
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

22.6K 896 1.6K

A new relationship blossoms between two young college students, but not in the way either of them ever expect... More

Big News
Support Needed
Parental Guidance pt.1
Parental Guidance pt.2
Party Crasher pt.1
Party Crasher pt.2
The Ugliest Trait
Back Off
Open Up
All In Your Head
Bonus- Self Love (NSFW)
From the Source
Best Friends Forever pt.1 (NSFW)
Best Friends Forever pt.2
More Than Friends (NSFW)
Talk (NSFW)
Announcements pt.1
Announcements pt.2 (NSFW)
Bonus- Girl Talk
Satiated (NSFW)
Fun (NSFW)
Bonus- Transparency (NSFW)
Have Fun
Aftermath (NSFW)
Poker Face

Tipsy (NSFW)

1.9K 39 58
By 77_Kaleidoscope_77

"I'm home!"

Natsu groaned at the sound of the door closing and footsteps nearing the living room, "Are ya naked?"

"What? Of course not- oh wait, shit," Gray stumbled as he picked his shirt up off the ground and pulled up his pants, "Okay, now I'm decent."

"Where were you, anyway?" Natsu asked as he made room on the couch for Gray to sit beside him.

"Me and Juvia went out. Actually, we were talking, and I think it'd be cool to host the party here this year."

"Oh yeah?" Natsu leaned back as he thought it over. Every year, they had a party on the weekend before the start of the next school semester. It began in high school, and- due to their almost instant popularity- carried on to college, and from his experience of their freshman party last year, things can get pretty messy with college kids. "...I dunno."

"I think it'd be sweet, we're, like, the only ones with a house instead of a dorm or apartment. Last year, Gajeel said he got in huge trouble with his landlord afterwards."

"Yeah, but I don't feel like cleanin' up all that mess..."

"The others will help, just like always."

That sounded pretty good, and it is more fair for them to host the party this time around. "Alright," Natsu nodded, and they shook on it, "But I don't want nobody going near my room."

"Duh, you think I'd want anyone near my room? We'll keep the upstairs off limits."



"This is so not cool," Natsu grumbled as he watched someone carelessly throw their trash onto their kitchen floor, "Hey, pick that up, you pig!"

"Chill, man..." Gray could only laugh, he was already pretty tipsy, "Since when did you care about a little trash on the ground?"

"It's different when people come over just to wreck the place!" Natsu was ready to track down the trash-bug and give them a piece of his mind, but Gray grabbed onto his shoulder to stop him.

"Hey, just have a drink and let loose! This is the most worked up I've seen you ever, let alone at a party."

His best friend did have a point, the back-to-school parties are usually the best, so Natsu figured he should stop worrying for a bit.

He stole the beer out of Gray's hand and ignored his complaints as he started scanning around the room. It's been about 2 hours since the party started, which was just enough time for several guests to get absolutely wasted.

People were dancing to the loud music in the living room, and the kitchen was full of people having drinking contests. He knew the house would be in shambles once everyone goes home, but he should at least enjoy the moment.

He downed the beer in his hand and went to get another, taking it from one of the many coolers by their refrigerator. It was already almost empty, which honestly wasn't surprising.

"Hey Natsu~" Cana called from the kitchen counter, "Pass me a couple beers!"

"I don't know if you need any more..." Natsu laughed at the several empty cans that were already in front of her, "Save some for the other guests, will ya?"

"It's not for me, it's for Lulu."


When she gestured towards the girl sitting beside her, Natsu's eyebrows rose.

She looked very familiar, he knew he's seen that blonde hair and brown eyes before. Her gaze was downward and she fiddled with her fingers, seemingly too shy to acknowledge anyone nearby. Natsu assumed she must be introverted, and a beer would be just the thing to lighten her mood.

He tossed the beers to Cana and carried on to the living room, which had become a dance floor at this point. Not quite in the mood to be caught in the midst of all those sweaty bodies, Natsu sat down on the couch, a few people immediately walking up to him.

"Do you guys still got that kiddy pool?" Gajeel asked, and was making his way outside the second Natsu nodded his head in confirmation.

"We wanna put a bunch of ice in it and dare people to sit there for 5 minutes," Levy had the courtesy of explaining before she went and joined her boyfriend, and the wobble in her step made it clear that she was definitely on the edge of being completely drunk.

"The party's just getting started," Mirajane said as she sat beside him, "Are you already tired?"

"Depends. Are you still sober?"

"Of course!" Mira usually opted to stay sober, so that wasn't any surprise.

"Well, I ain't tired. Just waiting for things to get exciting," Natsu downed his beer, and Mira already had another to offer him so he wouldn't have to get up.

"Things seem pretty 'exciting' to me," She giggled, "I came here with Erza, but..." They both looked towards the group of people jumping and grinding to the loud stereo, Erza being caught in the mix and nearly killing everyone she attempted to "dance" with.

"...Yeah, ya should've known better than to give her alcohol..."

"Oh, she wanted to have some fun. Jellal has been overseas for a bit."

"Ah... Yeah, I'll be sure to keep my distance."

"Mhm, I was wondering..." Mira leaned back on the couch, making herself comfortable, "What are your plans for the 'after party' tonight? Are you hoping not to wake up alone in the morning?"

Natsu stared at her for a minute, his face slowly scrunching up, "...Are you hitting on me?"

"No," She could only laugh at such a perposuos accusation, "You've just been alone for a bit, and parties are the perfect occasion to mingle-"

"Alright, I know you like to play matchmaker, but I ain't in no rush to be with anyone," Natsu was already halfway through this third beer, yet he was still yet to feel anything kick in, "You know this."

"But it's been months since I brought it up to you last. I just think it'd be so fun, imagine not being the third wheel whenever you wanna hang out with everyone!"


"...Are you just not interested in dating entirely? I mean-"

"Just not in any rush."

It wasn't like she was overly concerned with Natsu's love life, but Mira did enjoy trying to help him out whenever the time was right. She just felt like it was the right thing to do as his close friend. "Well alrighty, then. But there's plenty of people here that I could introduce you to if you change your mind."

Natsu only shrugged and got up to get another beer. For some reason, he really didn't feel like joining any of the groups that formed around the house, or initiating any conversation for that matter. He went back to the kitchen counter, but now Cana was downing what looked like an entire bottle of gin with several others cheering her on.

Natsu looked around to see if he could spot Gray, but his roommate was nowhere to be seen, so he opted to just sit alone at the end of the counter. Only, he wasn't alone, the blonde girl that'd been with Cana before was sitting there, watching her friend finish the bottle of gin and pull out another.

She laughed at the sight, and turned to Natsu when he sat beside her. "Hey," She giggled, "I remember you!"

"Yeah?" Natsu grabbed a beer that'd been left on the countertop and began to drink, "This is my house."

"No, from high school," The blonde continued to laugh, "I'm Lucy. We had classes together, remember chemistry?"

"Oh, I was wonderin' where I've seen ya. I'm Natsu."

Lucy had her own beer, and she seemed to gag every time she took a sip, yet she didn't stop, "I like your house."

"Thanks, I like your..." Natsu was too tipsy to think of something to compliment, so he went with the first thing that came to mind, "Your shirt."

It was just a basic blue t-shirt, but Lucy seemed to take the compliment really well, "Thank you! I didn't know what to wear because I never went to a party like this before..."

"What? You've never been to a party before?"

"Nope. That's why Cana brought me, but she seems to only be interested in drinking."

"Well that's just how she is, but drinking is a big part of partying. How many have you had?"

"...I don't remember, but this shit is gross."

Natsu laughed at her change in demeanor, and he offered a hand to her as he began to stand up, "C'mon, I'll get ya something better." Lucy took his hand, and the two rushed to the fridge for him to pull out a few bottles.

There was lemonade, orange juice, and another bottle that Lucy assumed was alcohol. Natsu took one of their plastic cups from the cupboard and began to mix a random amount of the liquid together, creating his own concoction. Lucy couldn't be sure if it'd taste good at all, but she took a brave sip once he handed it to her.

"How is it?" Natsu seemed incredibly confident, "Good, right?"

"...Tolerable," Lucy giggled, but continued to drink, "Way better than the beer, though."

"This is kinda the gist of parties. Get wasted and do shit you probably wouldn't do sober."

She just couldn't seem to stop laughing, so it was clear that Lucy was pretty tipsy already. Her attention drifted to the people dancing close-by in the living room, and her eyes lit up, "Dance with me?"

"What?" Natsu scratched his head, finishing up his beer, "You sure?"

"Yeah!" Lucy was just about to bring him to the hoard of bodies surrounding the stereo before her attention was averted.

The group of people that had been watching Cana continuously chug bottles of gin had all decided to form some sort of contest to see who could match her, and for some reason Lucy was drawn to the commotion.

"Oh, if you're tryna out drink her, you can forget it," Natsu shook his head. Cana was probably already on her 4th bottle by now.

"No, I just wanna try it," Lucy took one of the cups that'd been set up for whoever was challenging the brunette, poured its contents into her cup of mystery juice, and downed it all in one go. She coughed for a bit, but then did it again with another cup soon after.

Natsu shrugged, and then took his own cup. He didn't want to be caught in the crowd of people, so he quickly dragged Lucy out of the kitchen before she could grab a third.

"I never had this before..." Lucy sighed as she swirled the alcohol around in her cup, "Got anything stronger?"

Natsu was a bit surprised, but this is her first party, so she deserves to go crazy, "Yeah, but that's only if you really wanna get wasted." She only laughed in response, so he took the liberty of guiding her to his room.

As soon as they walked up the narrow steps and over the makeshift barrier that he and Gray set up to block their rooms, Lucy gasped, "We're not supposed to be up here!"

"Shh, I know," Natsu opened his room door and held it for her to join him, "I told you this is my house-"

"Ooh, look!" She was already getting distracted by the posters in his room, "So pretty..."

It was clear she was too buzzed to hold a conversation, and Natsu was too buzzed to think about it. He grabbed a long bottle from his closet and shook it around, "This shit is strong, Cana brought it over and-"

"What is it?" Lucy giggled and leaned over his shoulder to stare at the bottle, though she was mostly using him to help hold her balance.

"Vodka. I can't remember the brand-"

"Oh, I never had vodka... is it good?"

"I don't know, I haven't opened it yet."

They gave each other a giddy look as Natsu removed the seal from the cap. He poured a good amount into Lucy's cup, poured some into his own, and they each took a big sip at the same time.

"Ack!" Lucy gagged, and Natsu doubled over in laughter at her reaction.

"Told ya it was strong!"

"Shaddup," She took another sip, trying to prove that she could handle it, "It's... bleh."

"Yeah... bleh," Natsu gave each of them a refill, "I've had better."

"I've only ever had wine. All this nasty stuff is cool!" Lucy skipped around the small room before eventually flopping down on Natsu's bed, "C'mere..."

He sat beside her, and she stared into his eyes for a minute before snatching the vodka from him. After taking a huge gulp straight from the bottle, Lucy hiccupped and laid back, looking up at the ceiling.

Natsu emptied her hands for her, he could tell all this alcohol at once had started to take its toll. "Imma go downstairs, you can stay up here if you want-"



"You're a coward."

His eyes narrowed in a glare at her, but she was still only looking up at the ceiling. "The fuck are you talking about?"

"You got a girl alone in your bedroom, and you'd rather leave?" Lucy propped herself up on her elbows and gave him an infuriatingly smug look, "Coward."

"You don't know who you're talking to," Natsu sat back down on the bed, holding his glare, "I ain't no coward."

"Sure," She tried to take back the bottle from his hands, but he snatched it away from her reach to finish almost half of it.

In his head, it was supposed to be a show of strength, but he didn't really think it through. His eyes grew fuzzy the second he set the bottle down on the nightstand, and he almost forgot he was also holding both his and Lucy's cups in one hand, nearly spilling them all over himself. "...Fuck."

Lucy found it absolutely hilarious, and she was a giggling mess as she got comfortable on his bed, "You're cute!"

"What?" Natsu rubbed his eyes a few times and set their cups down before laying beside her, "You say some weird stuff."

For some reason, that made Lucy blush, "No... I don't..."

"You kinda do... I think you were always a little weird in high school, though."

"Me? You used to always fuck up stuff in the chemistry lab!"

"Heh, yeah..."

"It's okay, one time I burnt my lab partner's hair. But it's not my fault she got so close to me..."

"Oh, I think I remember that..."

"You remember?" Lucy chuckled and ran her hand through Natsu's hair, giving him goosebumps.

"Yeah..." Natsu shuddered, not only from the close contact, but also from the way she stared at him. "Y-yeah."

She grinned, making him shudder some more,"You said that twice..."

"W-what? Oh..." Natsu leaned into her touch, and his eyes widened when her hand began to wander.

Lucy started to caress his face, down his neck and collar bone, and settled in the center of his chest. She thumped her fingers against him and quietly hummed something for an uncomfortably long amount of time.

Natsu wasn't sure if she was going to say anything anytime soon, so he grasped her hand to get her attention, "Hey..."

Her eyes shot up to his, "Yeah?"

"Uh, I... I forgot..."



"You never danced with me," Lucy hopped up off the bed and pulled him towards her, "C'mon..."

The music from downstairs was definitely loud enough to carry on throughout the room, and Natsu didn't think twice about grabbing her waist when she turned her back to him.

They weren't exactly dancing, but neither of them really noticed. Lucy grinded against him, and Natsu held her close, each of them laughing at nothing in particular.

"Hey~" Lucy turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Let's make out."

After thinking it over for half a second, Natsu shrugged, "Alright."

Their lips collided in a messy kiss, their hands roaming over each other's body. They stumbled back to Natsu's bed, Lucy taking the lead and sitting in his lap.

"Your hair is so soft," She mumbled in between kisses, tugging on his pink locks.

"Your ass is soft, too," Natsu chuckled. He hadn't even realized what he just said, but Lucy definitely did.

"Oh yeah?" She rolled her hips and hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her shorts, "Wanna feel all of me?"

As soon as the words left her lips, Natsu was helping her to remove her shorts completely, revealing her tiny pink thong. He ran his hands over every inch of her exposed skin, which was enough to get her completely riled up.

Lucy sunk down to start undressing him, pulling down his pants and slowly exposing him to her hungry lips.

Natsu instinctively put his hand on her head when she started removing his boxers, and his breathing stilled when his erection sprung up and hit the cold air.

She didn't give him a second to prepare before immediately taking him down her throat. She gagged over and over, sucking on every inch that could fit in her mouth.

"Damn..." Natsu was honestly a little overwhelmed with how she didn't let up, not even stopping for air until he pulled her hair to raise her head.

Lucy had to blink a few times to focus her vision on his flushed face, but she still didn't miss a beat, "You're hot as fuck, you know that?" Despite her crude wording, she gave him the sweetest smile, "I want you to tear me up."

"Yeah?" Natsu tried to match the fire in her eyes, "Get over here, then..." Though her first instinct was to sit in his lap and grind against his length, Natsu had no problem taking the lead with this position.

He held her hips in his hands and thrusted upwards, clumsily missing a few times before Lucy adjusted and positioned him at her entrance.

The second he was sheathed inside, Lucy let out a high-pitched squeal that immediately made Natsu freeze in his tracks.

"Are you okay!?" He hadn't expected that reaction, especially since she seemed to be really excited about getting it on just now.

"I'm fine..." Lucy panted, that smile still on her face, "You're just Brobdingnagian."


"Yeah..." She started to bounce, which worked to get Natsu focused on the task at hand again.

"Okay, then prepare yourself..." He warned before picking up where they left off, holding her tight and thrusting up into her.

Lucy continued to squeal, but she also continued to bounce in time with his thrusts and meet him halfway. Her squeals soon morphed into cries of pleasure and praise, pretty much putting Natsu into a trance.

He suddenly sat up, ignored Lucy's surprised screech when she fell off of him, and began to pull at the blonde's shirt. "Take this off..." Natsu slurred, and grunted in satisfaction when she obliged and took off her bra while she was at it, "Damn..."

Lucy giggled at the way he eyed her breasts, and wiggled her hips until he was back to bucking inside of her. The way she squirmed and scratched at his arms made Natsu lose himself a little, his thrusts becoming a little too rough.

"Ack- Slow down!" Lucy whimpered, gripping on his hair to steady him, "T-too hard!"

"I thought you wanted me to tear you up?"

The way his eyes darkened and his voice deepened made Lucy forget what she was even talking about for a good minute, but she came back to her senses when he pulled out, "O-oh! This is my first time, so be gentle..." She gave him a coy pout, sending him into a mini crisis before he grit his teeth.

"Turn around, then. Your big ass can slow down my hips-"

"My what!?"

"Your ass," Natsu rolled his eyes and flipped her over so he could spank her, "Cute panties, by the way."

Lucy was already over it, "Okay, now get back to fu- ah!"

She didn't need to tell him twice, he was already back to rocking into her and pushing her down into the sheets. "Quiet down, everyone will hear..." Natsu chuckled, though he honestly didn't care if anyone happened to hear them.

Lucy hardly even processed his words, she was too busy crying out from the way he pulled her thong to rub against her clit while he rammed into her sweet spot.

"Oh f-fuck!"

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