The Conjuction House (mindles...

By 2Blue_Diamonds

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bish just read its the sequel to drama drama drama More

Chapter 1-k_thax
Chapter 2-k_thax
Chapter 3-k_thax
Chapter 4 k_thax
Chapter 5-k_thax
Chapter 6 ~Nia
Chapter 7-k_thax
Chapter 8 ~Nia
Chapter 9-k_thax
Chapter 10 -k_thax
Chapter 11-k_thax
Chapter 12 -k_thax
Chapter 13-k_thax
Chapter 14 ~Nia
Chapter 15 -k_thax
Chapter 16 ~Nia
Chapter 17-k_thax
Chapter 18-k_thax
Chapter 19-k_thax
A little note-
ok officially
Chapter 20-k_thax
Chapter 21-k_thax
Chapter 22-k_thax
Chapter 23-k_thax
Chapter 24~k_thax
Chapter 25-k_thax
Chapter 26-k_thax
Chapter 27-k_thax
Chapter 28-k_thax
Chapter 29-k_thax
Chapter 30-k_thax
Chapter 31-k_thax
Chapter 32-k_thax
Chapter 33-k_thax
Chapter 34-k_thax
Chapter 35-k_thax
Chapter 36-k_thax
Chapter 37-k_thax
Chapter 38-k_thax Four Months Later
Chapter 39-k_thax
Chapter 40-k_thax
Chapter 41-k_thax
Chapter 42-k_thax
Chapter 43-k_thax
Chapter 44-k_thax
Chapter 45-k_thax
Chapter 46-k_thax
Chapter 47-k_thax
Chapter 49-k_thax
Happy Ending?

Chapter 48-k_thax

159 6 1
By 2Blue_Diamonds

Jade's P.O.V.

I woke up at 5 in the morning on New Years Eve to be exact. I had to get Kay from the hospital before tomorrow, because she hated the hospital so much.

Anyway, Prince left like five days ago, and Kay got a new roommate named Claire or something. Claire is over the top crazy, and...I just have no further words.

Jade: So, are you ready to leave?

It was 5:30, and I signed the paper work and what not, and all I had to do was take her home.

Kay: Yes, I can't stand to be here another minute!

Jade: Ok, hold on, let me get a nur-

Brittany walked in with waffles for Claire, and as I smelled them, I ran into the bathroom and threw up.  Laura walked in and handed me something.

Lauren: It's a pregnancy test. Take it really quick, and see what it says.

I took the dumb test, and ten minutes later I was shocked that I was pregnant...

I wrapped the test in paper towels, and walked out, shoving it in my purse.

Jade: Ok, Let's get you into a wheelchair.

Kay: I don't want to get in one.

Brittany: Sorry, it's procedure.

Kay: *mumbles* Procedure my ass.

She got up on her right leg, and slowly sat down. Connor wheeled her down the hall, and pressed the button for the elevator.

Kay: I forgot my bag, can you go get it?

Lauren: I'll get it, and I'll meet you down stairs.

Connor: I'm going to the bathroom.

The doors opened, and I got in along with Kayla, who had her headphones in.

An old lady was standing in the corner, wearing what looked like sheets. She glanced at me and smiled.

Lady: Congratulations.

Jade: Excuse me?

Lady: Congratulations, you're with child.

Jade: How do you know that?

Lady: I'm psychic. And just a head's up, you and your spouse will go through tough times, but no matter what, true love will find it's way. And a sisterly bond can never be broken.

Jade: Wait...what? Tell me more.

Lady: Sorry, I can't. Take my card.

Jade: Before you leave, may I ask you why you're here?

Lady: I don't have much time here on this earth, because of cancer, but look me up sometime.

She gave me a card and stepped off of the elevator at the next floor. Kay took out her headphones and looked at me.

Kay: What's wrong?

Jade: Um...nothing.

We got out and stepped into the lobby. Lauren stood there, talking to the receptionist, holding Kay's bag. Connor walked out if the bathroom and spotted us. I suddenly had the urge to throw up again, and I did while running to the bathroom.

Lauren followed me to the empty bathroom, and so did Connor. When I was done, I wiped my mouth and dabbed my face with cold water. I looked up and saw Connor looking confused.

Connor: What's really going on? You keep throwing up and everything, and everytime I ask if you're ok, you say you're "Fine", and it's "probably the flu or something", but I know you're lying. Just tell me what's up.

Jade: Fine! I'm pregnant!

I reached into my purse and pulled out the positive test. I threw it at him and he caught it. I stomped out of the bathroom and started to push Kay to the front where the vallet parking was. They brought the car in the front right on time, and held umbrellas for us since it was raining.

Kay used her crutches and got into my black Range Rover. I got into the drivers seat and waited for Lauren and Connor. Lauren sat in the back and Connor sat in the passenger seat. The car was dead silent, except for the blasting of Kay's music.

Connor: Look...Jay, we gotta talk...

Jade: What is there to talk about? I'm pregnant, and I'm keeping it. End of story.

Connor: We're not gonna share custody, because I'm going to be there to raise him or her. I'm your husband, and the father, so I'm going to care of the responsibility.

My straight face slowly curled into a smile and I kissed him, totally forgetting that I was driving and it was still dark out while raining.

Lauren: Keep your eyes on the road! *scoffs and mumbles* Straight people these days.

Connor: I can turn you back straight though.

Lauren: Yeah right! Your stroke game has to be too strong to turn my tongue straight.

Jade: Gross!

Lauren: Tiffany loves this tongue though. She likes when I-

Jade/Connor: We don't wanna know!

Lauren: You could learn a little something from me if you actually listened to my vivid details.

Jade: No thanks.

Connor: I'll pass.

We laughed as we reached our destination. Connor helped Kay into the house and I opened the door. She was shocked to see the entire gang throwing confetti and balloons and holding up a banner.

Everyone: Welcome home!

She smiled, and her eyes then landed on the Irish guy standing akwardly in the corner. It must have been Noah or whatever his name was.

Kay: Hey guys!

My phone rang in my pocket and I looked at the caller ID, deciding if I should answer or not. It was the hospital.

Jade: I'll be back, I have a call to take.

I walked into the livingroom and answered the phone.

Doctor: Is this Mrs. Jade Smith?

Jade: Yes, this is she, what's the problem?

Doctor: Amy Daniel's is missing.

Jade: Excuse me? What do you mean she's missing?!

Doctor: We have tried our best to find her before we notified you, and-

Jade: When did you first know she was missing?!

Doctor: About a week ago to be exact. December 26.

Jade: And you tell me a week later?! I hope you loose your license for this. I'm going to find her, and you better hope I don't sue your ass off.

I hung up the phone and walked back into the hall to call for Lauren.

Jade: Lauren, can you come here for a minue? I have to talk to you.

Lauren was standing to Roc giggling before she looked up at me. She got up and met me in the hall.

Lauren: Hey, you look worried about something, what's up?

Jade: Amy is missing...

Lauren: Wha-...

Jade: I have to find her, and I know exactly where she is.

Lauren: I'm comming, and so is Rayan and Chresanto.

Jade: Why do they need to come?

Lauren: For an epic adventure story. You know in the movies and stories when-

Jade: We are not in a movie or a book, this is real life, and our mother is missing. She could be murdered, and you're worried about a damn adventure story.

Lauren: Chill, I was just trying to make you smile. And life is like a story, you just turn the page and get a happy ending.

Jade: Did Luscious have a happy ending on Empire? No. Not everyone can have their happy ending.

Lauren: Ok, Let's just go look for Amy with Rayan and Jacob's help. I have a feeling if we keep talking about happy endings and making references to Empire, you're going to end up like Bunkie and Vernon. And we all know that Andre's wife is pregnant, but not by Andre.

Jade: No, It's Andre's- Let's look for Amy!

(Sorry, I just HAD to talk about Empire for a minute lol. Anika got that ass whooped by Cookie tho lol.)

We walked back into the hall, and Kay was sitting in the den laughing with everyone. I walked upstairs to change from jeans and a t shirt to something more appropriate for my destination after we find Amy. Laura was already wearing one of her normal outfits that consisted of formal wear. She had on a dress with a blazer and pearls for jewelry. I put on an outfit similar to that and walked downstairs, calling Ray and Prince. They walked up the stairs with confusion written all over their faces.

Jade: Put these shirts on with a tie. You're comming on an "epic adventure" as Lauren would say.

They took off their shirts and put on the button up shirts I gave them. Lauren and I helped them with their tie and we all got our jackets to leave.

Kay: Are you going to work?

Jade: No, we have some buissness to take care of. We'll be right back before you know it, I promise.

Kay: *sighs* Alright.

I kissed her forehead and walked out of the door and got into my Porsche. We rode in silence for a few minutes, but of course Ray asked questions.

Ray: Where are we going?

Prince: Yeah, you just told us to change our shirts and get in the car.are you kidnapping us? *mumbles* Not even gonna bribe us with candy?

Jade: No, dummy. Why would we kidnap you, and you're almost grown?

Jacob: Oh...

Lauren: We're looking for Amy. She "disappeared" from the hospital a few days ago.

Jade: There she is. I recognize the blonde hair and slutty clothes from a mile away.

Ray: And, What are we going to do with her?

Jade: You'll see.

She was in an alley by herself, smoking a cigarette. I drove next to her, and she had this sly smirk on her face. She wasnt drunk or high this time, which was a relief.

Jade: Amy, get in the car.

Amy: You're not going to offer me any candy or free wifi since you're trying to kidnapp me?

Prince: That's what I said!

Jade: Just get in the car.

Amy: You're a bad kidnapper. You won't offer me money or anything?

Jade: Amy, just get in the damn car!

Amy: Alright. Hold your damn horses.

She circled the car and got in. As soon as she closed the door, I drove away in the direction of any church that was close to us. Amy still had the cigarette in her hand, making everyone cough and hack.

Jade: Can you put the cigarette out please? You're going to kill us. And it stinks! *mumbles* like a cheap hooker.

I reached into my purse and pulled out vanilla scented perfume. I sprayed it toward her and she threw the cigarette out of the window.

Amy: Where are you taking me?

Jade: Church, you need Jesus in your life.

Amy: Would I really go to church in my "work" clothes?

Jade: Here, throw on these clothes.

I gave her a t shirt, a hoodie, and sweat pants. She looked at the clothes as if I were crazy.

Amy: And why would I wear that?

Jade: Just put on the clothes!

Lauren: Woah, wait a minute, I can't go to church.

Jade: Why?

Lauren: Because I have a girlfriend, which means I am a lesbian, and Jesus doesn't like homosexuals.

Ray: Well he's gonna love you today!

Jade: And why do you think that? Don't you think if god loved Hitler, he would love you?

Amy: Why is she in the car anyway? If she's gay-

Lauren: Jade, drive to the church a bit faster, because I don't usually resort to violence, but if I hear another word about my sexuality from the "thing"- I mean Amy, I'm going to break my knuckles into her face.

Amy: I'm not going in there dressed like this.

Jade: You brought this upon your self!

Lauren: They say come as you are.

Prince/Ray: She's taking the concept too far.

Jade: Ok, everybody, shut up! We're going into the church, and comming back out, blessed, got it,

Amy scoffs while everyone else nods.
Jade: And Amy, if you have a problem, I know a guy that can take you as far away from here as possible.

She didn't say another word and to my surprise, she threw on the shirt and pants over her clothes.

The car was quiet for the rest of the ride. I didn't mind the silence though. It made me feel somewhat at peace, despite the baby growing inside of me, despite my messy attempt at a divorce, despite the fights I've been through, I actually felt like peace drifted throughout my body and lifted a weight off of my shoulders. We arrived at the church at 8:30 and walked in with all eyes on us.

We sat in the back row, and watched as the service moved on. I wanted to slap Amy in her face when she decided to drink almost all of the wine during Communion. That was really a bad idea to give an alcoholic wine in church, just sayin, Jesus...

The pastor was talking about forgiveness or whatever, but I started to tune him out, thinking about his words carefully.

All of a sudden after not listening for almosy half an hour, Amy walks up to the alter or whatever it's called, and the pastor talks to her and share some type of words and she walks back in tears.

Maybe I'm the one that needs Jesus...

Amy's P.O.V.

I was sitting down, not really listening to whatever this man had to say, untill he hit me in the face with his words.

Pastor: If you're someone that needs someone's forgiveness, just come down, and God will forgive you. No matter what you did, who you hurt, he is a forgiving man.

I sat and thought for a second. I need Jade's forgiveness, Justin's, my other children's, Sam's, and just about everyone's. I thought how wrong that I was doing everyone, and before I depart the earth on behalf of my wrong doings, I must make sonething right.

I slowly walked to the alter. My heart was beating fast, and all eyes were on me, but I didn't care. These steps were the first steps on my road to recovery and forgiveness.

He speaks to me about turning my life around and getting clean. I actually considered listening. He then says how I should talk to everyone I need forgiveness from, and he tells me that if I have no one in the end, I can always turn to god.

And he was right..

I burst into tears because of how right he was. All this time I started to think that god didn't exist because of how quickly my life turned around when I was 15, but now I know I've been taking advantage of my lifestyle and I didn't realize what I had untill it was gone.

I walked back to my seat and pondered in my thoughts for a while untill it was "time to give". I reached into my purse and pulled out all the money I had. It was banded together in a thick rubber band that held together a total of about three thousand dollars. I walked up to the front again and put down my money.
As soon as everyone put their money down, it was time to leave after a closing statement. I silently walked back to Jade's car. We all sat for a second in silence until she turned on the radio.

My lover's got humor, she's the giggle at a funeral, knows everybody's disapproval, I should've worshipped her sooner.

If the heavens ever did speak, she's the last true mouthpiece. Every Sunday's getting more bleak, a fresh poison each week.

"We were born sick", you heard them say it.

"My church offers no absolutes"  She tells me worship in the bedroom. The only heaven I'll be sent to, is when I'm alone with you.

I was born sick, but I love it. Command me to be well, Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.

Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.

If I'm a pagon of the good times, my lover's the sunlight. Keep the goddess on my side, she demands a sacrifice. Drain the whole sea, get somethin' shiny. Somethin' meaty for the main course, thats a fine lookin' high horse. What you got in the stable? We've alot like a starving faithful.

That looks tasty, that looks plenty. This is hungry work.

Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.

Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.

No masters or kings when the ritual begins, there is no sweater innocence than our gental sins.

In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene, only then I am human, only then I am clean.




Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.

Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife. Offer me that deathless death, good God, let me give you my life.

I turned the radio off and reflected on the lyrics until Jade spoke.

Jade: was church?

Lauren: I don't know...I think I'm straight...

Ray: Me and Prince had to help some bad kids in sunday school.

Amy: I feel...different...

Jade: Great. It had an affect on you.

She continued to drive back to her house.

Jade's P.O.V.

Once we were at my house, everyone was gone. Kay was sitting at the island eating cereal.

Kay: Hey mom.

Jade: Hey babe. Amy, you can shower upstairs, and I'll get you some clothes.

Amy: Thanks.

Kay: What's the deal with her? She seems different.

Jade: We went to church. Long story short, she's "changed".

Lauren: That why I avoid churches.

Kay: Why?

Lauren: They say come as you are and leave changed, but I'm not trying to go in there as who I am, then leave and trying to fall in love with a guy. Not happening.

Connor: Hey guys. I have to go to work in a few hours.

Kay: But it's Sunday and I just got home.

Connor: I just have to go over some stuff for court, that's all. I'll be back before 3.

Lauren: And I have some clients I have to talk to at 12. There's a new year's party at my house at 10.

Jade: Bye. *whispers in her ear* Make sure you take your medicine.

Lauren: Bye guys.

An hour later...

I cooked breakfast for Amy and everyone. Once she was done, she got up and ran a hand through her wet hair.

Amy: Thanks for everything. I really appreciate it. And I know two words won't help fix anything or what I did to you, but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry. You don't even have to forgive me, but just know that I sincerely apologize for being the devil in your life.

She hugged me and I stood frozen, not knowimg what to do. I can't remember the last time my mother hugged me.

Kay: *mumbles and whispers* Hug her back!

She hit me in the back with her crutch and I hesitantly hugged her. We hugged for what felt like ages, because honestly, I didn't want to let her go. This is the first I hugged her without being beaten or pushed away and it brought an unfamiliar warmness to my heart. Tears started to form in my eyes as she slowly pulled away from my embrace.

Amy: I have to go burn some memories while I still can. I'll see you later.

Jade: Do you want a ride home?

Amy: No, thanks. You've done enough for me by just putting up with my nonsense for all these years. Thanks Jade, bye.

She walked out of the front door and I sat at the island next to Kay. I couldn't help but hug her to keep the warmness in my heart.

Kay: I appreciate the motherly love, but you're hurting my arm.

Jade: Sorry babe. It's just...Amy never hugged me sincerely like that before. It was nice to know she finally cares, ya know.

Kay: I know the feeling.

Connor: *walks down the stairs* I'm not going to work anymore. I decided I'll cook for you guys.

Jade/Kay: No!

Ray: *walks down the stairs* The last time he cooked, we were almost homeless. *laughs*

Kay: And it tasted like burnt garbage. *laughs*

Connor: It wasn't that bad.

Jade: Try cooking American food instead of Italian and French food.

Amy's P.O.V.

As soon as I got home, I grabbed all of my money and a few pairs of clothe. I grabbed some of the few pictures I had of Jade and I and also stuffed them into a bag. I grabbed a pocket knife, a few water bottles, and a few cans of food and a liter.

I poured liter fluid all over the house. Before I lit a match, something beeped in my pocket, and I realized it was the hospital telling me that I could get a new liver transplant!

I screamed for excitement, but my smiles fell when I heard the door slowly open. I turned around, and I was face to face with Tiffany Dawson, the sister of Sam Dawson who I murdered.

Tiffany: I know you killed my brother...

I couldn't really lie, I just got saved!

Amy: I-I d-don't know...-

Tiffany: Don't play stupid with me. I know you did it. They found your fingerprints and footprints in his room and strands of your hair.

Amy: I'm sor-

Tiffany: Don't apologize! He's already dead, there's nothing you can do about it, because you killed him!

Amy: I only did it because-

A knife was stabbed into my side. It hurt like hell, but once I saw own sticky, bright, red blood, I couldn't feel anything. It didn't feel real, none of it.

I stared at the blood on my hand, the blood staining through my clothes, and the knife that was causing the blood. I couldn't say anything, I just stared.

But then I saw her light a match...

And my entire house burst into flames...

I was still stuck on the fact that I was bleeding, not that my house was on fire!

I heard her bitter chuckle as she slowly walked away, but I had to think fast. Despite how bad it hurt, I forced the knife out of me, and I threw it, cutting her arm and falling to the floor I threw the next thing that wasn't on fire, which was a vase. It hit her in the back, but it didn't stop her from trying to escape.

It suddenly came clear that I had to get out of the burning house.

An entire wall came crashing down behind me as I ran. I reached the door knob and as soon as I opened the door, my vision went black, and my body went limp.

I couldn't do much about it since I felt like I was already dead...

Tiffany's P.O.V.

The day before...

Detective:...We have found our number one suspect, and we believe it is Amy Daniels, Caucasian woman, about 5'5, blond hair, blue eyes. Are you aware that Amy and Sam had some type of drug related buissness together?

Tiffany:...I'm aware...Sam, uh... "bought" her daughter.

Detective: What do you mean "bought"?

Tiffany: I don't want to talk about. Thank you for your time.

Detective: We will get more evidence and a warrant, then we'll arrest her. She can get up to 50 years for this.

Tiffany: No worries...I'll take care of her.

Jade's P.O.V.

Present day (8:45)...

Jade: Are you sure you don't want me to stay here with you?

Kay: Mom, I'll be fine. Just leave.I'll be asleep when you get back anyway.

Jade: Yeah, but I don't think you should stay here by yourself.

Kay: So you're getting me a babysitter?

Jade: No...well, maybe.

Kay: I'm 17!

Jade: I'll just call Roc and everyone else.

Kay: *sighs* It's better than a babysitter.

I called everyone up, and they were here at 9. I was almost done getting ready when Connor walked in.

Jade: Zip up my dress.

Connor: I don't understand why you're putting it on anyway, I'm just going to take it off of you anyway.

Jade: Just because you said that, you're not getting any for nine months.

Connor: Nine months?! I'm sorry!

Jade: Oh now you're sorry? *laughs* Just zip up my dress please.

He kissed my shoulder up to my jaw. I shivered after each kiss, feeling warmth, then coldness. I stopped him before he reached my lips.

Jade: Hurry up before we're late for the party!

Connor: Nope!

He pushed me onto the bed and held my hands above my head.

Connor: We can just skip the party, and go straight to bed.

Jade: That's not how I plan to start off the New Year. Not while the kids are downstairs at least.

Connor: Then I'll tell them to leave.

Jade: No, I'm going to my sister's party.

He got up with a raised brow.

Jade: What's wrong?

Connor: The words "My sister" sounds weird comming from you. It'll be weird now that you have a sister. You two will have sleepovers, and braid each other's hair, and share secrets, and stuff.

Jade: I'm a grown woman, why would I have a sleepover and act like a kid with my own sister?

Connor: Because you were a lame in high school.

He was right. I had no friends in high school, except the counselor who made me visit her every day, but she didn't count.

Jade: You're not getting any from me for a year.

Connor: I'm gonna die!

I got up and attempted to zip up my dress myself, but Connor got a grip on my wrist, and held my waist. His hand traveled up my thigh, and almost in my underwear, when there was a knock at the door and my phone vibrated. 

We sighed in unison and invited who ever it was in. It was Ray.

Jade: What do you want?

Ray: I want to sleep in here tonight.

Kay came in with her crutches and sat on the bed, then Nia, then Kelly, then Roc, then Prince. They all laid in my bed and got comfortable. They turned on the tv and started to watch cartoons.

Jade: Why are you in my bed?!

Kay: It's comfortable.

Connor: Nah, it's cool, me and your mother already had sex there, and we're about to mark the whole house.
They got out of bed with disgusted looks on their faces.

Kelly: But my spot was warm!

They all piled up back into my king sized bed, and Connor and I left the room and went downstairs.

I grabbed my keys and my purse and headed toward the door.

Jade: Ready?

Connor: Yup, I just have to get the wine.

I waited in his car and he came in a minute later and sat in the passenger seat. I quickly pulled off, listening to music and the navigation.

Once again, Connor's slick self put his hand between my legs and tried to get to work. My grip on the steering wheel tightened as his hand inched closer and closer. I made a left turn, but I wasn't suposed to. The irritating navagation lady got an attitude at me.

Jade: See, now we're probably lost all because you wanted to seduce me!

Connor: I never complain when I get lost in your-

Jade: I'll make you sit in the backseat or walk if you don't keep your hands to your self.

Connor: We're right here, I see her house. And you love when I do this.

He carresed my flower with his thumb and gave my inner thigh a gentle squeeze. I didn't want to admit it, but it felt good, and I craved his touch at the moment. He smirked and took my phone. He texted Laura and told her we were here.

I drove up to the huge gates leading up to her house. They opened and we parked the car farther down the driveway where other expensive cars were. We approached the door, and It was open, so we walked in, seeing everyone dancing, eating, drinking, talking, or wearing something that had something to do with 2015. It was only 10: 05, and ot looked like everyone was having the best time they could before 2014 was over.

I looked all around the house for Lauren, untill I walked into the kitchen.

Lauren: I don't get why you even wore that dress!

Tiffany: What's wrong with it?

Lauren: At 12:01, I'm kicking everyone out and it's comming off.

Tiffany sat on the counter, and Laura stood between her legs.

Tiffany: I have to leave at 2, I have buissness to take care of at home.

Lauren: I won't let you leave. Why can't you spend the night?

Tiffany: My hus- I mean, I just have to  get to work early tomorrow.

Lauren: *sigh* Alright then.

They shared an intense kiss. I stepped into the hall and called Laura's name and pretended like I wasn't eavesdropping. I walked back in seconds later, and Lauren was sitting at the island, on her phone, and Tiffany was browsing the fridge like nothing happened between them.

Jade: I'm here, and I brought you something.

Connor walked in just in time with the wine.

He gave it to Tiffany and hugged Lauren.

Lauren: Hey guys. Happy almost New Year!

Lauren hugged me and led us to the living room. I have to say, this was the best New Years party ever.

An hour and 45 minutes later...

The only thing I did was throw up since I got here. It seems like these four walls have been the only thing I got a really good look at. No one knew that I was in here, and I'd rather It stay that way.

Once I figured I was done, I found an unused toothbrush and brushed my teeth twice. I sprayed air freshener to cover up the smell of my vomit, and washed my face to try to get rid of  my red eyes and nose. I walked back into the party with only five minutes until midnight.

Connor: Where were you for the last two hours?! I thought you just disapeared and left me for some-

Jade: Just enjoy the last five minutes of 2014.

Four minutes went by super fast, and when it was down to one minute left, Connor and I stood in the corner all hugged up on each other, just watching the countdown on Lauren's huge tv.

It soon got down to 15 seconds, and someone was at the door. By the sound of their banging, I could tell it was urgent. Lauren and I curiously and cautiously opened the door, and saw a man dressed in a suit and tie. It was drawing closer and closer to the ten second countdown.

??: Excuse me, may I speak to Rose Daniels, and Jade Daniels, please?

Everybody: Ten...

I cringed at the way he said my maiden name. It sounded so horrible and unfamiliar, I almost didn't recognize it was my name, or at least my old name. 

Lauren: I'm Rose, and this is Jade. Is there a problem?

Everybody: Nine...

??: I came here to inform you that Amy Daniels was pronounced deceased as of December 31, 2014, at 3:24 pm. Cause of death is liver failure, excessive bleeding, and a house fire.

I couldn't speak and my everything felt numb. I heard the faint voices of everyone else in the background, but I couldn't focus. This information this unknown man just shared with me, was it true? I mean, it can't be! I just saw her litterally hours ago!

Everybody: Five...four...

Lauren: Um...ok. Thank you for informing us.

She shut the door and scanned the crowd for Tiffany I think.

Everybody: New Year!!!!

Confetti was thrown in the air, but I looked over at Lauren and saw her fists clenched, and her eyes change to a dark and scary color I didn't recognize. I looked at what she was angrilly staring at, and it was of Tiffany kissing some guy.

Of I were in Lauren's position, I probably would have reacted differently. If Tiffany was kissing another girl, I'll be mad, but eventually get over it, but for her to kiss another GUY?! I'd kill her if I were Lauren!

Lauren marched to the both of them, and the rest was history...

Lauren's P.O.V.

Everybody: New Year!!!

I heard everyone scream, but my eyes laid on the one and only Tiffany, who is the love of my life, kissing another guy.

I was furious, angry, hurt, everything you could imagine that has to do with the betrayal I'm feeling right now. I honestly wanted to shut everything down and cry in my room for a few days, but at the corner of my eye, I saw this familiar darkness that terrified me whenever I saw it. All of a sudden I don't see anything, but I feel myself moving. I hear chaos and movement and a chorus of gasps errupt from all over the place and after what felt like centuries, I blonked away the darkness, and found myself in Jade's arms, crying like a baby.

Jade's P.O.V.

Lauren pushed the guy away from Tiffany and also pushed Tiffany into a wall, making her hit her head on a picture frame. Lauren wrapped her hands around the man's throat, nearly killing him. I had to do something, but I knew for a fact that I wasnt gonna end up like the poor man or Tiffany.

Jade: Connor, do something!

Connor pulled Lauren back from her waist, and the entire party had their share in whispers, comments, and gasps. Everyone departed after Lauren's little "scene".

The house was empty except for Connor, who just let go of Lauren, me who is just narrating/instigating and trying to help Tiffany, who is craddling her head, and Lauren, who is pacing the room and muttering words to herself.

Lauren: What the hell was that, Tiff?! You fucking kissed him in front of all those people, and you are in a relationship with me! What the fuck?!

Tiffany: I'm sorry, I think I had too much to drink.

Lauren: Don't use that excuse with me! You must have wanted him if you kissed him! You're a fucking liar!

I helped Tiffany up, but Lauren charged at her, choking her and pinning her against the wall. Tiffany hit her head again, this time I saw blood. It took Connor and I to pry Lauren away from Tiffany.

Tiffany: *cries* I said I was sorry! I didn't mean-

Lauren: Get the hell out of my house!

Tiffany: Babe-

Lauren: Get out now!

Tiffany: I'm sorry *cries* Please, believe me!

Lauren: It's over between us. Don't ever call or text me anymore. I'm done. I fucking hate you.

Tiffany: Babe, you don't mean that-

Lauren: Get out, before I do more damage!

Tiffany jumped at the sound of her voice. She sadly walked away in tears.

Lauren: I'm done with her! You have no idea how betrayed I feel right now.

Jade: It's gonna be ok, just take your medicine and calm down.

Lauren: I can't calm down, because it fucking hurts! I trusted her with my life despite my past, and she just stabbed me in the back!

She picked up a picture of her and Tiffany and threw it against the wall. I shattered, and she also picked up a wine glass and threw it in the same spot. She picked up whatever she could grab and threw it all around the house. The last thing she threw was a vase with flowers and as soon as it broke into pieces, she fell to her knees and cried. I sat on the couch, and took a deep breath to prevent myself from throwing up again. She sat on the couch and cried in my lap.

Jade: It's ok. Just forget about her and move on.  She isn't worth the tears.

Lauren: You don't understand Jade.

She looked up at me, and the terrifying look in her eyes disappeared and was replaced by her normal look, but full of sadness.

Lauren: For six years I was in love with her. Six years of my life, I made her my everything, but I wasted my time on her, and I didn't even see it comming. That was so effing embarrassing to see her kissing some strange man in my house when she should have been kissing me! This hurts so bad.

Jade: Just sleep off the heartbreak for now, and I'll be back tomorrow. Happy New Year, sis.

Lauren: This isn't a happy new year, this was disastrous! I didn't want to start my year off with a hearbreak, that'll only mean I'll end the year with a heartbreak.

I grabbed my coat and purse and walked to the car, this time, getting into the passenger seat. Connor got in and started to drive.

Connor: Who was at the door when you and Lauren answered it? I saw the look on your face, and you looked shocked and sad. What happened?

I just remembered the devastating news about my mother. I didn't want to think about it. It was way too painful.

Jade: At about 3:30 earlier, Amy uh...she died...

He looked at me shocked.

Connor: Are you serious?! You just saw her-

Jade: Yeah, I know.

Connor: Are you going to be ok? How are you holding up?

Jade: I don't know, honestly. I don't know what I'm feeling. I don't know if I should be shocked, devastated, angery or sad. I want to cry, but I cant. I want to punch something, but I won't. I just feel I can't express anything.

Connor: You can't keep your feelings bottled up, you have to cry or hit something sometime.

Jade: I know, I just... *sigh* I have no idea...

He put a hand on my leg, and I expected it to warm me up inside instead of not being able to feel anything, but it doesn't. I pushed his hand off, leaving him with a confused look.

My heart is filled with nothing but stuffing. It's fluffy and soft, but it's bound to fall apart. And that's what I felt right now...

Broken and empty...

Woah...I got no chapter might be the last, and it might be average length; Not too long, not too short.

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