Break Me (Doctor Who Fanficti...

By InLoveWithARockStar

339K 15.7K 3.8K

―SEQUEL TO "FIX ME"― Now that the Doctor is back, things have changed. AJ believes they'll just get back to t... More

Chapter 1 ― The Aftermath
Chapter 2 ― Torchwood
Chapter 3 ― My Last Adventure
Chapter 4 ― My New Home
Chapter 5 ― Night Terrors
Chapter 6 ― Even I Can Be Selfish
Chapter 7 ― The First Move
Chapter 8 ― First Date
Chapter 9 ― Guilt Trip
Chapter 11 ― Roots
Chapter 12 ― The Runaway
Chapter 13 ― The Craving
Chapter 14 ― One Last Trip?
Chapter 15 ― Get Here Already
Chapter 16 ― Having A Ball
Chapter 17 ― The Youthilosian Secret
Chapter 18 ― Break Out
Chapter 19 ― Shadow Proclamation
Chapter 20 ― Lies And Truth
Chapter 21 ― April 22nd
Chapter 22 ― April 23rd
Chapter 23 ― Viva Las Vegas
Chapter 24 ― Almost

Chapter 10 ― Back In Essex

12.5K 616 115
By InLoveWithARockStar


Hey hey! Sorry for the wait, I got kind busy with my boyfriend leaving town soon :/ I'm gonna miss him so much! But when I'm done with high school, I'm gonna go to him ^^ Anyways, apartment hunt isn't going too well :S I've sent a few messages and no reply so far... Kind of depressing.

Soooo..... I'm putting Break Me on hold.... I've warned you guys, but not many read the authors note so yeah.... I'll start posting again in a month tops.

I hope you enjoy this chapter :)




Seems like somehow I always end up back there. I try to stay away, but it’s like my life turns around that one place like as if it had a pull on me, bringing me back every once and a while.

Jack came up to me this morning saying he had something to do out of Cardiff. He asked if I wanted to come along, that I wouldn’t be allowed to be with him while his busy with his reason for being there, but that getting out Torchwood for a day or two couldn’t be bad for me and that we could spend a little quality time alone in the hotel room. Of course, he wasn’t pushing for sex by that, but during the last weeks, I’ve found that I really liked to cuddle. He had so far been a perfect gentleman when it came to the sex thing.

So anyways, without asking any questions, I found myself back in Essex, Colchester again. My home town.

Sure, I could have just locked myself into the hotel room and stay away from the streets where Jared could never find me and no one could recognize me, but when I looked at myself in the mirror that morning, I realized I looked nothing like my old self. I found that I had become thinner, though I was eating healthy. The features on my face looked older, more mature, as if I had aged considerably in very little time. My hair didn’t really curl like it used to, but fell flat on my head and my skin was a pasty white from spending so much time in a basement. I decided that no one could recognize me. Not even Jared. But just in case, I went through my things and took out the old jacket I stole one day from Craig, my former roommate who lived in this very town.

So instead of staying cooped up for once, I wondered off.

I promised that this time I would not be as dump as going anywhere close to Jared’s place. Anyways, that place gave me the creeps and had too many awful memories.

I mostly stayed in the park. I sat on a bench for a really long time, looking out into space, my mind all over the place. Eventually, I saw an old classmate walking by. She was one of the populars. You know, the kind that pushed my books to the floor and sprayed awful rumors about me. I was kind of happy to see she was looking awful, caring around 2 kids about 4 and 2 years old. I put on the hood to make she wouldn’t see me though I knew she wouldn’t have an idea who I was.

“Hey,” I suddenly heard on my right.

I jumped up and found Rory Williams who was sitting on the bench next to me. He had snuck up on me while all my attention was on the mum.

My heart swelled up in happiness and a huge grin spread across my face.

“Rory!” I said cheerfully, throwing my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.

He hugged me back tightly. He seemed very happy to see me as well.

“What are you doing here, Rory?” I asked.

“I live here, Amy and I have a little home not far. What are you doing here?”

“Oh, hum, well long story short, I’ve been living with this organization called Torchwood and I’m sort of seeing the boss... Anyways, he had some sort of business trip here and took me along,” I explained quickly.

“You know, Amy would be super happy to see you. Want to come over for tea?” he offered sweetly.

“I would love too.”

A short walk later, I found myself to a sweet little home on a quiet street of town. Rory opened the door and called out for Amy, saying he brought home a surprise.

“What is it now? Another stray cat?” she said exasperatedly as she stepped down the stairs.

When she arrived in the doorway to see me, her face light up completely.

“Ariella!” she shouted, a wide smile on her face.

She ran over and pulled me into a hug. Something about it was so warm and comforting. Just knowing that these two people cared about me maybe me feel lighter.

She took me to the living room where she sat me down on a couch and asked Rory to go make some tea. She started to question me about my life and how I ended up here.

I told her about the Doctor making me Jack’s responsibility and about my life at Torchwood. Even mentioned that Jack and I were dating. She was a little surprised and asked if I was over the Doctor since she heard me tell him I love him before he shot himself in the Pandorica to make the Big Bang Two. I shamefully admitted that I wasn’t, but that Jack was really sweet and I felt safe with him. She in return told me that she continued to travel with the Doctor after her wedding. She asked about me to the Doctor, but he didn’t feel like talking about it. She went through some brilliant adventures with Rory and the Doctor and I found myself jealous that he kept them around when getting rid of me. She told me not to worry, because she knew that the Doctor cared so much about me, he just felt like it was for the best I leave the TARDIS.

“For the best... That’s what he said when he abandoned me with a stranger. What does he know about what’s best for me?” I said, annoyed.

“AJ, I trust the Doctor in almost every decision he makes. I may disagree every now and then, but I do trust him on leaving you with Jack. I think he knows you better than you know yourself and was looking out for your best interest. Please, don’t hate him for it,” she replied softly.

“I know... I don’t hate him, Amy. Far from that. But... sometimes, I hate the things he does. Like leaving me on Earth. That I hate. The fact that I can’t live a normal life even with him out of my life. The fact that I still dream of that blue box saving my life and I know I’ll probably never see that blue box again...” I said, tears starting to rise to my eyes.

“You know what, let’s talk about something else. But know this, you aren’t the only one the Doctor left on Earth. Rory and I aren’t here by choice.”

“I am,” Rory intruded.

“Shut up,” she scolded at him, slightly making me giggle.

But I felt bad for Amy. I knew she had waited 12 years for the Doctor to come back after he said he’d be back in 5 minutes and now she was back on Earth, waiting again for him to pop up. It was kind of sad. But at least she was living something close to a normal life. She had that going for her.

She was lucky to have Rory, I thought to myself, he was probably the only think keeping her sane.


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