Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

Por koi_coffee_

248K 8.5K 6.2K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... Más

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2.3K 91 100
Por koi_coffee_

okay, just a heads up — when i did the teams timing and when everyone joined, i realized i was a year off 😃

so, MSBY's in their early, early twenties (literally 20-21yrs) 😂

just wanted to clear that up ^^

~koi ☕︎︎


Within the weeks that past from then on, Sakusa and Atsumu had grown closer.

The two started to spend every morning together and every night together.

They'd practice extra with one another, they'd walk to and from the center together, they did everything together.

It took merely a month, and the duo became nearly inseparable.

Which meant good news for MSBY, when the two were paired on court — they were nothing short of unstoppable.

They all were.

MSBY as a team had come up with their own playing style, everyone falling into pattern with one another to function perfectly as a team.

All in a month's time, perfectly lining up with their first official game.

MSBY vs Schweiden Adlers

- friday, march 12th, MSBY center -

"Shoyo-kun!" Atsumu called, setting the ball over to the orange-haired outside hitter.

Within seconds, Hinata was in-air, and with the blink of an eye — he'd spiked Atsumu's set spot on. Sending the ball flying down to the other half of the court, just barely being missed in a receive by the Adlers libero, Heiwajima.

The second it hit the ground, MSBY's final point was called, signaling the game had finally come to it's end. With the score sitting at 27-25, MSBY came together, happily congratulating one another while throwing high fives around.

After their small celebration, both teams respectfully lined up at the net and thanked each other for the game. That and MSBY encouraging the Schweiden Adlers to keep giving it their all and that they might have better luck on their next game.

The two teams had stuck around to chat for a bit, old friends and in Hinata's case, a lover, all taking a few moments to catch up and chat with each other. However, when the teams had to part they respectfully bid their farewells and went their separate ways.

MSBY headed off to their locker rooms, all members took some time to get changed out of their uniforms, getting into casual clothes before heading out.

To celebrate their win, Meian, Bokuto, and Inunaki proposed the wonderful idea of getting drinks. To no surprise, majority of the team agreed immediately — feeling more than eager to celebrate the win of their first official game. Though, a few were hesitant, those few being Sakusa and Barnes — but after some endless pestering, they'd caved in and agreed.

Finally coming to an agreement, MSBY as a team headed out and to their local izakaya. It wasn't far, the nearest was no longer than a fifteen minute walk at best.

Once they got there, Meian and Foster got a booth for nine. It was a bit of a hassle getting everyone seated, but the second they were, drinks were already headed over their way.

"I'd like to make a toast," Meian started, earning everyone at the booth's attention. "To our first official win!"

"To our first official win!" Everyone repeated happily, all bringing their mugs together before taking a drink.

Some joyous laughter and smiles were shared between the team, giving their evening a great start. And when all their post-win rowdiness died down, everyone found themselves having conversations about their play.

Inunaki, Bokuto, Hinata, Barnes, and Atsumu were all excitedly chatting away about something — while Foster, Meian, Sakusa and Adriah were all having a calmer conversation about team tactics and some things that'd be vital to make notes on for the next time they were against the Adlers.

Overall, the evening was starting out great, and as far as anyone was concerned — it was only bound to get better.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•





°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

Like thought, MSBY's night had only gotten better, as with the hours that past, the more lighthearted everyone felt. Which obviously may or may not have been caused from the alcohol, but regardless, they all still felt great.

A good three hours had passed, and with nine rolling around it seemed most the team was pushing their limits with drinks — most really seemed to be party spirits; Atsumu included.

Atsumu, had gotten borderline wasted, alongside Bokuto, Barnes, Meian, and Foster while a few others like Hinata, Inunaki, and Sakusa were the tiniest bit past tipsy. Sakusa very well could've, and would've gotten wasted like most, if not for the fact he had to make sure Atsumu got home without passing out in the street.

Speak of the devil — The ravenette glanced to his left, looking at an overly unstable Atsumu. Said blonde was red in the face and slurring his words, all while laughing away about something with Bokuto.

Sakusa wouldn't admit it, but seeing the other all red and giggly was rather.. cute.

"'Tsumu, come on, we're gonna head out." The dark-haired called, lightly tapping the blondes shoulder to get his attention.

"Wha-.. no 'm okay.." Atsumu slurred, a drunken giggle following after his words.

"Glad to know you're okay, but I wasn't asking." Sakusa sighed as he got up, then gestured for Atsumu to do so as well.

The blonde simply stared at him for a minute, saying nothing in response before shaking his head and sticking out his tongue. Which earned a bitter eye roll from Sakusa, followed by a barely audible scoff.

"Fine, find your own way home then." The dark-hared shrugged and turned, nearly dead-set on just leaving Atsumu there and going back on his own.

Despite getting Atsumu home safe being the reason he stayed so long, Sakusa still planned to leave — yet he didn't get a chance to, as he was stopped by someone pulling on his arm.

"Nooo- don't ya dare!" The blonde let out a playfully irritated huff as he held onto Sakusa's arm, stopping said dark-haired from moving anywhere.

"Then let's go, or I can and will leave without you." Sakusa gave a blank expression, despite the small smile that urged to creep onto his face at having contact with Atsumu.

His touches always had made Sakusa feel warm.

"But Omi-kun," The blonde started, letting go of Sakusa's arm and taking hold of his hand instead. "Can't we stay a bit longer.." Atsumu whined.

"No." Sakusa shot the blonde a look, his final warning as a way of saying he wasn't going to repeat himself.

"Mm, fine." Atsumu let out yet another huff, rolling his eyes bitterly before focusing back on the dark-haired in front of him. "Pull me up."

Sakusa eyed the faux blonde at the request, he had to stop the immediate no that would've left his lips as he figured if he didn't, Atsumu would've gone.

Sighing bitterly, the dark-haired obliged and gently pulled Atsumu up, said blonde stumbling a bit on his way and not so surprisingly having to hold onto Sakusa as support.

Now clinging to the dark-haired's arm, Atsumu gave a satisfied smile alongside a small mumble, telling Sakusa he was ready to go now.

Sakusa, despite the small smile that made its way onto his face, rolled his eyes. However, now that Atsumu finally agreed to go, he could let Foster know they were headed home — and he did.

After that, the two had finally left and headed home. The entire walk back Sakusa was relatively silent, while Atsumu was mumbling incoherent things every now and then, all while keeping a firm hold on Sakusa's arm so he wouldn't fall over.

They'd stayed like that until they reached the front door, where Sakusa assumed it was safe for Atsumu to let go just so the door could be unlocked. Unfortunately, he assumed wrong.

The dark-haired had unlocked the door and taken a few steps inside, turning afterwards to make sure Atsumu was behind him, and he was, but he wasn't standing for long.

The faux blonde stumbled through the doorway, and to no surprise he ended up tripping, yet never hit the floor. Instead, Atsumu fell right into Sakusa, said dark-haired immediately having to strengthen his stance so he wouldn't fall either.

"Trust fall!" The blonde giggled, a bright smile on his face as he nonchalantly wrapped his arms around Sakusa.

The dark-haired stood silent for a moment, debating on whether to push him off or just leave him be — though, reality wise, Sakusa already knew his answer. Even if he didn't act like it, he enjoyed the contact from Atsumu, not so much when he was dirty and smelling like alcohol though.

"Let go 'Tsumu, you have to shower." The dark-haired sighed softly, waiting a moment only to get a small whine and the other shaking his head as a response.

"Can't walk," Atsumu mumbled. "Carry me an' I'll g-.. go for a shower." Once again, the blonde got caught up on his words, he may have drunken a bit much.

But that wasn't what got Sakusa. It was Atsumu's request, a stupid request he found himself giving into for the second time that night.

"Fine." Sakusa rolled his eyes yet again, though this time, his small smile was more than noticeable.

The second said dark-haired agreed, Atsumu didn't spare him a second before hopping up and wrapping his legs around Sakusa's waist — which led the ravenette to nearly dropping him.

"Give a heads up next time, dumbass.." Sakusa mumbled, yet only earning a soft giggle in response as he headed upstairs.

Atsumu sure was giggly when he drank, and apparently affectionate too — considering he clung to Sakusa, head rested on the tallers shoulder as he was carried upstairs.

The blonde stayed that way until he was brought to his room, where Sakusa had put Atsumu on his bed and gone to get him a change of clothes. The entire time, the blonde simply watched, doing nothing more than admiring the ravenette he, at the moment, felt blessed to live with.

"Here." Sakusa called once again, making Atsumu focus back on him. The dark-haired held out a pair of clothes, which the blonde eventually took.

"Thank ya, Omi-kun!" Atsumu finally got up, giving a thank you and one more thing before he planned on showering.

As Sakusa had gone to give a response he was stopped, stopped by a feeling so foreign yet so welcoming. Atsumu had kissed him, that familiar feeling of soft lips on his own, something he'd surprisingly eased into.

Right as those butterflies hit Sakusa, after an old, but not forgotten, warm feeling filled his chest, Atsumu had pulled away. A sweet smile plastered on his face, accompanied by a faint pink.

The blonde didn't say a word, instead, he held his smile high and headed off to shower — leaving Sakusa stunned.

The dark-haired stood in Atsumu's room for a moment, until he was able to gather himself. Taking a deep breath, Sakusa simply decided to brush off the incident and head back to his room, he needed a change of clothes along with a shower as well.

It didn't take long to have his things ready and all that was left was for Atsumu to get out of the shower, which — a good twenty minutes later he had.

The blonde called for Sakusa, letting the dark-haired know he could go for his shower now. To which he did, Sakusa headed off with the delightful thought of a shower in mind — leaving Atsumu completely unsupervised.

However, the ravenette paid no mind to that fact and focused solely on his shower. A good twenty minutes, just like Atsumu, was all he needed before he was out and more than ready for some sleep.

As he walked back into his room, Sakusa wasn't even the slightest bit surprised to see Atsumu curled up in his bed. Holding back a soft sigh, Sakusa walked over to the bedside, earning a glance from the blonde who seemed ready to pass out.

"Seriously 'Tsumu, you have your own bed for a reason." The dark-haired shook his head, and received no response.

Well, nothing besides Atsumu reaching out to tug at his hand. A silent gesture for Sakusa to just lay down with him, something the ravenette normally wouldn't agree to. Though, his need for sleep was bigger than his care for the fact he'd have to sleep with Atsumu — which left him one clear choice.

Say fuck it, and join him.

"Move over a bit." Sakusa instructed and Atsumu followed, said blonde giving the other his space to lay down.

The dark-haired mumbled a barely audible thank you before getting into bed and getting comfortable. Once again, the second not-so-surprising thing to happen, was Atsumu happily moving closer again.

The blonde didn't have a care in the world, in such a fuzzy-headed state of mind, the only thing he focused on was Sakusa. That and his want to be near him.

"'Tsumu?" Sakusa questioned, he felt Atsumu's arms wrap around him as he cuddled up close, the blonde's head resting gently on the dark-haired's chest.

"..shh, 'm tired.." Atsumu mumbled softly, his tired tone now unbearably light. "Sleep.."

Sakusa smiled a soft smile, taking in a deep breath and letting himself relax as he nodded.

"Okay, okay Atsu, let's get some sleep." The dark-haired spoke softly, his tone barely above a whispered as he gently wrapped his arms around Atsumu in return — holding him close.

Neither bothered to think of the questions they'd possibly have in the morning, or the confusion.

Because in the moment it felt right, and to them, that's all that mattered.


Izakaya - The Japanese equivalent to a Western pub

1) so this chpt was kinda rushed for two reasons, a) its a semi-filler chapter and i didn't plan out much detailed writing for it, b) i wanted to get an update published before school starts (which is in a little over 8hrs where i am) before my school work gets me distracted,, hope that's okay 😅

2) five more chpts y'all, five more >;)

~koi ☕︎︎

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