Forever with you...

By JananiPalpandi

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What happens when we lose everything in our life? Nothing is as fragile as trust. And nothing is stronger tha... More

Forever with you - Prologue
1- Nightmare
2- ๐Ÿ‘ญDay out๐Ÿ‘ญ
3 - First Day
4- Hide and seek
5- Dream aka Nightmare
6- Sleepless night
7- Anger
8- Sole Possession
9- Water Balloons
10- Business Trip
11- I'll not let anything happen to my love
12- Preps for the party
13- My happiness lies in your happiness
14- I won't spare them
15- Family meeting
16- Romantic Long Drive
17- Confession
18- I Believe Her
19- Game is gonna start now
20- Stay Away From Her
21- Concern
22- Out of stress...
23- Most awaited confrontation
24 - She deserves it
25- Will you forgive me?
26- Not to be remembered
27- Then what for friends are?
28- Dream of Love
29- Not as bad as I thought
30- Checking me out
31- First kiss
32- Who am I to you?
33- Past unveiled
34- A kiss to save
35- Race
36- Promoted as a Friend
37- More I know you, More I fall for you.
38- Advice from a stranger
39- PTSD
40- Past
41- Obession
42- Challenge
43- Kidnapped
44- Love
45- Marriage bell rings
46- Proposal
47- Birthday
48- Surprise!
49- Symbol of love
50- Shattered
51- A new journey!
52- A night to remember
53- Trust? Broken
54 - Reconciliation
55 - Inflict the pain
56 - Lost and Found
57 - A Play or Reality?
58 - One Last Chance
59 - Falling for her
60 - Realizations and Truths
62 - One bold Decision
63 - Expect the Unexpected
64 - Face off
65 - Escape from reality
66 - The lies and a truth
67 - All Happy Things
68 - Forever
End Note
Forever with you - Epilogue

61 - Unplanned

519 41 12
By JananiPalpandi

Adithi's POV:

'I am pregnant,' she uttered. 'Oh my god! Uthra? Is it?' I stammered excitedly. 'Yeah,' she nodded with a slight smile showing me the strips. 'Uthra! You're pregnant. You're gonna be a mom,' I walked to her and hugged her. 'Yes. I am,' she replied as I parted off. 'How did you know it?' I asked. 

'I tested it with multiple kits. All of them were positive,' she answered worriedly placing the kits back in her bag. 'Uthra? Are you ok?' I asked cupping her cheek. 'Adithi, I am happy about it. I am really happy. But I don't know about Venkat,' she sighed. 'Why? He would be on cloud nine if he knows about it. Why are thinking like this?' I replied with a smile. 

'It's just been six weeks since we're married. And I am pregnant. We didn't expect this,' she explained. 'Uthra, I am damn sure that he would be the happiest when you tell him this. Because he loves you and he will love your baby too. And we don't plan surprises. Surprises happen all of a sudden,' I cheered her up. She smiled looking at me. 

'You're the first person to know this,' she hugged me. 'I cannot tell how happy I am,' I said separating from her. 'Adithi. I need some time. I will tell him for sure but not now. It has to be the best surprise for him. I have to think about it and plan it,' she smiled happily. 'And till then don't tell this to anyone. Including Amma,' she stressed it. 'I won't, till you tell them,' I promised. 

'Thank you,' she hugged me again. 'Wait,' I stood up and walked to the kitchen. I came back with rasgulla. 'Congratulations, Mommy,' I fed it to her. She giggled as she took a bite. I placed the bowl aside and grabbed the fresh juice for her. 'Drink it,' I stretched the glass towards her. 'It's fresh. Just now made it. It's good for the baby,' I insisted. She got it from me with a smile and drank it. 

'Oh my god! I can't even think of anything,' I sighed with a wide smile. 'I am a doctor, Adithi. I know what to do and what not to,' she placed the glass aside after emptying it. I giggled hearing her comment. 'Ok. Venkat is waiting for me in the parking lot. I have to go,' she stood up grabbing her bag. 'I told him that you needed me immediately and he is waiting for me,' she walked to the door. 'Ok. Go. Take care,' I kissed her on her forehead. She left with a smile.

Uthra's POV:

I hope Venkat will be as happy as me. Or even more. I walked out of the elevator. 'What happened? Is everything ok?' he asked as I got in the car. 'Yes. Everything's fine with her. She just needed some clarifications and help. So everything is fine now,' I replied. 'Ok. Why are you smiling?' he asked looking at my face. 'Uhm. No. Just feeling positive vibes,' I smiled and diverted my gaze away from him. He drove off the compound and he applied the brake suddenly. 

My bag fell away from my grip and all the contents dropped. Shit! He parked the car immediately. 'Are you ok?' he asked picking up my bag. 'Yeah. Leave it. I will get them,' I tried to stop them. But he gathered everything. When he took the pregnancy test strips, my heart nearly skipped a beat. He looked at them and then at me. 

'So this is what Adithi needed the help for,' he asked surprised. I heaved a sigh of relief. 'Yeah,' I replied nervously. 'Does this mean, Jeeva and Adithi are expecting a baby?' he asked surprised. What should I tell him? Whether to tell him that it's us who are expecting? 'Uthra? Whose results are these?' he asked seriously. 'Uhm. That's,' I stretched. 'Tell me,' he insisted. 

'Venkat, it's Adithi,' I lied. I am sorry, Adithi. But I cannot tell him now. 'So Adithi and Jeeva are having a baby soon,' his eyes widened. 'Did she tell Jeeva about it?' he asked me. 'No. She hasn't. Venkat. Keep this a secret. Don't tell anyone. Please,' I requested. 'Ok. Ok. I will not,' he seemed excited which scared me. 

'Oh my god! This is awesome. We are welcoming a new member to our family,' he exclaimed. I remained silent all way. We reached the hospital. 'Uthra, shall we visit Adithi in the evening?' he asked when I was about to get out. 'Yeah. Sure,' I smiled. 'Have a great day,' he kissed my forehead and I left bidding him bye.

**** THAT EVENING ****

Adithi's POV:

I felt tired as I walked towards my apartment. All this consultancy work may take another week to get completed. And Jeeva and Arya have completely left those under my control. I opened the door and walked in throwing my bag towards the couch. I walked to the kitchen and drank water and relaxed. I refreshed and made some coffee. 

I sipped the coffee walking towards the balcony. The beautiful scene and the not-so-cold wind calmed me. If Jeeva was here it would be more beautiful. I smiled at the thought of it. The doorbell alerted me. I ran to the door and opened it. Venkat Anna and Uthra was there. 'Hi!' Venkat Anna walked in as Uthra followed him. 

'Hi, Anna!' I greeted him with a smile. He seemed excited. Did Uthra tell him? For a minute there was an awkward silence. 'Adithi. Congratulations,' he hugged me. Uthra's eyes widened as I looked at her shocked. 'I was so happy after hearing it,' he parted away from me. 'Don't tell anything,' Uthra signed me. 'When are you telling Jeeva about it?' he asked. 'What Anna?' I asked confused. 

'The baby,' he smiled. 'You have to tell him that you're pregnant,' he smiled again. 'Pregnant?' I asked utterly confused. Uthra pleaded with me silently. 'Yeah. Yeah. I am pregnant. And I have to tell him. Soon,' I replied seeing her. He looked at Uthra for a minute and turned towards me. 'I cannot wait,' he said. I smiled awkwardly. Thank god! His phone rang. He walked towards the balcony leaving us alone. 

'Can you explain what's going on?' I asked Uthra. She explained what happened after she left. 'I am sorry Adithi. I had no other way,' she apologized. 'Actually, I didn't want to tell anyone about this. Because miscarriages are prone to happen in the first three to four weeks,' she sat on the couch with a worried face. I held her hand supportively. 'I don't want others to suffer if anything goes wrong. As a doctor, I advise pregnant ladies about it. And I have to follow it too,' she explained. 

'Hey! Nothing's gonna go wrong. Everything will happen the way it should. And be positive,' I cheered her up. 'And I am fine with this. Until no one knows this lie, I am perfectly fine. Because if anyone knows, it would get complicated. Hope you understand,' I pressed her hand. 'Yeah. I understand. I have told him not to tell anyone. And I will not too,' she smiled. 'I'm sorry,' she apologized again. 

'It's fine. Don't take the stress. Relax,' I smiled caressing her face. I can understand her heart. She is right. Venkat Anna came back. If he knows that Uthra is pregnant, he would be the happiest. 'I get you both something to eat,' I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed some fruits and nuts and Fresh juice for Uthra. She needs to eat healthily. The doorbell rang again. I walked to the living room and Uthra answered the door. 

It was Jeeva and Arya. Very perfect timing. They both were surprised to see Uthra and Venkat. 'What a surprise?!? Venkat is here,' Arya said. 'Is there something special?' Jeeva asked him. Don't ask, Jeeva. Just don't. He looked at me questioningly. 'We just passed by and Uthra wanted to see Adithi,' Venkat Anna replied. 'Yeah,' Uthra nodded. 'I'll be back,' I walked back to the kitchen and took some extra fruits and juice for them. 

I placed them on the table. 'What happened to you all of a sudden?' Jeeva asked me which made me choke. 'What?' I asked. 'The plates are filled with healthy snacks like almonds, raisins, and fruits. You never eat this much healthy,' Jeeva said pointing the tray. 'I advised her to eat like this. She said she is feeling tired lately,' Uthra saved me. 'Uthra get her a chair. She shouldn't be standing for a long time,' Venkat Anna said looking at me. 

Jeeva and Arya looked at him and then at me. 'I mean. She is already tired,' he explained. Please god, don't make this complicated. When Uthra rose from her seat, I signed her to sit. 'I will get it,' I walked to the dining table and dragged a chair near the couch. 'Come here and sit comfortably. I will sit there,' Venkat Anna got up and made me sit beside Uthra on the couch. 

Uthra was in the same condition as me. Uthra took a glass of juice and sipped it. 'Uthra, give her first,' Venkat Anna chided her. Jeeva and Arya looked at him confused seeing his extra care. 'It's ok, Anna. I will have it later,' I smiled. 'No. Have it now. It is healthy for you and your,' he stretched realizing what he was about to say. Uthra gave him a death stare. 'What is it?' Jeeva asked him. 

'Her health,' he managed. 'She is just tired. She will be alright,' Arya replied. My phone rang. I went to my room to get the phone. I came back and silenced my phone. When I was about to sit, Uthra asked, 'Can you get me some water?'. 'Wait,' I walked to the kitchen. 'You could go. She is pregnant and you're commanding her,' Venkat Anna chided Uthra. Oh Shit!

Jeeva's POV:

'Venkat,' Uthra yelled. Arya spitted the juice he sipped. 'Pregnant?' I uttered. Venkat's eyes widened. Arya looked at me super confused, shocked, and surprised. Adithi was covering her mouth with her hands. Uthra angrily stared at him. 'I am sorry, Adithi. I spoiled your surprise for everyone,' he apologized to Adithi. 

'Can anyone tell what's going on?' Arya asked. 'Explain it yourself, Venkat,' Uthra huffed. 'Adithi is pregnant, Jeeva,' Venkat said looking at me. I stood up involuntarily looking at her. 'Are you serious?' I stammered. She nodded. It was a whole lot of a different feeling. A different kind of happiness. A different kind of ecstasy. 'Am I going to be a dad?' I held her shoulders with my hands. 

Tears welled up in my eyes as she nodded. I smiled unable to believe it. I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly with a smile. I am going to be a dad. Oh my god! She parted away slowly. I could sense her worried over something and I could guess what it is. 'I am speechless,' Arya stammered as he walked towards her. 

'I cannot believe this,' he smiled finally and he hugged her. 'I cannot wait to meet the baby,' he smiled as he separated from her. She just smiled. 'Anna, can you give us a minute?' Uthra asked me. 'Sure. Yeah,' I replied. Adithi and Uthra walked to her bedroom. 

'Congratulations,' Arya hugged me happily. 'I am sorry. Adithi was planning a surprise. I spoiled everything,' Venkat apologized. 'Hey! It's fine. There cannot be the biggest surprise than this,' I patted his shoulder. I still cannot believe it.

Uthra's POV:

I closed the door behind us. I looked at her worried. 'I am sorry, Adithi. On behalf of Venkat. For complicating things further,' I apologized. 'It's not your mistake, Uthra,' she replied. Tears flowed down from my eyes. 'Hey. What happened has happened. It cannot be changed. I will manage,' she tried to console me. 'Venkat really cannot,' I sniffed. 

'You shouldn't cry for this. It is complicated but still manageable. I will take care of everything,' she smiled. 'No. It's all my mistake,' I sobbed. 'It's not the time to blame yourself. I am telling the truth. I am fine. I can manage,' she said cupping my cheeks. 'Look at me. Don't cry,' she wiped the tears off. 'Now smile. And be happy,' she made me smile. I nodded. 

'Just tell Venkat Anna about it, as soon as possible. So that we can end this play. Ok?' she asked. 'Definitely. Please bear for a few days. I will tell him,' I promised. 'Ok. Now cheer up,' she pressed my shoulder. I smiled wiping the tears with the kerchief. I checked myself in the mirror and opened the door. Venkat apologized to Adithi. She gave the same reply to him. We both bid bye to her and Jeeva and Arya Anna and left.

Jeeva's POV:

There was a worried look on Adithi's face. I could clearly understand what she will be going through in this situation. 'Please don't tell this to Amma. I'll tell it myself,' Adithi looked at us both. 'Ok,' Arya agreed. 'I am not willing to intrude your time anymore. Bye,' Arya hugged us both together with a smile. 'No. You're not,' Adithi replied. 

'Have a great time,' Arya winked and left. Adithi closed the door after he left and looked at me. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. 'Thank you. This is the most wonderful gift I have ever received,' I whispered caressing her back. She snuggled into me and sighed. 'I know something is bothering you,' I slowly stepped back. She lowered her gaze. 

'We're not married and now we're pregnant. Is that it?' I asked. She remained silent. I gently took her hands into mine. 'I don't know what to tell, Jeeva. I cannot jump to a conclusion,' she replied. 'Aren't you happy about it?' I asked looking at her face. 'How would I not be happy? This is our baby. Ours,' she smiled looking at me. 

'I am telling that I am confused. I am happy but I am confused and worried,' she added on. 'I am happy. You're happy. Amma is not orthodox. She will be happy about this little one. Arya is happy. Our family will be happy knowing this. What do we need more? Society's acceptance?' I said. She didn't reply. 

'When our family is ok with this baby and we are happy for this baby, we don't need society's acceptance,' I answered. 'No. It's not just about acceptance. It's about reputation. Yours and Appa's. Entire family's reputation,' she said. 

'Do you think my reputation will be spoiled because we got pregnant before marriage? As if no one had ever made love and had kids. Pregnant before marriage or after, it's our choice. It's always about us. Not about others or this society. You have to be very sure about this, Adithi,' I cupped her face. Tears welled up her eyes and she hugged me tightly. 

'You know, our baby is lucky to have you,' she said. I could feel her smile. 'No. I am lucky to have you both,' I parted away. She smiled at me proudly. I tucked in the strands of hair behind her ear. She inched closer and closed the gap between us by pressing her lips against mine. I felt like I have lived my entire life at this moment.

Adithi's POV:

Jeeva didn't even let me prepare dinner. He told me to rest. He prepared Dosa for us both. I looked at him as he fed me it. 'We are pregnant,' I reminisced his words as my lips curved up instantly. I got to know how much he loves me. Not many people decide to take this bold move. But he did. I looked at his smiling face. He is so happy and excited for a baby that's not even real. 

I hope Uthra tells Venkat Anna soon. So that I could tell everything to Jeeva. I don't want him to get disappointed. He will not be. Because Uthra is pregnant. And he is going to be Uncle. 'You're smiling to yourself,' he said feeding me a piece of dosa. 'I thought about your statement - we're pregnant. It makes me smile,' I sipped some water. 

'Aren't we?' he raised his eyebrows. 'Of course,' I smiled. 'I think that's the right way of addressing it,' he fed me the last morsel. I pulled him by holding his collar. He chuckled placing the plate aside. I placed a tight kiss over his cheek. His stubble hair grazed under my lips. He took the plate again as I pulled off. He tried to feed me another morsel. 

'I am full,' I pouted. 'You have to eat well,' he huffed. 'I am,' I huffed and grabbed the plate from him and walked to the kitchen. He ran to me and grabbed the plate from me and placed it in the sink. 'Today I am doing everything,' he lifted me by holding my waist and made me sit at the kitchen counter. 

'Today you will do. What about tomorrow? Who's gonna do?' I narrowed my eyebrows. 'I will. For my babies,' he smiled. Uthra, please tell Anna soon. I cannot let his excitement grow more, just to get popped like a balloon.

Uthra's POV:

I remained silent till we reached home. Venkat also didn't try to talk to me. I cannot simply blame him. It's his nature. We went home and had dinner. I came back to our bedroom after cleaning the leftovers and dishes. He was still upset. I hugged him and kissed him on his forehead. He sighed. 

'It's fine. Adithi was perfectly ok with that,' I tried to cheer him up. 'But I should have been more careful,' he replied. 'Even Jeeva Anna was happy. Why are you worried?' I caressed his hair. 'I spoiled the surprise,' he said. 'Drop it, Venkat. It cannot be reversed. So why worry over it?' I asked sitting in his lap. He nodded and leaned over my shoulder. 

'If you decide to worry like this, do one thing. Sit like this till day and worry all night. No one is gonna disturb you,' I got up and lied down in the bed. He chuckled hearing my comment and walked to the bed. 'Even she wouldn't have worried this much,' I said as he lied down beside me. He chuckled again. 'Good night,' he kissed my forehead which was soothing. I closed my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

**** A FEW DAYS LATER ****

Adithi's POV:

This week was so hard. Managing with the secret as well as concentrating on work. Real hard. Arya and Jeeva are growing more eager and excited. I lied in my bed after applying headache balm. Even though it was only dusk, I felt tired. Not only just due to work also due to mental pressure. Every minute when Jeeva talks about the baby, I am worried about how he would react when I tell him the truth. 

I have already experienced something very similar in Kanamma's issue. And I don't want that to happen again. I felt like my headache increased due to all these thoughts. I got up and turned the lights off and opened the balcony curtains. I walked back to the bed and fell in it closing my eyes. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. The headache intensified. I called Uthra. I have to put an end to everything. 

'Adithi!' she answered the call. 'Uthra. I need to talk to you,' I said. 'Yeah. I am free, Adithi,' she replied. I poured my heart out to her. 'I know this is hard for you, Adithi. I will tell Venkat today. As soon as I go home. You don't take stress,' she answered. 'Thank you, Uthra,' I thanked. 'No. Thank you, Adithi. You have gone through a lot for me,' she said. 'Uthra, I am sorry. I just don't want the same thing to happen again between me and Jeeva. I hope you understand,' I stated. 

'Of course, I understand. You tell him everything. I will tell Venkat,' she agreed. 'Ok. You don't take the stress. Take care,' I ended the call. I felt relieved. I walked out of my bedroom and the main door opened startling me. Jeeva walked in with a package. 'You scared me,' I yelled as he walked in. 'Sorry,' he apologized. 'Are you ok?' he asked walking to me while I was catching my breath. 

'I am fine except for the fucking headache,' I pressed my forehead due to the sudden outburst of pain. 'Ok. Just sit here. Relax,' he made me sit on the couch. He walked in and returned with the balm. 'Close your eyes. And take deep breaths,' he applied some balm over my forehead and massaged gently. It was relieving as heaven. 

'You know, women are more prone to get headaches during the initial days of pregnancy. I know it's hard for you. But Adithi, you have to be calm,' he said as he massaged. I felt like the headache returning. 'Can you please be silent?' I yelled irritated. God! I cannot do this anymore. I have to end this shit. 'Mood swings are also common,' he pressed my forehead. 

'Jeeva. Just shut up,' I yelled getting up from the couch. 'Ok. Ok. I am not talking,' he replied. I paced to the kitchen. I heated the milk and felt like he is behind me. 'What now?' I asked irritated. 'I just came to keep the butterscotch ice cream in the fridge,' he replied innocently. What will he do? He is not responsible for anything. Then why the hell I am angry with him? 

This headache is driving me crazy. I walked to him and buried my face in his chest. 'I am sorry,' I apologized. 'I understand,' he kissed the top of my head. 'It's just the headache driving me crazy,' I parted away. 'You relax on the balcony. I will be back,' he gently shoved me to the hallway balcony. He came back with warm water and a tablet within a few minutes. 

'Take this. You will feel good,' he stretched me them sitting opposite to me. I had the tablet. 'Thank you,' I smiled as my headache subsided a little bit. It felt good. 'How are you feeling now?' he asked. 'Very good,' I replied holding his hand. I have to tell him everything. 

'This tablet will make you sleep. If you have a nap, you will feel good,' he suggested. I nodded. 'Come,' he wrapped his hand around my shoulder as we walked to the bedroom. I lied down in the bed and he sat beside me in the bed. He gently caressed my hair. I smiled at the feeling closing my eyes.

Jeeva's POV:

Headaches can be terrible. For us and the people around us. I looked at her face as she snored lightly. I don't know how she does that. Sleeping within minutes. I wrapped the duvet around her and placed a pillow next to her. I walked back to the living room. I thought of watching her favorite movie with her favorite ice cream. But what happened was exactly the opposite. 

It's fine. Mood swings are a well-known consequence of pregnancy. I decided to make dinner for us. After preparing dinner, I walked back to the bedroom. She was in sound sleep. I didn't want to disturb her. So I had dinner myself and placed her part on the dining table in case if she gets hungry at night, she could eat it. I went to the bedroom and lied down beside her. I dozed off looking at her face.

Adithi's POV:

I felt hungry. I tossed in the bed. I couldn't ignore it. So I got up and Jeeva was sleeping peacefully. It was 1 am. I thought it would be a short nap. Instead, I ended up sleeping. I shouted at him without any reason today. I kissed his forehead gently and carefully trying not to wake him up. When I walked to the kitchen I saw the dinner on the dining table. I smiled seeing it. 

I satiated my hunger and returned to the bedroom. I walked to the balcony and leaned over the railing silently admiring the view in front of me. 'Did you eat?' he hugged from the back. 'You're up?' I asked surprised. 'Yeah. I found the bed empty,' he yawned. I leaned over his shoulder not turning towards him. 

'Jeeva, I have to tell you something,' I opened up. 'What it is?' he asked tightening his grip around me. 'Can we sit?' I asked. He instantly freed me and sat in the chair. I dragged my chair closer to his and looked at him. 'Jeeva. I am sorry for not telling you this earlier,' I apologized. 'Just get straight to the matter,' he looked at me seriously. I explained everything to him. Right from the start. He remained silent. 

'I am sorry, Jeeva,' tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes seeing him silent. 'So Uthra is pregnant. Not you,' he asked getting up. 'Yeah,' I nodded. I have messed up again. I wiped the tears as they flowed down. 'I know I should have told you earlier,' I walked to him. He turned to me. 'This is a great disappointment for you. I am sorry,' I sobbed burying my face in my palms. 

'I am disappointed if I have to be honest,' he uttered. I looked at him. 'I am upset but this is not your mistake. You didn't start any of this,' he cupped my face. 'And I am going to be Uncle soon,' he smiled. 'My little sister is pregnant,' he smiled happily. 'I am sorry,' I apologized again. 'Hey. Adithi. I am a little upset that I am not going to be a dad. But I am hell excited to become an Uncle,' he wiped my tears gently.

Jeeva's POV:

I cannot define what I was feeling. Disappointed yet excited. And surely this is not her mistake. She had to do it for Uthra. I could feel her fear that what happened before may repeat. But that's not going to happen this time. 'Can you stop apologizing now?' I wiped her tears as she apologized again. 'You told me you're upset,' she replied. 

'Yeah. That's not because of you. It's just this bubble of mine popped,' I replied. 'But we do have a lot of time. We can make it come true. We can try,' I winked at her. She pushed me with a chuckle as I pulled her towards me into a hug. 'I was irrational one time. But it won't happen again,' I kissed her forehead cupping her face. She smiled at me. 

'Thank you. For understanding me,' she uttered. 'You're important for me than anything,' I hugged her tight. She parted away from me. 'If you're still hungry, we can have butterscotch ice cream,' I smiled at her. Her eyes widened as her cheeks turned red. 'I am talking about real ice cream, I brought earlier. It's in the fridge,' I mentioned suppressing my smile understanding what she thought. 

'Now you know who is naughtier,' I winked. 'I am not into any argument. I am going to have the ice cream,' she walked away blushing. I followed her with a smile. I was upset a little bit earlier when she told me the truth. But not anymore. Because I have Adithi with me. She's all I need.

Uthra's POV:

I waited for Venkat patiently. I need to tell him that I am pregnant as I don't want to complicate things further. He walked in opening the bedroom door. 'How was your day?' I asked as he smiled at me. 'Not bad. How was yours?' he removed his watch and placed it in the dresser. 'Same,' I replied. 

'Looks like you want to tell me something,' he turned to me. 'Let's talk after dinner,' I stood up giving him his towel. He nodded and went to refresh. He came back soon and we had dinner. I closed the door behind us as we walked into our room. 'You wanted to talk,' he said. 'Yeah,' I nodded. He looked at me eagerly. I stretched the box towards him.

Venkat's POV:

I got the box from her and opened it. There was a pair of baby shoes inside it. They looked beautiful. She smiled at me. 'Adithi will love these,' I closed the box. 'This is not for her,' Uthra walked to me. 'Then?' I asked. 'This is,' she paused. 'Venkat, can't you understand what I am talking about?' she questioned me. 

'What are you talking about exactly?' I asked looking at the box again. She sighed. Oh my god! Is this for us? This means Uthra's. We are having a baby. 'Does this mean?' I questioned as my eyes widened. 'Yes,' she nodded with a smile. 'I am going to be a dad?' I exclaimed. She nodded with tears in her eyes. 

'Uthra!' I hugged her tightly as tears welled up my eyes. I separated from her cupping her face. I kissed her forehead. 'You don't know how happy I am,' I exclaimed wiping her tears. 'I know,' she wiped my tears. 'When did you know? When are we telling everyone? Does anyone knows it?' I bombarded her with questions. 'Calm down. I will tell you everything,' she made me sit down. 

She grabbed another box that had sweets in it. I picked one and fed her. She fed me back another one with a smile. My heart is racing as I couldn't contain my happiness. 'We will tell everyone tomorrow. We will go to Amma's home with Athai, Mama, and Deiva. And we will tell everyone,' she said. 'That's a great idea,' I hugged her as she reciprocated the hug. I am going to be a dad.

Hi friends,

I hope you all loved today's update. It was meant to be updated on Monday. But I got carried away due to the Semester exam. But from now on it will be regular.

How was today's update? Did you all enjoy reading it?

Forever with you is gaining a lot of new readers and I am so happy about it.

If you have any suggestions, you can always comment or DM me.

So thank you so much for your support and love. I am grateful for it.

Meet you all soon in the next update.


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