PvP Goddess {Technoblade x Re...

By Super_Dropps

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(Cringe Warning ig❤️) - ❤️‍🩹🪦RIP TECHNOBLADE🪦❤️‍🩹 - 🔆Slow updates! I'm out of the whole DSMP fandom but... More

💖Update Info💖
Chapter 1 - "Just a Normal Morning"
Chapter 2 - "Brother Reveal Pog?"
Chapter 3 - "Failed Kidnap"
Chapter 4 - "Shopping With Haters"
A/N 1: Should This Continue?
Chapter 7 - "Rude."
Chapter 8 - "Where The Hell Are We?"
Chapter 9 - "A World Of Danger"
Chapter 10 - "A Place To Start"
Small A/N (You don't have to read if you don't want :))
Chapter 11 - "Broken Wings"
☆Upcoming Chapters☆
Chapter 12 - "Bandages"
Chapter 13 - "Braids"
Chapter 14 - "Fuck You. I Love You Tho."

Chapter 5 - "Sleepover" (Long Chapter)

836 22 33
By Super_Dropps

{2 Days Before The Month's End}

I woke up comfortably nestled under a pile of pillows, my blanket wrapped around me as if I was a snug burrito.

I stretched out my arms and legs, letting out a light groan as I sat up and grabbed my brush first, running it through my hair and getting out any twists or knots from the movement I did in my sleep.

I smiled as a sleepy looking Patches walked into my room, arching her back and yawning. Confused, I looked over to the alarm clock, not hearing anyone awake or smelling any of Clay's wondrous food. In large bright red numbers, it read "4:57 AM".

"Ohhh Patches baby... did I wake you?" I whispered, picking her up and she let out a small trill as a greeting, moving her upper body closer to my face and touching her nose to my forehead before nuzzling my jaw with a noisy purr. Here nose was cold and wet, startling me at first before I got used to it.

"Aww. I love you too." I said, kissing her snout before setting her on my bed, where she proceeded to nestle into my duvet and curl up like a little bun with an adorable yawn, laying her head down on one of my plushies and watching me, slow blinking.

I smiled and giggled, taking a picture before grabbing one of my merch hoodies and a pair of torn leggings, along with my favorite shirt. I headed into the bathroom and turned on the water, taking off my dirty clothes and throwing them into my hamper so I could do laundry later.

I got into the now warm shower, washing myself and singing quietly. I got out, quickly changing into the clothes I had grabbed and leaving my bathroom, taking my brush again and looking over at the now deeply sleeping Patches

I smiled softly, brushing my damp hair once again and standing up, putting it all behind me and walking out of my room, tip-toeing down into the kitchen. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, opening the curtains to the still dark outside, pinning them into the holders so I could watch the sunrise while I cooked breakfast for everyone.

I turned on my favorite chill song, singing the lyrics expertly while I cracked some eggs into a bowl. Mixing parsley, Basil, a dab of milk, Salt and Pepper into the eggs, I buttered the pan and waited for the butter to slightly sizzle before it was ready to add the eggs. I beat the mixture until it was nice and fluffy.

I poured the eggs in with proficiency, mixing them ever so slightly so they could cook evenly into the perfect scrambled eggs. While they cooked, I got some bacon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and another pan, pouring some oil in and letting it simmer before placing the bacon in gently, making sure the hot oil didn't splash anywhere.

I tossed the scrambled eggs in the pan around a little bit before piling them onto a large plate, hurrying over to the bacon and flipping it over, heading back to the counter, picking out some navel oranges I had gotten at the grocery and sliced them into thin slices with my favorite knife, pouring three glasses of orange juice and putting the slices on the edge, moving them to the table.

I hurried over to the bacon and got it out of the pan; placing some on a smaller plate, then adding a napkin on top to absorb the grease and a second layer of crispier bacon. I moved it over next to the eggs, cutting a few apples into slices and displaying them on a paper plate, adding some honeydew, cantaloupe and grapes into the mix.

I turned around, seeing Clay and Drista watching me from the staircase with wide eyes and mouths hung slightly agape. "Shut your mouths, you'll ruin your appetite if you catch a fly in there." I joked, gesturing to all of the food I made and cut. They both rushed over to the plates of food with gigantic happy yet confused faces.

"How did you-?!" Clay started, eying all of the food like a puppy that didn't know which toy he wanted. "Mom taught me how to cook, I just always forget I can." I say, turning my music off and grabbing a plate, filling it up with a little bit of everything and heading over to the table with the cups of orange juice waiting for us.

"There's some drinks already over here, guys." I inform them, putting some napkins at each spot and sitting down with a fork, beginning to eat. Drista walked over and sat next to me with a giant plate of food as usual, a gigantic grin on her face. "DAMN IT EVEN HAS THAT FANCY GREEN SHIT IN IT!!" Clay squealed in the kitchen, walking over to his spot a few seconds later with his plate of food and sitting down.

We all ate quickly, Drista looked like she had taken a trip down meomory lane, and Clay was smiling wistfully. "We should visit mom soon, it's been like... a whole year." I said, breaking the silence and both of their eyes lit up. "HELL YEAH!" Clay shouted, pumping his fists into the air enthusiastically. "We can go next week?" I suggested, and they both nodded. I pulled them both into a hug and they both smiled sadly.

After we pulled away, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was a long message from Dakota. "Oh no... Hey guys? is it okay if I have a friend over? I know it's never happened before but he has a rough home life and says his parents hurt him again. Could he stay the night?" I mumbled, and Clay's eyebrows knitted in a protective way. "He?" He said like an overprotective dad.

"Clay. He's gay." I said with a deadpanned expression, before he rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Oh.." he said, a nervous smile displayed on his face. "Also he's a fan of ours." I said, bumping his elbow. "Yeah, sure. as long as he's not one of those creepy fans that takes pictures of us and posts them to the dark web."

I giggled. "No, he's not like that." I said before texting Dakota that he can sleep over with us for the night. He left me on read, which knowing him meant he was WAY too excited to respond. "He's coming." I said as Clay looked over my shoulder. "He left you on Read." He said, matching my previous deadpanned expression, and I looked back at him with the same glare for who knows how long. I then heard the doorbell ring seemingly not even five seconds later. "HA!" I said, patting Clay on the chest before running over to answer the door.

{Dakota POV}

"Hey you can stay the night over with us if you want! Clay said it was okay. Just don't take any pictures of him to post on the "Dark web" his words not mine. :} The address is **** ##### Drive." I felt my chest well over and spill with happiness as if it were an overflowing bowl of oatmeal. I was going to go to the house of three famous people, who I happen to be a huge fan of!

I messily packed my bag full of things I'd need and want for the night; Pajamas, Chargers, Headphones, a pillow and a Bluetooth speaker. This night was going to be amazing. I shoved my phone into my pocket and threw on a Dream Hoodie of my own, pulling my backpack onto my back and moving the straps comfortably onto my shoulders.

Moving over to my bedroom door and turning the handle, a small noise emitting from the soft metal. I began walking quickly through the dark hallway of my upstairs. I stepped down each stair careful not to make a single sound. I feel my heart banging in my chest, moving my yellow-dyed hair out of my face to see my surroundings better.

Just as I reached the front door, I felt my heart drop as I felt a rough hand grasp my bare shoulder. "Where do you think you're going?" I felt my father's breath on the back of my neck, the reeking smell of alcohol following not even seconds after. The rasp of his voice was painfully jarring to my soul.

"A sleepover at my friend's house..." I said, my voice suddenly small and weak from crying all night, which was catching up to me. I felt a sting on my arm as I felt him grab it, digging his dirtied nails into my skin. "You're not going anywhere. You don't have friends. I know that much you rat." He said, his harsh voice slowly and agonizingly peeling away the courage I had left.

I looked down at my feet before gritting my teeth, my anger slowly leaking through the cracks. "I do. And they're very popular, now FUCK OFF." I said, ripping my arms out of his grasp and dashing out the door. Away from my house which would probably be ravaged when I got back by tomorrow morning.

I made it to the address in mere seconds, dashing down the blocks of the neighborhood I had already memorized. My new friend lived surprisingly close, considering my knowledge.

My steps slowed to a stop as I made my way to a certain house, the clicks my tennis-shoes made against the concrete suppressing gradually. Double-checking I was at the right house, I clicked the doorbell. I heard a faint "HA!" sound from near the door before it opened.

"DAKOTA!!" the girl I knew well as Y/n wrapped her arms around me. I could see a tall, green-eyed blonde male on the inside of her home, feeling a wave of excitement hit me. "Y-You weren't l-lying! Your brother really is Dream!" Dream gave a small smile and a wave, as Drista barged into the room and started bouncing around, announcing "It's the popo! It's the popo!"

I smirked and pulled Dakota inside, shutting the door and letting him drop his bag. "YOU'RE HERE!" I smiled and wrapped him in a larger bear-hug, pushing him over to Clay. Clay seemed to get the the idea, chuckling. "You may know me as Dream, but please call me Clay-"

"O-OKAY-!!" Dakota stuttered, legit vibrating on the highest setting as he began bouncing around with Drista.

~Time Skip, brought to you by M a s k ~

Dakota had calmed down, and we were chilling while watching a movie, when I came up with an idea. "Let's do a stream!" Dakota jumped up, yanked me to my feet, and we ran over to my setup like little children. I immediately put up my "Stream Starting Soon!" Screen With my Minecraft character and waited for new people to roll in.

Dakota and I squealed like little girls, me forgetting to mute while our loud bouncing could be heard. "OI! ARE YOU TWO DOING A STREAM??" I heard Clay yell, us yelling a happy and excited "YESSSS!"

Clay's heavy footsteps, along with Drista's smaller ones were heard booming up the steps as they bursted into the room, Clay ONCE AGAIN ripping my door off it's hinges rather comically. "CLAY! MY DOOR! AGAIN???" I squeaked, seeing the door on the ground and a guilty Clay standing over it with a frown. "Sooorryyyyyyy-"



{VIP}InanimateObject4152: Rip in Rest, my dearest door 😔🤚💀

GiGiSuhY: ._.

{VIP}saadbaaby: We'll we're off to a wonderful start- :D

{VIP}Gwensgamingstreams: N0 k1dd1ng bRuG- 👹✨🍤


"Chat You're silllyyyy-" I Said, getting sleepy. Everyone chuckled, as we went on to do a dumb little media share YLYL

The first video had me on the floor, trying to contain obvious wheezes.

Clay slammed his hand on the desk, Dakota nearly cried out of laughter, and Drista looked concerned. "That should NOT be legal, guys..- that is NOT a tasty glizzy-"

She was cut off with another media share popping in, making me choke with laughter.

Clay gave a little smile, chuckling. "CROW FATHER!" Dakota screeched, laughing maniacally. Drifts giggled at the old memes, as the next one rolled in.

Everyone remained quiet, looking at each other before bursting out in hard laughter. "SCATTERR!" Clay imitated, throwing a random water bottle on the ground chaotically.

The next one made my eyes tear, and Dakota made a little sniffle. "It's beautiful..." Clay looked disturbed, and Drista was laughing with us.

Ooookkaayyyy I think we're gonna end it here, chat!- we'll see you next time-!

As the chat said their goodbyes, I ended the stream and we all fell on the floor laughing our asses off.

After a few minutes of re-imitating the media shares, Clay and Drista left, leaving me and Dakota to a long, peaceful, dreamless sleep.

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