless. I truly am... numb.

"I'm sorry," he says as he turns to leave, not doing but he had planned to.

I turned to Kage. I bent down and wrote a note. I stood up and placed it on the bedside table.

"Kage..." I said. "I'm sorry. I couldn't hang on. I couldn't be strong. You were always so strong. You never needed help. You were taking care of me... pointless, worthless me. I won't be in your way anymore.... brother. I'm.... so sorry. I-I'll miss you. I love you. Good-bye."

With that I leave my brother and go to finish what my father never did.


"Melody!" I yelled as Melody ran out the door.

I turned to the others.

"Melody is breaking," Abi said. "Ever since the incident with her father..."

"What happened?" I asked.

"When Melody was young her father set their house on fire and left," Abi explained.

"But Melody had some of that gasoline thrown onto herself when she found her dad trying to put the house on fire," Ash explained.

"That's why she has those burn scars," Ty said and the others nodded.

"Kage and their mom made it out but Melody was stuck inside," Joe said. "Melody made her way out though."

"But Kage became more isolated that day. His eyes became like they are now, dull," Adam said.

"But he still cares," Mickey says. "It's just hard to tell."

"Whenever Melody is sad she'll normally play music to get it off her chest. Sometimes she'll just plain out say that her father never finished his plan to burn her alive," Joe said, pain in his face. "We don't know why he set their house on fire."

"Melody has always had to be with Kage," Adam said. "Always. Everyday, everywhere, anytime. Even in school Kage would look to find her and they would hang out with Abi and the twins. After school we would all go to our small barn in their new backyard to work on the robots."

"Hold on," Ty said, rubbing his head. "What about Melody now?"

"She might be going insane," Abi said.

"Or...." I said. "She said 'pointless'. This is a long shot but what if...."

"You don't think?" Joe said in realization.

"Suicide," I said. "We've gotta find her."

I ran out the door, Joe following close behind as we went to the only place she would go to say good-bye. The hospital.


I followed behind Danny who was surprisingly fast for his age. Almost like Kage. We needed up in the hospital where we ran to Kage's room. He was still lying there. He looked... almost in pain... he wasn't like that before. He was calm and focused but now he's in pain... Why?

Danny picked something up from the bedside table. A note.

"It's addressed to myself and Kage," he said as he opened it.

"What does it say?" I asked as Danny read it.

"I know that you will find this note, Danny," he read aloud. "I'm sorry for my outburst earlier. I'm sorry for everything. For the trouble I've caused. I wanted to say this before I left. I wish it could've been better, this note. I was going to write it to Kage but I found out that he isn't likely to wake so I wrote it to you and everyone. If Kage ever does wake up, tell him I'm sorry. Sorry for being weak, worthless and pointless. So pointless. I'm going to calm myself as I finished what my father started. Good-bye... Melody Gazing Reed."

He read her name slowly and over again.

"I never heard her full name before..." He said. "Let alone her last name is... it's the same as..."

"The R.E.D corporation boss," I finished.


It's so dark. Everything is blank. I heard screams. They sounded like Melody but they stopped long ago.

"Where am I?" I thought. "Why can't I move? Am I thinking in a coma? Did the drug not make my brain dead? Was that really Melody crying? I never knew a serum could work like this."

It's all so black, so empty, so foggy.

"What happened? Serum? Injection? That I remember but why? I have to remember. I have to remember what happened."

"Kage...." Melody's voice said.

It was like an echo. Hard to hear but still distinguishable. It was like a dream.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hang on. I couldn't be strong."

"Melody... What are you..."

"You were always so strong. You never needed help. You were taking care of me... pointless, worthless me. I won't be in your way anymore.... brother. I'm.... so sorry. I-I'll miss you. I love you. Good-bye."

This has to be some horrible nightmare. A horrible dream.

"Melody..." I thought. "I hear you. Please don't do this. Melody, I'm not as strong as you think. The worst part about that is that no one ever asked me if I was okay."

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