Outer Banks Imagines

Door justasocalleddreamer

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I never know what to write here, I mean the title says it all. Meer

JJ- "I don't want to be your charity case"
John B- "If I used that one we couldn't talk"
Pope- "your the smart one"
JJ- "Next time use a bit of common sense"
JJ- "hopefully"
Kiara- "I mean the guys said it was obvious"
Kiara/Sarah- "Other then her being a kook, none"
JJ- "Hopefully" (Part 2)
Rafe- "Also here's your money back"
Sarah- "hey stupid, I love you"
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you"
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 2)
JJ- "Rafe Cameron isn't better then you" (Part 3)
Rafe Cameron- "Jealous of John B?"
Rafe- ""It's my first step to not caring what he thinks"
John B- "Jesus we leave you alone for ten minutes
Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed"
Rafe- "Its my first step to not caring what he thinks" (part 2)
John B- "I didn't need my heart anyway. Who cares if it breaks"
Rafe- "It's my first step to not caring what he thinks" (Part 3)
Sarah- "Fucking Camerons"
Rafe- " "I wouldn't dream of it"
JJ " I don't want to be your charity case" (Part 2)
John B- "Your new boyfriend's an asshole"
Rafe- "I wouldnt dream of it" (part 2)
Pope-"As you said earlier I've changed" (Part 2)
John B- "I don't have much else going on"
Rafe- "you deserve better then friends who leave you"
John B- "I'm already involved"
JJ/Rafe- "I just don't want you to get hurt"
Cleo- "that's just Cleo"
Rafe- "you deserve better then friends who leave you" (Part 2)
JJ- "I thought I snoozed the alarm"
Rafe- "You deserve better then friends who leave you" (Part 3)
John B- "I promise"
Rafe- "But I'm your best friend"
Barry - "Just don't tell your brother"
Rafe - "So what do you want?"
Rafe - "I'm a terrible person"
Sarah -"Now why would you do that?"
Rafe- "All because I liked a boy"
JJ/Kie- "We met evil when we were only children"
Rafe - "I don't know how to love you..."
JJ - "They see right through me"

JJ - "He wasn't just some guy"

8.7K 103 5
Door justasocalleddreamer

WARNING: This will have spoilers for season two so if you haven't watched or finished watching season two of Outer Banks I would suggest skipping this one and then coming back once you have ever watched or finished it. Don't come at me for spoiling it.


Description: You were dating JJ when he mysteriously disappeared with his friends leaving you confused and hurt. You having no idea about anything that was going on.


Four months since I last saw JJ, I last talked to my boyfriend. Four months of students whispering about what might have happened to my boyfriends and his friends. Snide remarks from my peers, aka kooks, about how he was probably on the run with his father, that it was better that he and the others had just disappeared. For the first few remarks I was able to keep my mouth shut but I eventually caved and landed myself in the principles office. After a lecture from the principal, I got a lecture from my parents about how I should just let them go, that they weren't coming back and how I shouldn't have spent all my time with Pogues.  They lectured me about how I should have spent my time making friends with the kooks, how I should have found myself a kook boyfriend. From the moment they learned about JJ's disappearance they seemed relieved like JJ was going to ruin my life when in all honesty he made it better. I stared out the classroom letting my thoughts wander to when I first met JJ.

I let out a breath as I held onto the railing. Another Kook party I was forced to attend by my parents, they were obsessed with trying to make friends with everyone, to make connections. This meant I was forced to be nice to their kook kids which was hard, especially with the likes of Rafe Cameron and his friend Topper and Kelce. I just had to smile as they made horrible comments about multiple people. After Rafe's final comment I had decided to leave before I slapped him. I took another deep breath look ahead at the water, a wooden dock with a small boat docked.
"You okay?" A voice broke me out of my trance, I turned to see a blonde boy in a waiters uniform staring at me.
"Can I ask you a favour?" I turned to fully face the blonde who seemed interested in what I was about to say, a quick nod of the head. "Can you poison Rafe Camerons water" A small smile broke out on the blonde's face.
"Sadly I don't think I can, I've just finished" I just nodded as the boy carried on speaking. "You're new here right?"
"Yeah, moved here about three months ago. I think I'm learning everyone is only out for themselves, everything is a business deal, even friendships" I leant back against the railing as I spoke.
"I think you're just hanging around the wrong people" The boy responded shifting the bag that was on his shoulders.
"Oh yeah, who should I be hanging out with then?" I responded, the boys gaze left me to look over my shoulder and towards the dock where the small boat was.
"Names JJ" The boy held his hand out to me. I took his hand in my own.
"Y/n" I shook the JJ's hand before letting go, both our hands falling back into their original places.
"Well, y/n want to meet some people that don't treat friendships like businesses opportunities" JJ tilted his head to the side waiting for my response.
"Lead the way" JJ smiled. That was the start of my relationship with JJ, and my many disappointments to my parents.

"Miss y/l/n" I jumped as my teacher placed her hand on my shoulder pulling me out from the memory, from seeing JJ's face.
"Yeah" I responded looking up at her confused as to why she would disturb me.
"Class is over" The woman looked over her shoulder, I did the same, the classroom was empty, me and her being the only ones remaining.  I mumbled an apology as I collected my things shoving them in my bag. A sympathetic smile on the teacher's face as I placed my bag on my shoulder. I kept my head down as I walked out of the classroom and down the corridor that was filled with students talking about the upcoming weekend, the parties that they were going to attend, living their lives while I was stuck wondering about what had happened to JJ and his friends.

I walked down the street stopping as I came to one of the many signs pinned to the posts, Kiara's face plastered with missing underneath, not that further away was one for Pope. Each poster was put up by their families, I tried to talk my parents into giving me money to put some up for JJ and John B but you can guess how that went. I remember when I first spoke to Mr and Mrs Carrera.

"Y/n" Mrs Carrera called out as I walked towards the two of them both holding a pile of posters. I tried to get some words out but couldn't, I didn't know what to say, what do you say in this type of situation. "Do you know anything" I shook my head. "You sure, Kiara didn't say anything at all" Mr Carrera had joined the two of us placing his hand on his wife's back, the other holding the pile of missing person posters. Again I shook my head. "God this is all our fault, we should never have kicked her out or told her we'd send her away" Mrs Carrera started to break down turning to look at her husband, I looked at the pair confused.
"You kicked Kie out?" I looked from Mrs Carrera to Mr Carrera, both turned back to look at me.
"Kiara didn't tell you?" Mr Carrera asked while still trying to console his wife.
"No" I responded. I was surprised that they had actually kicked her out but wasn't that surprised that she hadn't told me. Since the middle of summer, the whole group had become distant, including my boyfriend JJ. I tried to speak to him on numerous occasions about it and he would just reply with he'd tell me soon, then John B 'died' and I tried my best to console JJ it didn't feel right to ask him questions while he was grieving. Soon John B reappeared and seemed like everyone knew something I didn't again I brought it up to JJ and he said the same thing over and over, I just let it drop looking back I should have forced him to tell me. Now I'll never know if it has anything to do with his disappearance.

I stared at the picture of Kiaras face, what did you guys know, what did you get yourselves involved in. Why didn't you guys tell me. I don't know how long I was stood staring at the poster before I heard my voice being called, a girl from my English class that I had spoken to a few times came walking towards me.
"Hey" I greeted the girl turning away from the poster giving her my full attention.
"Hey, I'm throwing a party tonight at mine and I think you should come" The girl smiled as she spoke.
"I'm good" I replied the smile falling from her face.
"Oh come on y/n, how long are you going to be hung up on those Pogues" She pointed towards the poster of Kiara. "I mean come on they left, they left you behind, they didn't really care about you. What boyfriend leaves their girlfriend, especially with no answers." I bite the inside of my cheek taking a deep breath as the girl continued. "They weren't your real friends, friends don't just leave their friends"
"We don't know they just left, we don't know what happened" I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible but it was nearly impossible.
"Please, even Sherrif Shoupe says there was no foul play, your the only one that doesn't believe they just left" I just shook my head at the girl's response. I couldn't just believe that they would just leave, that would hurt more. "Look I was just being nice, don't come, be antisocial" The girl turned walking away.

I quickly made my way back home. I pushed the front door dropping my bag near the door and kicking my shoes off before walking into the house. Down the hall, I could hear my dad on the phone, most likely with a business partner. I walked through the house towards the kitchen, my mom stood at the counter with a cup of coffee in her hand, dressed in business attire.
"We were waiting for you to get back" My mom placed her coffee cup on the counter. "Your father and I have to head to the mainland, we have to meet someone, we'll be spending the night.
"Okay" I replied simple, it wasn't exactly the first time my parents had left me alone to go do business.
"Mrs Reynolds was telling me her daughter was having a party, you should go" She picked up her coffee taking a drink.
"No, aren't parents supposed to talk their kids out of partying.
"So what, your just going to sit in your bedroom all weekend as usual" she placed the cup back down with a shake of her head. "You're wasting your life over some guy. You really just need to get over him"
"He wasn't just some guy, he was my boyfriend, I love him, and he's missing, I'm not just going to get over it" I could feel the tears filling in my eyes but I refused to cry in front of her.
"You seventeen, you barely know what love is" My mom shook her head in disgust as I let out a laugh in disbelief. I didn't respond, there was no point, it was like talking to a brick wall.  I walked back through the house and towards the stairs.

"Hey y/n" my dad smiled but I didn't respond, I made my way up the stairs towards my room. I shut my door making my way over to my bed climbing under the covers before unlocking my phone and going to one of my favourite pictures of JJ and I. Tears started to fall down my cheeks, I held the phone closer to myself just wishing that he was here, soon I found myself drifting off to sleep.

A small knock at my door brought me out of my slumber.
"y/n we're heading out now" It was my dad's voice. I didn't respond. "There's some money left on the side if you choose to order something" I listened as my dad's footsteps became quieter till I heard the front door open and shut. For a while I didn't move I just lay staring up at the ceiling of my room, my phone still clutched tightly in my hand. 

After maybe almost an hour like this the feeling of hunger grew, I pushed the covers off me and sat up checking my phone, 10%, I plugged it in to charge before making my way down the stairs. All downstairs was in darkness, I walked through turning on each light till I reached the kitchen, as my dad said the money was sat on the counter. I walked past the money and towards the fridge opening the door, I was hungry but I didn't have the energy to cook anything and I didn't want to use my parent's money to order something. I shut the fridge making my way to the cabinets, again nothing caught my attention, I shut the cabinet turning around. I turned the kitchen light off and made my way back to my room.

I walked closer I noticed that the light in my bedroom had been turned on, I tried to think back to whether I had turned one on but it seemed a blur. I walked closer to my room a slight breeze now coming from my room. I stood to the side as I slowly pushed the bedroom door opening peering inside. Inside stood a figure, a figure with blonde hair, blonde hair I'd know anywhere, even though it seemed a little longer now.
"JJ" I stepped into the room, the boy quickly turned to face me, a smile spread on his face as his eyes landed on me.
"y/n" he seemed almost relieved as he started to walk towards me his arms open, without thinking I pushed the boy back, out of confusion and a bit of anger. "I deserved that"
"You deserve much more than that" I crossed my arms, my eyes feeling with tears. JJ nodded his head. Only now was I truly looking him up and down, his hair was longer, his clothes were dirty, his shoes were grime, a small scar now on his forehead. "What the hell happened? Why did you leave? Why did you leave me?" My voice broke as I spoke, a look of horror crossing JJ's face.
"I promise I didn't mean to leave you. I wanted to tell you everything. I really did but I didn't want you to get hurt. I cared too much about you, I never wanted to lose you. I never wanted to put you at risk and telling you, getting you involved put you at risk" JJ rambled pacing. "I mean, everyone else involved got hurt or almost died, Kie almost drowned, Pope got kidnapped, John B got attacked by a gator, Sarah got shot, I couldn't let anything like that happen to you" JJ stopped pacing turning to look at me, I was even more confused by everything that JJ had just told me. "I promise I will tell you everything" JJ walked closer placing his hands on my shoulders resting his head against mine. "I promise" I nodded pulling the boy into a hug. I was still angry, confused and hurt but mainly relieved and I was glad I was able to hug him, even if he smelled like he hadn't washed within the last four months.
I pulled away from the boy looking at every detail on his face memorising it as if he was going to disappear into thin air.
"You hungry" I broke the silence, a smile grew on his face.
"Am I hungry" He laughed, god it was so good to hear his laugh, his voice.
"That's a yes. I'll order the food and you can take a shower" I crossed my arms.
"Hey, are you saying I smell" JJ tried to act offended but he knew the truth.
"Have you washed at all since you've been gone?" JJ pretend to be in thought. "Just go in the shower I don't think I want to know" The two of us made our way out of my room, I started to make my way down the stairs as JJ reached out pulling me back.
"I really do promise to tell you everything"
"You better or you're not getting any food" I responded making my down the stairs.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. At the time of posting this, it is 2:30 am, and I have work tomorrow at 11:30.

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