Boarding School - SBI

By Horsify

312 51 2

Techno, Tommy and Wilbur had been adopted by Philza, and since then they had been homeschooled. When Philza d... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Sixteen

4 1 0
By Horsify

Wilbur woke up cold. When he had first shown up a month ago and got the original tour, Wilbur had chosen the bed by the window. He thought that he'd be able to sneak out at night for fresh air or to stargaze. However, Wilbur had since discovered that the window didn't open wide enough for him to fit through; it only opened enough to fit his hand through.

With the onset of winter, Wilbur had also discovered that he needed a lot of blankets to stay anywhere near warm and was excited that he was only a little less than a week away from going home to his bed. And seeing Phil.

Wilbur got off of his bed and slipped quietly across the room to his stuff. Wilbur grabbed his guitar. He had only unpacked all of his stuff recently and put it in the closet, and he was going to need to repack it before going back home. Whoever had brought his stuff to his room for him had set it all in the corner in a neat pile and Wilbur had seen no reason to move it. The only reason he had was because Fundy told him to. Something about a clean living space.

On his way out, he remembered he should tell Fundy where he was going. He grabbed a notebook and scribbled a note to his sleeping roommate, ripped the page out, then tapped the note on the door for Fundy to find later. The note Wilbur wrote said that he was in the secret library.

Wilbur picked his guitar up and slung it over his shoulder, and started the walk to the painting of a landscape. It was his favourite painting in the castle, even before he knew that there was a secret passageway behind it. It was just beautiful.

He stood looking at it for a few minutes.

When Wilbur had finished staring at the landscape, he checked the hall to make sure that nobody was there. When he was very sure, he walked over to the painting and pulled on its elaborate gold painted frame, opening the door. Stepping in, he flicked on his torch before closing the painting again.

As Wilbur walked through the passageway, it was silent. And a little damp. This passageway was one of the longer ones, and it was like a maze. It went around several bends and had a few crossroads, too. Wilbur had got lost in them a few times, although he had thankfully always found his way out. Although Wilbur suspected he could get permanently lost in them if he wasn't careful.

Wilbur had made it through the maze-like halls. He stepped into the secret library. He was pretty sure that most of the Dream SMP members didn't know that all the paintings in the secret rooms had either a hall or a compartment behind them. Most just took the one that Tommy and Tubbo did.

It was empty, to Wilbur's relief.

He had an album that he had been working on for a while now, but he was nowhere near ready to perform it. That was partially because he wasn't happy with the quality of some of his songs and partially because of his confidence. Maybe someday, though. He started on a song; it was one that he was sure Phil would worry about when he heard it. Wilbur thought his dad would be even more concerned when he found out how old Wilbur was when he first wrote it.

First and foremost

Oh, let it be said, my dear

I was gonna wait for you

Wilbur was sitting on one of the stiffer chairs with only a few candles out to light the room.

So this is not an act of spite

It's a visceral coming-to

She wrote an album

And that's something that I can't do

But what I can do is spit the truth

And it all leads back to you

Wilbur finished the first verse. When he first came into the room, he had spent a while looking for a match to light the candles, but it was definitely worth it. He enjoyed playing in the candlelight.

Secondly, I know I haven't written much

You know the way I can be

Tonight, I'm fucking drunk

So it's all gonna be about me

Wilbur messed up a chord and started the second verse over. After he got it right three times in a row, he moved on with the song.

Is he better than me?

Has he seen more to this life?

Can he smoke more?

Can he fuck more?

Are you good enough to be his wife?

Can he break me?

Can he break you?

Oh, I don't know what I'm to do

Yes, I don't know what I'll fuckin' do

That was the part Wilbur thought would worry Phil the most.

I've seen our café, I've clocked our plans

Oh, what could have been

If you didn't go and fall in love

And ruin everything

I've seen him

I've been him

I've felt the same way

But now I break against the dirt

Along with our cafés

Wilbur was playing the music by memory, which he thought could be fun to do every once in a while, although it could also be stressful when he forgot a lyric or chord.

After Wilbur finished the song, he sat quietly for a few minutes. He had yet to come up with a name for it, but it didn't really matter. He didn't plan on performing the song soon.

Wilbur started playing the next song in his album.

So far, he had six songs, but only one had a name. He called it 'Jubilee Line.' It was an easy name to come up with since he came up with a good portion of the song at Jubilee Line.

By the time Wilbur finished singing, his throat was sore and he had missed breakfast. It was nearing lunchtime. The food part didn't bother him, though. He could always eat more at the next meal that he showed up for. The sore throat was annoying him, and he wanted to fix it as soon as he could.

Wilbur got up from the stiff red chair that he was sitting on and went back to his dorm. On the way back, he stopped by the cafeteria to grab something to eat too. When he got to the dorm, Fundy was sitting on his bed with his back leaned against the wall, reading.

"Hey, Wilbur." Fundy said when Wilbur walked in. "You missed breakfast, but don't worry. I have trail mix you can have. And it had these fantastic dried sweet berries."


"Yeah... had. I ate them all. But you can have the nuts and chocolate." Fundy said, smiling.

It delighted Wilbur that Fundy had thought of him, and he accepted the trail mix happily. "Thanks."

"No problem," Fundy said, turning back to his book.

Wilbur set his guitar down and left his dorm again. He sprint walked to the cafeteria to grab a glass of water. After he had drank his fill of the room temperature water, he went back to his dorm.

When he got there, Fundy was still reading. "What's your book about?" Wilbur asked.

"It's in Dutch."

"That's not what I asked." Wilbur responded. He guessed it was a romance or something like that and Fundy didn't want to embarrass himself, so Wilbur didn't push the subject.

Wilbur sat down on his bed with the trail mix.

While he munched on his trail mix, Wilbur suddenly remembered that the Dream SMP was going to play manhunt later that evening and Wilbur was going to need some darkly coloured clothes.

He walked past his very busy roommate to their closet and started going through it and picking out clothes to wear later.

He settled on a navy shirt, with black jeans along with a black beanie.

He then sat back down on his bed and sat happily munching on trail mix.

Word Count: 1340

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