Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

246K 8.5K 6.1K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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2.2K 99 35
By koi_coffee_

Sakusa awoke to something not-so-peaceful that morning, that thing being a voice. Not at all had his thoughts gone to the fact Atsumu stayed the night, at least — not until he actually listened to the voice.

"Thank ya, an' sorry again." The sentence was followed by a soft sigh. "I'll be back on track t'morrow without a doubt."

On track with what? The ravenette's confusion simply grew, though he didn't dare get up just yet.

"M'kay, see ya t'morrow." The blonde, as Sakusa had assumed, finally hung up.

With that in mind, the dark-haired finally sat up, rubbing his eyes as he glanced over the back of the couch and at Atsumu.


"G'mornin' sleepin' beauty, did I wake ya up?" Atsumu chuckled softly seeing the other in such a tired state.

"Yes, you did." Sakusa rolled his eyes, his tone was rather bitter. Despite when he'd usually get up, he really wasn't a morning person.

"The phone call," The dark-haired's voice had suddenly softened. "Was it.." Sakusa trailed off, and lucky for him, Atsumu picked up on what he was getting at fairly quickly.

"No, it wasn't 'Samu or Suna, they're alright as far as I know." The blonde smiled a little, then went on.

"I was just tellin' coach 'm not gonna be in for practice t'day." Atsumu stated hesitantly.

He knew considering they were all still new to the team, how risky it could be missing practice but — Foster reassured him it was nothing to worry about. He understood there was some family troubles at the moment.

"You're not?" Sakusa questioned, only now was the dark-haired finally getting up and off the couch.

"No, I 'otta talk somethin' over with 'Samu an' figure out if 'm takin' yer offer or not." Atsumu shrugged, now looking to the ravenette in front of him.

Sakusa nodded, then brought the two's conversation topic elsewhere.

"Are you headed home now, or are you staying until I leave?"

"Like I'd willin'ly say no t' spendin' more time with ya, who do ya take me for?" Atsumu chuckled, earning a small eye roll from Sakusa.

"If that's the case then," The dark-haired went on, ignoring the blondes previous question. "I'm going to shower, and you're either showering after or I'm dropping you outside."

"Still so mean t' me, an' for what?" Atsumu let out a small huff, though given the look he was getting from Sakusa, it wasn't a moment for playing around.

"M'kay, ya don't have t' give me that look — I'll shower when yer done." The faux blonde rolled his eyes lightly, and eventually watched as Sakusa nodded and made his way off.

Since the other was going off to shower, that left Atsumu the perfect time to get some messages in and check up on Oikawa.

The two had been glued to the hip since the beginning of their second year, which, to both seemed ironic as during their first year they despised one another.

However, as the duo had gotten to understand one another, they had started bonding over their differences and similarities — apposed to fighting over them. Which was something they really hadn't seen coming at all.

Letting out a soft chuckle, Atsumu brought himself out of his thoughts — focusing at his new task at hand. First came messaging Osamu, then came Oikawa.


Pudding Thief 😒: Hey 'Samu, 'm not goin' t' practice t'day, I got somethin' I wanna talk t' ya 'bout

Pudding Thief 😒: An' it's nothin' too serious so don't go worryin' like ya always do
[delivered 6:44am]

Pudding Thief 😒: 'Samu?

Pudding Thief 😒: Yer still asleep aren't ya, lazy much 🙄
[delivered 6:46am]


Atsumu rolled his eyes and laughed a bit to himself, of course Osamu would still be asleep at that hour. Hell, you'd be lucky if he even had in ounce of life in him before nine.

Noting this, the blonde decided he wasn't going to get an answer anytime soon. So, he moved on to checking up with Oikawa.


Bee Boy🐝✨: heya 'Kawa, it's been a good minute, how's my bestie doin'? (◡‿◡✿)
[read 6:51am]

Space Nerd👽✨: absolutely terrible considering you haven't message me in like, forever?? T^T

Bee Boy🐝✨: trust me, if ya knew the shit that was goin' on here, ya wouldn't blame me -

Space Nerd👽✨: virtual hugs 'Tsumu, i got you ʕʔ

Space Nerd👽✨: wait wait

Space Nerd👽✨: back up

Space Nerd👽✨: new drama?? new drama i'm being told rn, right? 😃

Bee Boy🐝✨: obviously 🙄

Bee Boy🐝✨: but i 'otta make it quick for now since Omi-kun should be outta the shower soon

Space Nerd👽✨ is typing..

Bee Boy🐝✨: hold yer questions, i already know what yer gonna say

Bee Boy🐝✨: just let me explain first, i only got a few minutes -.-

Space Nerd👽✨: fine fine -_-

Bee Boy🐝✨: so, startin' from the beginnin' — one, Omi-kun an' i kinda sorta ended up applyin' and makin' it on t' the same team

Bee Boy🐝✨: since then, we started talkin', decided t' put everythin' behind us, an' now i might be movin' in with him

Space Nerd👽✨ is typing..

Space Nerd👽✨: WHAT?!

Space Nerd👽✨: so you're going to tell me, you two haven't had any contact for almost three years, you meet up again by random chance, you get on the same team, start talking,, and now you're 'maybe' moving in together??

Bee Boy🐝✨: ya betcha

Bee Boy🐝✨: i know how it sounds, an' i've been thinkin' 'bout it all — but, 'm not worried

Space Nerd👽✨: at all?? even after y'know, the summer party?

Space Nerd👽✨: i know you don't like looking back on that but i don't want you getting hurt again

Bee Boy🐝✨: i know ya don't, i don't either, but 'm trustin' that we've both matured enough to avoid that

Bee Boy🐝✨: it's still somethin' 'm gonna bring up with him, but, even if things go sour none one's endin' up hurt, we'll handle it

Space Nerd👽✨: swear on it?

Bee Boy🐝✨: we'll be fine, i promise ya

Space Nerd👽✨ is typing..

Bee Boy🐝✨: i 'otta go 'Kawa, Omi-kun's back!

Bee Boy🐝✨: i'll message ya later (✿◠‿◠)♥︎

Space Nerd👽✨: talk to you later 'Tsumu (*⌒∇⌒*)


Right after Atsumu had put his phone down, Sakusa stepped into the common room — making the faux blonde look at him.

"You're up, do you need a change of clothes or no?" The ravenette questioned, yet he didn't get an answer.

Atsumu was a little.. preoccupied. The blonde couldn't help but stand stunned for a moment, Sakusa fresh out of the shower was a sight to see.

"Oi, 'Tsumu."

"Hm?" The blonde hummed in response, finally coming back around and focusing on Sakusa.

"Do you need clothes or no?" The dark-haired questioned once again, his tone dull as usual.

"I do, if ya don't mind." Atsumu's tone held hesitance, he didn't have time to pack extra clothes yesterday so he had to borrow some.

Sakusa simply nodded at this, then turned. The ravenette gave a silent gesture for the faux blonde to follow, to which he did.

The two walked in silence upstairs and to Sakusa's room. Atsumu had taken a mental note on the upstairs layout — by the stairs to the left was Sakusa's room, beside it was what the blonde assumed was the restroom, and then there sat a room down the hall. That room of which Atsumu assumed was the guest bedroom, all of which he would've been right about.

"Come on in." Sakusa piped up, tearing the blonde behind him from his thoughts as he walked into the others room.

Atsumu took a look around the room, the walls were painted a light honey-like yellow, in the back left corner would've been Sakusa's bed, which sat right by a perfectly placed window — one that gave a wonderful view of both sunsets and sunrises. Right across from that in the back right corner sat a wardrobe, and right at its left sat a small, well-organized desk.

Across from the bed would've been a fair sized stand with a tv on it, and on the rooms right wall, was a closet. Besides all that, pictures were placed here and there — either hung up or on tables. Some of family, friends, team photos, and some were simply framed awards.

"Here." Sakusa called, gaining Atsumu's attention once again. The dark-haired held out a simple pair of sweats and a t-shirt, a set of which the blonde happily took.

"Bathroom's right there." The ravenette gestured to the door beside his closet, the upstairs restroom had two doorways.

Atsumu simply nodded at this, and without a moment to spare, the blonde headed off to the restroom. He was definitely in need for a shower.

While he'd gone to do that, Sakusa found it in himself to head downstairs. Breakfast was now almost all that occupied his mind. Almost being the key word.

As the dark-haired made his way to the kitchen, he couldn't help but think back to the offer he'd given Atsumu. Despite how much he would've liked to give making breakfast his undivided attention, he couldn't.

Was he really going to let Atsumu temporarily move in? Of course he was. Did he think the offer through at all? No. Was he doing it regardless because Atsumu's a teammate? That.. that he wasn't sure of.

Sure, the blonde was a teammate. But he was also, well, Atsumu. The one individual Sakusa had a seemingly unbreakable bond with back in high school, the one person who got to know him for him, down to every last perfectly imperfect flaw. There's no way he couldn't offer the other a place to stay.

"Dammit.." The ravenette sighed bitterly to himself, looking down to the counter he'd just spilled pancake batter on.

Now tearing his thoughts away from the blonde that was just upstairs, Sakusa took a pause from making the pancakes to clean up the mess that'd been made.

After wiping down the counter, said dark-haired had focused back on the pancakes he had on the stove. Sakusa took a moment to flip them all before he planned on giving the fact of Atsumu moving in another thought.

Though, thanks to the sudden footsteps and an all too familiar voice calling his name — the dark-haired didn't get a chance.

"Omi-kun, ya in here?" Atsumu questioned, peaking his head into the kitchen to find the exact person he'd been looking for.

At the question, Sakusa glanced over and immediately had to fight off the urge to give a soft smile.

Atsumu, thanks to being fresh out of the shower — had hair fluffier than usual. That alongside a soft yet sweet smile and starry but dull grey-brown-ish eyes was bound to put anyone in a good mood.

"What're ya makin'?" The faux blonde questioned as he joyously skipped into the kitchen.

"Breakfast." Sakusa deadpanned, holding in a playful scoff as he heard Atsumu let out a huff. He could pretty much feel the others pout.

"Yer as enthusiastic as ever, huh?" The blonde let out a giggle as he hopped up on the counter, ignoring the small glare Sakusa shot his way.

Said dark-haired simply rolled his eyes as an almost unnoticeable smile made its way onto his face.

"I'm making pancakes, if that wasn't obvious enough." Sakusa finally stated, responding to Atsumu's previous question.

"Can you grab strawberries from the fridge?" The ravenette went on to question, which earned a nod from the blonde on the counter.

Without hesitance, Atsumu hopped off the counter and made his way over to the fridge. The faux blonde quickly grabbed a small case of strawberries and then made his way back.

Atsumu placed the small case down near a cutting board — one of which he guessed was left out earlier, then turned his attention back to Sakusa.

"They're bein' cut up, right?" The blonde questioned once again, all to receive a nod in response.

Now nodding silently to himself, Atsumu went on to cut the strawberries while Sakusa carried on with the pancakes. This left a comfortable silence to fall over the kitchen, the two making breakfast together in peace.

It was nice, sharing a morning together — something of which the two hadn't done for years. They didn't need to exchange words, nor did they need to come in contact, just the fact that they were in one another's presence was enough for them both.

That left the both feeling warm, which set the perfect mood for an early morning breakfast together.

"Take a seat," Sakusa piped up, looking to Atsumu who just seemed to be staring at him admirably. "I'll bring the plates over."

The blonde didn't bother to protest, for once, and instead made his way over to the dark-haired's dinning room. Atsumu took a seat and waited for Sakusa to join him, which, after a few minutes, he had.

"Itadakimasu." The blonde thanked quickly, then immediately put his attention on the food in front of him.

Two fluffy pancakes topped with sliced strawberries and a small pinch of powdered sugar. That was just the way he'd always have pancakes, which brought a smile to his face. Atsumu wouldn't admit it, but the fact Sakusa remembered — well, made his smile grow.

"Are you headed out after this?" Said dark-haired questioned, bringing Atsumu out of his thoughts.

"That depends," The blonde paused, taking another bite of his pancake. "Are ya leavin' for practice after this?"

"I have to dumbass, I don't plan on being late." Sakusa rolled his eyes playfully, holding in a chuckle as he watched Atsumu huff.

"Yer still so mean t' me an' for no reason, 'm hurt." The blonde sighed dramatically, wiping away a fake tear as Sakusa scoffed.

"If my intent was to be rude, I wouldn't have answered, Miya." The dark-haired smirked a little as he looked ahead to the now heavily offended Atsumu.

"Miya? M'kay, I see how it is." The blonde rolled his eyes, now falling silent as he put full attention on his breakfast.

Ah, silent treatment, how wonderful.

"Still as childish as always?" Sakusa questioned, he already knew what Atsumu was doing — but he decided to try getting on the blondes nerves before giving in.

Speaking of which, despite Atsumu's itching need to shoot back, he still kept silent.

"Miya, seriously. You'll have to speak to me at some point, we're teammates in case you forgot." The dark-haired commented once again, a faint sense of irritation lacing his tone.

Atsumu once again, simply spared him a glance, then went back to finishing up his food.

Sakusa couldn't help a sigh at this, he could very easily wait out the silent treatment but he just wasn't in the mood for that. So, against his will, the ravenette caved.

"Atsumu." Sakusa called, now finally earning some acknowledgment from the blonde.

"What can I do for ya, Omi-kun?" Atsumu gave a sly smile, satisfied with the fact he'd gotten what he wanted.

"You're unbelievable.." The dark-haired sighed softly as he got up, both had finally finished their breakfasts.

"Are you done or no? I have to get to practice, and you," Sakusa paused, looking over to Atsumu, who of which looked at him with a hint of confusion. "Have a brother to talk to."

Of course, the faux blonde paused at this. His previously sly smile fell into a frown as he mentally cursed, he'd completely forgotten about that.

"Fuck.." Atsumu muttered, earning a small chuckle from Sakusa.

"Forgot, didn't you?" The dark-haired held in a laugh as he smirked a tad, he could see the dread that was now washing over Atsumu.

"Oh shut yer trap an' get movin'." The blonde's tone came out just as bitter as the eye roll that followed.

He was not looking forward to having 'the conversation' with Osamu..


1) no one can convince me otherwise, this part was trash

2) originally,, this was going to be much longer but the chpt seemed crowded so i split them

3) i feel like the morning wasn't as fluffy as planned, so instead, enjoy a softer skts morning

4) y'all seriously, sorry i haven't updated on regular time, i'm not even home rn and i'm busy just about every hour of the day ;-;

~koi ☕︎︎

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