Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

281K 9K 7.5K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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2.6K 93 23
By koi_coffee_

Atsumu let out an irritated whine as he stirred in bed, a cold breeze had disrupted his sleep — making him reach out for his previous source of warmth. The only problem was, it wasn't there.

"..what the.." The blonde mumbled out tiredly, now opening his eyes to take a look around. The first thing he realized, he was not in his own room, the honey yellow walls weren't his — they were Sakusa's.

What the hell am I doing in here?

Atsumu pushed himself to sit up and rubbed his eyes, now taking a second look around. He'd been drinking the night before, and now he'd up in woken in Sakusa's room — the only dots he could connect there weren't exactly from the cleanest train of thought.

A train of thought the blonde nearly continued down until he heard some noises from downstairs, more specifically, what he'd assumed to be pans moving around. That turned Atsumu's thoughts from something ungodly, to both breakfast and some additional warmth. Something he immediately decided he wasn't going to pass up.

Without a second of hesitance the faux blonde got up and out of bed — taking a moment to fix up the messy bedding before making his way downstairs and to the kitchen.

Without a word, Atsumu silently peered into the kitchen — his eyes immediately landing on Sakusa. The dark-haired stood by the stove, humming faintly to himself as he worked on breakfast.

The faux blonde smiled softly seeing this, taking a moment to enjoy the sight before making his way over. Silently, Atsumu wrapped his arms around Sakusa's waist, inviting himself in for a hug.

"A good morning's sufficient you know," The dark-haired sighed softly, rolling his eyes as a small smile made its way onto his face. "Either that or a heads up first."

"G'mornin' then.." Atsumu mumbled, a barely audible chuckle leaving his mouth as he could just feel the others eyes roll.

"It's a bit late for that but whatever," Sakusa shrugged. "And unless you've taken the time to shower, let go — or i'd have no problem hitting you with a pan."

"Worth it." The blonde chuckled, his previous smile slightly tugging up into a small grin.

Sakusa simply spared a sigh in response, giving Atsumu no other answer and instead focusing back on breakfast. He decided he'd leave the blonde be, for now at least.

Saying that, the two stayed in silence from then on — letting a good ten minutes pass before any words were spoken.

"Go sit down, I'll bring the food over in a minute." Sakusa piped up, just barely glancing over his shoulder at the blonde who reluctantly listened to his instructions.

Slowly, Atsumu tore himself from the dark-haired in front of him and made his way to the table. Taking his usual seat as he waited for Sakusa to make his way over.

Within a few minutes, the duo was seated and breakfast was served. Like usual, Atsumu gave a thank you for the food then dug in, he'd never pass up Sakusa's cooking.

"Eat like that and you're going to choke, idiot." The dark-haired let out a dull sigh as he glanced at the blonde across from him.

Atsumu had tried to give a response, but his mouth being full prevented any proper words from coming out.

"Jesus 'Tsumu, were you not taught about not speaking with your mouth full?" Sakusa questioned, followed by a bitter eye roll — he assumed the other would've known better.

"Probably, but, that doesn't mean 'm gonna listen." The blonde shrugged softly, a sly smile making its way onto his face as he chuckled. "Anyways — what's up for t'day Omi-kun?"

"Not sure." Sakusa shrugged, he hadn't had anything big planned for the day. "Do you have any plans in mind?"

"Mm, not that I can think of?" Atsumu held his smile, which grew a bit at the sudden thought that came to mind. "Is 'Mori still comin' over later?"

"Mhm," The dark-haired spared a nod. "He should be here in a few hours considering he normally gets here around one."

The blonde nodded in response, his smile never dropping as he took a moment to eat a bit more.

"How's he been doin' lately by the way? Anythin' big I should know 'bout?" Atsumu went on to question, he hadn't seen Komori in a good few years and wouldn't mind a little update.

"Same as usual, not much has changed. He's gone pro though, we both decided to when we graduated." Sakusa smiled a small smile. "He and Akagi are still going strong too, they have been since our second year."

"Really?" The faux blonde questioned, surprise lightly lacing his tone. In all honesty, he'd completely forgotten the two had gotten together — yet he was still happy to hear they'd lasted so long.

"Mhm, they hit a few rough patches in the last few years but I really don't think those two are ever going to separate." The dark-haired smiled a bit more, as much as he acted like he didn't — he really cared a lot for Komori and was happy that his relationship with Akagi was going strong.

"Look at ya smilin' over there, yer still a softie aren't ya?" Atsumu teased lightheartedly as a soft chuckle followed. Despite his teasing, Sakusa's smile — his genuine smile, was something he loved to see.

"I'm not soft, it's called caring about someone." Sakusa rolled his eyes playfully, yet his small never faltered. "There's a difference."

"Mm, no. I still think yer just as much of a softie as ya were in high school." The blonde chuckled, his smile softening at the sight of Sakusa's.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Miya," The dark-haired sighed softly, rolling his eyes afterwards. "Now hurry up and finish your breakfast, because, in case you forgot — you still haven't showered."

"Fine fine." Atsumu let out a huff in defeat, he nearly thought he'd gotten away with that.

Sakusa simply nodded in response to the blonde's semi-agreement and focused his attention back to breakfast, letting a comfortable silence fill the room.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•





°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

"Surprise bitch — guess who's back!!" Komori's voice beamed from Sakusa's doorway, where the brunette of which had gladly invited himself in.

"In here!" Sakusa called back from the living room. He was in the middle of watching a show Atsumu had insisted on putting on, and the blonde was nearly lost in it already.

"Hey Kiyo, what's- ..up?" The brunette questioned yet his tone quickly faltered, he noticed the familiar head of blonde hair almost immediately.

The confusion in his tone made Atsumu laugh a bit as he turned to look towards the doorway, Sakusa following suit.

"Surprise?" The dark-haired gave a slightly awkward chuckle, he knew he'd have to explain to Komori what was going on — but it had slipped his mind until then.

"My god- Komori ya should see yer face." Atsumu couldn't help but start laughing, the others reaction to him being there was nothing short of priceless.

"I-.." Komori cut himself off, glancing from Atsumu to Sakusa. "What in the hell did I miss? I couldn't visit for a month and-.." The brunette stopped, at that point the words wouldn't form. He was unbelievably confused.

"Just take a seat, I'll explain what happened." Sakusa rolled his eyes playfully as he gestured to the spot between himself and Atsumu, the spot Komori soon took.

"So first of all, Miya and I ended up applying for the same team. And in case it wasn't obvious, considering yesterday's game — we both made the same team too." The dark-haired started, watching as his cousin nodded slowly.

"Congratulations on the win by the way, both of you." The brunette smiled brightly, looking from Sakusa to Atsumu, and then back. He'd caught the game the other day and couldn't have been prouder.

The duo in question happily gave a thank you, but kept it short so Sakusa could continue on with his explanation.

"And we both decided that in order to work well on a team, we'd put the past behind us. So we did." The dark-haired nodded slightly to himself, looking to to Atsumu who spared him a soft smile. "Then it was pretty smooth sailing from there, and as much as I hate to admit it — we've been getting along."

"Then the incident with 'Samu an' Suna comes in." Atsumu continued on from the end of Sakusa's sentence. "'M not goin' in t' detail but some things happened an' now 'm stayin' here for a bit."

"Staying as in moving in-?" Komori questioned, last time he gave it a thought — he assumed Sakusa and Atsumu wouldn't survive five minutes in a room together. Nevertheless, survive living together.

"Moved in, past tense." Sakusa answered before Atsumu had the chance — bringing Komori's attention back over to himself. "He moved in about a month ago, not too long after your last visit actually."

The brunette nodded at this, it was quite a bit of a surprise to take in — but he figured he could handle that pretty well.

"Well that's.. a lot, but hey! It is what it is." Komori shrugged, his bright smile now softening as he looked to Atsumu. "About your brother and Suna, not that it's my place to know but, are they okay?"

"Well neither of 'em are physically hurt, they're just dealin' with some family stuff right now an' we've had t' take some safety measures." The faux blonde shrugged softly. "They should be okay, we'd just rather be safe than sorry, ya  know?"

"Of course, I'm glad they're okay." The brunette nodded, his soft smile staying present as he relaxed a bit.

"Well, besides that," Atsumu started, breaking the slightly uneasy tension in the room and switching the topic. "How've ya been lately?"

"Great actually! EJP's starting our first game of the season soon, we're up against Tachibana this week and I'm really excited!" The brunette smiled brightly as he relaxed back into his seat, now feeling a bit better that the mood had lightened.

"Do you think you're going to win?" Sakusa questioned, immediately earning a cocky look from his cousin.

"Oh please — I know we're gonna win," Komori chuckled. "We've been nonstop practicing for weeks, and I refuse to let that go to waste."

The brunette gave a laugh, both Sakusa and Atsumu joining in as well.

It left the atmosphere around them feeling light and comfortable just like it had been so few years ago.

It felt good to have that back.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•





°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

"Kiyoooo- I'm tired!" Komori whined as he fell back into his seat on the couch, the brunette looked to his cousin who simply spared him an eye roll.

"Okay.. and? Go to bed if you're so tired?" Sakusa suggested, his tone usually dull as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Where's he s'pposed t' sleep?" Atsumu questioned, looking from Komori to Sakusa. "I kinda took the guest room so yers is what's left."

"He can just take my room then," The dark-haired shrugged once again, before looking to his cousin with a slight glare. "But if you make a mess, rest assure, no one will find your body."

"Alright, well," The brunette held back a laugh. "Duly noted. Where're you supposed to sleep though?"

"I'll just sleep out here, it's only for the weekend so I'll be fine." The dark-haired stated, yet immediately earned a refusal from the faux blonde sitting at his side.

"Yer gonna get sore sleepin' out on the couch, especially when practice rolls around an' we 'otta get movin'." Atsumu sighed softly, however, to his relief, Komori was quick to agree with him. The brunette told Sakusa that Atsumu had a pretty valid point, yet the dark-haired dismissed it.

"Well you need somewhere to sleep and I'm not kicking Miya out of his room, which leaves me with one last choice-"

"-Sleep in my room." The faux blonde cut Sakusa off, earning a look from both said dark-haired and Komori. "Like ya said, it's just for the weekend. Plus, my bed's big enough for two."

"Absolutely not."

"Well yer not sleepin' on the couch."

"Miya," Sakusa sighed softly. "Sleeping on the couch won't kill me, I'll be fine."

"Yer gonna be sayin' otherwise at practice on Monday." Atsumu gave the dark-haired at his side a look, he wasn't caving in, and Sakusa didn't seem to be either.

The ravenette sighed yet again as he looked Atsumu dead in the eyes, the faux blonde of which immediately returning the look.



"..fine." Sakusa finally piped up after a minute of shared silence, making the blonde at his side smile in triumph.

The dark-haired hadn't originally planned to agree, but knowing the stubbornness Atsumu held, he knew there was no winning.

In the midst of all that, the duo was brought back to reality by a certain someone's overly loud laughter, that someone in question being none other than Komori. The brunette couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of him.

"I feel like I'm watching a married couple fight, jeez." Komori chuckled, earning a laugh from Atsumu and a killer glare from Sakusa.

"Motoya, you ever refer to us as a married couple again and you'll be sleeping outside." The dark-haired threatened, yet it only seemed to make his cousin laugh more.

"I hate t' say it but 'm on board with Omi-kun," Atsumu carried on from the end of Sakusa's sentence, his words surprising both cousins. "Ya can't call us a married couple if Omi hasn't even bothered t' take me on a date yet."

The blonde sent said dark-haired a wink, watching as Sakusa rolled his eyes bitterly — the action completely contradicting the faint pink on his cheeks.

"You're on thin ice Miya, thin ice." Sakusa warned, yet Atsumu and Komori only seemed to laugh in response. They couldn't take the dark-haired serious with the obvious light pink that still dusted his cheeks.

"Oh really, 'cause yer expression says otherwise, Omi-kun~" Atsumu went onto tease, the blonde's signature smirk plastered on his face as he laughed on.

Sakusa only let out a bitter scoff, sparing the blonde an eye roll as he looked the other way.

His actions only seemed to make the two in the room with him laugh more, letting their night pass away in fits of laughter and playful banters.

The night was one they all enjoyed, and hopefully, that meant there was only more to come.


lol guess who's still alive B)

i was gonna end this chpt in some skts cuddles but i couldnt find the energy to do it ;-; so instead enjoy the mess of an ending i've left y'all with -.-

just some info on why updating's taking me so long lately

1) my adhd, especially un-medicated, is hell (which speaks for itself)

2) school started and since im in a fitness course im on my feet seven hours a day

3) my basketball season is also starting on monday and with practice/games that means im up and running around a good 9 hours a day and i kid y'all not when i say its so damn tiring ;-;

so in conclusion, i run around all day, and fall asleep as soon as i get home,, which is why my updating schedule is now severely screwed up

angays, how's school going for everyone?

~koi ☕︎︎

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