Loving You is a crime

By Le2zel

104K 4.7K 3K

Someone's been going around killing off random people, the murders are much to clean to be done by any random... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Thanks and News

Chapter 10

3K 142 130
By Le2zel

"I think that I should inform you that this is a formal event, do you guys have any suits?" Bad asked.

The three agents looked at each other then shook their heads, "Do you think we still have time to buy one?" Dream asked.

"That won't be necessary," Philza answered with a smile, popping up out of nowhere.

I knew that the wardrobe department would come in handy someday, Philza thought.

He motioned for the three agents to follow him.

"We'll make sure that you guys, and a few others can sneak into the party without a problem," Skeppy informed, the agents said their thanks and left.


Dream looked at his reflection in the mirror, he was now dressed in a dark green suit that showed off his eye color. It was the night of the event and they had to be ready.

Right after they left Skeppy and Bad, Philza had taken them to the wardrobe department where they were measured, and told to come back the next day to pick their suits up.

"So... What do you think?" A voice asked from behind him.

"I like it, thanks Vurb," Dream responded.

"Just be thankful that I managed to convince Finn to go for a more subtle look, or you all would be wearing neon colors with tons of sparkles." Vurb stated, with a with a hint of humor in his eyes.

"There is nothing wrong with wanting your friends to look their absolute best," Finn responded from across the room, he was currently helping Karl into his dark purple suit.

Sapnap came out of the changing room in a black and white suit, and glanced over at Karl who kept fidgeting in front of the mirror, with Finn telling the brunette over and over again that he looked fine.

Dream elbowed Sapnap in the ribs, "Keep staring and he'll think that you're a creep," Dream remarked with a smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sapnap replied looking away in embarrassment.

Just as Dream was about to tease his friend again, Philza came into the room.

"Looking good boys, I just came to tell you that your ride is waiting out front."

"Thanks Chief," they replied.

"No problem, stay safe now," The agents nodded at their boss, and after Finn added the finishing touches, they headed out to the car.

Bad and Skeppy had done as they promised, and made sure that all three of the agents were on the party list. The other agents would wait outside on standby.

Once in, the agents made sure to keep their eyes on the target. So far the man was just going around talking to the other party attendees. As the night continued to drag on and nothing suspicious had happened, Dream was beginning to think that his theory had been wrong.

Sapnap walked up to him, "I just got off the phone with Spifey and Tapl, they were both assigned to watch the other possible targets, but they said nothing's happened so far."

"I guess I got this all wrong," Dream stated in a disappointed tone.

"It was a good try though," Sapnap commented in an effort to cheer him up.

Just then a very frantic Karl walked up to them, "have you guys seen the target?"

"I thought you were watching him," Sapnap pointed out.

"I was, one minute he was there flirting with some random dude, then the next minute he's gone," Karl explained.

"Wait, the guy's gay?" Sapnap stated in surprise.

"That's not important right now Sapnap," Dream pointed out.

"Karl stay down here and sweep the area just in case you missed him, have the agents outside ready to flag anyone suspicious. Sapnap you're with me, let's check the room that the target booked."

The plan was quickly put into action, Dream contacted Bad through his earpiece to hack open the room door.

Once inside, they scanned the room only to find the target, now turned victim, slumped in a chair. Sapnap walked over to check his pulse and shook his head.

"He's gone."

Dream then noticed that the balcony door was open, and as luck would have it, on the side of the building right next to the hotel, was a hooded figure pulling itself up to the building's roof.


Dream's shout caught Sapnap's attention, who quickly spun around just in time to see the figure pull itself over the building's ledge.

They both hurried to the balcony looking for a way to make it across. Dream spotted a fire escape a bit to the left and without a word jumped towards it, landing perfectly.

Well he wasn't called the parkour king at the academy for no reason, Sapnap thought.

He jumped too, only to miss the landing but managed to grab onto the railing as he dangled in the air. Dream reached down to pull his friend up.

"Dream just go, I'll be alright," Sapnap shouted.

Dream hesitated for a second before listening to his friend. He maneuvered his way around the fire escape quickly, and was happy to see that Sapnap had managed to pull himself over the railing, just as he reached the roof.

He saw the figure running in the distance, jumping from roof to roof, well two can play at that game, Dream thought as he started running at top speed.

The chase was on...

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