Her Crescent - A Padawan Fanf...

By books_on_the_shelf

52.2K 1.7K 502

[ The clone wars x oc Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan oc (platonic) ] {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}... More

Authors note / Disclaimer
Chapter 1 - To begin
Chapter 2 - New Meetings
Chapter 3 - Greetings
Chapter 4 - The ARC Troopers & Battle on Kamino
Chapter 5 - Pause at the temple
Chapter 6 - Kidnapped Pantorans
Chapter 7 - The Mandalorian Academy
Chapter 8 - Force Training
Chapter 9 - One Week
Chapter 10 - Confessions
Chapter 11 - The Battle of Sallust
Chapter 12 - Walks & Anesthesia
Chapter 13 - Mystery in the Crelythiumm System
Chapter 14 - The Daughter and the Son
Chapter 15 - The Altar of Mortis
Chapter 16 - The Ending of Mortis
Chapter 17 - A Friend's Friend
Chapter 18 - Conflicts on Carlac
Chapter 19 - A Chase
Chapter 20 - The thought of it
Chapter 21 - The Morning After
Chapter 22- The Funeral
Chapter 23 - Empty shell
Chapter 24 - Revelations
Chapter 25 - Confidential
Chapter 26 - Plans
Chapter 27 - Departure
Chapter 28 - Travels
Chapter 29 - Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 30 - Naboo
Chapter 31 - Trust
Chapter 32 - Master & Padawan
Chapter 33 - Old Enemy
Chapter 34 - Maul (intermission)
Chapter 35 - Maul 2
Chapter 36 - Called to the War on Two Fronts
Chapter 37 - A War on Two Fronts
Chapter 38 - A War on Two Fronts pt.2
Chapter 39 - Rebel Training
Chapter 40 - Turning Point

Chapter 33 - Maul

515 29 16
By books_on_the_shelf


"You?" Obi-Wan's expression was one of shock, a yellow Dathomirian appearing behind him.

It was Savage Opress.

The Yellow and Black tattooed brother ignited his lightsaber, forcefully clashing it against Obi-Wan's causing him to stumble. He was much taller than him. Maul jumped down from the rock he was on, his metal feet-like claws digging into the dirt.

Saiph was beginning to wonder if she should disobey her Master's instructions. That's what Ahsoka would do, however- Saiph wasn't the strong Togruta that Ahsoka was, no matter how much she admired her. She glanced at her lightsaber on her belt, her mind scrambling at some sort of plan.

Glancing back at the trio fighting in the street, Saiph could see Obi-Wan was far from winning. From one strike of a lightsaber to a kick- he took each blow, eventually falling to the ground, unconscious.  Saiph let out a quiet gasp clamping her mouth shut at the realization of her mistake.

The Sith known as Maul's eyes shot upwards, scanning the environment. Saiph held her breath, putting up her shields in the force to hopefully remain hidden from him. She could feel his presence in the force- almost like he was running around in it, looking for something- anything.

Maul growled. "Take him back- I am not finished with him yet." He then sneered, "He does not understand yet, we will make him suffer."

"Yes, brother." Savage obeyed, turning of his red lightsaber, the blade slid away. He placed it on his belt.

Watching as the two brothers walked away, Saiph decided that she would go follow them. If she remained hidden enough, and quiet- she would have a better chance at sneaking into their ship. Saiph assumed they had one since Raydonia was very far out. She got up from her squatted position and started to run when a hand grabbed her by the shoulder, causing her to fall back and onto her rear. She fumbled, trying to grab her blade.

"Don't." The owner of the hand whispered harshly, and Saiph turned around onto her knees on the ground. Her hand rested on her belt.

"Ventress?" Saiph was confused to say the least, mouth agape. "Last time I-"

"-I'm not here for you." She said, interrupting the girl. "Follow me."


"So I fly us out?"

"Yes. That is- if you know how to fly."

"I will have you know that I am a good pilot!" Saiph yelled out in exclamation, the Sith and the Padawan were currently in the works of coming up with a plan for Saiph to get back Obi-Wan and for Ventress to well... eliminate the two brothers.

Ventress only looked at the padawan through judgmental eyes, "We will get your Master- and I'll get what I want."

Saiph had her nose still in a bunch and Ventress rolled her eyes in exchange, "Stop pouting- do you remember what I told you?"

Saiph groaned, "Yesss, I go through the bottom where there's an extra grate to enter to the cockpit- you go past me into- wherever they are BEFORE they take off... But I want to fight!"

"You are not going to. You'll get yourself killed."Ventress said as she began to leave the scene. She evidently was not going to be listening to another word from the Padawan. Saiph took a breath in and let out the frustration out of her body. However, she was still annoyed.

"Can I just make sure he's alright though?" Saiph called out, following the woman and Ventress turned. A few moments of silence went by and then Ventress said with a hard-to-read tone, "Alright."


Maul grabbed Obi-Wan by the throat, throwing him against the crates. "Still as weak as ever. And they call you, 'Master.' "

"You know, when I cut you in half, I should have aimed for your neck instead." Obi-Wan gritted through his teeth. He was beginning to look as bad as he felt, bruises form in on his face.

"Anything more to say?"

"I like your new legs. They make you look taller." Obi-Wan said, his breathing was drawing out heavier.

"I will make sure you stay awake long enough to feel every single cut." He smirked. "Your death will be beyond excruciating. You will suffer as I have suffered!" Maul then turned his eyes upwards, looking up towards the roof of the ship. Leaning in, he whispered at o into Obi-Wan's ear. "And then it'll be the one who calls you their master who will feel it next."

Maul nodded at his brother, letting Savage know that he could knock the poor man out.

"What a surprise."

The duo (not including the unconscious Jedi Master,) down below looked up to the source of the voice, and Ventress appeared from the shadows.

"My former servant, still an animal." She looked at maul, "And you have a friend now."

"My brother."

"A brother?" Ventress faked a soft voice then sneered, "Looks like he's half the man you are, Savage. How unfortunate."

"I was looking for a challenge, not some wretched castoffs from the Nightbrothers clan. What a disappointment."

Saiph hid behind a pillar on the upper floor, it opened up to the hangar down below. She was waiting for Ventress to draw off the two brothers. She saw their size- now knowing what Ventress meant. They were much larger than she had thought and seemed the type to be bred to only do one thing- To kill.

Then, she saw that Ventress had ran off and the two brother followed her. Saiph took the chance of the opportunity  and jumped down, using the force to make her landing light. She ran over to where Aino-Wan was lying and flipped him over.

"Master." Saiph shook his body, his head still limp. Saiph knew he wasn't dead, she could feel his force presence still. "Wake up!" She called out again. She bit her lip, having an idea. Shutting her eyes, she brought up a hand and slapped her master across the cheek. She cringed at the sound before hearing a gasp for breath.

"... Saiph?" Obi-Wan started. "Are you alright?" Obi-Wan tried to sit up, grabbing his back in pain. Saiph put a hand on his shoulder and side, aiding him.

"Yes I am." She replied, reassuring the man. Ventress then appeared pulling the girl up quite roughly. Saiph thought she saw a small frown on Obi-Wan's face at the act as he stood up.

"It looks like I'm here to rescue you." Ventress started, "Your padawan is alright as you can see. We have a plan." She turned to Saiph, "Now get going girl."

Saiph nodded and sprinted off in the direction from where she came, the cockpit. She opened the door and then let it slide shut, jumping into the pilot's seat and started it it up, so it'd be ready.


Obi-Wan watched his Padawan leave, making sure she would be out of harms way. Then turned to Ventress. "When did you become the good guy?" He asked, brushing off his robes and brushing his hair back.

"Don't insult me."


Minutes had already passed and Saiph was still in the cockpit. She could hear yelling coming from the hangar, but she didn't dare go. To be true, she was intimidated by Ventress. Even though they had met before, which ended in injury, Saiph had known that Ventress was dangerous. She had an inkling feeling though, that this time, it was different.  When more sounds of a fight came from behind the cockpit door, Saiph sighed, she didn't exactly have a clean track record anymore. What was there to lose? Spinning around on her heel, she ran towards the source of her master's force signature.

She ran through the hall stopping over the edge of the floor overlooking the hanger. There were crates scattered all about the floor, seeing Ventress fighting Savage down below. Saiph looked around she was trying to find Obi-Wan. she could hear him grunt and her head spun towards the direction where it had come from. He had been thrown back and was lying on the ground looking up at Maul, bearing his red lightsaber as he glared down at Obi-Wan.

"Your master, Qui-Gon Jinn, I gutted him
while you stood helpless and watched."

"How did that make you feel, Obi-Wan?" Mail said, his eyes continuing to pierce Obi-Wan

"Your rage has unbalanced you. That is not the Jedi way, is it?"

Obi-Wan lunged forward to strike Maul but was kicked towards Saiph until he tumbled down, losing his balance and into the hangar. Groaning, he stood up and Ventress came to stand beside him. Saiph still watched, except now, her hand was holding her saver, ready for anything.

"We're outmatched." Obi-Wan stated, gripping onto the lightsaber between his hands, he was tired.

"You want to run?" Ventress asked incredulously, she never thought she'd hear that from a Jedi.

"I learned from watching you." He quipped back and Saiph smirked.

"Funny." She stated sarcastically, then looking up to where Saiph was she yelled, "The cockpit?"

"Yes! It's started!!" She replied, running back towards the front end of the ship.

"Hurry, child!" Ventress yelled and Saiph frantically pressed at the controls, it was working a minute ago. "I'm working on it!"

"Now would be a good time!"

Saiph looked up to Obi-Wan with pleading eyes for help and he saw she had missed something. Reaching over, he pressed it and the cockpit detached from the rest of the ship, shooting out into space.

"Thanks." Saiph smiled, she spun around on her chair grinning "We did it!!"

Ventress had her arms crossed in displeasure, the girl had had one job.

Obi-Wan however noticed this body language and turned to Saiph, his eyes crinkled in a pained smile, "Yes, good work Saiph. Good work to you both."

Ventress sighed and walked over to the panel, changing the course of the down-sized ship. "I'll send you off to Coruscant. If they ask- I wasn't here."

There were a few moments of silence that passed between the three, Saiph glancing at Obi-Wan for direction in the situation. The Jedi would've wanted her turned in, but she felt that she couldn't do it.

Obi-Wan nodded, "I understand."

"Send us home."


Ayo, so I finished this chapter. Woooooh! School has started up and I hope the random posting times aren't intimidating, just bear with me 😅😅


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