Paralyzed Heart

By crazyfangirl15

148K 6.5K 1.3K

When an insanely hot guy suddenly appears at Rosewood High ,Mia Devlin is having a hard time keeping the prom... More

Jake Anderson.
Game On!
Queen Bitch
What happened two years ago
My two Lovebirds
For you, a thousand times over.
What have you done to me, Anderson?
Am I?
Threatened? Yeah right!
Heart Broken
Sweet 16
Road trip.
This is seriously causing me pain!
I can play dirty!
I love my girls!
Slippery and wet
I must be dreaming!
The Awkward Dinner
Romeo and Juliet
The Reason is You
Showtime? Not so much!
Can't face him!
My Partner in Crime
Never wanted to let go
Where are you, Jakey?!
They will never know.
He's back
This one's for Jake.
It's High School Musical all over again!
I'd choose the hamster.
Kick ass.
Afraid of rejection
Why's Jakey so sleepy?
Did you miss me?
You're gonna need my approval.
I'll walk away
Soaking wet
They've found Jason's body.
Babysitting on a Saturday night.
He doesn't make me cry...
Happy Birthday Jake!
You're grounded!
I look like Edward Cullen!
I don't like the way he looks at you!
Anderlin? Yeah Not Anymore!
I'm gonna be a bitch!
Waited for death to come....
I'll stop loving you when all the roses die.
Ice cream and running in wedges
It kills me!
Mission Impossible
Looking for Daisy
All you had to do was stay
Who said I stopped?
A Day With Mommy!
Rosewood Island
My kitty just got wild
I suck at sports!
Saying Goodbyes
He can kill someone with those eyes!
He left me with a paralyzed heart.......


1.2K 55 29
By crazyfangirl15


Mia's POV 

I walked down the staircase of the stage where I had just delivered my graduation speech and took a seat beside Rachel as the crowd applauded for me. It was Jake's turn so he went up the stage. 

"High school has made my life a living hell......yeah no joke! and has put me into a hell lot of problems and I could say that I hate waking up in the early mornings and leaving for school in shitty winters, stuttering to death while sitting in my calculus class and finding out that I am getting a detention for not completing my homework. In my defence, I hated calculus....I always have!But that would all be a lie......I mean, not the calculus part though, that was true!" Everone laughed at this part of Jake's graduation speech, including me. He looked so adorable up there. Before continuing, he looked at me and smirked. 

"Along with the problems, I feel like I have found a huge number of solutions for my problems as well. You can take high school-sweethearts as an example. People may think young love is immature and unsuccessful but need I tell you, screw people. They can't be more wrong. Today, I'll tell you all that I found my life in high-school. I found a girl who brought me back from my wasted,useless and suck-like state. She reminded me a meaning of life which I seemed to have forgotten long ago. I want to tell her that I know she had to walk through hell and back for me and I f**king appreciate it more than she can ever think but in the end it was her fault that she fell for someone who's sexy as hell." He pointed at his face and everyone laughed again. He locked his eyes with mine and I didn't make an effort to look away.....I didn't want to. 

"Mia Devlin, I want to tell you that I fell in love with you on the very day I hijacked you on the staircase and I'll love you just more each and every day of and after my life if that's only possible. On a side note, you looked hot as a furnace in your bad-ass glory on that first day we met. I always thought that real love only existed in movies but Mia gave me a whole new perspective. She proved me wrong and I'm glad she did. I'm glad she came back to me even after I was such an asshole! Uhh....Yeah I think I'm done now." He finished and let out a little laugh while all the others awed. When he came back from the stage I gave him a bone crushing hug while he kissed my cheek. 

One by one, everyone gave their speeches. Mike's speech was amazing. It started like:

"You can Google for an answer, you can Google for a mate. You can Google for a career but you can't Google to find out what's in your heart, the passion that lifts you skyward........." Nate came after him and talked about how you have to pretend to impress someone when you should really be yourself instead of faking. In the end of his speech, he added a quote of Steve Jobs:

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it by living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other's people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice."

Mona told everyone about Daisy in her speech and I think it was the bravest thing she could have ever done. I mean I would've thought a million times before telling every single freaking person at school. After Mona, Rachel said that if we can't embrace change, we should atleast give it a hug once in a while. Rebecca, then talked about how you can't just stuff your dreams in a box just like you can't fit heels in a show box that s made for sneakers! Everyone found that hilarious even though Rebecca was dead serious.

Mark's speech was really inspirational and funny at that same time. He said:

"First of all I would like to thank Google, Wikipedia, Copy and Paste, Redbull and sex for making this possible." Everone burst out laughing before he continued.  He laughed along and then talked about how anything is possible for us if we really work hard to achieve it. He added two quotes. One was by J,K Rowling: "One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality."

The other was:"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." 


(Listen to Alive by Krewella)

After the graduation ceremony was over, all of us went to the huge school hall where our farewell party was arranged by our juniors. As soon as we entered, "Alive" by Krewella blared from the speakers. On one side of the hall, some food tables were set up which had cupcakes, fruit punch, crisps with garlic dip and a whole lot of other stuff. There was a photo booth as well where we took crazy pictures......and by crazy I mean really crazy pictures! 

"So how was Australia?" I asked Mark as he handed me a glass of fruit punch while the others were stuffing themselves near the food table. I had to yell because of the loud music in order for him to hear me. 

""It's amazing. I got myself a pretty sweet apartment the very next day I landed." He told me.

"That's awesome! What's your major subject, I mean have you decided a profession yet?" I asked as the song changed to "Bitchin Summer by Avril Lavigne."  

"Yeah I'm gonna go for documentary making" He stated.

"Cool, you've always wanted to do that right?" 

"Yeah." He said and smiled.

"We'll I'm really happy for you!" I said and gave him a hug. He hugged me back while thanking me. 

"Do you have to go though?" I asked and bit my lip. 

"Yes pickle! Don't expect me to stay here and take flights to Australia every morning to attend my classes!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

"I promise I'll come visit on holidays." He promised.

"If you don't , I'll drag your ass back here!" I threatened which made him laugh again.

"So did you make any friends?" I asked

"I didn't have to. My two friends from school are going to the same university as me."

"Your friends from before you came back here?" 


"Are they hot?" I asked and he shook his head in disbelief. 

"I'm not gay Mia." I laughed at this 

"I have my doubts!" I gave him a suspicious look

"I have my doubts." He mimicked me in a girly voice and man it was hilarious! 

"I hate you." He said

"No you love me!" 

"I have my doubts." 

"Oh I see what you did there!" I punched him playfully in the arm as he laughed. 

"So how many girls have you banged yet?" I asked 

"I haven't slept with any girl yet and I don't intend to either. I've changed." He stated

"Oh really?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. I couldn't believe my ears! The guy who used to have one girl by his side on one day and another on another day had changed?!

"Yeah......I don't know why but I find sex boring now!" He said.

"Yeah? What do you find fun now?" I asked

"I don't know but I'm a goody two shoes now." He tried to make an innocent face but failed badly! 

"I still don't believe you." 

"I'm serious, I swear. I mean sometimes I regret the fact that I've hurt so many girls and used to laugh about it!"

"You heartless little asshat!" I said

"Ouch!" He placed his hand on his chest and made a depressed face which made me laugh till tears began to flow from my eyes. 

"I don't do that anymore because I've had my share of 'pleasure'. I don't like playing with girl's feelings now. I want to settle with one chick." He said and ran a hand through his hair. 

"How deep." I said sarcastically and he laughed. 


The party finally ended and all of us dropped Mark at the airport. The girls and I wanted to spend more time with him after the party but couldn't because he had a flight to catch back to Australia. 

"Hey, I've been wanting to tell you something since morning but ended up not telling you because I didn't want to ruin graduation for you." Jake blabbered as he pulled up his car in front of my house. 

"Go on......." I had a bad feeling about this!

"I'm going back to Rosenwood..............." He said and waited for my reaction which was complete and utter shock!

 DUN DUN DUN!!!!! So how was it? Did you like? I'm so sad Mark's leaving but don't worry my next book is gonna be completely on his life in Australia.......Excited? I know I am! 

Like I mentioned earlier, PH is coming to an end and I really hope you guys support my next book just like you've supported this one! I love every single one of you! Especially @WiggleMeHigh, @CookieDough5000, @FOOD_LOV3R, @cherryandcharm, @harrysflirtysmirk, @PinchMeHard and Haadia (Sorry I forgot your username :p) If I have left out anybody, I am sorry but I still love you <3 

Vote.Comment.Love gummy bears.


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