Eyes on the prize- Sebastian...

By BeeYourself12

70.9K 1.9K 526

Joey, Irish born female racing driver, has been offered the experience of a lifetime to support the FIA safet... More

1. First meetings
2. The penny drops
3. You're on, O'Shea
4. Australia pt. 1
5. Australia pt.2
6. Out with the red team
7. Monaco dining
8. Family time
9. Canadian matchmaking
10. Bad news
11. Ireland
12. Brotherly advice
13. Welcome to the family
14. What happens in Hockenheim...
15. The Summer break begins
16. Homely meals
17. Expect the unexpected
18. The date
19. Swiss bliss
20. Making it official
21. The L word
22. Ireland
23. Ireland pt.2
24. An unexpected guest in Suzuka
25. Better to think before you speak
26. Partying in LA
27. Birthday treats
29. Spending time together in Austin
30. You win some, you lose some
31. Family bonds
32. First week in Switzerland
33. One last ride
34. When in Ireland
35. The wedding pt.2
36. FIA party
37. Christmas time
38. Rallying in Finland
39. Reminiscing in Silverstone
40. German races
41. Family time
42. A wedding

28. Making up

1.2K 34 11
By BeeYourself12

Warning: NSFW!

Joey had just landed in Austin, her stomach hadn't stopped turning since Lewis had dropped her off at LAX airport earlier that day. 

She had ended up spending quite a lot of time with Lewis and his family, even moving her stuff out of the hotel and taking the room Nicholas was using, with the two brothers sharing Lewis' room.

Seb had offered to pick her up from the airport and Joey scanned the car park for his rental Alfa Romeo once she walked out. She spotted Seb leaning on the side of the car. His face lit up when he noticed Joey walking towards him. She was wearing a pair of light shorts and an oversized t-shirt, she looked tanned and the new hair style suited her perfectly. Seb thought she looked even prettier than he remembered. 

'Hey' she said, unsure on how to properly greet him. 

'Hey' he replied. 'Can I hug you?' 

'I am full of plane germs, but it's your call' she tried to joke. Seb leaned in to squeeze her against his chest. He had missed that feeling. He grabbed her luggage from her and put it in the back of his car and then opened the passenger door for her.

'Are you hungry? We can get some food'

'I am good, I ate on the plane, but if you're hungry…'

'No I can survive' he replied. 'Are you at the same hotel as me?' 

'Yeah, from what I gathered'

'Cool' Seb replied. Why did he feel like he had forgotten how to talk to her? 

'Seb' Joey started. 'Why does this feel weird?'

'I guess it's because we are both tiptoeing around the matter at hand.' He said, honestly. 'Afraid of saying the wrong thing, like I did in Japan. Would you like to come to my room and just talk our hearts out?'

'I think that's the best idea.' She replied.

Walking into Seb's room, Joey took a seat on the chair by the desk, whilst Seb sat on the edge of his bed.

'Before you say anything, I know you have no social media but I don't want the media to catch you out on this. Back in LA I accidentally bumped into Lewis, Nicholas and their dad and… well, easy to say the media jumped on it straight away, calling me all kinds of names up to and including "gold digger". Naturally, nobody knew about our little… break… but they still guessed and assumed. I stayed at Lewis' for some time, nothing happened of course, if you don't count me crying about you when I was drunk' she confessed. 

'I… already knew' Seb told her. 'And I might have got slightly jealous, but whatever Kimi says about it is a lie.' He tried to joke. 'But thank you for being honest, I think we need to speak honestly'

Joey nodded. 'I am good with that. I like honesty. Should I start?'

'Be my guest'

'You hurt me. You hurt me more than anyone had ever hurt me before.  You hurt me because you said the things I have been fighting against all my career. And it hurt racing me and racing me is a big part of who I am. But also, you know better than anyone else in my life how my relationships have been and… getting the word love thrown in my face after you're the first man I have said that to in about 10 years… that killed me. It really did.' Joey was trying to speak calmly, but her words were often interrupted by sobs.

Seb felt destroyed once more. Seeing the pain he had caused her was killing him.

'I know racing drivers, I am a racing driver. You always want to and need to keep your eyes on the prize, but don't burn bridges…' 

'There is no prize big enough to compare with you' Seb interrupted her.

Joey could barely contain a laugh... Here came cheesy Seb again!

'No wait, that came out cheesier than I wanted to be, but I am glad my awkward lines still make you laugh' he smirked. 'I mean… these last few days, since you left Suzuka with Liam… I felt empty. I felt like nothing else mattered but you. And I know it looks stupid that I had to mess up so badly to realise it. Joey, no amount of prizes and money compares to the way you make me feel every single time you look at me. The way you're making me feel right now, when you're looking at me like I am absolutely insane. I love you Joey. I do. And all I am asking you is to forgive me'

'You know, Sebastian, I told myself that no, I had enough of you, that I needed to concentrate on other things, but I couldn't stop thinking about you for one minute. Anything I saw, anything I did… I was thinking "I wonder what Seb would say" or "I wonder if Seb would like this". I forgive you, Seb. But, please, don't break my heart ever again'

'I never intended to' Seb said, getting up from the bed and walking towards her. 'I am so sorry, Süße.' He cupped her face with his hand. 'I love you so much' she smiled feebly. 'Can I kiss you now, please?'

Joey nodded, holding her breath in. She had missed the feeling of Seb's lips on hers, the scent of his skin, his passionate but still thoughtful way of pleasuring her. Seb leaned in towards her, his gaze not leaving hers. Their lips met in a sweet kiss. At first it was slow, chaste. They both felt like they were kissing for the very first time. 

Joey felt Seb's tongue gently push towards hers. She wrapped her arm behind him, pulling him closer to her. She was feeling all sorts of emotions and she knew exactly what was going to happen if she let the last of her barriers down.

'Seb' she whispered, gently pulling away from him. 

'Yes, M’fhíorghrá?' He smiled, proud of the new words he had learnt. 

'You know what you just said, right?' Joey asked.

'Of course, it's my true love. Or did I say it wrong? The pronunciation is…'

Joey interrupted his rambling by planting her lips on his. Every little uncertainty was wiped away by his beautiful smile and his sparkly blue eyes.

She made the kiss deeper, letting her hands roam freely under his light t-shirt. She could feel Seb's muscles tense up at the touch.

He slowly reached for her back, tracing lines with his fingers on her spine. Joey shivered, feeling her body ache for his. She had thought about taking it slowly, trying not to get hurt again but being in the same room as him had made her throw caution in the wind.

Seb pulled her shirt over her head, now reaching for her bra. He unclipped it and let her breasts free, cupping one in his hand. 

Joey let out a soft moan, only causing a more intense reaction from the German.

'ich will dich jetzt' he groaned. He reached over to her shorts, unbuttoning them in a hurry and pulling her thong away with them. He quickly discarded them on the floor and pushed her legs apart.

He started massaging her clitoris in slow concentric motions. Joey could feel her insides melt at every touch. He didn't pull his mouth from hers, as he slowly penetrated her with his fingers.

'Seb…' she whimpered. 

'Shhh, my love. It's all about you right now'

Soon, Joey had completely lost contact with her logical self, inebriated by the touch she had missed during their intense albeit short break. She couldn't wait much longer, she wanted to feel him inside of her once more. She summoned a small amount of strength to reach for his shorts and underwear. She pulled them down together, letting his erection spring free. She grabbed it in her hands, stroking it up and down. She could see Seb wincing with pleasure. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and started leaving a trail of kisses from his chest to his Lower abdomen. She took his length into her mouth, causing Seb to let out a moan.

'Puppe, du machst mich wahnsinnig ' he mumbled, his hands firmly behind her head. 'Ich will dich jetzt ficken.' 

(Babe, you're driving me crazy. I want to fuck you now.)

'What are you waiting for, then?' She teased.

Seb lifted her off the chair where she was still sitting and laid her down on the bed. 

With not even another word, he pushed himself inside of her.

'I… fucking… love you' he sighed, flopping to her side. 'I… you… you're amazing' 

'You're not too bad yourself, Mr. Vettel.' Joey replied. 'Can I say the assertive German really suits you? I guess I probably can finally learn some useful sentences… like I want to fuck you now… I guess that's gonna be useful when I move to Germany' she teased.

'Excuse me?! Unless you're using that with me you're not allowed to say that to anyone else.' Seb pouted. 'Talking about moving…'

'Yeah, I need to figure out the logistics. Might have to sell my place, find a more permanent home in mainland Europe.'

'I've got an idea' seb suggested.

'I love your dad, but I'm not moving to Heppenheim' Joey chuckled.

'No I was thinking more South West of it… Zurich area, maybe?'

'Why would I live in Switzerland and commute to races every time?'

'Because I live in Switzerland?' Seb suggested.

'Oh you mean…' Joey started.


'So we can see each other? But you can still see me if I lived in Germany'

'Can you please read between the lines, Jo?' Seb laughed. 'Will you move in with me?' He eventually asked, in reply to her confused face.


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