This is How it Ends x Bellamy...

By sociallyred

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"and in the end she realized no matter how much history they shared, there was never going to be a future." A... More

1 | earth
2 | bellamy
3 | the caves
4 | murderer
5 | abyss
6 | hero
7 | rain
8 | punches
9 | waterfall
10 | lincoln
11 | virus
12 | stubborn
13 | cameron
14 | the peacekeeper
15 | spacewalker
16 | complicated
17 | radio silence
18 | home
19 | alone
20 | beautiful
21 | gina
22 | skaikru
23 | intimidation
24 | lost
25 | criminal minds
27 | farewell
28 | falling
29 | natbleeda
30 | concussion
31 | paranoia
32 | freak
33 | void
34 | promise
35 | breathe
authors note
36 | finale

26 | traitor

154 6 76
By sociallyred

Bellamy and I searched for Jaha. He told me how he didn't have much time to figure this out. We walked around basically the whole arc. He was no where to be found. I saw Raven in a pretty good mood and decided to see what the up since the last time I talked to her she wanted to kill me.

"Hey Raven, what's up?" I grinned. She smiled back and honestly looked genuinely happy.

"Hey Avery, hey Bellamy. Well nothing really other than the city of light." She begins walking away but Bellamy grabs her arm, expecting her to flinch but she doesn't.

"What?" She pulls her arm away.

"What the fuck do you mean 'city of light'?" Bellamy asks.

"I mean we've found it. Jaha, found it. I got to go." She finishes, we let her walk off this time.

"She doesn't feel pain." I whisper to Bellamy. He whips his head over to me concerned.

"What!? Doesn't feel pain? Are you sure?"

"Yeah pretty sure, she didn't flinch when you grabbed her arm, and last time I talked to her she was just mad. When have you known Raven to be in this good of a mood, especially with that leg-"

Bellamy stopped listening. Pike came up and all of the sudden he was like a dog looking at his owner. He completely disengaged from our conversation.

"Yeah totally, I'll see you later, Ave." He was completely distracted and walked off.

Hold on, Ave? He's never called me that...


"Today, Bryan!" I hear Bellamy call from the rover. I run to stand with my dad who was just watching them leave, a car full of guns and people. Like they were going to war or something.

"We're just letting them leave?" I mumble.

"We can't do anything about it sweetheart." My dad crosses his arms. He was angry but hid it well. I look over to see Miller standing there too.

He looks over to me and nods for me to follow him. I look to my dad and then back to Miller.

"Yeah go, your good."

"Just tell me when they come back okay?" I yell as I run after Miller. He stood behind a shelf and I came and stood with him. He looked tired, bags under his eyes and dirt all rubbed into his face.

"I got Octavia a horse, she's warning the village, thought you would want to know." He nods.

"Thank you. What village?"

"The one- what? You don't know? Bellamy is going to go kill off a village so they can have their land, so we can have their land."

"What!?" I shout, Miller covers my mouth.

"Your dad didn't tell you?" He slowly takes his hand off my mouth.

"No I was busy with the Jaha pill. Did you know you can't feel pain with that fucking pill? I don't know what it is but I should probably tell my dad, and check on Raven."

"Raven took the pill?"

"Yeah. Keep me updated." I turn and walk off and he stands and waves. I never really thought of Miller as a friend. Our last close interaction was back on the drop ship, when I kicked his ass.

I found my dad again and told him what Bellamy and I found out about the pill. He went to go tell Abby leaving me with nothing to do. Like actually nothing to do, I'm not a farmer, or an engineer. I honestly just kind of walk around like I have something to do. It works.


The rover still hadn't returned, I spent most of the day talking with Jasper. He told me about how weird Raven was acting and how Jaha almost forgot who Wells was. He tried to explain the science behind it but all I got out of him was "interrupt pain receptors" and then he got tired and left.

It was finally dark out after he left, maybe it had been dark for a while I couldn't tell. The rover pulled in and I greeted them at the door.

"Not now Avery." Bellamy seethed.

"Um no, what happened?" I grab his arm like he does to me to stop him from walking.

"I think you know exactly what happened. Monroe is dead because of you." He fumed. He ripped his arm away and walked off. He was angry, at least there was an emotion there?

What did he mean Monroe was dead because of me? I did nothing. I'm so confused. Holy shit, Octavia warned the grounders and they stood up for their village, they did it.

I went to my room and layed down. I stared at the ceiling for hours thinking about Octavia and Cameron and Bellamy. Everyone. How this chip could save everyone but could also make us forget who we are. I fell asleep undecided.


I walked out side to see the gate opening. I felt like how Anna felt in Frozen when they opened the gate for coronation day! I ran up beside Bellamy. He put his arm out so I couldn't pass him. He walked out and 2 grounders on horses awaited him. I followed him out.

"Talk." Bellamy ordered. His voice was raspy and sharp. I couldn't help but notice his hair blowing with the wind. His skin glowed with the morning sun. Fuck he's so hot.

"We seek the one you call Pike." One man announced.

"Chit ste going ona?" I asked.
(What is going on)

"An army has fallen, blood soaking the earth where he took their lives one by one." He announces.

"Welcome to the war against Skaikru." Bellamy rasped. My head shot to the side. My mouth dropped. He didn't look at me but he knew I was looking at him.

"Life was taken. We demand life in return."

"My life?" Pike walks forward. His strut was powerful.

I hate him but I understand how Bellamy sees him as a 'role model'. He's confident, strong about what he believes in and doesn't back down. A lot like Bellamy when we first got on the ground.

"What are your terms, sir?" Pike questions.

"Come with us, and we walk away."

"Walk away from what?"

"By order of the commander, you have been surrounded by an army of the 12 clans. In every direction, warriors wait to kill anyone who attempts to cross the blockade, to greet them as we greeted those we caught outside your walls today." He throws a blanket with bloody guard uniforms at Pike's feet.

"We left the bodies for the animals." The man finishes.

"That's enough." Bellamy growled.

"Let's go." Pike instructs.

"They won't leave. I have seen this before." Bellamy turns his head to me as he speaks.

"The men who wore those uniforms took a long time to die." The grounder continues.

"Bellamy, fall back. That's an order." Pike ordered, literally. Bellamy stays standing there.

"If you do not give up your leader, you will all take a long time to die."

Bellamy doesn't move, neither do I. I'm not afraid of these men killing me, they won't. They'll kill Bellamy if anything.

"Bellamy-" Pike spits.

"Choose the side that's best for your people." The grounder adds.

"I do that every day." Bellamy pulls his gun out and shoots the first grounder. I grab his gun and point it down and he shoots the ground next to my foot. We both look up, scared and shocked. Pike grabs my arm and pulls me down to the ground. Bellamy pulls the gun back up and shoots the second grounder. The horses run away with the dead men still on their backs.

"No!" I shout.

Bellamy turns back to me and kneels down beside me, offering to help me up. We both are panting and staring at each other. I shake my head no and get up myself.


"No. What the hell? Are you fucking stupid? They're going to keep coming back." I push him and punch him in the chest and he just stands there. "I hate who you are. I hate who you've become." I walk away before he has the chance to say anything. He was walking after me I could feel it.

I walk into my room and he was right behind me. I try to close the door but he stops it with his foot and I back away, letting him come in.

"What? What do you want?" I spit.

"I want to say sorry. That's all."

"Sorry? Sorry for what? For being a fucking piece of shit? For killing all those people or am I missing something?"

"Look I'm trying to protect our people, what are you doing?"

"Trying to save our people. The grounders were on our side, with the Ice Queen dead, we had no problems with them, that was all you."

"The war was already going to happen Avery."

"No it wasn't. You started that. Everything I'm doing now is to try and stop it."

"I knew it. You're a leak." He pauses and grabs his walkie and speaks into it. "Yeah Pike I got a leak, I'm bringing her in."

"Her?" Pike asks.

"Yeah. Avery Kane." He turns back to me.

"You can't be serious Bellamy. What are you going to do throw me in jail?" I shout stepping backwards as he walks closer to me.

"Precisely." He grabs my arm and pulls me against my will out of my room. I was yelling and struggling and he didn't stop.

"Quiet or I will get Octavia and bring her here too." He whispers. I couldn't let him get Octavia so, I obeyed. I stopped struggling and I stopped yelling. He looked confused, he stared at me long enough to the point where he actually looked worried.

I listened to him. That's what happened. He knows I never listen to him, he's genuinely worried. He knows I'm scared, I let my guard down for him and I don't like it. I don't like when people feel bad for me it makes me uncomfortable.

Bellamy brings me to an interrogation room, or what sort of looks like one. There's a desk and a chair. He sits me down on the chair and cuffs me to the table.

"You're just going to cuff me here like you did to Clarke?" I spit.

"What happened to being quiet." Bellamy spits back as Pike walks in the room. They look over to me and back to each other and whisper some stuff I couldn't hear.

Pike walks over and places a circle object on the table. A listening device I'm sure. I've seen one before, not this 'out-dated' but it has to be one.

"You know what this is?" Pike asks.


"Really? So you and your dad have nothing to do with this?"

"No maybe it was Hannah. Ever asked her?" I look over to see Montys mom shocked to hear her name being used like this.

"Give me your gun." Pike puts his hand out to Bellamy. He grabs his gun and gives it to Pike, he looked worried again. Pike uses the bottom of it and crushes the device.

"Oh no. How am I going to hear us now?" I sneered. Pike rolls his eyes at my comment.

"We just need names, little Kane."

"Okay, Bellamy Blake, Charles Pike-"

"No!" He yells.

"You don't want me to continue?" I pout my lip and tilt my head. Pike takes a deep breath in and slams his hands on the table.

"I was being nice little Kane, you give me no choice." He raises the gun at my forehead. "Any names coming to mind."

"Im drawing a blank, Charles."

He unloads the gun and shows me the bullets inside, he proceeds to load it and point it at my head again.

"This isn't a game."

"Then shoot me."

"Don't shoot her." Bellamy pipes up.

"She's giving me no choice." Pike keeps his eyes locked in on mine. Like a staring contest we watch each other. First one to blink loses, or for me, dies.

"Don't shoot her, please. I'll get something out of her, a name." Bellamy pleads. Pike sighs and puts the gun down and leaves the room, Hannah follows him. It's just me and Bellamy now.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He comes and kneels beside my chair.

"Beats giving up names."

"Avery. Please don't act like this, he'll kill you."

"Then why are you on his side? If you think he's going to kill me why are you with him? Wouldn't that just be a big red flag telling you he's a bad man?"

Bellamy stands up and walks to the other side of the table where Pike was just standing.

"You don't understand, I'm doing this to save our people."

"Our people are going to starve because of you. Or we will be killed by warriors. Whichever comes first and I'm guessing the grounders can't wait that long."

He stays silent. I watch his chest inflate in and out. He's clearly tired of this. His eyes are tired and heavy. His hair scruffy and dark. I hate that I still think he's good looking. He's just so fucking attractive. And he's leaving. He just walked out of the room.

He comes back in and un-cuffs me and then re-cuffs me but behind my bag. Like a prisoner. He walks me to the lock-up.

"Oh this is familiar, it's like I spent a year in jail on the ark for literally nothing." I seethed. Bellamy pushes me into the filled up cell. Lincoln.

"Hey, hey!" Lincoln yells as I fall to the floor. He comes and grabs me.

"No, I'm fine it's okay." I get up.

"What are you doing here?"

"Living the life."


"Bellamy locked me up. They know about the leak, about the plan, about Octavia. They know everything. They were going to kill me, Lincoln."

"You're okay." He grabs my head and lightly pulls me into his chest and hugs me. I needed it. I pull away from the hug and look up to him.

I tell Lincoln everything, what I've noticed about Bellamy. How he's changing. We talk about Octavia. Basically everything. Somehow we get to the night we met, how he knew he could trust Octavia and I.


Sinclair comes in an hour later. He tells us tonight is a go. He tells me the plan, he would ask for immunity, we would break out in a fight and then boom! I wasn't listening to the ending to be honest.

Finally Bellamy came around. Sinclair went and talked to him, we made sure to put everyone in the back of the cell, to give room for the 'fight'. Sinclair tells him he wants immunity since he is the chief engineer.

"What do you got?" Bellamy asks.

"So... the cowards make their deals to save their own skin." Lincoln walks over to Sinclair.

"Quiet." Bellamy shushes him.

"Can't defeat the army at the gate, so you turn on your own? Make you feel strong?" I add in.

"I said, be quiet."

"We're not the ones who need to be silenced." Lincoln stops walking and faces Bellamy. "You'll tell them nothing." He walks behind Sinclair and grabs him and pulls him down. He begins punching Sinclair, not for real, I think.

"Lincoln!" I hear Bellamy shout. He opens the door and comes in. Lincoln looks up to me and points for me to run out.

"Kom nau!" He yells. Everyone in the cell gets up and begins running for the door. I run out and punch a guard. I run down the halls as fast as possible. I should have listened to the end of the plan. The alarm sounds throughout the building. I run to the cafeteria and see my dad waiting by the rover.

"Well don't just stand there, let's go!" He yells. I run to the rover and hop in the front seat. He opens the garage and starts driving out. I look back and see Pike unconscious and tied up. Nice.

We get towards the gate and he speeds up. He was going to break through it. Then people jump in front of the gate holding up guns. It was Bellamy.

Fucking Bellamy.

He breaks right in front of him. I jump out the car immediately and walk right up to Bellamy. He has his gun pointed at me still.

"Get the fuck out of the way. Dad just run him over!" I turn back to see my dad sitting there. His face is full of regret. Not regret for taking Pike but regret for not running Bellamy over.

"You did this!" I yell at Bellamy. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I punch him right in the cheek. A hard punch. It hurt my hand. He grabs his cheek and turns back to me.

I stand there panting, what feels like slow motion as other guards come and push me to the ground. Yelling from my dad and the guards become hard to hear. The guards hit me with the fucking glow sticks. Like the electricity things. Yeah it hurt like a bitch. I fall to my stomach and my eyes flutter until it's dark.


I wake up in the cell. My dad sitting over me on one side and Lincoln on the other. They both smiled in a 'we're probably going to die' type of way. It was still kind of comforting.

"Am I dead?"

"Not yet, Ave. Not yet." Lincoln grinned. They pull me up to my feet and my legs feel like jello and my head is pounding.

"Chancellor on deck!" We hear someone shout. Bellamy, Pike and Nate walk in shortly after.

"I thought we had more time." My dad whispers. He gets up and walks towards the gate.

"More time 'till what?"

"I'm not here for you." Pike spits. "Each of you is guilty of the same crimes as Kane, and as such, you will share the same fate- death." Those words slashed through my brain. Death.

"What is he saying?" A woman asks in Trigedasleng.

"Don't worry." Lincoln calmed her. "My people are innocent. They know nothing. Don't let them suffer for my crimes, please."

"Sir, Lincoln's right. All the others did was run though an open door, same thing we would do if we were in there." Bellamy stands up for Lincoln. Finally something right. Pike agrees.

"I believe that's true." He nods. "Kane, little Kane, Lincoln, Sinclair, as the leaders of this coup, you will pay for your crimes with your lives. Execution is set for dawn." Pike states and he walks off, the others follow. Bellamy stays.

He looks over to me, I'm sure my face was red and sweaty. I was fucking nervous. I don't want to die.

Bellamys eyes are filled with sorrow. He looks down to my lips then back up to my eyes. He turns and follows them. I look to my dad and then to Lincoln.

"We're going to die." I sigh and sit on the bench beside my dad. He puts his arm around me and pulls me in closer.

"We're all going to die."

Rip that pussy AYYYYY

LMFAO SORRY. You kinda smell. Like a baka.

I have been so busy with work and school LIKE UGH

Thank you for reading!

Don't forget to vote<3

3245 words.

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