Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

344K 8.1K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
27. Unwanted Guest
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

30. Back To Italy

4.1K 87 45
By goonerscribblesox

"Maddie, come on or I am going to be late," Maya grumbled as she drank her first cup of coffee for the day while waiting on her teenage daughter who wasn't quite ready yet as per usual.

"I'm here. Calm down Mom," Maddie said as she came out with her backpack. Carina had been called in for an emergency c-section at 6 o'clock this morning so when Maddie woke up, she wasn't there like normal although she was meant to head to the station to help with the drive-thru Covid testing today.

"Every time I tell you to be ready, you never are. Why is it I'm always waiting on you? I cannot be late, I'm the captain." Maya said.

"I know Mom, you literally always tell me the same thing every time," Maddie said while Maya was practically pushing her daughter of the apartment to avoid being any later.

"And yet you still continue to have me wait for you every time," Maya remarked as they walked outside to where Maya's car was parked. Maddie couldn't help but roll her eyes as she hopped in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt in. "I saw that," Maya pointed out.

"Have you spoken to Mason at all?" Maddie asked completely changing the topic.

"Oh yeah, we've texted a little bit. We're meeting up soon to talk," Maya said.

"Oh cool. Can I come?" Maddie asked.

"Ah, no it's probably not best. There's some stuff we need to talk about that you don't need to hear." Maya said. Maddie pouted, "You can see uncle Mase another day," Maya said.

"Alright," Maddie said with a huff. "So when's Mama coming to the station?" Maddie asked.

"I imagine it will be once she has finished with the emergency c-section that she had this morning," Maya told her thirteen-year-old as she focused on driving. "Why do you ask? Do you prefer to hang out with her instead of me?" Maya teased.

"Well, sometimes yeah," Maddie smirked and Maya looked at her mini-me offended. "I'm only kidding... I just haven't seen Mama yet as she is usually there when I wake up," Maddie said.

"I know but don't worry you can see her later on," Maya reassured Maddie, it was a pretty special bond that the two shared and Maya absolutely loved that. "I was about to say... I'm a cool Mom," Maya insisted as they arrived at the station.

"I wouldn't say that. I mean sometimes you can be lame," Maddie said. Maya raised her eyebrow at her daughter, "Okay out of you and Mama, she lets me get away with a lot more!" Maddie said.

"Oh, like what?" Maya asked out of curiosity.

"Breakfast Candy," Maddie said shrugging her shoulders a little. "Besides, Mama doesn't have a hot head as such," She added. Maya shook her head in disagreement as she parked her car out the front of the station. Maya chuckled.

"Your Mama does have a temper, she just rants in Italian so we don't understand," Maya said.

"Yeah... but it's not as bad as your's is Mom," Maddie giggled.

"That's not true. I can be calm about things... I am a cool mom, you don't even have a bedtime!" Maya said in defence as she opened her door and climbed out of the car. Maddie snickered as she climbed out of her seat and slammed the door shut.

"If you say so Mom if you say so," Maddie cheekily said as she walked into the reception to find Vic and Dean in the middle of talking about something.

"Hey, Mini Bishop!" Dean cheered as he high-fived the teenage girl, "Mornin' Cap." Dean said as he acknowledged Maya behind her.

"Hey, squirt!" Vic said while she gave the teenager a side hug,

"Hey, guys! My mom reckons that she is cool," Maddie said. Maya looked offended completely.

"I am a cool Mom!" Maya repeated in self-defence. Dean and Vic chuckled. "You guys, I'm a cool mom right?" She asked looking at them both.

"Well... I mean," Vic paused when she saw the look her captain and best friend was giving her, "Ah yeah, squirt. Your mom's cool," Vic said as she shoved her hands in her pocket and nodded in her direction. "Yep, cool, cool as a cucumber," she added.

"Wow, I feel like I haven't you in forever Mini Bishop!" Dean exclaimed.

"I know right, look how much taller I am now!" Maddie grinned while Dean quickly looked at her and shook his head. "I'm like a whole inch taller!" She said.

"Nah, you're still a little on the short side, short-stack," Dean commented while he continued to make fun of her height. Vic instantly hit Dean's arm and he whelped in pain.

"Don't be mean to the kid Miller," Vic said.

"Mom, tell Uncle Dean to stop being mean!" Maddie whined. Maya laughed and raised her eyebrow.

"I mean, if only you admitted that I was a cool mom," Maya said subtly.

"Seriously?" Maddie groaned.

"Seriously," Maya couldn't help but smirk at her teenage daughter as Dean then moved to make fun of the teenager's height in a joking manner by bending down to her level.

"Ah alright, mom... you're cool. Just please tell uncle Dean to stop taking the mick out of my height!" Maddie said annoyed.

"Miller quit making fun of my daughter," Maya said with a stern facial expression. Dean instantly stood up straight at the look his Captain was giving him. "Don't you have anything better to do? Shift starts in fifteen," Maya reminded him.

"Yes, Captain," Dean obeyed and quickly ducked away upstairs. Maddie couldn't help but laugh at how Dean cowered against her mom. Maya continued to wear a stern expression but relaxed when he disappeared and laughed with Vic and Maddie.

"Alright, I need to go and get changed into my uniform," Maya said as she turned to walk towards her office.

"I want to go see everyone else. I haven't seen them in a while," Maddie said.

"They're all upstairs in the beanery. Come with me and let's go find them," Vic offered and Maddie nodded excitedly. It had been a while since she'd hung out with any of them properly, apart from Jack & Ben on separate occasions.

"Yes!" Maddie exclaimed as she fist-pumped the air. Both older women chuckled while Vic slung her arm around Maddie's shoulder.

"Okay, stay out of trouble and I'll come to find you in a bit," Maya said while Maddie was too busy practically pulling Vic up the stairs to listen to what her mom was even saying.

"Hey, look who's here!" Vic announced as the firefighter and teenager walked into the Beanery. Andy, Ben, Jack and Travis were all sitting around the table while Robert was making himself breakfast.

"Aye, Mad-Dog!" Jack yelled. Maddie couldn't help but giggle hearing that nickname.

"I still love that nickname," Maddie said. Andy stood up from the table to give the teenager a hug.

"Ah, Mija! I have missed you," Andy exclaimed, crushing the blonde teen in a tight hug.

"Ah... Ti-Tia An-Andy, I ca-can't breathe!" Maddie said while Andy loosened her grip a little but still continued to hug the teenager, "I have missed you too!"

"Come on, come sit down and let's catch up," Andy said as she pulled the thirteen-year-old towards the table, sitting down with her on my lap. Maddie smiled as she looked around at the fellow firefighters.

"Hey, trouble!" Robert said as he moved to sit at the table with the team.

"Hey, Sully!" Maddie grinned.

"You know I hate that nickname, kid." Robert chuckled.

"Yep I know, that's why I keep calling it you!" Maddie said. Robert chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Hey, munchkin," Travis said.

"Hey, Travis! How's the Bible Quotes going?" Maddie asked cheekily. Travis laughed and shook his head.

"I see you still got that sense of humour," Travis commented. Maddie grinned and nodded.

"It never disappeared," Maddie said.

"How you doin' kid?" Ben asked. Maddie shrugged.

"Some days are tough but it's good to see you all again," Maddie said. Andy hugged her from behind in sympathy.

"It gets better, I promise," Andy said, remembering how she felt when she lost her Dad.

"Te Amo," Maddie said.

"Yo tambien te amo niña," Andy said. Maddie leant back and leaned on her as she listened to the distant chatter from the firefighters as they squabbled about bacon.

Downstairs, Maya had just finished getting changed into her Captain's uniform when she was surprised to see Carina in her office. Maya couldn't help noticing that Carina looked a little upset, however, she just thought that it was because she was feeling overwhelmed about today.

"Ciao," Carina greeted her girlfriend with a kiss on the lips.

"Hey beautiful," Maya said as she embraced her girlfriend and returned the kiss. "I didn't think you would be here so soon. How did the emergency c-section go?" Maya asked.

"Ah, pretty well. Mama has 2 perfectly newborn baby boys," Carina explained. "Where's the Bambina?" She asked.

"Upstairs in the Beanery with some of the team," Maya told her girlfriend who looked slightly agitated and upset, "Car, is everything okay? You seem upset," She asked.

"Si. Let's go grab a cup of coffee and then we can set everything up for the testing," Carina said, pushing her feelings aside. Maya sighed and nodded in agreement as the two women walked hand-in-hand upstairs into the Beanery where they found Maddie sitting in Andy's lap while the team discussed a subject, Maya could see her daughter giggling as she found whatever was being said funny.

"Mads. Look who's here," Maya called out to her teenage daughter who immediately turned her attention towards the two women.

"Mama!" Maddie said, unravelling herself from Andy's grip to run to Carina and crush her in a hug.

"Hi, Bambina. Did you miss me?" Carina asked, embracing the teenager in her arms as she smoothed her hair out.

"Yep, it was odd to not see you this morning when I woke up," Maddie told the Italian woman who just smiled and hugged her tightly. "Plus, mom keeps insisting that she is cool... and I need your help to explain the reasons why that isn't true," Maddie cheekily said. Maya raised her eyebrow and shook her head.

"Okay, let's not start that again," Maya said.

"Wait, Mad-Dog, you don't think your moms cool? Oh, she is so cool!" Jack sarcastically said. "Your mom's the captain of the fun police," He added. Maddie looked at the older man confused.

"Gibson," Maya said as she gave him a look.

"Oh come on, you guys remember the camping trip, right? We had mandatory fun," He chuckled while the team just all had different looks on their face when they remembered the camping trip.

"Why haven't I heard of this before?" Maddie looked amused, wanting to know more about what happened.

"Not much to tell," Maya said as she pushed it aside.

"Oh come on Captain, that is definitely a story to tell!" Andy piped in.

"Alright fine, there was a bear attack while we were camping, it tore off someone's nose so I ran to the hospital with it in a bag and that was the day I met your Mama," Maya blushed when she remembered that day that she met Carina at the bar.

"Seriously?" Maddie asked shocked.

"Well not exactly like that, Bambina. I saw her at the hospital during the day and then I saw her again in Joe's bar," Carina said.

"What's Joes'?" Maddie asked confused.

"A really fun place that adults get to hang out where there's beer and stuff," Travis said.

"That does sound fun," Maddie agreed.

"You won't be going there any time soon, kiddo," Maya told her daughter who pouted. "Anyways we spoke, your Mama brought me a drink and..."

"And the rest is history," Carina finished as she squeezed Maya's hand tightly in her own.

"Exactly," Maya agreed and then realized they were all staring at her, "Okay so, here's what is happening today," Maya said turning to her team to change the subject. Carina couldn't help but love that she was stern with her team when she was so loving with her.

"Okay, you should put them in two parallel lines," Carina directed to the firefighters, including Maya who was still uncertain about her bad mood. "From here all the way to there,"

"Yeah, I got it right here." A firefighter said.

"Alright, I know you love her, but does she have to tell us where to put cones in our own house?" Andy asked.

"If I say it, I'm an unsupportive girlfriend," Maya said. Andy rolled her eyes and turned to look at Carina and Ben.

"Alright, hey, doctor number one, doctor number two... We can figure out how to direct traffic," Andy said.

"Do you know how far aerosolized saliva droplets can travel?" Carina asked while Ben handed her an iPad.

"Do you know what causes a fire hazard?" Andy fired back.

"And what do I win for knowing both?" Ben asked amused.

"Okay. Arrange them how you must for safety, but the cones should be at least two meters apart," Carina said.

"Also for safety," Ben piped in as they walked around the Barn as everyone else continued to set up for the testing. "You know, it's pretty nice having another M.D. around. Maybe they'll start calling you 'Dad' instead of me," He said. Carina couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow, looks like a pretty nice set-up in here," Maddie commented as she waltzed into the Barn. Maya and Andy whipped their heads around from where they were setting up the cones.

"Mija, it's not a good idea for you to be down here," Andy told the teenager.

"Mads, what are you doing down here? I thought I told you to stay upstairs. It's not safe for you to be down here exposed to the virus," Maya said.

"Mom, nobody is even here yet," Maddie replied while she stopped herself from rolling her eyes, knowing that would only irritate her mom further.

"I know but they will be soon so you can please just go upstairs for now? I will come and check on you when I can," Maya said.

"Alright, fine. I guess I will go through my online school work," Maddie commented.

"Good idea," Maya agreed. Maddie sighed but headed back upstairs into the lounge where she was before. Grabbing her laptop out, she turned it on and began the endless school work that she had been putting off, she knew that it probably wasn't a good idea to do that but she just didn't see the point in doing it when she wouldn't be going back to school for a while anyway.

"Okay, so, at the front of the garage will be firefighter Cutler. He will be the first point of contact for our drive-thru patients. Then the cars will drive as far forward as possible and land at one of our testers," Carina instructed all the firefighters on what to do. Maya stepped forward to speak with her girlfriend.

"Carina, we should limit the number of cars in here at a time to limit carbon monoxide," Maya pointed out.

"Then they can turn their cars off. We need to be efficient," Carina fired back. Maya was abruptly taken back by her response. Andy started to laugh as Maya turned back around.

"Oh! You are scared of your girlfriend," Andy said as she put gloves on.

"Scared? No," Maya said as she looked over at Carina who went to talk with news reporters & Chief Gregory, "Afraid I might have pissed her off, maybe." She said.

"Agh! I give up!" Maddie yelled while she pushed her laptop aside from her. Dean who was sitting in the Beanery with Vic heard confused by the sudden yelling he was hearing coming from the teenager.

"What's up, kid?" Dean asked concerned.

"It's this stupid Math work... I can't do it!" Maddie grumbled as she sat back and crossed her arms.

"Want me to take a look and help you?" Dean offered.

"Don't you need to be downstairs helping with the testing?" Maddie asked.

"Nah. I was up here sorting PPE out, so let's take a look at it." Dean said as he leaned on the arm of the couch. "Geez, Math has changed a lot since I was at school," He admitted.

"It's so hard," Maddie said pouting. "I have so much to do and I just pushed it aside, I'm in over my head..." She added.

"How much do you have?" Dean asked.

"A fair bit. History, English, Maths, Spanish, Biology and Chemistry," Maddie said. Dean looked surprised.

"Oh wow, yeah you definitely did push that aside. Well since I can't help you with Math, I can definitely help you with Chemistry," Dean said confidently.

The drive-thru testing had been running smoothly but Maya still couldn't feel that Carina was agitated by something else. Deciding it would be best to speak to her, she pulled her aside to speak to her in reception.

"Maya, we have patients," Carina insisted.

"And they are being taken care of, okay?" Maya asked, "You are snapping at everyone. And I get being stressed. I get if it's even residual grief. But I would not be a good girlfriend if I didn't ask... Are you okay?" Maya continued to ask concerned. Carina exhaled a sigh.

"My visa is expiring, and I might have to go back to Italy," Carina admitted as she took off her mask.

"Wait. What? How?" Maya asked immediately shocked as she took off her own mask, "I-I don't understand."

"When I first came here, my study sponsored me with an H-1B visa, and I sent in the renewal application last month, but the President just shut down all immigration offices," Carina explained.

"How can he do that?" Maya asked confused.

"Maya, I don't have time to teach you about the... The screwed-up immigration laws of this country. I have to get back out there," Carina said as she walked back towards the door until Maya took her hand gently to stop her.

"Okay, okay. Just... When?" Maya asked.

"Next month," Carina admitted before she headed back to the barn.

Maya felt a stinging feeling in her chest, she wasn't sure how to feel about any of this at the moment as she walked upstairs to go and check on Maddie.

"Hey, kiddo. How's the school work coming along?" Maya poked her head into the lounge to find Maddie with her head in her laptop.

"Okay, I guess... Uncle Dean helped with my Chemistry work but I still have a lot to do," Maddie said with a sigh as she looked up from her laptop. Maya frowned and moved to walk in and sit next to her daughter on the couch.

"Why do you have so much to do?" Maya asked her thirteen-year-old.

"Ah, I might have just pushed it aside... I didn't see the point in doing it," Maddie admitted.

"Maddie," Maya said with a sigh and shook her head. "You know you shouldn't do that. Alright, just crack on with it the best you can and if you need any help then leave that and we will look it at home,"

"I may need help with Biology," Maddie said.

"Maybe it might be better to ask Mama about that one," Maya chuckled while she then realized they would have to tell Maddie about this sooner rather than later, but she needed to speak to Carina about it more before she told her. "Mads don't leave all of your schoolwork like this again, please? You know better than that,"

"I know Mom... I just couldn't do it," Maddie said.

"Then ask for help. You know me and Mama along with everyone else here will always be willing to help you," Maya told her daughter.

"I know. It won't happen again," Maddie said.

"Alright, I'm gonna head down to my office and catch up on some paperwork, but I will come back up and check on you again soon," Maya said. Maddie nodded and Maya ruffled her hair before standing up and heading back down to her office.

Realizing that she probably needed some time alone, she headed to her office to bury her feelings in paperwork like she always has done, that was until she heard yelling from Jack right outside in Reception.

"Hey, why are you yelling? You know the public is here." Maya asked as she walked out of her office.

"Marsha's son decided it's time to give someone with better odds a chance to survive," Jack told her.

"What?" Maya asked shocked.

"Yeah, he's pulling her off the vent," Jack said as Maya continued to look shocked, "She might not survive the day," He added upset.

"Okay. I'm gonna hug you even though the public is here," Maya said as she briefly hugged him until Jack's family turned up at the door of reception, "Use my office." She said before walking away back into the Barn. Making sure that she put PPE on, she walked over to Carina.

"Carina, can we talk?" Maya asked.

"Maya, there's isn't any time to talk," Carina said as she avoided looking at her girlfriend who looked unsure.

"We need to talk about this. We need to tell Maddie," Maya said. Carina exhaled a loud sigh.

"I-I just don't think that she will take it well," Carina admitted.

"Your right, she won't take it well but she needs to know, Mads can't be kept in the dark about this," Maya said firmly. Carina let out another sigh.

"Alright, so we tell her," Carina agreed. "Let's just get today over with and then we can talk to her. I just don't want her to hate me,"

"Car, she won't hate you for this. You know that Maddie absolutely adores you. Yes she will be upset and probably angry but she will get over it," Maya said. "So we tell her, today," Maya said.

"Si. I need to go back and help," Carina said as she walked away to see a driver in their car using their phone, halting any other cars from driving in. "Sir! Yeah, get off the phone and pull the car forward!" Carina yelled as the driver pulled forward, "Thank you! Americans don't know how to follow the rules, do they?" Carina asked Ben who was standing beside her.

"They know-how. They just don't want to do it," Ben said. "Kinda like Italians," He chuckled.

"I'm sorry. I'm a little on edge," Carina apologized as they both walked.

"Yeah, you and every other doctor I know. It's a brutal time." Ben said while Carina sighed.

"I dream in PPE," Carina admitted.

"Well, Miranda woke up in the middle of the night choking because she thought she was being intubated," Ben said.

"Wow," Carina exclaimed shocked by hearing that.  "At the hospital where I did my residency, Paolo Calvino, it's in the middle of the hot zone. They have intubated patients sitting in tents in parking lots because the ICUs are full. Doctors are getting sick. They don't have enough nurses. Even firefighters are getting asked to staff the hospitals. And this is where we're headed if Americans don't start taking this seriously." Carina said.

"Well, you thinking about going home, you know, to help?" Ben questioned.

"That's a very complicated question right now," Carina said with a sigh just as the klaxon started to sound. All of the firefighters jumped in alert and ran into action.

"That's me," Ben pointed out, handing the iPad to Carina before ripping his PPE off.

"No, no, you're my partner. And the only person here who likes me," Carina said frantically.

"Oh, that's not true. Look, Bishop likes you," Ben said as Carina looked over at Maya in a panic.

"Ah!" Carina said.

"I'm sorry. We've got to go." Maya said running towards the truck as Maddie came into the barn.

"Where's Mom gone?" Maddie questioned. Carina turned to look at the teenager who wasn't even wearing a mask.

"Bambina, you should be upstairs." Carina said, quickly handing her a mask as some form of protection, "It isn't safe down here," She said.

"I know but I got bored upstairs. So where has she gone?" Maddie asked.

"There's been a vehicle crash. Listen, Bambina I know you're bored but it's really not safe for you to be down here," Carina said.

"Well you know I could always go out and visit my girlfriend?" Maddie asked hesitantly fully aware she was still grounded after what happened the other day.

"No Bambina, not a chance," Carina shook her head quickly. "Go back upstairs, please. I know you're safe then,"

"Come on Mama," Maddie said pouting behind the mask.

"Madison, I have said no." Carina snapped suddenly. Maddie frowned, not realizing she was pushing her mam's patience. "I'm sorry Bambina, I am just under a lot of stress. Please, go upstairs and once I'm done down here, I will come and sit with you." Carina said after she felt bad for snapping at the teenager.

"Uh, okay then..." Maddie said as she headed back upstairs while Carina continued to help out in the Barn with the tests.

"19 the accident is under an overpass, so be ready to set up flares and traffic cones when we arrive on scene," Maya said through the radio. "Carina's visa is expiring, and immigration is shut down, apparently, and she might have to go back to Italy, and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do," Maya admitted to Andy. Robert was also in the truck with them so he could hear it all.

"That's... Wow." Andy said. "Does Maddie know yet?" She asked.

"Not yet. We planned to tell her today. We can't tell her but I mean, am I... am I just supposed to let her go? What do I do?" Maya asked frantically.

"I don't know," Andy said shocked. "How do you think Maddie will take it?" She asked.

"I have no idea... I think she might be upset overall. I mean, we were so good. Even in a pandemic, we were good. A-And then her brother died and were good through that... Better, even...And now..." Maya said.

"Exactly, she lost her brother in the pandemic. Her home country is worse than here. You were good through all that. You'll be good through this." Andy said as the horn blared in the background while they arrived on the scene.

Maya shut off hearing what Andy and Robert were talking about, letting herself think about her own thoughts of how Maddie would react to this, how would she feel without Carina not being with her. Her head was full of unanswered questions that made the anxiety creep back in.

"Captain, we're here," Andy said, bringing Maya out of her thoughts.

"Let's get some light in here!" Maya ordered as she jumped out of the truck and adjusted her helmet on her head ready to run into action.

"Hey, Dr. DeLuca, I..." Travis said as he walked over to Carina who was still in the Barn.

"Call me Carina," Carina said.

"Sure. Carina," Travis paused. "Um, my... my parents are here, and they need a test," He said.

"Which car?" Carina asked.

"They're out front," Travis told her.

"That's not protocol," Carina said disapprovingly.

"Right, it isn't. Um, but it's a little bit of a delicate situation because... Funny story... My dad... he's in the closet, and he might have been exposed by one of his secret male lovers," Travis said. Carina looked shocked but interested.

"Right," Carina said as she gathered a couple of tests for them both.

"Thank you. I'm... I'm really sorry," Travis said apologetically.

"Don't be sorry," Carina quickly said. "Just come tell me everything when they leave,"  She added.

"Okay," Travis agreed before heading back to his parents.

Carina decided to go and check in on Maddie quickly, hoping that she wasn't too bored upstairs since all the firefighters were out other than Travis and Jack who she spotted in Maya's office but tried to shrug it off.

"Mama, I'm so bored... there's literally nothing to do," Maddie said as she closed the lid on her laptop, giving up with her schoolwork. "How long until we can go home?" She asked.

"Well, Mom doesn't finish until the morning but we can go home later on if you want or would you rather stay here at the station overnight?" Carina asked.

"I'd rather sleep in my own bed," Maddie said, despite not seeing her station family, there thought there was nothing better than sleeping in her own bed.

"Si, okay. Well Mom and I need to talk to you, we'll have dinner here and then, later on, we'll go home, how does that sound?" Carina asked.

"Talk about what? I didn't break the window in my bedroom." Maddie was quick to say.

"Wait, what?" Carina asked taken back, "Okay that isn't what we wanted to talk about but we will be talking about that another time."

"Uh, okay. So what did you want to talk about?" Maddie asked.

"Let's wait until your mom's back to talk. I just wanted to check in quickly but I need to head back to the Barn. Are you okay up here hanging out?" Carina asked.

"I guess. I might watch a movie and take a nap," Maddie said.

"Okay. That sounds like a good idea, Bambina." Carina said, she kissed the top of her daughter's head before heading back downstairs, she had mixed feelings about telling Maddie knowing it was going to upset the youngster.

"Hey, uh, can I get two test kits, please?" Jack asked as he walked out of Maya's office just as Carina happened to pass by.

"Okay, is everyone breaking protocol today?" Carina asked while she ripped her mask off.

"Carina, I-I get that you don't like me," Jack said.

"Um, it's Dr. DeLuca," Carina stated firmly. "And... And what are you doing in Maya's office, exactly?" Carina asked as she walked over to the testing kits.

"She said that we could use it. Look, Dr. DeLuca, Maya and I aren't..." Jack started.

"Okay, I'm... I'm not threatened by you," Carina said as she wiped the screen of her iPad. "I'm not," she insisted.

"Good. You shouldn't be. Honestly. It's...," Jack said as Carina started to sob, "Whoa, whoa. I'm... I'm sorry. - I didn't mean to... I didn't mean..."

"No. No. I'm crying because of you. I'm not crying because of you. It's... It's my visa expiring, and Maya, and Maddie... and i-it's the pandemic. It is bad there and getting worse here, and... and... Oh! It... It's my brother that is dead, and I don't know what to do, and now I'm crying about it in front of... Aah!" Carina said as she turned around to point at him in frustration, "In front of the one person I vowed would never see me cry. You're not gonna see me do it. " Carina said as inhaled deeply.

"No, yeah, go ahead," Jack said as Carina walked away. "Cry in front of me. I'm... I'm a big fan of crying women," Jack said while Carina looked at him taken back. "That sounded weird. Uh, no, look my girlfriend is crying in Maya's office right now," Jack said while Carina stopped pacing and saw Inara crying in the office, "Actually. It's a crappy time for everyone. And our mother figure, I guess, is... in the COVID ICU at Grey-Sloan, and they're taking her off the vent," Jack said with a sigh "And her kid is pissed. And I get it, you know because I'm pissed. But I'm learning, as a parent figure, that you don't get to be pissed when you're kid is..."

"No, you have... You have to stay mad. You have to stay mad." Carina said as she wiped her tears away, "H-He has to see you deal with feelings in a healthy way, not bury them."

"Yeah. Yeah, no, you're right," Jack realized suddenly.

"I know. I'm very smart," Carina confirmed with a small smile.

"I can't go to Italy," Maya said to Andy as they walked back into the barn.

"Why not?" Andy asked.

"Because of a pandemic. Because P.D. is warring with us. Because I have a job to do and was just on bereavement... plus Maddie, I can't just up and leave with her. I have to think about what is best for her,"

"Maya, it's not like you're gonna be gone forever. Go help her settle in. Fill your suitcase with PPE to help out, and just be there for her," Andy said. "Besides, a little get-away would be good for you all. Maddie would love Italy I'm sure of it,"

"I would hardly call it a Vacation," Maya muttered with a sigh. "Honey, I'm home!" She called out as Andy walked off.

"Ah! Good call?" Carina asked.

"Yeah, newlyweds stuck inside of a car inside of a truck," Maya told her girlfriend who looked shocked.

"Yep. Wife begged to be saved before her dying husband," Andy piped in from where she was stood.

"That's why God created annulments for us, right?" Vic added in as all the firefighters started to shout out to probie Sullivan.

"Do you think the couple is gonna make it?" Carina asked as they carried PPE.

I hope so," Maya said as helped carry boxes. Carina played them down and looked at her girlfriend.

"Maya... I have to go back." Carina said.

"Can't immigration make an exception? You are a doctor. We need you here." Maya insisted.

"Yeah, but they need me there more. Italy is dying, Bambina. My nonna, my uncles, all gone because of COVID, and Andrea..." Carina paused, "I want to spread his ashes at the beach where my mom used to take us to in San Lorenzo, and it's not gonna be forever, Bambina, I promise. Just until immigration opens up and they can sort out my visa stuff."  Carina said as she clapped, "Okay, no tears. Jack is in the lounge, and he needs us," She said.

"Wait. I'm s-sorry. What is this day? You like Jack now?" Maya asked taken back. Carina had a slight spring in her step, she was feeling upset about it all, especially since the youngest member of their family wouldn't exactly be overall thrilled about it but she did want to help Jack as well.

"Eh, 'like' is strong. Eh, tolerate... A little," Carina said as they both headed upstairs. Maya was surprised at how her girlfriend wanted to help him.

Maddie was sat in the Beanery with Travis as she watched him stir the soup that his mother had made.

"What's that?" Maddie pointed over to the soup with her face wrinkled up.

"My mom made it, it's spicy beef soup. Do you want to try some?" Travis asked. Maddie shook her head. "Okay, pull that face now but I think that you will like it when you try it," Travis said.

"I doubt that I will..." Maddie said, hesitantly leaning over to try the soup. "Actually, you have a point. It is pretty good," Maddie agreed as Travis smiled just as Maya, Carina and Vic all walked in.

"Why do I smell Nari's spicy beef soup?" Vic gasped. "Oh, my God. Is that Nari's spicy beef soup? Is Nari here?" Vic asked excitedly.

"She was," Travis confirmed.

"This soup that she left is really good!" Maddie said, leaning in for another spoonful.

"Save some for me, squirt." Vic joked.

"How did it go?" Carina asked. Vic walked over to the cupboards to grab something out and Maya went into the refrigerator to grab some cans of soda out.

"How did what go?" Vic asked.

"My dad was exposed," Travis said. "Playing golf," He added.

"Oh," Vic said confused.

Yep," Travis said.

"Ohhhh," Vic said finally realizing what that meant.

"Yeah. Uh, I mean, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great, either," Travis admitted.

"Baby steps." Carina said realizing what she had said, "Whoa. Did I get an idiom right?"

"Yeah, you did. I am so proud of you, Dr. DeLuca." Maya said smiling at her girlfriend as they walked towards the lounge.

"Oh, my God! First idiom right!" Carina said. "Okay, so..." She said, pointing towards the lounge.

"Wait for me," Maddie called out as she ran after the two women while Vic and Travis laughed.

Maddie sat in the lounge along with Maya, Carina, Jack, Inara and Marcus who had fallen asleep on the couch. Jack held the tablet in front of him as he watched Marsha sleep until he suddenly started to chuckle. They all looked strangely at him and he explained the story of when Marsha brought a bird. Maddie thought it was funny when Jack told them about the bit where she locked herself inside the room with the bird still. All of them was cracking up laughing as they realized that there was also laughter coming from the tablet where Jack realized that it was Marsha and she was finally awake.

"Hey!" Jack said shocked.

"Oh, my God," Inara said as she saw the woman awake. Maddie looked over and was shocked to see her awake as well.

"Don't do that to me," Marsha said as she coughed harshly.

"Oh. Oh my God, Marsha." Inara exclaimed suddenly.

"I don't have enough strength... in my lungs for that kind..." Marsha said. Maya moved to stand up and see her on the tablet.

"Hey. Hey!" Jack said while Inara was happy that she was awake too. He happily showed everyone the tablet where she was lay in bed as all the firefighters were happy to see that she was awake again.

Maya looked at Maddie sitting on the couch before she looked at Carina and ripped off her mask.

"We're coming with you," Maya said.

"Yeah?" Carina asked as she took off her own mask. Maya agreed and brought her girlfriend into a passionate kiss. "Now we just to tell the Bambina,"

"Tell me what?" Maddie asked overhearing the familiar nickname. Maya and Carina looked at Maddie who was confused.

"Bambina, I need to go to back to Italy,"

Another update...

I hope that you all enjoy reading and like this chapter!

PS, sorry that I'm late so late with this chapter. Things are pretty hectic right now.

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