Battle of Overlords! ( Accele...

By sharpeyes123

145K 5.7K 3.9K

following the fight against the hero and the third ranked, just when accelerator was about to finish off misa... More

Chapter 1: A Brand New World?✔
part 1 - first battle
part 2 - experiment
part 3 - different view
Chapter 2: The true Dragon Lord ✔
part 1 - slane theocracy
Part 2 - confrontation
part 3 - the black scripture vs dragon lord
part 4 - a catastrophe accelerator
part 5 - accelerator vs zesshi
chapter 3: The science kingdom ✔
part 1 - the contract
part 2 - funds
part 3 - replica
part 4 - a normal day in science
Chapter 4: Awakening ✔
part 1 - new ally?
part 2 - Accelerator vs Cocytus
part 3 - Accelerator vs Cocytus II
part 4 - important meeting
part 5 - Envoy from the sorcerer kingdom
Chapter 5- A Declaration Of War ✔
part 1- a new target
part 2 - preparations
part 3- preparations II
part 4 - preparations III
part 5 - strengths
Chapter 6: Science vs Magic ✔
part 1- awaited battle
part 3 - wild magic
part 4 - reawakening of a monster
part 5 - you win some you lose some
part 6 - psychopath
part 7 - It wasnt you
part 8 - Ainz Ooal Gown
part 9 - man vs monster
Chapter 7 - Conquering The Great Tomb ✔
part 1 - The second floor
part 2: the seven star sisters
part 3: unshakable presence
part 4: bird's eyeview
part 5: the 5th floor
Chapter 8: Magic War✔️
Guess whos back???
Clarifications for Chapter 8
Part 1- ainz ooal gown vs the platinum dragonlord
Part 2- the tide of the war
Part 3- A touch of reality
Part 4- Change
Part 5- The Road To Victory
Part 6- Existential crisis

part 2- true form

2.2K 108 80
By sharpeyes123

"Lets go! Blue rose!"

Cliff ruins / 3rd pov

The meteor ripped through the air and the Shockwave destroyed all the surrounding areas.


With a sadistic grin, the esper charged straight at the meteor at full speed, disappearing into the brigh falling light.

This action caught ainz by surprise as any sane person would obviously go away from the attack, not towards it.

Having reached it in just a few seconds. Accelerator let himself free fall as he placed his hand on the falling meteor.
Any normal person would have gotten burned to cinders at simply being this close to a falling meteor, let alone actually touching one.

Yet, this didn't faze the esper one bit.

Accelerator quickly analyzed the vectors of the meteor, taking ahold of its kinetic energy and measuring its diameter.

The heat from the friction of the meteor that was going crazy just a minute ago, suddenly became calm...

It was still falling, and the intense friction was still there...however, it was calm.

Just a minute ago, the Shockwave from its descend shook the entire air and destroyed the surrounding environment, but right now, none of that was happening.
Though the meteor was still falling, there lacked the carnage a normal meteor would normally bring alongside its descend.

In fact, apart from the falling bright light that is the meteor, everything else seemed perfectly normal.
The wind was calm, and the earth had stopped its shaking, it was it silent descent, similar to the silent descent of the black beasts ainz summoned during the baharuth war.

And just like that time, it was only a matter of time before that silence turned into chaos...

The meteor was getting even brighter.
Accelerator had taken all of the kinetic energy and excess force and redirected back to the meteor.

Every force it emitted was simply redirected back into the core of the giant rock, as such, there was no excess force to affect the area. it was only getting brighter and brighter, hotter and hotter..

"Its gonna blow!"


As expected, the lighting grew more and even more, and in the next second...

The Silence from before was now completely discarded.

The meteor exploded in a fiery light, sending its many small particles all over the map.
The impact from the explosion destroyed the surrounding area and covered the sky in a white light.
Surely, all living things in the area had died out, but still the esper wasn't done...

Ainz watched in disbelief as the explosion itself seem to come to life.

The ruler of nazarick had made a mistake, he failed to realize what the esper's power was...

The complete manipulation of any and all vectors.

That is to say, there is no force in this world accelerator cannot manipulate, yes, even the blast of an explosion.

The explosion seemed to shrink.


It was being compressed!


Unlike last time, accelerator didn't have to calculate the winds of the entire map before taking it and turning it into plasma.

The reason being that the force was already there, laid out beautifully for him to simply use.

The explosion kept compressing and compressing into a single spot, turning into a bright white light as accelerator compressed it even more, until it was small enough to take into his hands.

The esper looked at ainz and gave him a mocking smile...

Ainz immediately sensed the danger he was in.
Thinking fast, he quickly tried to stop the threat.


Too late.

The concentrated heat wave blasted out at ainz like a railgun, only countless times stronger.
It was too fast to react to, and even the ruler of death had no choice but to take it head on.

The sky shook and the ground broke apart, further destroying the environment that had already been reduced to a wasteland.

In the sky where ainz had taken that blast. A thick smokescreen had formed, And little by little, it was coming undone.
It was only a matter of seconds before it was revealed if that attacked worked or not.


"Well done, albedo."

In front of ainz, levitated the overseer of the nazarick guardians.


Accelerator clicked his tongue.

The overseer of the guardians boast the highest defensive power among all the NPCS, as such, her defense is virtually impregnable, to the point where she can even take a a super tier magic attack without sustaining any damage.


Her defense was certainly impressive, but like all things, it came with a price.

The armor which protected the guardian's right arm cracked and shattered, revealing her slim and pale arm.

This was her armor, hermes trismegistus, true ability.

Albedo's armor posses a special skill that allows her to use a piece of her armor to absorb what would have been fatal damage.
The piece of armor that absorbed the damage will always break apart regardless of its defense capabilities.
So the piece of armor on her arm that absorbed that blast had been destroyed in accordance with the skill.

This was something she could only use three times a day.

"2 more times. I can only use hermes ability 2 more times before this armor becomes useless and my combat capability and defense drops drastically..."

"Tch, if it comes to that, then I'll just have to use my true form..."

Accelerator stared blankly at the woman for a few seconds.

Why was she here?

Where was zohak?

Turning his attention away from them, he began to scan the area for the dragonlord.

This action caught the gaze of the succubus who smiled smugly upon realizing his intentions.

"Kuku, if you're looking for your pet, there he is." Albedo says while pointing at in a direction on the ground.

Accelerator followed her where she was pointing and saw it. On the ground below, lied zohak's battered body.

Accelerator found it weird.

Despite the woman weilding a battle axe, zohak had not been hacked apart like one would expect, but rather, it looked like he was thoroughly beaten black and blue.

Punch marks laid all over his body like small craters.
Even one of his worn was bent the wrong way from having been punched, and he was bleeding from his mouth and head as he tried to shakily get back up..

"Succubus? Are you sure you aren't a gorilla?" Accelerator says while blankly staring at the physical damage done to the dragonlord.

He seemed quite unfazed with it since it didn't concern him in the least.


The dragonlord coughed up even more blood as he shakily got back on his four feet.

"Oh? I'm surprise you can even still get up, but its quite clear you have reached your limit." She amusingly says before continuing.

"But worry not, your master who you adore so much shall be joining you soon enough. Vermins such as you should know your place, on the ground!! Kukuku!"

"...Haha! For a woman, you sure pack quite a punch, possibly even more so than my brethren!" Zohak spoke through ragged breaths.



"Leave her to me. That was the plan wasn't it? I'll show you just how powerful the deep darkness dragonlord is."

Accelerator just stared at him blankly without saying anything.

"Tch, do as you like."

"Although two or three small fries doesn't matter to me, I'll let you redeem yourself." Accelerator says as he once again gains his sadistic smirk.

"Hehe understood!"

"Hah? Is your brains as lacking as your strength? Don't mistake bravery for stupidity. You stand no chance against me." Albedo says.

"I will admit, you might be a portion bit stronger than me, but, I'll close that gap with this next move..."


Everyone stared curiously at the dragonlord's words.

"I haven't used this form in quite some time, so my gratitude in advance for giving me the opportunity to once again test it."

Suddenly, zohak's body began to glow.

It started off as cracks at first, but the glowing cracks quickly spread throughout his body.


out of nowhere, the dragonlord let out a sickening roar thst shook the air as his body began to compress.

"The hell...?"

Everyone watched on as zohak continued roaring in agony. His flesh and bones, morphing and and shrinking, taking a smaller and more slender form...

"Kehaha! That fucking lizard, so he could do that this entire time?!" Accelerator laughed out loud.

It appears he already figured out what the dragonlord was trying to do.

The same was for ainz...

"Is it like that platinum dragon lord? So their dragon state aren't their only forms...?"

Now standing on two legs, his claws had formed together to form long blade like hands.
His tail slammed into the ground, blowing away all the winds encircling him, and his claws clung on to the ground, forming cracks.

"So this is the deep darkness humanoid form, huh?"

His metallic body creaked with every move he makes, and his golden eyes shined as bright as albedo's own golden eyes as they each stared down the other.

He was still bleeding profusely from the earlier beating he recieved from the overseer of the guardians.
But even so, you could feel the mocking smile he exerted as he stared down his opponent.

"So what if you transform? A worm is still just a worm no matter what appearance he takes." Albedo says while glaring.

"Careful albedo. Don't underestimate your enemy, go straight for the kill."

"Worry not ainz-sama. I shall put an end to this farce with this next strike."

She flapped her wings and flew down towards the dragonoid, bending away the air in her path.

"Master...I haven't shown it to you yet, have i...?" Zohak suddenly says.


Accelerator only gives him a puzzled look.

Zohak suddenly rose his hand to the oncoming albedo.

"The power of a true dragonlord."

"My....wild magic."

It looked as if it was over.

Even if the darkness dragonlord was using a more suitable fighting form, his injuries limit what he could possibly do.

He would die in the next strike.

But still, accelerator did not move.

The dragonlord said thst he would handle.
This was war. if one's ego end up being what brings them their demise, then it simply means that person was never up to the task.

Accelerator understood this more than anyone.
Because he was more egoistic than anyone.

And he paid for it at the hands of a level 0.

Whatever happens, happens.

Albedo zoomed right past accelerator and towards the dragonlord pointing his finger at her.

She effortlessly crossed the several hundred meters distance between them in one fell swoop.

Every passing second felt like a countdown towards zohak's death.

And that countdown had finally reach one...

Albedo rose her axe above her head, about to bring it down on the unmoving dragonlord...

It was over.

"<wild magic: ANTITHESIS>"

Zohak had won....

A/N: sup guys!

Damn my fault, sorry for the long delays in releases.
School's been a pain in the a** again. Its only the second week and I already have 2 majors due in a few days.

Not to mention the fuxking homework being stacked on me everyday.
Barely have time to write.

But good news!!

Next week, im getting my laptop again! And u know what that means...2 releases per week!!

Can't wait to stop writing on this shitty phone.
(The writing part isn't really even bad, its the editing images to add on the story thats a pain to do on a phone)

In any case,


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