Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.2K 189 197

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol


47 2 2
By LinoIsHeree_

"Get the fuck up now" Dream said as he burst open the door. Tommy instantly jumped and backed up into the wall. "I said GET UP" Dream yelled as he grabbed Tommy's wrist and pulled him up before punching him in the stomach. "I-" Tommy tried to speak but couldn't get his words out as his breathing shortened and he held his stomach, causing it to hurt every time he breathed.

"What's with all the yelling" Wilbur said as he dashed into the room. Tommy's didn't notice him as he was lost in the flashbacks. "THE STUPID GIRL WOULDN'T GET UP" Dream yelled in Tommy's face. "Dream calm down, he- she's up now, why are you mad" Wilbur said calmly as he slowly made his way over to Tommy. Dream then looked at the stunned Tommy with anger. "You little bitch" he said quietly as he swung at Tommy. Wilbur quickly pulled him back and pushed him away from Tommy.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Dream yelled at Wilbur. "You need to remember that I'm still his- her brother, I may be on your side but I'm not going to let you hurt her" Wilbur said sternly as he made eye contact with Dream. Dream then quickly grabbed Tommy and held a knife to his throat as he slowly began to walk backwards out the door. "W-Will" Tommy stuttered as his breathing was uncontrollably.

"Let go of him Dream" Tommy heard someone say from behind them. "Techno?! WILBUR YOU STUPID-" Dream was cut off by Techno yanking his hair back, making him drop the knife and let go of Tommy. Wilbur quickly caught Tommy and hugged him tightly as he panicked in his arms. "It's alright, it's all ok now" Wilbur said as he tried to calm Tommy down whilst Techno was beating Dream. Tommy was staring at Dream, he watched as blood spat out of his mouth as Techno punched him in the face. "Tommy look at me" Wilbur said as he cupped his face, bringing Tommy's attention to him. "It's ok now, he's not going to get you" Wilbur said with a smile as he wiped away Tommy's tears with his thumbs.

"Deep breaths, it's ok" he said as Tommy took deep breaths with him. "Techno, that's enough" Wilbur said as he looked around Tommy. Tommy then turned around and saw Dreams passed out face, it had blood all over it. He then looked at Techno, he was staring at Dream as he wiped blood off his face. "Come on, let's get out of here" Wilbur said as he held Tommy's hand and lead them all to the exit. Tommy was silently panicking and shaking of fear but none of them noticed.

He then shivered, getting Wilbur's attention. "Here" he said as he put his coat around Tommy once again. "Want me to carry you" he asked, Tommy shook his head. *I need to be ready to run just in case Dream takes over his body again* Tommy thought, if anything he would like Techno to carry him but he didn't ask and Tommy wasn't about to ask him. "You ok Tommy" Techno asked as he held his other hand. Tommy didn't answer, he just wanted to be home.

Tommy then saw the mansion come into view, without thinking, he started running towards it. "Tommy wait up!" Techno yelled as he ran after him. Tommy's breathing was all over the place and running was 100% not helping. Techno then grabbed his wrist accidentally, making him flinch and run faster. "TOMMY STOP!" Techno yelled, instantly making Tommy freeze. "I-I'm so sorry I-I didn't m-mean to" Tommy cried as he hyperventilated. Tommy then saw 2 blurry figures run out of the mansion, then start running towards him. He wanted to run but he couldn't, he was froze in fear.

"Tommy!" He heard the taller figure yell. Tommy then looked at them and rubbed his eyes, he watched as Ranboo and Tubbo ran to him. "G-guys?!" Tommy said excitedly, he felt a smile form on his face. He lifted the coat off him and ran to Ranboo and Tubbo. Ranboo quickly hugged him as Tubbo cupped his face in his hands. "It's ok now, you're safe" Ranboo said as he hugged Tommy tightly. "We were so worried about you!" Tubbo said as he felt Tommy's face, it was as cold as ice. "Come on, let's get you back to where it's nice and warm" Tubbo said as they both held his hand and brought him back to the mansion with the 2 brothers following.

Tubbo and Tommy sat next to a campfire that had been recently built whilst Ranboo spoke to Techno and Wilbur in the kitchen. "What actually happened" Ranboo asked. "I found out that Dream had taken Tommy so I 'joined' Dream so I could save Tommy, I then realised that I needed help if I wanted him to escape so I got Techno, he wasn't with me at first until I mentioned Tommy, Techno then beat Dream whilst I comforted Tommy, we then escaped and brought him back here" Wilbur explained. "Pretty much yeah" Techno agreed. "What did Dream do" Ranboo said sternly, he was clearly angry.

"1st of all calm down, 2nd of all, Dream put Tommy in a small room with only a toilet, sink and a blanket and pillow for a bed. I don't know what he did to him when I was gone but he yelled a lot" Wilbur continued to explain. "Imma go home now before Phil comes here and makes everything worse" Techno said as he left. "I just want you to know that I don't trust you" Ranboo said. "Understandable" Wilbur agreed.

They then heard Tommy scream, making them jump and instantly run to where he was. Tommy screamed as Tubbo tried to calm him down. Ranboo then ran to him with Wilbur following behind him. "Tommy what's wrong" Ranboo asked as he crouched down in front of them. Tommy didn't answer, he was staring at the wall whilst screaming. "It's ok it's ok, whatever it is it's gone now ok I promise, close your eyes" Tubbo said as he held Tommy's head down on his shoulder. "It's alright, close your eyes and think about a safe place with me and Ranboo there with you" Tubbo said calmly as he stroked the back of Tommy's head as he slowly started to calm down.

"Hey Tommy! What's wrong" Wilbur asked. Tommy then looked at him in fear, Tommy only saw the old Wilbur, the monster he used to be. He started breathing faster. "It's ok, head down again and close your eyes" Tubbo said as he pulled his head back down. "Wilbur please leave" Ranboo said, he was annoyed with Wilbur. "I'm his brother! I can't just leave him like this!" Wilbur began to yell. "Wilbur calm down and leave, you can visit when he's ok" Ranboo said as he started leading him out the door. "Fine" Wilbur said angrily as he stormed out the house.

Ranboo then quickly ran back to them and sat down next to Tubbo. Tommy stopped screaming and was quietly crying into Tubbo's shoulder. "It's all ok now" Tubbo said quietly. "What happened" Ranboo asked. "I don't know, he just started screaming whilst staring at the wall" Tubbo explained. "D-Dream" Tommy said quietly. "What about him?" Tubbo asked calmly. "I-I saw h-him" Tommy cried. "He wasn't there I promise, have you been getting enough sleep?" Tubbo asked. "I-I don't know" Tommy answered. "Ok, have you eaten over the past 2 days?". "I-I don't think so". "I will make something later" Ranboo said.

Tommy then yawned. "Tired?" Tubbo asked. "N-no" Tommy said as he slowly stopped crying. "We can eat then sleep" Ranboo suggested. Tubbo nodded as he helped Tommy up and held his hand to the table. "You alright" Ranboo asked as he started on the meal. Tommy nodded as he held Tubbo's hand tightly and refused to let go.

Ranboo soon placed the food down on the table as he and Tubbo started eating. "You can do it" Tubbo whispered to Tommy as he rubbed the back of his hand with his thumb. Tommy nodded and took little bites every now and then. He felt sick but he didn't want to disappoint them. Once they were all done, Tommy finally let go of Tubbo's hand and went to his own room. He was starting to hate that room, it just reminded him of everything. He also started to think that this whole 'we will get away to a safe place' thing was a lie. He sighed as he changed into a big hoody with pyjama bottoms.

He did another sigh as he fell onto his bed face first. He felt very tired but didn't want to sleep, he wanted to run away but he knew he couldn't, he felt trapped. He then felt a tear rolling down his cheek, bringing him back to reality.

Tommy then looked over at his phone. '1 new message'. He picked up his phone and read it, it was a message from Wilbur. "Hey Tommy, are you ok now" it read. "Yes completely fine" Tommy texted sarcastically. "Text me if you need anything, anyway I'm going to sleep now so goodnight" Wilbur texted back. "Will do, goodnight" Tommy texted back before putting his phone back on his nightstand and staring at the ceiling. *If I just die, then won't that solve so many problems, I mean, Dream would be happy, I'm just bothering Ranboo and Tubbo constantly, Wilbur would probably be happy and Phil, my own dad would be happy that I'm dead* Tommy thought as he slowly started to drift off to sleep, feeling numb.

Well then... haha

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