7th Colour Of Their Rainbow✔️

By colourofwinter

406K 11.4K 2.1K

UNDER EDITING Alina Walker or you may say Avery Smith , is a 16 year old girl who yearns for love. She lives... More

Chapter 1 - 6 Brothers?
Chapter 2 - New Life
Chapter 3 -Allen
Chapter 4 - Andrew's Rage
Chapter 5 - Quality time and fights
Chapter 6 - Another fight
Chapter 7 - When brothers get J E A L O U S
Chapter 8 - Forgiving Them
Chapter 9 - Revelations
Chapter 10 - Sneaking
Chapter 11 - Fights, Job and Josh
Chapter 12 - The Nutella Secret
Chapter 13 - Let's work together
Chapter 14 - The Attack
Chapter 15 - The Attack - 2
Chapter 16 - Meet Vincent King
Chapter 17 - Black Rose's Angels
Chapter 18 - All Secrets Out
Chapter 19 - More information
Chapter 20 - The Date
Chapter 21 - ANCENT and much more
Chapter 22 - Cousins and a memory
Chapter 23 - The Real Boss
Chapter 24 - Triss
Chapter 26 - Fear
Chapter 27- Dejection
Chapter 28 - Past
Chapter 29 - The Escape Plan
Chapter 30 - Found
Chapter 31 - Dad
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2.1
Bonus Chapter- 2.2
Bonus Chapter- 3
Do not Kill Me Guys- An alternative ending
Bonus Chapter-4
Bonus Chapter- 5
Bonus Chapter- 6.1
Bonus Chapter-6.2
Bonus Chapter-7
Bonus Chapter-8
•New Book•

Chapter 25 - Fun Day?

6K 199 52
By colourofwinter

Alina's POV

The night went quick with Stella. She's totally adorable. She slept most of the time fortunately. My brothers couldn't stop touching her soft cheeks and she wanted to cuddle with Seth the most.

The next day Mason, Allen and Felix decided to join me for the small trip. So here we are going to have a fun day.

Andrew gives us the 'behave yourselves' lecture, kisses me and hugs the younger brothers.

James and Jacob took their car while we siblings took ours. We played with Stella and chatted all the time.

We reached around lunchtime but before going to our (James, Jacob and mine) favorite restaurant we decided to go to Hans' house. When we handed Stella to him I could see tears pool in his eyes. She is going to safe here. Just like Willow wanted.

After telling him to meet at the club in two hours we head to our favorite place.

The moment we enter we hear a loud, intimidating voice booms through the restaurant. "You little monkeys! Where have you all been?"

"Calm down old man Ben." Jacob laughs and gives a hug to him. Ben is the proud, 62 year old restaurant owner. We have been his loyal customers for years now. He was also a part mafia many years ago.

He hugs us and leads us to a corner table. He also sat with us and I certainly didn't miss the suspicious looks he gave to my brothers.

"Uncle Ben these are my brothers, Mason, Allen, Felix and I live with them in London now and guys this is Uncle Ben, the owner of this restaurant." I introduce.

Uncle Ben stretches his hand for a handshake and my brothers accept it with a small smile.

"So who is your legal guardian?" Uncle Ben asks me curiously. "Dad?"

"Nah I have three more older brothers. Eldest one is my legal guardian." I said and now I realize that I never asked anyone about my father. I mean I know he's dead and all but I don't know anything else.

How dumb of me.

"That's good. Finally you gave a loving family." He says while standing up and patting my cheek lovingly. "Hope your bitch mother rots in hell." He prays making us all laugh.

"So shall I get your usual?" He asks us excitedly.

"Yes just six portions." James says while pointing six fingers.

"Noted." He writes it on his palm through the invisible ink that was in his finger.

With that we enjoy a really good lunch and head for our dessert. Strawberry shortcakes, mint chocolate chip ice cream pie, cupcakes with various frosting and shaved ice. My poor brothers didn't know what shaved ice was and I literally cried. How can someone miss that delicious thing?

(This is shaved ice and it tastes good 😋)

Hans was waiting near the club's entrance when we arrived. We park our car and head inside.

"Hans keep them company, I need to go the ladies changing room." I instruct.

"Yes kiddo." He smiles and the boys go around the club.

I make my way to the ladies changing room, changing and applying make up. I keep waking inside ignoring the looks I got. I follow the loud screeching voice.

A girl was pinned to the wall and another was harshly grabbing her chin.

"Leave her." I say with full authority.

All heads snap at me while I continue to look coldly at the girl in front of me.

She scoffs and walks up to me. I remember her name, I went through employee list last night.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me this? Get out of here. You don't even work here." She spits venomously.

"Right, I don't work here." I say in a conclusive tone. I look around once again to see everyone staring at me.

I look back to the girl who was getting bullied. "Was today the first time she has put her hand on you?" I ask her.

She eyes go around the room and settle on that girl who was bullying her. I guess they had a 'don't you dare', 'okay' kinda look and she shakes her head.

"Emily Jose?" I call out and wait. A pretty girl comes by my side. I've seen her multiple times but just talked once or twice maybe.

"Is it the first time and also is she the first girl to get bullied?" I ask her in all seriousness.

"No. Chloe bullies a lot and gets her way through." Emily answers.

"Good. Miss Kingston you are fired. It would be better if you get out of my sight, right this instant.." I give her a sick sweet smile and return my expression back to blank.

"How do you know my name? Wait...who the fuck are you to fire me?" She raises her hand to push me which I hold mid-air. I grip it tightly and glance down to see her wearing heels.

Bad choice sweetie.

I smirk and kicked her feet. She fell down on her knees and one of her heel broke. Told ya bad choice.

I hear a few gasps around me which I ignore and drag a chair for myself.

"Learn to respect and take warnings seriously Miss Kingston." I say while leaning forward.

"Okay so whoever got bullied by her stand on my right." I order but nobody moves.

"Can't you all hear me? I said move." I say louder. Finally they move and four girls stand on my right.

"You all either slap her, kick her or punch her. Start." I say calmly. They look at me dumbfounded. "Girls go ahead I'll take responsibility."

"You have no right to do so. I'll complain to the manager." Miss Kingston yells at me.

I wince at her loud voice. "The next person to get fired is the manager so you can't do that. Sorry but not sorry." I fake an apology.

She tries standing up but I push her down and snap my fingers in front of her. I motion her to follow my finger and make her see the gun tucked in my jeans. She freezes and I see fear in her eyes.

"Start the show girls." I say with a grin and lean back into my seat.

In 5 minutes the room is filled with Miss Kingston's sobs and others were smiling. I hate bullies and they need to know that.

I get up and turn around to face everyone. "There's no need to be scared of me. As own the owners it's my duty to look after you all and provide you all with a healthy work environment." I look at Emily and continue. "Emily here has my number so does Josh and Hans. If you'll face any problems just ask them for my number and I'll be here to help. We owners do care about our employees." I say and everyone smiles softly. "Okay girls let's go and fire our manager and appoint a new one. Miss Kingston follow us, I'll settle your payment."

I walk out of the room and others follow me to the managers desk. I sent one of the girls to get the boys and all the staff present.

When I reached Miss Andersons desk she was typing something on her computer. I ignore her and reach for the drawer where we usually keep some cash. I take out some money and hand it over to Miss Kingston.

"Thank you and you're fired. Never come back or mess up with anyone from this club." I say while glaring at her. She nods and leaves.

"Excuse me, but who are you to fire her?" Miss Anderson, the manager, asks me. No she yells.

"Oh believe me when I say it's only me who can fire and hire staff here." I say while taking a seat at the edge of the desk.

She scoffs. "Oh really? I don't think you can."

"Of but I do. Miss Kingston isn't the only one getting fired. You join her too." I give her a fake smile and receive a glare in return.

"As if I'll believe you."

"Alright wait a minute then." I wait for the boys to come.

In a few minutes the boys arrive. The staff here doesn't know me much because I don't visit the club but the boys do.

"What's the matter?" James asks me.

"Oh Miss Anderson over here says I can't fire her." I jump off the desk and stand straight.

"Bullshit. Of course you can. Whole management is in your hands. Fire and hire anyone, we don't care." James said with a shrug.

I turn to face Miss Anderson. "Satisfied" I ask with a smirk and she glares at me.

"Oh yeah I needed to tell why I'm firing her. Firstly she's stealing money. Secondly she fired someone without my knowledge and permission. Thirdly she tampered the CCTV footage of our club." Miss Anderson face was pale by now.

A very angry Jacob steps forward. "Miss Anderson. In the office. Right now." He grits out and walks away.

It's gonna be shouts, guns, warning and whimpers. We know. He won't kill her.

I turn around to rest of the staff. "Don't worry you'll are safe but remember where your loyalty lies. Work with honestly and take care of each other." I walk over to Hans. "Mr Smith (Hans) will be the new manager from this moment. Let him know if you have any problem." I say with a smile.

We all head out after 10 minutes and go to the arcade. We played there like maniacs, for three hours.

At around 6pm we decided on going back home. It was getting late.

James and Jacob's car was behind us. We were listening to some loud music and Mason was driving. Suddenly there was a loud banging sound and the car swerved.

Mason handled it before we got something and I switched off the music. The windscreen of the car was painted black. The liquid was still flowing down.

Something was so wrong.

So damn wrong.

I could feel it.

"Get your guns and can Andrew immediately." I tell my brothers who looked a bit terrified. I had no idea about James and Jacob.

Suddenly the sound of gunshots filled the air.

"Get down." I yelled at my brothers. In a matter of few seconds the windscreen was broken. I could hear Felix talk to Andrew on phone.

I lifted my head to see what was going on. There were about 20 armed people in ski masks. I picked up my phone that was ringing in my jeans pocket.


"Drive to the left in the first immediately. We'll follow." He says in urgency.

Mason heard it and did as told but we didn't go far away someone shot the tire.

"We have to fight." James says she curses. "I have a few smoke bombs in my car. In exactly 20 seconds I'll throw them in between us and we all run into the forest. Try not to get separated."

We all barde ourselves to run straight into the shall forest. When he throws the colourful smoke bombs we all run with all our energy.

We ran fast with those men hot on our trail. I had no idea why they weren't shooting at us but I had an idea as to why we weren't because if we stopped then we are possibly dead.

James, Allen and Felix went to a different direction to divert attention. After gaining a good distance we hid behind bushes and trees. Our breaths were harsh but we tried suppressing them.

All our senses were on high alert. Our ears perked up were we heard movement.

Jacob peeked and pointed three fingers. All three of us took our clear shots and there bodies fell on the ground. We took their guns and blades as we were a little unarmed. I pulled one of the body near me and removed his mask. What I noticed was the Spanish mafia tattoo on his neck.

That's highly impossible because British Mafia and Spanish Mafia are allies. The heirs to Spanish Mafia have trained a couple of times with us.

Something is terribly wrong.

Jacob also saw this and I'm sure he's thinking the same.

Suddenly we heard since noise. We immediately took cover.

In a minute we were engaged in a heated crossfire. They were more than 10. Barely attention was diverted and now I'm wondering what's wrong.

Jacob got shot in his stomach. Mason and I were out of ammunition. No guns. No blades. Absolutely nothing.

The men pounced on us. Jacob was trying to get up with no avail. Mason and I were trying to fight them.

Four men knocked Mason and I knew I was the next. I tried every move I knew but then something hit the back of my head and a cloth was pressed over my nose.

In a few seconds I succumbed to dizziness and darkness.

But one thing I heard before I completely lost it was, "Timeρα να πάω σπίτι όμορφο κορίτσι."
(Time to go home pretty girl.)

Greek, but why?

Here we go with something intense.
I'm so sorry for these slow updates
I have university exams going on unfortunately 😔
Do vote and comment 💖
Also forgive me if you find any errors💫

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