Into The Deep End - A Roman R...

Por msbigredmachine

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Sasha has always tried to play it safe, to keep her life as simple and risk-free as possible. Things change... Más

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Por msbigredmachine

In five days Sasha had travelled enough possibly for a lifetime. It was a non-stop cycle these wrestlers embarked on and it was on very little sleep too. Back at home she was usually up by seven a.m. at the latest following a night shift at the Grill, which gave her at least five more hours of sleep. Joe, Jon and Colby barely made it through three. Travelling was nowhere as glamorous as it was perceived to be. The likes of Cena, CM Punk and Orton had buses to ferry them around, and while the Shield were royalty on TV, behind the scenes they were treated as rookies and were relegated to fending for themselves and squeezing into tiny cars and vans. There was a lot of gym time, a lot of bland eating and protein shakes, a lot of heating pads and cold baths and bulletproof coffee, all while trying to find their way to the next city. It was an intense, tough program but they sucked it up.

Sasha did what she could to help the boys out. There were moments where she felt she was in the way and other times where she felt her help was appreciated. It was now impossible to ignore how tired Joe was becoming and how much he was hurting from the constant bumping and bruising. It wasn't a secret that he was the one being groomed to lead the company in the future, and Sasha was not sure he was coping with the pressure as well as he claimed. The painkillers were appearing more frequently. Each time she pressed the issue, he played it off. There was little she could do about his stubbornness but she played her part by getting him to rest as often as possible. Amidst the stress and the chaos – as well as Orton undressing Sasha with his eyes at every chance he got – Joe made time for his girlfriend. In Gainesville they had a nice dinner at a steak house, visited the Gulf World Marine Park in Panama City Beach and went a private boat cruise in Tallahassee, getting away, if only for a few moments, from the craziness that was the WWE.

The agitation plaguing Sasha for the past few days had given way to downright terror. The day had finally arrived. She and Joe were heading to Pensacola to see his family. She wished she didn't feel so tense but she couldn't help herself. Meeting the partner's family was always a huge step for both parties and this was no different. To keep her mind occupied she glanced through the pictures on her new iPhone. There was quite a number of pictures she'd taken, different ones with Joe, Trinity and some of the other Divas, the twins and Jon and Colby. Colby had posted a photo of him and Sasha with a tweet that brought a smile to her face:

One of the coolest ladies I've ever met. Now to get her to join social media...hmm #MissionImpossible #NewBestie #FellowRocker

As interesting as it looked she doubted it would happen. Colby and Trinity had introduced her to all the trendy social media sites but she really didn't see the point of putting herself out there like that. If Jon, as popular as he was, could successfully stay away then it would be a piece of cake for her. Putting her phone away, she smoothed down her skirt and remembered how she'd agonized over what to wear. Her hair was down in soft waves and her make-up was minimal. She settled for an outfit that looked conservative enough.The last thing she wanted was to look inappropriate in front of his parents.

Her gaze fell upon her boyfriend, his own fixed on the road ahead. Wearing a fitting black shirt and jeans, he looked sexy as usual. His sunglasses shielded his eyes but his jaw was working, giving him away. He was quiet. He'd been quiet lately, ever since he spoke to his father the day before. He hadn't revealed details but it was no coincidence that his withdrawal began right after he'd hung up the phone. "You okay, baby?" she asked him, lightly massaging the nape of his neck. "You've been quiet."

His dad had called to confirm that he and Sasha were still making the drive up to Pensacola. His mom, however, had hijacked the call to berate him for making his relationship with Sasha public when he hadn't even introduced her to his parents. It was a bit of a mess but he didn't want to burden Sasha with all of that. It was bad enough that she was already skeptical about being here. He wasn't sure what mood his mother was going to be in today but he hoped it was positive for Sasha's sake. "I'm good, nani. You?" He could sense she was nervous too.

"I feel I should have brought something else as a gift," she lamented, looking over her shoulder where the bottle of wine and the box of chocolates lay in the back seat.

"I told you, it's fine," Joe insisted. "My dad loves those chocolates. Besides, they wouldn't have minded if you didn't bring anything."

"What if they don't like me? They'll just see me as the cradle robber that's been corrupting their baby," said Sasha.

"No they won't. Besides, I'm the one that's been doing the corrupting, don't you think?" he answered, shooting a sly glance in her direction.

A wicked smile formed on her face. "You sure about that, Reigns?"

Joe felt her hand on his thigh and cast his eyes down to see it inching dangerously towards his crotch. "You wouldn't. Not when I'm driving," he growled.

Laughing, she pulled her hand away, instead resting it on top of his own on the steering wheel. "Of course not. Don't want you crashing this car with me in it. I'm precious cargo."

"Tease. I have no problem pulling this car over and taking you how I want," Joe grumbled, turning his right hand over so that her hand fell into his palm. He squeezed it gently, the softness of her slim fingers imbedded in his brain. "My family will adore you, Sash. There's nothing to worry about," he told her.

"You think so?" Sasha asked hopefully.

"I know so." He cast a quick glance at her and kissed the back of her hand. "You look beautiful, baby girl."

Smiling at his compliment, she held onto his hand for the rest of the journey. She could only hope he was right about his family.

If she thought Joe's home in Tampa was enormous it was nothing compared to his parents' residence. The house was preceded by a sprawling, manicured front lawn peppered with small palm trees. As they neared the front door, Sasha tightened her hold on Joe's hand and willed her stomach to stop flipping. It was just his parents and his siblings around but it didn't stop the nerves from flowing.

The door was opened by an imposing-looking man who looked just like Joe, only several pounds heavier. The moment he laid eyes on Joe he grinned widely. "Ayyy, look who's here!"

Joe stepped forwards and greeted him with a big man-hug. "What's up bro? It's been a while." Pulling away, he guided Sasha in front of him. "Matt, this is Sasha. Sasha, this is my big brother Matt."

Sasha started to extend her hand, and was shocked when the big man pulled her in for a hug. "So this is the lady my little bro is so crazy about," Matt remarked, causing Sasha to smile bashfully.

"Come on, man," Joe couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face.

"Am I lying? She's all you ever talk about on the phone, man," Matt retorted. "Come on in. Mom, dad and the girls are inside." Together they walked in, with the brothers talking about Matt's wife and children. Matt noted with a small smile how Joe held Sasha close to him even as they entered the house.

"Who's at the door, son?" A deep booming voice sounded, and a stocky, hulking figure wandered over.

"Hey Dad," said Joe.

"You made it," his father grinned, the two men hugging the same way the brothers had. Sasha stood meekly behind them, watching the scene unfold with a smile before Joe's father returned his attention to her. "You're more beautiful than my boy mentioned, Sasha," he said, gathering her in his arms.

"Thank you, Mr. Anoa'i." Sasha smiled graciously at the older man and presented the wine and box of chocolates. "And thank you for inviting me into your home."

"Call me Sika, sweetheart." He accepted the gifts with a big smile. "Wow. This is my absolute favorite candy. The wife won't be too thrilled but I'ma just tell her, YOLO, ya know?" He tried to make a cool face, along with hand gestures, and the hilarious visual made Sasha laugh.

Joe cringed. " Where is Mom by the way?"

"Kitchen. Go find her. She's been dying to see you both," Sika said, gently steering them in the direction of said place.

"We'll be back in a minute." Joe weaved his fingers through Sasha's as they walked away. "Your dad's so cute," Sasha giggled.

"He's got his moments," he acknowledged as they entered the kitchen where three women were gathered. The oldest woman turned around, a wide smile lighting up her face. "There's my baby! Come here, darling!" She all but rushed Joe in a big hug and an even bigger kiss on his cheek. Her eyes then fell upon the dark-skinned woman standing behind him, her smile waning by a fraction. "You must be Sasha. I'm Patricia."

"You're stunning, Mrs. Anoa'i." She had to say it. She had seen pictures but they did no justice to the woman standing in front of her. She was much more beautiful in person and Sasha saw where Joe got his movie star looks from.

"Well, she is Italian so that helps," the youngest woman said, approaching Sasha and engulfing her in a tight hug. "Hi Sasha! I'm Cassie. It's so nice to finally meet you!"

"Don't squeeze her to death, Cass," the third woman warned. "Forgive my sister, she's a mess around new people," she explained to Sasha, giving her a hug of her own as Joe looked on with a chuckle. "Now that you're done manhandling her, I'd like to formally introduce y'all," he stated. "Mom, Alma, Cassandra, this is Sasha. Sasha, this is my mom and my two loving sisters."

"Loving being the operative word," said Cassie, and Sasha tried not to laugh as Joe rolled his eyes and made a goofy face, wincing when Cassie smacked the back of his head. "Oww!"

Patricia shook her head and chuckled. "Lunch is ready. You must be starving after such a long trip. I made one of your favorites, Leati. Palusami. I know how much you love your palusami."

"You know I love anything you make, Ma," Joe replied as his mother pinched his cheek.

"Only the best for my baby," she cooed, all of her attention on her son. Whether it was deliberate, Sasha wasn't sure, but she could definitely sense Patricia was in full Mama Bear mode. Clearing her throat, she asked, "Do you need help with anything, ma'am?"

Alma answered for her mother. "Sure. You can help us take out the food into the dining room," she said, missing Patricia's subtle glare at her. "Leati, go hang out with Dad and Matt. We'll be out in a minute."

"Alright sis, I know when I'm not wanted," Joe joked, kissing Sasha's cheek before exiting the kitchen. Sasha only realized she was staring after him when Cassie nudged her and wiggled her eyebrows dramatically.

"You have a beautiful home, ma'am," Sasha observed, looking around the spacious kitchen.

"Thank you. And please call me Patricia." She locked scrutinizing grey eyes, so much like her son's, on the new woman.

"So Joe says this is your first time on the road with him," said Alma, handing Sasha a casserole dish. "How's it been for you?"

"It's been an eye opener, that's for sure," she replied, "This is my very first time outside Tampa so there was a lot to take in. I never realized how crazy the WWE's schedule was, I think we covered half of Florida in three days."

"I take it Joe paid for all your travel?" Patricia asked bluntly.

"Mom!" Alma hissed, surprised by the tactless question. Cassie glanced away awkwardly.

"What? I'm just asking," Patricia retorted, a little too innocently.

Her face burning, Sasha replied with a tense nod, "Yes."

"I see."

The silence that settled in the kitchen was suffocating. Quickly, Sasha followed Cassie out of the kitchen with her casserole dish, making conversation with the youngest daughter as they laid out the rest of the food at the dining table.

Seated beside Joe at lunch, Sasha was treated to Sika's stories. The old man was boisterous and loud, witty and engaging and had the same dry humor that his son had. Sasha could see how proud he was of Joe and his career and saw great things in his future. She noticed however, that Joe seemed a little too uncomfortable with his father's lavish praises, irritated even, and only relaxed when the conversation was diverted to Cassie, Matt and Alma's children and lives. Sasha held her own when it came to discussing wrestling with Sika and she could tell the old man was impressed by her knowledge, however little it was. All the while Patricia glared daggers at her.

"So Sasha. How long have you and Leati been together for?" Alma asked, smiling warmly.

Sasha had only known Joe's oldest sibling for half an hour but she was instantly comfortable with her. "A little over five months," she said, looking at Joe and grinning when he placed a quick kiss on her hand.

"Joe told us you work for Reggie?" asked Cassie.

"Yeah, I do. At the Grill. You should come visit the next time you're in Tampa."

Patricia raised an eyebrow. "So you're a waitress."

"Ma," warned Alma, disapproving of her mother's tone. But Sasha thought there was no need for Alma to do that. She could handle it. As a fellow mother, she knew how this went. "Yeah. I oversee the running of the Grill when Reggie is absent. It's not the biggest establishment, but we get by."

"I hear you have children," Patricia went on, to which Sasha nodded proudly. "I got two. Tyson is seventeen and Mia is eight."

"Where's their father?"

Sasha's gaze flickered to her plate. "Their fathers are not in their lives."

"Fathers. More than one," Patricia surmised. "If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? You're obviously older than Joe."

"Mama," Joe interjected, his eyes narrowed. Matt and Sika looked bewildered, while Cassie took a very, very long sip of her drink.

Sasha rubbed his arm underneath the table, silently calming him down. Her head tilted up defiantly as she addressed the matriarch. "I'm thirty-five."

"Hmm." Patricia didn't look impressed. "So do you plan on having a family with my son?"

"Ma, we haven't exactly talked about that," Joe spoke up, his tone clipped and annoyed.

"There's no need to rush," Sika cut in before his wife could say any more, "I'm sure Joe's busy schedule would be in the way of all that at the moment. Gotta get to that top spot first, right son?"

"Of course," Joe grumbled. Sasha could sense his temper rising and decided to change the subject. "Matt, Joe tells me you're an awesome dancer."

Grateful for the distraction, Joe squeezed Sasha's hand under the table, but the frown didn't leave his face. This was not going as well as he'd hoped.

"I'm sorry about Mom," Alma said to Sasha as they cleared up the table after lunch. "I don't know what's gotten into her. She's always been inquisitive but never rude about it."

"She's only looking out for Joe. I know how she feels. Sometimes I'm like that with my boy."

"Yeah well, she's being militant about it. She forgets he's a grown man sometimes. Look, don't worry about cleaning up. Cass and I will handle it."

"Are you sure?" asked Sasha.

"Yeah. Why don't you let Leati show you the rest of the house? We'll take care of clearing up. Where is the twerp anyway?" Wandering towards the living room, Alma found him with Sika and Matt in the living room. "Dad, can Leati show Sasha around?"

Joe seemed to jump at the offer, practically dashing away from his father. Taking Sasha by the hand, they walked about the large house, with Joe dutifully answering whatever questions Sasha had. The tour ended at his old childhood bedroom. Ushering her inside, he closed the door, locking it behind them as Sasha moved further inside.

"So this is your room," she commented, taking in the trophies, posters and framed photos on the walls. An oak study desk was in a corner beside the bed, and she envisioned fifteen-year-old Joe sat on the black office chair doing homework. She turned back and caught his sullen expression. "What is it?" she asked, moving closer to rest her hands on his midsection.

Joe met her eyes and sighed heavily. He ran a hand through his ponytail, messing it up, licking his lips before he answered. "Mom's pissing me off with the way she's acting. And Dad's driving me nuts with all the wrestling talk."

"She's looking out for her baby," said Sasha, leaning against the desk as Joe sat on the office chair. "It's up to me to convince her I'm not a cradle-snatching cougar witch. Maybe she'll let up a little then. And your dad's obviously very proud of you."

"It don't feel that way when he keeps comparing me with the other guys on the fucking roster," he complained, "Jon, Colby, even fucking Cena. I'm my own man, my own character. I don't know why he does that. Every damn time too."

She hadn't known that. No wonder he felt under so much pressure. "Just take it on the chin and keep doing you. You'll be fine."

"Yeah. I'm just tired of hearing it, ya know?" Joe leaned back in his chair, licking his lips as Sasha bent over to snoop through the drawers beside his desk, her butt hovering in his face. "Tryna tempt me, beautiful?"

"Uh uh," she warned, smacking his wandering hand away. "I'm not frolicking with you right under your parents' noses." She pulled open the bottom drawer. "Are these handcuffs?"

Joe winced as Sasha stood up straight, studying the cuffs, lined with black fur, dangling from her index finger. "Crap. Didn't know I still had 'em in there."

"We should bring them back with us. Maybe you could show me your kinkier side," she winked.

"Think you can handle it, baby?" Joe challenged, drawing her onto his lap and winding his arms around her waist.

Sasha smirked. "You keep underestimating me, Leati."

"Trust me, I never have," he said, caressing the top of her thigh. "Do you like being tied up and stuff like that? I know we've never done that before."

"I haven't done it before, but I won't mind doing it with you," she contemplated. "I think I'd rather be tied up than cuffed, but either way I know you won't hurt me."

"Ever been blindfolded?"

Sasha covered her face, her shoulders shaking with laughter. "Are we really discussing this at your parents' house?"

"We've already started so we might as well continue," said Joe.

"Never been blindfolded either but again I won't mind with you. No over the top Fifty Shades shit though. I like it rough as much as the next chick but nothing extreme."

"Ever been fucked upside down?"

Sasha's eyes widened. "Do I look like a yoga fanatic or something?"

"You're flexible enough," Joe pointed out. He'd experienced that fact firsthand and to his absolute pleasure.

"Not as much as I used to be. The Lusty Leg lift is one thing, but sex upside down? Not gonna happen. The blood rushing to the head thing cannot be sexy."

"What about threesomes? Or orgies?" He didn't see her as the swinging type but you never know.

"Hell no. No threesomes, no groups." She looked hard at him. "Are you into all that stuff?"

Joe shrugged. "They're fun. Made college interesting, that's for sure."

Sasha's eyebrows knitted together as she crossed her arms. "Fun, huh?"

His smile faded as he studied her hardened countenance. "Uh oh, what did I say wrong?"

Shaking her head, Sasha looked away. "Nothing."

"Hey, don't do that," Joe said firmly, directing her gaze back on him with a gentle twist of her chin. "Tell me what's wrong."

A small, nervous sigh left her lips. "I just don't want you to think I'm boring or I'm not letting you be yourself because I'm not into the daredevil stuff. I don't want to share you with anyone else. And I sure as hell don't want to share myself with anyone else." She knew firsthand how sexual a man he was, and this new piece of information only served to drive the fact home and made her feel somewhat inadequate.

He shifted her body so that she straddled him outright. "I never asked you to, baby. The orgy thing's in the past. Things are different now," he promised. "And trust me when I say I could never be bored with you. We always have great sex and your ass alone could keep me entertained for the rest of my life. Plus I got your soft lips and these gorgeous tits to contend with." He brought her face closer to his and gently kissed her, palming her breast to emphasize his point, and smiled as her giggle filled his ears. Her fingers raked the back of his hair, her giggles morphing into quiet moans as he gently rocked her back and forth over the bulge straining his pants. "Look, now you got me hard from all this sex talk," he murmured, his mouth sweeping over the crook of her neck. She smelled like her usual delicious Sweet Pea fragrance, the scent never failing to make him heady with desire for her.

Their lips locked again in a deeper, more passionate kiss. Sasha fidgeted as Joe pushed her skirt up, exposing her thighs. "Baby," she whispered.

"You're fuckin' beautiful, nani. I want you," he whispered back, "I wanna bend you over that desk and fuck the shit outta you, then drag you to the bed so you can ride my dick."

"I want it too baby. But you know we can't," she warned between kisses, squirming a little more as he gathered her ass in his large hands. "Once you start touching me we'll never leave this room."

He smiled against her mouth. "I'm good like that, huh?"

"You know you are," she admitted, drawing back and rolling her eyes at his arrogant expression. "Oh, wipe that smug-ass look off your face."

Laughing, he kissed her nose and stood them both up, with Sasha smoothing down her skirt while Joe adjusted himself in his pants. "Come on. Let's head back before they send out a search party." Hand in hand, they headed back downstairs and as they reached the bottom, he pulled her close again before she could get too far. "I can't wait to use those cuffs on you, baby girl," he purred in her ear, biting the lobe before smacking her butt and walking off casually. It took Sasha a couple of seconds to compose herself after that. She made her way towards the kitchen, deciphering Cassie, Patricia and Alma's voices. Great, they hadn't finished cleaning up and she'd been off making out with their boy. Way to get in his mother's good graces.

"So Ma, tell us how you really feel about Leati's new girlfriend."

At Cassie's question, Sasha slowed down, a plethora of emotions sweeping over her. She flattened her back against the wall by the kitchen entrance, keeping out of sight as she awaited Patricia's answer.

The matriarch scoffed. "That ain't no girl," she said. "She's a pretty little thing but she's about to hit forty. What the hell is he doing with a forty-year old? I thought he knew better."

"Mom, don't be mean," Sasha heard Alma say. "Look how happy Leati is with her. They obviously have strong feelings for each other and her age doesn't matter to him."

"It's a superhero complex or some sort of phase," Patricia said matter-of-factly, "It has to be. Nearly ten years older? Two children from two different men? That's way too much history if you ask me."

"Honestly Alma, I agree with the age part," said Cassie. "She's nice but she's a little old for him."

"I know women like her," Patricia went on, buoyed by the fact that she at least had one daughter on her side. "She's probably blackmailed him into getting with her like that other bitch. She says she's a manager but she's probably stripping behind Joe's back or something."

Sasha's blood started to boil, her hands clenching into fists.

"Ma, that's not fair," said Alma. "And lower your voice. She could hear you."

"Well, we'd be doing her a favor then. Frankly I don't see them lasting much longer," Patricia declared confidently. "He'll get rid of her soon."

Sasha had had enough. Caution was thrown to the wind as she marched into the kitchen, prompting the Anoa'i women to spin around and face her. Instantly they knew she'd heard everything. "Sasha," Cassie stuttered, her voice fading away at the look in the other woman's eyes.

The mother of two planted her hands on her hips, leveling Patricia with a glare. "There's a few things I been tryin' to teach my daughter ever since she was born," she began. "One of them is that she's a lady and should carry herself like one, with class and grace at all times. Another is to always stand up for herself no matter what. Third, if you have a problem with someone, you look them in the eye and tell them so." She narrowed her eyes at all three women. "You obviously have a problem with me and got things to say about me, so how about you say it to my face?"

Patricia cast the dish rag she was holding aside. "Okay, I'll do just that then. What are your real intentions with my son? Huh? Other than using him to take care of your children?"

"I take care of my children just fine on my own," Sasha countered, "I've never asked Joe for anything. I'm not using him or blackmailing him. He's with me because he wants to be with me and vice versa. You don't know me. He does."

"Really? Just how much do you two have in common? How much do you know about him? Do you know he wants children of his own? Are you even still capable of having any more?" Patricia sneered, "Or do you plan on doing the same thing the last triflin' bitch he brought here did to keep him committed?"

It was a Herculean task, reining in her emotions, but Sasha forced herself to do it, shutting her eyes as she did. Opening them again, she honed in on her boyfriend's mother. "Look, Patricia. I know Joe is your son and you want nothing more than to protect him. I understand that more than you realize. But you're not even giving me a chance."

Patricia advanced until she was right in Sasha's face. "I gave Andrea a chance and she screwed him over. Screwed all of us over. What makes you think you're any different from her? You're not. You're all the same. He doesn't see it now but he will eventually. I refuse to sit back and watch him make the same mistake with you!"

"That's enough, Ma."

Matt's deep voice startled them all. He and Joe walked further into the kitchen, the younger son looking like he was about to blow a gasket as he stared down his mother. "How dare you?" he snarled, "How dare you talk to her like that? You don't even know her."

"Baby, she's not right for you," said Patricia, "She could be using you just like Andrea was."

"There you go again, throwing Andrea in my face!" he shot back. "Goddamn it Ma, what the hell is your problem? How do you expect me to move on when all you do is bring her up?! For fuck's sake!"

Patricia was seething. "You will not talk to me like that!"

Sasha watched, stunned as Joe flew into a fit of rage. "If you stopped treating me like a fucking five year old I wouldn't!" he shouted. "You've been doing this for years now! Sasha is the first woman I've brought home since Andrea. She's here because I wanted y'all to see how much I care about her and all you did was shit all over her! How do you think that makes me feel, huh? Answer me, Ma!"

"Leati! You better apologize to your mother right now," Sika ordered, but Joe rounded on the older man so fast it made Sasha's neck hurt.

"No Dad, don't you dare try to defend her! She does this all the damn time and you know it. I'm sick of it! I'm sick of both of you!" Joe ranted, and for one horrifying second he looked very capable of actually attacking his father. "Shoving all this shit down my throat and for what? I don't need it okay? I don't need any of it!"

Breathing hard, he looked around, taking in the looks of absolute shock on everyone's faces and realizing he didn't give a damn what they thought. He was so angry, his heart was racing and his head spun. He needed air.

No. He needed more than that.

"I'm outta here," he muttered, brushing roughly past his mother.

"Where are you going?" Patricia demanded.

"I'm leaving." He was meant to stay in his room upstairs tonight but not anymore. Not after this. He glanced at Sasha with hard eyes. "You comin' or what?" he snapped.

Sasha had stood rooted to the ground the entire time, paralyzed with shock just like everyone else. Before she could respond, he was already out of the house. With what little strength she had left in her numb limbs, she followed him into the car. Without a word he kick-started the engine and drove off, putting as much distance between himself and his antagonistic family.

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