Aura and the Dark Side

By Jedisage

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The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some considered to be unnatural. The same can go fo... More

Darth Kiryu Apprentices
Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter four
Weiss darkside look
weiss lightsaber color poll
Chapter six
A/N: quick question
a/n:which one of these whould Neo's sith robe be?
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
A/n: At last we will reveal ourselves to the jedi at last we will have revenge.
Chapter ten
Chapter 11
A/n: What lightsaber style form should I have Neo learn?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/n: Weiss Lightsaber fighting style
A/n: Darth Kiryu force powers recap
Chapter 17
A/n: Force powers
Chapter 18
a/n: Quick question
A/N: Quick question
Chapter 19
A/n: Meet Vampire Squadron
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
A/n: Darth Kiryu apprentice's/Servants and their class roles recap
A/N: weiss final look
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

776 18 4
By Jedisage

Kiryu Pov


I was in one of the chambers on Dromund Kaas meditating on the dark side of the force reciting the Sith code.

"Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion I gain Strength. Through Strength I gain Power. Through Power I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me." I said as I focused on the dark side of the force. I could still remember the day of when I was created in that damn lab of the mad scientist which I was happy to kill along with the others in the lab before getting to where I am now. My thoughts where disturbed when I heard the door tot he chambers open and walked in Darth Marr as I stood up and face him.

"Darth Marr what can I do for you?" I asked

"I'm checking on your progress my apprentice." Darth Marr said

"It's going well my lord but still find it amusing that the Jedi are so narrow minded that don't use the force to its full potential." I replied.

"How so?" Darth Marr asked.

"Because their crippled by Empathy. Shackled to obedience. To their masters, their council. They perpetuate the myth of equality. Serving the force as if it was a belief system that had been  programed into them.  The galaxy can't be set on the proper course until the Jedi order and the corrupt republic have been brought down." I said

"I agree. I believe we must spread the ways of the Sith to the empire entire. Plant terror and hatred in every heart. I believe in the democratization of fear." Darth Marr said 

"For fear is a powerful tool that can be used to bend the will of person to do what you want them to do. For fear attracts the fearful, the  strong, the weak and the corrupt. Fear is my ally." I said as Darth Marr nodded his head before telling me that I did very well in my studies and that I have the makings of a Sith which to me was a honor. Since then I study more and more about the Sith and the Jedi  and how they where one in the same until some the Jedi turned to the darkside over different beliefs which lead to many wars before the Sith went into hiding to rebuild and gathered their strength until they had returned and started their war with the Jedi and the Republic. During my time I had encountered many Jedi on different planets from young Padawan's to Jedi masters testing my powers and skills against them but in the end they all die by my hand. It felt good watching the Jedi fall at my feet considering they never faced anyone like me before.

*end of flashback*

I was standing on the bridge of my ship the dragon's Claw looking out the window while Neo was curious about the ship so I told Quinn to show her around the ship in which he agree to do. 

"Excuse me my lord but we are on final approach to Atlas." Said one of the crewmen. 

"Good." I said. Earlier I had sent out probe to scan areas of Remnant for pockets of rich dust to harvest. I had heard from Neo that the largest collector of Dust was the Schnee Dust company that mine the rawest of dust in the mines in Atlas. Thinking to myself perhaps getting my hands on a large amount of Dust might be useful. The doors to the bridge opened as Quinn and Neo walked onto the bridge.

"Ah Neo how was the tour?" I asked 

"The ship  is amazing master I never been in a ship that can travel into space before." Neo replied

" Glad you like it." I said with ha smile before I turned my attention to outside before  a crewman said that where in range of Atlas. I had to admit Atlas was cool looking but I I noticed a city right below it and that got me thinking with Atlas was to fall that city would be crushed.

"My lord several ships are approaching us." Said Captain Quinn.

"How many?" I asked still looking out the window.

"Three sir and where being hailed." Quinn replied while I looked out the window to see the three ships.

"Attention Unidentified  vessel you are in restricted airspace identify  yourselves or you will be fire upon." Said one of the ships captains. I smirked still looking at the ships.

"Orders sir?" Quinn asked

"Don't answer just yet Captain I want to see what they will do but in the meantime rise shields." I replied.

"Yes sir raising ships shields." Quinn said.

"What is your plan master?" Neo asked standing next to me

"Atlas military fleet is suppose to be the best right? Well lets see how well they really are." I replied.

"This is gonna be fun." Neo said.

"Sit the ships are opening fire on us." Quinn said as the shields of my ship held against their weak weapons. I laughed at their weak weapons on their ships.

"They call that firepower? Captain give them our reply but I want you to disable the ships only then get a team together and scout out the dust mines." I said while the ships guns roared to life blasting away at the three Atlas ships as they took heavy damaged and had to withdrawal while my ship moved in and headed towards the dust mines. Just to be on the safe side I order Vampire squadron and three more fighter units to recon and intercept any fighters they might send to stop us.

Once over the abandon mines Quinn lead a small team of troopers into the mine and carefully scanning and securing the dust crystals they can find while Neo and I took my starfighter and headed to Atlas to see what kind of place it was.  Once we got their I set the ship down in a remote location not to far form the city and heading into the city. It was a not at all what I expected it was one big city buildings as high as the eyes can see vehicles driving all over the place. People walking around talking street vendors selling goods and so forth. 

"I must say Atlas has a certain flare to itself." I said

"Atlas is the top manufactory  of dust in all the land master." Neo said.

"You weren't kidding but we have time to sight see later for now I want to gather as much intel on this place as much as possible." I said right before I heard a voice coming from one of the screens in the window of one of the shops.

"In other news three Atlas military ships where attacked by unknown forces. What information we have gathered from the crew of one of the ships stated that they never seen that kind of ship before. According to sources who stated that this was an attack by the White fang but not confirmed if it's true or not. We'll continue to have updates on the matter as soon as we can." The person on the screen said.

"Well talk about making a entrance if I do say so myself." I said

"I agree master that was just a taste of one of your ships can do. If you wanted to you could take over Atlas and use it as a base of operations." Neo said

"That does sound like a idea I keep that in mind." I said while we continued to walk around the city. We stopped at a couple of places to gathered more intel about Atlas. Two names kept coming up from the people that we talked to and that was a General Ironwood and The Schnee dust company owned by the Schnee  family. Getting curious I decided it was time to investigate better yet interview this so called Schnee.

"Neo I have a task for you." I said

"What is it?" Neo replied

"I want to get as much information on the Atlas military it's academy everything you can get your hands on. I talk to this Schnee." I replied before Neo bowed and went off to do the task I had giving her while I headed towards the Schee family mansion.

Once I got close I place the hood of my robe over my head to hide my face. From what I heard the head of the Schnee family doesn't like faunus very well and that he use some of the faunus as slaves to work in his mine. Just thinking about it makes me want to kill him but I kept my cool.

"I walked up to the front door and knocked on the door a few times before  the door opened as a older man answered the door.

"Yes Can I help you?" The man asked.

"Yes I'm here to speak to the head of the household I'm writing a report on the Schee family and how they became so successful in the business trade." I replied keeping a straight face. 

"But of course follow me sir I will escort you to the  living room." The man said as I enter the house. All to easy I thought to myself. While being escorted to the living room I was admiring the many paintings and statues that where placed around the place. One piece that got my attention was a statute of a snake with two heads. (a/n: Ignore Weiss in the picture)

I stopped and looked up a flight of stairs to see a girl with white hair and in a white dress looking at me with a look on her face. She was beautiful but I sensed she was conflicted about something so I probed her mind a little and saw that she had a lot of hatred for her father and that she wanted to be free of his control and be her own person. I gave her a smile before heading into the living room and waited.

Weiss Pov

I was standing on top of the stairs looking at the hooded figure that was being escorted by Klein. Thinking to myself was he another of my fathers business partners? No I don't think he was he was something else but what? Our eyes met each others as we stared at each other. I felt a little warm in my chest before he walked into the living room. Being curious I decided to follow him into the living room. Once Inside I saw him sitting on the couch drinking a glass of wine Klein had gotten for him before he turned to me and smiled.

"Hello there little one." The man said as I bowed my head 

"H...hello." I replied.

"Don't be afraid I'm not here to hurt you or anything I'm just waiting on the head of the household to arrive for I'm doing a report but please have a seat. Also my name Is Kiryu and what is yours?" Kiryu asked

"I'm Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee family." I said as I took a seat across from him.

"Well Ms. Schnee it's nice to met you. If I may ask I sensed you are troubled about something." Kiryu said

"Yes it's my family." I replied.

"By all means please share." Kiryu said as I begun the story about how the Schnee family was highly respected but ever since my father married my mother things had taking a toll for the worse as he dragged the family name through the mud giving my family a bad rep.

"I see and you want to restore your family name and be free of the mess he made correct?" Kiryu asked while I nodded my head.

"Interesting also let me ask you this what is your option about your father using faunus as slave labor having them work in the mines?" Kiryu asked.

"I have nothing against the faunus per say but for as long as I can remember my family had aa big target on it's back. Shipments of dust being stolen death threats you name it. I hate my father he only married into the family for money and power." I said with a bit of venom in my voice.

"I know what you been going through and I'm sorry but you don't have to worry I sense you will be free from your fathers control soon. Also I have something I want to show you." Kiryu said before he removed his hood showing his  whole face. My eyes widen when I saw him. He was handsome for a faunus those horns and those eyes.

"What kind of faunus are you?" I asked trying not to be rude.

"Well you see I'm not a faunus well it's complicated but I'll try to explain." Kiryu replied telling me his story and how he ended up here. I was bit surprised to hear that he was the one that attack the Atlas ships but it was in self defense.  Just then I heard the door  open to the living room as Kiryu placed his hood on top of his head again as my father walked into the room.

"Weiss what are you doing? Get out now!." My father said as I got up from the couch and headed to the door but not before looking back to Kiryu who nodded his head.

"I SAID OUT!!" My father shouted before I closed the door and walked down hall saying to myself I hate my father.

Neo Pov

I was having fun sneaking passed the guards of Atlas that where guarding high valuable information in the vaults of their data farms The rush of using my semblance to distract and even knock out some of them was fun. I managed to get inside the main complex of Atlas and started to download the information my master requested for me to get while the guards that where in the room laid on the ground knocked out. My master was a genus assigning me the task just thinking about him made me so warm inside as I let out a little giggle. Once the download was completed I removed the datapad from the Atlas computers and made sure I leave no evidence of that I was here in the computer systems. As I was about to leave the door to the room opened as a Atlas guard walked in.

"Hey who are you? Your not suppose to be in here this is a restricted area." The guard said as he looked down to see the knocked out guards before pointing his weapon at me. 

"Ara~ara looks like I been caught." I said before I held out my hand and pulled the guard towards be before I took out my lightsaber that I built thanks to my masters help as I plunging  it through his chest as I stroke his cheek.

"Shhhh! Go to sleep little man." I said before kicking his dead body to the ground before hopping and skipping out the room before the alarms went off but I was long gone by then.

Kiryu Pov

" Hello I'm Jacques Schnee CEO of the Schnee Dust Company the largest Dust-mining company in Remnant. I'm sorry  for my daughter she can be a handful sometimes she has dreams of being a huntress which to me is a waste of time." Jacques said.

"She told me that she did had plans to attend a huntress academy but I find her a very talented young women." I said.

"Indeed but anyway I heard you wanted to a report on me correct?" Weiss father asked.

"Correct." I replied as the both of us continue to talk until I had gotten all the information I need before getting up and heading towards the door.

"Thank you for your time Mr. Schee until next time we met."  I said before being escorted to the front door and thanking Klein for the drink before I left the house I was Weiss.

"Yes Weiss something up?" I asked

"It's just I want to know if I see you again that's all." Weiss said before I patted her head and said in due time before leaving. Once clear of the house I met back up with Neo as she handed me the desk.

"Is this all the information you can get?" I asked

"Yes master." Neo replied.

"Good lets get back to the ship and have Quinn analyze this data." I said before heading back to the ship.

(a/n: hope you guys like this chapter let me know what you think of it in the comments. Until then may the force serve you well)

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